blob: e4402906fed8b294360e1071ebdcc1bb139b20d5 [file] [log] [blame]
/** \file
* This OBJC source file was generated by $ANTLR version ${project.version} ${buildNumber}
* - From the grammar source file : T.g
* - On : 2011-05-06 19:14:23
* - for the parser : TParserParser
* Editing it, at least manually, is not wise.
* ObjC language generator and runtime by Alan Condit, acondit|hereisanat|ipns|dotgoeshere|com.
// $ANTLR ${project.version} ${buildNumber} T.g 2011-05-06 19:14:23
/* -----------------------------------------
* Include the ANTLR3 generated header file.
#import "TParser.h"
/* ----------------------------------------- */
/** Demonstrates how semantic predicates get hoisted out of the rule in
* which they are found and used in other decisions. This grammar illustrates
* how predicates can be used to distinguish between enum as a keyword and
* an ID *dynamically*. :)
* Run "java org.antlr.Tool -dfa t.g" to generate DOT (graphviz) files. See
* the file to see the predicates in action.
/* ============================================================================= */
/* =============================================================================
* Start of recognizer
#pragma mark Bitsets
static ANTLRBitSet *FOLLOW_identifier_in_stat34;
static const unsigned long long FOLLOW_identifier_in_stat34_data[] = { 0x0000000000000002LL};
static ANTLRBitSet *FOLLOW_enumAsKeyword_in_stat47;
static const unsigned long long FOLLOW_enumAsKeyword_in_stat47_data[] = { 0x0000000000000002LL};
static ANTLRBitSet *FOLLOW_ID_in_identifier66;
static const unsigned long long FOLLOW_ID_in_identifier66_data[] = { 0x0000000000000002LL};
static ANTLRBitSet *FOLLOW_enumAsID_in_identifier74;
static const unsigned long long FOLLOW_enumAsID_in_identifier74_data[] = { 0x0000000000000002LL};
static ANTLRBitSet *FOLLOW_7_in_enumAsKeyword89;
static const unsigned long long FOLLOW_7_in_enumAsKeyword89_data[] = { 0x0000000000000002LL};
static ANTLRBitSet *FOLLOW_7_in_enumAsID100;
static const unsigned long long FOLLOW_7_in_enumAsID100_data[] = { 0x0000000000000002LL};
#pragma mark Dynamic Global Scopes
#pragma mark Dynamic Rule Scopes
#pragma mark Rule Return Scopes start
//#pragma mark Rule return scopes start
#pragma mark Rule return scopes start
@implementation TParser // line 637
/* ObjC start of ruleAttributeScope */
#pragma mark Dynamic Rule Scopes
/* ObjC end of ruleAttributeScope */
#pragma mark global Attribute Scopes
/* ObjC start globalAttributeScope */
/* ObjC end globalAttributeScope */
/* ObjC start actions.(actionScope).synthesize */
/* ObjC end actions.(actionScope).synthesize */
/* ObjC start synthesize() */
/* ObjC end synthesize() */
+ (void) initialize
#pragma mark Bitsets
FOLLOW_identifier_in_stat34 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_identifier_in_stat34_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain];
FOLLOW_enumAsKeyword_in_stat47 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_enumAsKeyword_in_stat47_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain];
FOLLOW_ID_in_identifier66 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_ID_in_identifier66_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain];
FOLLOW_enumAsID_in_identifier74 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_enumAsID_in_identifier74_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain];
FOLLOW_7_in_enumAsKeyword89 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_7_in_enumAsKeyword89_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain];
FOLLOW_7_in_enumAsID100 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_7_in_enumAsID100_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain];
[ANTLRBaseRecognizer setTokenNames:[[AMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"<invalid>", @"<EOR>", @"<DOWN>", @"<UP>",
@"ID", @"INT", @"WS", @"'enum'", nil] retain]];
[ANTLRBaseRecognizer setGrammarFileName:@"T.g"];
+ (TParser *)newTParser:(id<ANTLRTokenStream>)aStream
return [[TParser alloc] initWithTokenStream:aStream];
- (id) initWithTokenStream:(id<ANTLRTokenStream>)aStream
self = [super initWithTokenStream:aStream State:[[ANTLRRecognizerSharedState newANTLRRecognizerSharedStateWithRuleLen:4+1] retain]];
if ( self != nil ) {
/* start of actions-actionScope-init */
enableEnum = NO;
/* start of init */
return self;
- (void) dealloc
[super dealloc];
/* ObjC start members */
/* ObjC end members */
/* ObjC start actions.(actionScope).methods */
/* ObjC end actions.(actionScope).methods */
/* ObjC start methods() */
/* ObjC end methods() */
/* ObjC start rules */
* $ANTLR start stat
* T.g:24:1: stat : ( identifier | enumAsKeyword );
- (void) stat
/* my ruleScopeSetUp */
/* Terence's stuff */
@try {
// T.g:24:5: ( identifier | enumAsKeyword ) //ruleblock
NSInteger alt1=2;
NSInteger LA1_0 = [input LA:1];
if ( (LA1_0==ID) ) {
else if ( (LA1_0==7) ) {
NSInteger LA1_2 = [input LA:2];
if ( ((!enableEnum)) ) {
else if ( ((enableEnum)) ) {
else {
ANTLRNoViableAltException *nvae = [ANTLRNoViableAltException newException:1 state:2 stream:input];
nvae.c = LA1_2;
@throw nvae;
else {
ANTLRNoViableAltException *nvae = [ANTLRNoViableAltException newException:1 state:0 stream:input];
nvae.c = LA1_0;
@throw nvae;
switch (alt1) {
case 1 : ;
// T.g:24:7: identifier // alt
/* ruleRef */
[self pushFollow:FOLLOW_identifier_in_stat34];
[self identifier];
[self popFollow];
NSLog(@"enum is an ID");
case 2 : ;
// T.g:25:7: enumAsKeyword // alt
/* ruleRef */
[self pushFollow:FOLLOW_enumAsKeyword_in_stat47];
[self enumAsKeyword];
[self popFollow];
NSLog(@"enum is a keyword");
// token+rule list labels
@catch (ANTLRRecognitionException *re) {
[self reportError:re];
[self recover:input Exception:re];
@finally {
/* Terence's stuff */
return ;
/* $ANTLR end stat */
* $ANTLR start identifier
* T.g:28:1: identifier : ( ID | enumAsID );
- (void) identifier
/* my ruleScopeSetUp */
/* Terence's stuff */
@try {
// T.g:29:5: ( ID | enumAsID ) //ruleblock
NSInteger alt2=2;
NSInteger LA2_0 = [input LA:1];
if ( (LA2_0==ID) ) {
else if ( (LA2_0==7) ) {
else {
ANTLRNoViableAltException *nvae = [ANTLRNoViableAltException newException:2 state:0 stream:input];
nvae.c = LA2_0;
@throw nvae;
switch (alt2) {
case 1 : ;
// T.g:29:7: ID // alt
[self match:input TokenType:ID Follow:FOLLOW_ID_in_identifier66];
case 2 : ;
// T.g:30:7: enumAsID // alt
/* ruleRef */
[self pushFollow:FOLLOW_enumAsID_in_identifier74];
[self enumAsID];
[self popFollow];
// token+rule list labels
@catch (ANTLRRecognitionException *re) {
[self reportError:re];
[self recover:input Exception:re];
@finally {
/* Terence's stuff */
return ;
/* $ANTLR end identifier */
* $ANTLR start enumAsKeyword
* T.g:33:1: enumAsKeyword :{...}? 'enum' ;
- (void) enumAsKeyword
/* my ruleScopeSetUp */
/* Terence's stuff */
@try {
// T.g:33:15: ({...}? 'enum' ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt
// T.g:33:17: {...}? 'enum' // alt
if ( !((enableEnum)) ) {
@throw [ANTLRFailedPredicateException newException:@"enumAsKeyword" predicate:@"enableEnum" stream:input];
[self match:input TokenType:7 Follow:FOLLOW_7_in_enumAsKeyword89];
// token+rule list labels
@catch (ANTLRRecognitionException *re) {
[self reportError:re];
[self recover:input Exception:re];
@finally {
/* Terence's stuff */
return ;
/* $ANTLR end enumAsKeyword */
* $ANTLR start enumAsID
* T.g:35:1: enumAsID :{...}? 'enum' ;
- (void) enumAsID
/* my ruleScopeSetUp */
/* Terence's stuff */
@try {
// T.g:35:10: ({...}? 'enum' ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt
// T.g:35:12: {...}? 'enum' // alt
if ( !((!enableEnum)) ) {
@throw [ANTLRFailedPredicateException newException:@"enumAsID" predicate:@"!enableEnum" stream:input];
[self match:input TokenType:7 Follow:FOLLOW_7_in_enumAsID100];
// token+rule list labels
@catch (ANTLRRecognitionException *re) {
[self reportError:re];
[self recover:input Exception:re];
@finally {
/* Terence's stuff */
return ;
/* $ANTLR end enumAsID */
/* ObjC end rules */
@end /* end of TParser implementation line 692 */