Fetch Artifact

Fetch artifact is a tool for downloading artifacts from Android's continuous integration service.


  • target: Required - The target you would like to download the artifact from.
  • build_id: Required - The build_id of the target to download the artifact from.
  • artifact: Required - The artifact to download.
  • output: Optional - If you would like the contents of the file to be written to a specific file
  • -: Optional - If you would like the contents of the file to be written to stdout (must be the last arg)

Example useage

fetch_artifact -target=aosp_arm64-userdebug -build_id=7000390 -artifact=COPIED

Streaming contents to stdout

fetch_artifact -target=aosp_arm64-userdebug -build_id=7000390 -artifact=COPIED -



OUT_DIR=out ./build