blob: 7a402d520a7a453207c276c501923b5611a5a78f [file] [log] [blame]
package org.antlr.runtime.tree {
/** What does a tree look like? ANTLR has a number of support classes
* such as CommonTreeNodeStream that work on these kinds of trees. You
* don't have to make your trees implement this interface, but if you do,
* you'll be able to use more support code.
* NOTE: When constructing trees, ANTLR can build any kind of tree; it can
* even use Token objects as trees if you add a child list to your tokens.
* This is a tree node without any payload; just navigation and factory stuff.
public interface Tree {
function getChild(i:int):Tree;
function get childCount():int;
// Tree tracks parent and child index now > 3.0
function get parent():Tree;
function set parent(t:Tree):void;
/** Is there is a node above with token type ttype? */
function hasAncestor(ttype:int):Boolean;
/** Walk upwards and get first ancestor with this token type. */
function getAncestor(ttype:int):Tree;
/** Return a list of all ancestors of this node. The first node of
* list is the root and the last is the parent of this node.
function get ancestors():Array;
/** This node is what child index? 0..n-1 */
function get childIndex():int;
function set childIndex(index:int):void;
/** Set the parent and child index values for all children */
function freshenParentAndChildIndexes():void;
/** Add t as a child to this node. If t is null, do nothing. If t
* is nil, add all children of t to this' children.
function addChild(t:Tree):void;
/** Set ith child (0..n-1) to t; t must be non-null and non-nil node */
function setChild(i:int, t:Tree):void;
function deleteChild(i:int):Object;
/** Delete children from start to stop and replace with t even if t is
* a list (nil-root tree). num of children can increase or decrease.
* For huge child lists, inserting children can force walking rest of
* children to set their childindex; could be slow.
function replaceChildren(startChildIndex:int, stopChildIndex:int, t:Object):void;
/** Indicates the node is a nil node but may still have children, meaning
* the tree is a flat list.
function get isNil():Boolean;
/** What is the smallest token index (indexing from 0) for this node
* and its children?
function get tokenStartIndex():int;
function set tokenStartIndex(index:int):void;
/** What is the largest token index (indexing from 0) for this node
* and its children?
function get tokenStopIndex():int;
function set tokenStopIndex(index:int):void;
function dupNode():Tree;
/** Return a token type; needed for tree parsing */
function get type():int;
function get text():String;
/** In case we don't have a token payload, what is the line for errors? */
function get line():int;
function get charPositionInLine():int;
function toStringTree():String;