blob: 0d20032327cae1fb5e4a2ae6354875fa44ffb5ae [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Check that a trait with by-value self is considered object-safe.
//@ build-pass (FIXME(62277): could be check-pass?)
trait Bar {
fn bar(self);
trait Baz {
fn baz(self: Self);
trait Quux {
// Legal because of the where clause:
fn baz(self: Self) where Self : Sized;
fn make_bar<T:Bar>(t: &T) -> &dyn Bar {
t // legal
fn make_bar_explicit<T:Bar>(t: &T) -> &dyn Bar {
t as &dyn Bar // legal
fn make_baz<T:Baz>(t: &T) -> &dyn Baz {
t // legal
fn make_baz_explicit<T:Baz>(t: &T) -> &dyn Baz {
t as &dyn Baz // legal
fn make_quux<T:Quux>(t: &T) -> &dyn Quux {
fn make_quux_explicit<T:Quux>(t: &T) -> &dyn Quux {
t as &dyn Quux
fn main() {