Update git submodules

* Update system/gatekeeper from branch 'master'
  to 27748e24c1a1fbfb2919817333b6270ace62c16c
  - Replace htonl with htobe32.
    htonl is supposed to be defined in arpa/inet.h, not endian.h. This code
    compiles thanks to non-standard endian.h. Being stricter helps make it
    more portable.
    It would be possible to switch header files instead of switching
    functions, but htobe64 is used elsewhere in the code. There is no
    "network" function for 64-bit types. It seems slightly cleaner to be
    consistent naming things "big endian" rather than mixing terms.
    Bug: 110161494
    Change-Id: I9b66b967c587d7c0853631d1fbb12e2e41c7d1b2
1 file changed