fugu: stop dex preopt'ing

Instead of selectively dex preopt'ing apps, don't do so for any apps.

Bug: 34767351
Bug: 34637939
Bug: 34692070
Bug: 34732774
Test: rm -rf $OUT/system; make;
Change-Id: I1d3f278029c71e09f008aee2d452c0ffd5516b5c
diff --git a/device.mk b/device.mk
index 98f490b..8eba61a 100644
--- a/device.mk
+++ b/device.mk
@@ -293,30 +293,9 @@
-# Get rid of dex preoptimization to save space for the system.img
-# Sorted by *.odex size
-    NoTouchAuthDelegate \
-    ConfigUpdater \
-    SecondScreenSetup \
-    SecondScreenSetupAuthBridge \
-    TvSettings \
-    SetupWraith \
-    GooglePackageInstaller \
-    GoogleContactsSyncAdapter \
-    BugReportSender \
-    ContactsProvider \
-    PrintSpooler \
-    CalendarProvider \
-    CanvasPackageInstaller \
-    SettingsProvider \
-    ituxd \
-    StatementService \
-    ExternalStorageProvider \
-    FrameworkPackageStubs \
-    CertInstaller \
-    KeyChain \
-    UserDictionaryProvider
+# Get rid of dex preoptimization to save space within system.img at the one
+# time cost of dexing on first boot.
 # l10n builds are larger so trim further
 ifneq (,$(filter fugu_l10n, $(TARGET_PRODUCT)))