blob: 5b180f25c967b741ab37c8577eab8084fa9d0dd8 [file] [log] [blame]
// ANTLRPtrStack.m
// Created by Alan Condit on 6/9/10.
// Copyright 2010 Alan's MachineWorks. All rights reserved.
#define SUCCESS (0)
#define FAILURE (-1)
#import "ANTLRPtrStack.h"
#import "ANTLRTree.h"
* Start of ANTLRPtrStack
@implementation ANTLRPtrStack
+(ANTLRPtrStack *)newANTLRPtrStack
return [[ANTLRPtrStack alloc] init];
+(ANTLRPtrStack *)newANTLRPtrStack:(NSInteger)cnt
return [[ANTLRPtrStack alloc] initWithLen:cnt];
self = [super initWithLen:HASHSIZE];
if ( self != nil ) {
return( self );
self = [super initWithLen:cnt];
if ( self != nil ) {
return( self );
NSLog( @"called dealloc in ANTLRPtrStack" );
[super dealloc];
-(void)deleteANTLRPtrStack:(ANTLRPtrStack *)np
ANTLRLinkBase *tmp, *rtmp;
NSInteger idx;
if ( self.fNext != nil ) {
for( idx = 0; idx < BuffSize; idx++ ) {
tmp = ptrBuffer[idx];
while ( tmp ) {
rtmp = tmp;
tmp = [tmp getfNext];
[rtmp release];
#ifdef USERDOC
* HASH hash entry to get index to table
* NSInteger hash( ANTLRPtrStack *self, char *s );
* Inputs: NSString *s string to find
* Returns: NSInteger hashed value
* Last Revision 9/03/90
-(NSInteger)hash:(NSString *)s /* form hash value for string s */
NSInteger hashval;
const char *tmp;
tmp = [s cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
for( hashval = 0; *tmp != '\0'; )
hashval += *tmp++;
LastHash = hashval % HashSize;
return( LastHash );
#ifdef USERDOC
* LOOKUP search hashed list for entry
* id lookup:(NSString *)s;
* Inputs: NSString *s string to find
* Returns: ANTLRRuleMemo * pointer to entry
* Last Revision 9/03/90
-(id)lookup:(NSString *)s
ANTLRLinkBase *np;
for( np = ptrBuffer[[self hash:s]]; np != nil; np = [np getfNext] ) {
if ( [s isEqualToString:[np getName]] ) {
return( np ); /* found it */
return( nil ); /* not found */
#ifdef USERDOC
* INSTALL search hashed list for entry
* NSInteger install( ANTLRPtrStack *self, id sym );
* Inputs: ANTLRRuleMemo *sym -- symbol ptr to install
* NSInteger scope -- level to find
* Returns: Boolean TRUE if installed
* FALSE if already in table
* Last Revision 9/03/90
ANTLRLinkBase *np;
np = [self lookup:[sym getName]];
if ( np == nil ) {
[sym setFNext:ptrBuffer[ LastHash ]];
ptrBuffer[ LastHash ] = [sym retain];
return( ptrBuffer[ LastHash ] );
return( nil ); /* not found */
return( ptrBuffer[idx] );
-(id *)getptrBuffer
return( ptrBuffer );
-(void)setptrBuffer:(id *)np
ptrBuffer = np;
* works only for maplist indexed not by name but by TokenNumber
- (id)getName:(NSInteger)ttype
id np;
NSInteger aTType;
aTType = ttype % HashSize;
for( np = ptrBuffer[ttype]; np != nil; np = [np getfNext] ) {
if ( np.index == ttype ) {
return( np ); /* found it */
return( nil ); /* not found */
- (id)getTType:(NSString *)name
return [self lookup:name];
- (id) copyWithZone:(NSZone *)aZone
return [super copyWithZone:aZone];