blob: c5d232dcca37dc2656e7db361ce58871498ebc2c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <mutex>
#include <cutils/properties.h>
#include <log/log.h>
#include "talsa.h"
#include "debug.h"
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace audio {
namespace CPP_VERSION {
namespace implementation {
namespace talsa {
namespace {
struct mixer *gMixer0 = nullptr;
int gMixerRefcounter0 = 0;
std::mutex gMixerMutex;
PcmPeriodSettings gPcmPeriodSettings;
unsigned gPcmHostLatencyMs;
void mixerSetValueAll(struct mixer_ctl *ctl, int value) {
const unsigned int n = mixer_ctl_get_num_values(ctl);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
::mixer_ctl_set_value(ctl, i, value);
void mixerSetPercentAll(struct mixer_ctl *ctl, int percent) {
const unsigned int n = mixer_ctl_get_num_values(ctl);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
::mixer_ctl_set_percent(ctl, i, percent);
struct mixer *mixerGetOrOpenImpl(const unsigned card,
struct mixer *&gMixer,
int &refcounter) {
if (!gMixer) {
struct mixer *mixer = ::mixer_open(card);
if (!mixer) {
return FAILURE(nullptr);
mixerSetPercentAll(::mixer_get_ctl_by_name(mixer, "Master Playback Volume"), 100);
mixerSetPercentAll(::mixer_get_ctl_by_name(mixer, "Capture Volume"), 100);
mixerSetValueAll(::mixer_get_ctl_by_name(mixer, "Master Playback Switch"), 1);
mixerSetValueAll(::mixer_get_ctl_by_name(mixer, "Capture Switch"), 1);
gMixer = mixer;
return gMixer;
struct mixer *mixerGetOrOpen(const unsigned card) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(gMixerMutex);
switch (card) {
case 0: return mixerGetOrOpenImpl(card, gMixer0, gMixerRefcounter0);
default: return FAILURE(nullptr);
bool mixerUnrefImpl(struct mixer *mixer, struct mixer *&gMixer, int &refcounter) {
if (mixer == gMixer) {
if (0 == --refcounter) {
gMixer = nullptr;
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool mixerUnref(struct mixer *mixer) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(gMixerMutex);
return mixerUnrefImpl(mixer, gMixer0, gMixerRefcounter0);
unsigned readUnsignedProperty(const char *propName, const unsigned defaultValue) {
char propValue[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
if (property_get(propName, propValue, nullptr) < 0) {
return defaultValue;
unsigned value;
return (sscanf(propValue, "%u", &value) == 1) ? value : defaultValue;
} // namespace
void init() {
gPcmPeriodSettings.periodCount =
readUnsignedProperty("", 4);
gPcmPeriodSettings.periodSizeMultiplier =
readUnsignedProperty("", 1);
gPcmHostLatencyMs =
readUnsignedProperty("", 0);
PcmPeriodSettings pcmGetPcmPeriodSettings() {
return gPcmPeriodSettings;
unsigned pcmGetHostLatencyMs() {
return gPcmHostLatencyMs;
void PcmDeleter::operator()(pcm_t *x) const {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(::pcm_close(x) != 0);
PcmPtr pcmOpen(const unsigned int dev,
const unsigned int card,
const unsigned int nChannels,
const size_t sampleRateHz,
const size_t frameCount,
const bool isOut) {
const PcmPeriodSettings periodSettings = pcmGetPcmPeriodSettings();
struct pcm_config pcm_config;
memset(&pcm_config, 0, sizeof(pcm_config));
pcm_config.channels = nChannels;
pcm_config.rate = sampleRateHz;
// Approx interrupts per buffer
pcm_config.period_count = periodSettings.periodCount;
// Approx frames between interrupts
pcm_config.period_size =
periodSettings.periodSizeMultiplier * frameCount / periodSettings.periodCount;
pcm_config.format = PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE;
if (isOut) {
pcm_config.start_threshold = pcm_config.period_size * (pcm_config.period_count - 1);
pcm_config.stop_threshold = pcm_config.period_size * pcm_config.period_count;
pcm_t *pcmRaw = ::pcm_open(dev, card,
if (!pcmRaw) {
ALOGE("%s:%d pcm_open returned nullptr for nChannels=%u sampleRateHz=%zu "
"period_count=%d period_size=%d isOut=%d", __func__, __LINE__,
nChannels, sampleRateHz, pcm_config.period_count, pcm_config.period_size, isOut);
return FAILURE(nullptr);
PcmPtr pcm(pcmRaw);
if (!::pcm_is_ready(pcmRaw)) {
ALOGE("%s:%d pcm_open failed for nChannels=%u sampleRateHz=%zu "
"period_count=%d period_size=%d isOut=%d with %s", __func__, __LINE__,
nChannels, sampleRateHz, pcm_config.period_count, pcm_config.period_size, isOut,
return FAILURE(nullptr);
if (const int err = ::pcm_prepare(pcmRaw)) {
ALOGE("%s:%d pcm_prepare failed for nChannels=%u sampleRateHz=%zu "
"period_count=%d period_size=%d isOut=%d with %s (%d)", __func__, __LINE__,
nChannels, sampleRateHz, pcm_config.period_count, pcm_config.period_size, isOut,
::pcm_get_error(pcmRaw), err);
return FAILURE(nullptr);
return pcm;
int pcmRead(pcm_t *pcm, void *data, const int szBytes,
const unsigned int frameSize) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(frameSize == 0);
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(szBytes < 0, "szBytes=%d", szBytes);
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF((szBytes % frameSize) != 0, "szBytes=%d frameSize=%u",
szBytes, frameSize);
if (!pcm) {
return FAILURE(-1);
const int szFrames = szBytes / frameSize;
int tries = 3;
while (true) {
const int framesRead = ::pcm_readi(pcm, data, szFrames);
if (framesRead > 0) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(framesRead > szFrames,
"framesRead=%d szFrames=%d szBytes=%u frameSize=%u",
framesRead, szFrames, szBytes, frameSize);
return framesRead * frameSize;
} else {
switch (-framesRead) {
case EIO:
case EAGAIN:
if (tries > 0) {
ALOGW("%s:%d pcm_readi failed with '%s' (%d)",
__func__, __LINE__, ::pcm_get_error(pcm), framesRead);
return FAILURE(-1);
int pcmWrite(pcm_t *pcm, const void *data, const int szBytes,
const unsigned int frameSize) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(frameSize == 0);
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(szBytes < 0, "szBytes=%d", szBytes);
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF((szBytes % frameSize) != 0, "szBytes=%d frameSize=%u",
szBytes, frameSize);
if (!pcm) {
return FAILURE(-1);
const int szFrames = szBytes / frameSize;
int tries = 3;
while (true) {
const int framesWritten = ::pcm_writei(pcm, data, szFrames);
if (framesWritten > 0) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(framesWritten > szFrames,
"framesWritten=%d szFrames=%d szBytes=%u frameSize=%u",
framesWritten, szFrames, szBytes, frameSize);
return framesWritten * frameSize;
} else {
switch (-framesWritten) {
case EIO:
case EAGAIN:
if (tries > 0) {
ALOGW("%s:%d pcm_writei failed with '%s' (%d)",
__func__, __LINE__, ::pcm_get_error(pcm), framesWritten);
return FAILURE(-1);
Mixer::Mixer(unsigned card): mMixer(mixerGetOrOpen(card)) {}
Mixer::~Mixer() {
if (mMixer) {
} // namespace talsa
} // namespace implementation
} // namespace CPP_VERSION
} // namespace audio
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android