Update git submodules

* Update trusty/user/app/confirmationui from branch 'master'
  to 28403425e5e9e588634e8b3ff9a6f7320e84d2ae
  - First version of confirmationui for Trusty passing the VTS test
    confirmationui: trusty ipc for large messages
    This patch implements a simple synchronous ipc protocol for long
    message/response transactions. In this context "long" meas messages that
    are to long for a single message buffer. The event loop handles only one
    connection at a time. This reflects the fact that confirmationui depends
    on a limited resource (the screen) and can only have one active session
    at a time.
    It also uses the generic operation and message formatting to implement a
    minimal confirmationui implementation passing VTS test. Alas it still
    misses integration with a secure frame buffer.
    Bug: 146078942
    Test: VtsHalConfirmationUIV1_0TargetTest
    Change-Id: Ic4f104de6cad2f4d11d753dd28a1e00781889d2a
1 file changed