blob: 0bc6196fad5e0fdc0131d83f7523997035907318 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Management of the index of a registry source.
//! This module contains management of the index and various operations, such as
//! actually parsing the index, looking for crates, etc. This is intended to be
//! abstract over remote indices (downloaded via Git or HTTP) and local registry
//! indices (which are all just present on the filesystem).
//! ## How the index works
//! Here is a simple flow when loading a [`Summary`] (metadata) from the index:
//! 1. A query is fired via [`RegistryIndex::query_inner`].
//! 2. Tries loading all summaries via [`RegistryIndex::load_summaries`], and
//! under the hood calling [`Summaries::parse`] to parse an index file.
//! 1. If an on-disk index cache is present, loads it via
//! [`Summaries::parse_cache`].
//! 2. Otherwise goes to the slower path [`RegistryData::load`] to get the
//! specific index file.
//! 3. A [`Summary`] is now ready in callback `f` in [`RegistryIndex::query_inner`].
//! To learn the rationale behind this multi-layer index metadata loading,
//! see [the documentation of the on-disk index cache](cache).
use crate::core::dependency::{Artifact, DepKind};
use crate::core::Dependency;
use crate::core::{PackageId, SourceId, Summary};
use crate::sources::registry::{LoadResponse, RegistryData};
use crate::util::interning::InternedString;
use crate::util::IntoUrl;
use crate::util::{internal, CargoResult, Filesystem, GlobalContext, OptVersionReq};
use cargo_util::registry::make_dep_path;
use cargo_util_schemas::manifest::RustVersion;
use semver::Version;
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::Path;
use std::str;
use std::task::{ready, Poll};
use tracing::{debug, info};
mod cache;
use self::cache::CacheManager;
use self::cache::SummariesCache;
/// The maximum schema version of the `v` field in the index this version of
/// cargo understands. See [`IndexPackage::v`] for the detail.
const INDEX_V_MAX: u32 = 2;
/// Manager for handling the on-disk index.
/// Different kinds of registries store the index differently:
/// * [`LocalRegistry`]` is a simple on-disk tree of files of the raw index.
/// * [`RemoteRegistry`] is stored as a raw git repository.
/// * [`HttpRegistry`] fills the on-disk index cache directly without keeping
/// any raw index.
/// These means of access are handled via the [`RegistryData`] trait abstraction.
/// This transparently handles caching of the index in a more efficient format.
/// [`LocalRegistry`]: super::local::LocalRegistry
/// [`RemoteRegistry`]: super::remote::RemoteRegistry
/// [`HttpRegistry`]: super::http_remote::HttpRegistry
pub struct RegistryIndex<'gctx> {
source_id: SourceId,
/// Root directory of the index for the registry.
path: Filesystem,
/// In-memory cache of summary data.
/// This is keyed off the package name. The [`Summaries`] value handles
/// loading the summary data. It keeps an optimized on-disk representation
/// of the JSON files, which is created in an as-needed fashion. If it
/// hasn't been cached already, it uses [`RegistryData::load`] to access
/// to JSON files from the index, and the creates the optimized on-disk
/// summary cache.
summaries_cache: HashMap<InternedString, Summaries>,
/// [`GlobalContext`] reference for convenience.
gctx: &'gctx GlobalContext,
/// Manager of on-disk caches.
cache_manager: CacheManager<'gctx>,
/// An internal cache of summaries for a particular package.
/// A list of summaries are loaded from disk via one of two methods:
/// 1. From raw registry index --- Primarily Cargo will parse the corresponding
/// file for a crate in the upstream registry. That's just a JSON
/// blob per line which we can parse, extract the version, and then store here.
/// See [`IndexPackage`] and [`IndexSummary::parse`].
/// 2. From on-disk index cache --- If Cargo has previously run, we'll have a
/// cached index of dependencies for the upstream index. This is a file that
/// Cargo maintains lazily on the local filesystem and is much faster to
/// parse since it doesn't involve parsing all of the JSON.
/// See [`SummariesCache`].
/// The outward-facing interface of this doesn't matter too much where it's
/// loaded from, but it's important when reading the implementation to note that
/// we try to parse as little as possible!
struct Summaries {
/// A raw vector of uninterpreted bytes. This is what `Unparsed` start/end
/// fields are indexes into. If a `Summaries` is loaded from the
/// index then this field will be empty since nothing is `Unparsed`.
raw_data: Vec<u8>,
/// All known versions of a crate, keyed from their `Version` to the
/// possibly parsed or unparsed version of the full summary.
versions: HashMap<Version, MaybeIndexSummary>,
/// A lazily parsed [`IndexSummary`].
enum MaybeIndexSummary {
/// A summary which has not been parsed, The `start` and `end` are pointers
/// into [`Summaries::raw_data`] which this is an entry of.
Unparsed { start: usize, end: usize },
/// An actually parsed summary.
/// A parsed representation of a summary from the index. This is usually parsed
/// from a line from a raw index file, or a JSON blob from on-disk index cache.
/// In addition to a full [`Summary`], we have information on whether it is `yanked`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum IndexSummary {
/// Available for consideration
/// Yanked within its registry
/// Not available as we are offline and create is not downloaded yet
/// From a newer schema version and is likely incomplete or inaccurate
Unsupported(Summary, u32),
impl IndexSummary {
/// Extract the summary from any variant
pub fn as_summary(&self) -> &Summary {
match self {
| IndexSummary::Yanked(sum)
| IndexSummary::Offline(sum)
| IndexSummary::Unsupported(sum, _) => sum,
/// Extract the summary from any variant
pub fn into_summary(self) -> Summary {
match self {
| IndexSummary::Yanked(sum)
| IndexSummary::Offline(sum)
| IndexSummary::Unsupported(sum, _) => sum,
pub fn map_summary(self, f: impl Fn(Summary) -> Summary) -> Self {
match self {
IndexSummary::Candidate(s) => IndexSummary::Candidate(f(s)),
IndexSummary::Yanked(s) => IndexSummary::Yanked(f(s)),
IndexSummary::Offline(s) => IndexSummary::Offline(f(s)),
IndexSummary::Unsupported(s, v) => IndexSummary::Unsupported(f(s), v.clone()),
/// Extract the package id from any variant
pub fn package_id(&self) -> PackageId {
match self {
| IndexSummary::Yanked(sum)
| IndexSummary::Offline(sum)
| IndexSummary::Unsupported(sum, _) => sum.package_id(),
/// Returns `true` if the index summary is [`Yanked`].
/// [`Yanked`]: IndexSummary::Yanked
pub fn is_yanked(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::Yanked(..))
/// Returns `true` if the index summary is [`Offline`].
/// [`Offline`]: IndexSummary::Offline
pub fn is_offline(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::Offline(..))
/// A single line in the index representing a single version of a package.
pub struct IndexPackage<'a> {
/// Name of the package.
name: InternedString,
/// The version of this dependency.
vers: Version,
/// All kinds of direct dependencies of the package, including dev and
/// build dependencies.
deps: Vec<RegistryDependency<'a>>,
/// Set of features defined for the package, i.e., `[features]` table.
features: BTreeMap<InternedString, Vec<InternedString>>,
/// This field contains features with new, extended syntax. Specifically,
/// namespaced features (`dep:`) and weak dependencies (`pkg?/feat`).
/// This is separated from `features` because versions older than 1.19
/// will fail to load due to not being able to parse the new syntax, even
/// with a `Cargo.lock` file.
features2: Option<BTreeMap<InternedString, Vec<InternedString>>>,
/// Checksum for verifying the integrity of the corresponding downloaded package.
cksum: String,
/// If `true`, Cargo will skip this version when resolving.
/// This was added in 2014. Everything in the index has this set
/// now, so this probably doesn't need to be an option anymore.
yanked: Option<bool>,
/// Native library name this package links to.
/// Added early 2018 (see <>),
/// can be `None` if published before then.
links: Option<InternedString>,
/// Required version of rust
/// Corresponds to `package.rust-version`.
/// Added in 2023 (see <>),
/// can be `None` if published before then or if not set in the manifest.
rust_version: Option<RustVersion>,
/// The schema version for this entry.
/// If this is None, it defaults to version `1`. Entries with unknown
/// versions are ignored.
/// Version `2` schema adds the `features2` field.
/// Version `3` schema adds `artifact`, `bindep_targes`, and `lib` for
/// artifact dependencies support.
/// This provides a method to safely introduce changes to index entries
/// and allow older versions of cargo to ignore newer entries it doesn't
/// understand. This is honored as of 1.51, so unfortunately older
/// versions will ignore it, and potentially misinterpret version 2 and
/// newer entries.
/// The intent is that versions older than 1.51 will work with a
/// pre-existing `Cargo.lock`, but they may not correctly process `cargo
/// update` or build a lock from scratch. In that case, cargo may
/// incorrectly select a new package that uses a new index schema. A
/// workaround is to downgrade any packages that are incompatible with the
/// `--precise` flag of `cargo update`.
v: Option<u32>,
/// A dependency as encoded in the [`IndexPackage`] index JSON.
struct RegistryDependency<'a> {
/// Name of the dependency. If the dependency is renamed, the original
/// would be stored in [`RegistryDependency::package`].
name: InternedString,
/// The SemVer requirement for this dependency.
req: Cow<'a, str>,
/// Set of features enabled for this dependency.
features: Vec<InternedString>,
/// Whether or not this is an optional dependency.
optional: bool,
/// Whether or not default features are enabled.
default_features: bool,
/// The target platform for this dependency.
target: Option<Cow<'a, str>>,
/// The dependency kind. "dev", "build", and "normal".
kind: Option<Cow<'a, str>>,
// The URL of the index of the registry where this dependency is from.
// `None` if it is from the same index.
registry: Option<Cow<'a, str>>,
/// The original name if the dependency is renamed.
package: Option<InternedString>,
/// Whether or not this is a public dependency. Unstable. See [RFC 1977].
/// [RFC 1977]:
public: Option<bool>,
artifact: Option<Vec<Cow<'a, str>>>,
bindep_target: Option<Cow<'a, str>>,
lib: bool,
impl<'gctx> RegistryIndex<'gctx> {
/// Creates an empty registry index at `path`.
pub fn new(
source_id: SourceId,
path: &Filesystem,
gctx: &'gctx GlobalContext,
) -> RegistryIndex<'gctx> {
RegistryIndex {
path: path.clone(),
summaries_cache: HashMap::new(),
cache_manager: CacheManager::new(path.join(".cache"), gctx),
/// Returns the hash listed for a specified `PackageId`. Primarily for
/// checking the integrity of a downloaded package matching the checksum in
/// the index file, aka [`IndexSummary`].
pub fn hash(&mut self, pkg: PackageId, load: &mut dyn RegistryData) -> Poll<CargoResult<&str>> {
let req = OptVersionReq::lock_to_exact(pkg.version());
let summary = self.summaries(, &req, load)?;
let summary = ready!(summary).next();
.ok_or_else(|| internal(format!("no hash listed for {}", pkg)))?
.ok_or_else(|| internal(format!("no hash listed for {}", pkg)))?))
/// Load a list of summaries for `name` package in this registry which
/// match `req`.
/// This function will semantically
/// 1. parse the index file (either raw or cache),
/// 2. match all versions,
/// 3. and then return an iterator over all summaries which matched.
/// Internally there's quite a few layer of caching to amortize this cost
/// though since this method is called quite a lot on null builds in Cargo.
fn summaries<'a, 'b>(
&'a mut self,
name: InternedString,
req: &'b OptVersionReq,
load: &mut dyn RegistryData,
) -> Poll<CargoResult<impl Iterator<Item = &'a IndexSummary> + 'b>>
'a: 'b,
let bindeps = self.gctx.cli_unstable().bindeps;
let source_id = self.source_id;
// First up parse what summaries we have available.
let summaries = ready!(self.load_summaries(name, load)?);
// Iterate over our summaries, extract all relevant ones which match our
// version requirement, and then parse all corresponding rows in the
// registry. As a reminder this `summaries` method is called for each
// entry in a lock file on every build, so we want to absolutely
// minimize the amount of work being done here and parse as little as
// necessary.
let raw_data = &summaries.raw_data;
.filter_map(move |(k, v)| if req.matches(k) { Some(v) } else { None })
.filter_map(move |maybe| {
match maybe.parse(raw_data, source_id, bindeps) {
Ok(sum @ IndexSummary::Candidate(_) | sum @ IndexSummary::Yanked(_)) => {
Ok(IndexSummary::Unsupported(summary, v)) => {
"unsupported schema version {} ({} {})",
Ok(IndexSummary::Offline(_)) => {
unreachable!("We do not check for off-line until later")
Err(e) => {
info!("failed to parse `{}` registry package: {}", name, e);
/// Actually parses what summaries we have available.
/// If Cargo has run previously, this tries in this order:
/// 1. Returns from in-memory cache, aka [`RegistryIndex::summaries_cache`].
/// 2. If missing, hands over to [`Summaries::parse`] to parse an index file.
/// The actual kind index file being parsed depends on which kind of
/// [`RegistryData`] the `load` argument is given. For example, a
/// Git-based [`RemoteRegistry`] will first try a on-disk index cache
/// file, and then try parsing registry raw index from Git repository.
/// In effect, this is intended to be a quite cheap operation.
/// [`RemoteRegistry`]: super::remote::RemoteRegistry
fn load_summaries(
&mut self,
name: InternedString,
load: &mut dyn RegistryData,
) -> Poll<CargoResult<&mut Summaries>> {
// If we've previously loaded what versions are present for `name`, just
// return that since our in-memory cache should still be valid.
if self.summaries_cache.contains_key(&name) {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(self.summaries_cache.get_mut(&name).unwrap()));
// Prepare the `RegistryData` which will lazily initialize internal data
// structures.
let root = load.assert_index_locked(&self.path);
let summaries = ready!(Summaries::parse(
self.summaries_cache.insert(name, summaries);
/// Clears the in-memory summaries cache.
pub fn clear_summaries_cache(&mut self) {
/// Attempts to find the packages that match a `name` and a version `req`.
/// This is primarily used by [`Source::query`](super::Source).
pub fn query_inner(
&mut self,
name: InternedString,
req: &OptVersionReq,
load: &mut dyn RegistryData,
f: &mut dyn FnMut(IndexSummary),
) -> Poll<CargoResult<()>> {
if self.gctx.offline() {
// This should only return `Poll::Ready(Ok(()))` if there is at least 1 match.
// If there are 0 matches it should fall through and try again with online.
// This is necessary for dependencies that are not used (such as
// target-cfg or optional), but are not downloaded. Normally the
// build should succeed if they are not downloaded and not used,
// but they still need to resolve. If they are actually needed
// then cargo will fail to download and an error message
// indicating that the required dependency is unavailable while
// offline will be displayed.
let mut called = false;
let callback = &mut |s: IndexSummary| {
if !s.is_offline() {
called = true;
ready!(self.query_inner_with_online(name, req, load, callback, false)?);
if called {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
self.query_inner_with_online(name, req, load, f, true)
/// Inner implementation of [`Self::query_inner`]. Returns the number of
/// summaries we've got.
/// The `online` controls whether Cargo can access the network when needed.
fn query_inner_with_online(
&mut self,
name: InternedString,
req: &OptVersionReq,
load: &mut dyn RegistryData,
f: &mut dyn FnMut(IndexSummary),
online: bool,
) -> Poll<CargoResult<()>> {
ready!(self.summaries(name, &req, load))?
// First filter summaries for `--offline`. If we're online then
// everything is a candidate, otherwise if we're offline we're only
// going to consider candidates which are actually present on disk.
// Note: This particular logic can cause problems with
// optional dependencies when offline. If at least 1 version
// of an optional dependency is downloaded, but that version
// does not satisfy the requirements, then resolution will
// fail. Unfortunately, whether or not something is optional
// is not known here.
.map(|s| {
if online || load.is_crate_downloaded(s.package_id()) {
} else {
/// Looks into the summaries to check if a package has been yanked.
pub fn is_yanked(
&mut self,
pkg: PackageId,
load: &mut dyn RegistryData,
) -> Poll<CargoResult<bool>> {
let req = OptVersionReq::lock_to_exact(pkg.version());
let found = ready!(self.summaries(, &req, load))?.any(|s| s.is_yanked());
impl Summaries {
/// Parse out a [`Summaries`] instances from on-disk state.
/// This will do the followings in order:
/// 1. Attempt to prefer parsing a previous index cache file that already
/// exists from a previous invocation of Cargo (aka you're typing `cargo
/// build` again after typing it previously).
/// 2. If parsing fails, or the cache isn't found or is invalid, we then
/// take a slower path which loads the full descriptor for `relative`
/// from the underlying index (aka libgit2 with, or from a
/// remote HTTP index) and then parse everything in there.
/// * `root` --- this is the root argument passed to `load`
/// * `name` --- the name of the package.
/// * `source_id` --- the registry's SourceId used when parsing JSON blobs
/// to create summaries.
/// * `load` --- the actual index implementation which may be very slow to
/// call. We avoid this if we can.
/// * `bindeps` --- whether the `-Zbindeps` unstable flag is enabled
pub fn parse(
root: &Path,
name: &str,
source_id: SourceId,
load: &mut dyn RegistryData,
bindeps: bool,
cache_manager: &CacheManager<'_>,
) -> Poll<CargoResult<Option<Summaries>>> {
// This is the file we're loading from cache or the index data.
// See module comment in `registry/` for why this is structured the way it is.
let name = &name.to_lowercase();
let relative = make_dep_path(&name, false);
let mut cached_summaries = None;
let mut index_version = None;
if let Some(contents) = cache_manager.get(name) {
match Summaries::parse_cache(contents) {
Ok((s, v)) => {
cached_summaries = Some(s);
index_version = Some(v);
Err(e) => {
tracing::debug!("failed to parse {name:?} cache: {e}");
let response = ready!(load.load(root, relative.as_ref(), index_version.as_deref())?);
match response {
LoadResponse::CacheValid => {
tracing::debug!("fast path for registry cache of {:?}", relative);
return Poll::Ready(Ok(cached_summaries));
LoadResponse::NotFound => {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(None));
LoadResponse::Data {
} => {
// This is the fallback path where we actually talk to the registry backend to load
// information. Here we parse every single line in the index (as we need
// to find the versions)
tracing::debug!("slow path for {:?}", relative);
let mut cache = SummariesCache::default();
let mut ret = Summaries::default();
ret.raw_data = raw_data;
for line in split(&ret.raw_data, b'\n') {
// Attempt forwards-compatibility on the index by ignoring
// everything that we ourselves don't understand, that should
// allow future cargo implementations to break the
// interpretation of each line here and older cargo will simply
// ignore the new lines.
let summary = match IndexSummary::parse(line, source_id, bindeps) {
Ok(summary) => summary,
Err(e) => {
// This should only happen when there is an index
// entry from a future version of cargo that this
// version doesn't understand. Hopefully, those future
// versions of cargo correctly set INDEX_V_MAX and
// CURRENT_CACHE_VERSION, otherwise this will skip
// entries in the cache preventing those newer
// versions from reading them (that is, until the
// cache is rebuilt).
"failed to parse {:?} registry package: {}",
let version = summary.package_id().version().clone();
cache.versions.push((version.clone(), line));
ret.versions.insert(version, summary.into());
if let Some(index_version) = index_version {
tracing::trace!("caching index_version {}", index_version);
let cache_bytes = cache.serialize(index_version.as_str());
// Once we have our `cache_bytes` which represents the `Summaries` we're
// about to return, write that back out to disk so future Cargo
// invocations can use it.
cache_manager.put(name, &cache_bytes);
// If we've got debug assertions enabled read back in the cached values
// and assert they match the expected result.
let readback = SummariesCache::parse(&cache_bytes)
.expect("failed to parse cache we just wrote");
readback.index_version, index_version,
"index_version mismatch"
assert_eq!(readback.versions, cache.versions, "versions mismatch");
/// Parses the contents of an on-disk cache, aka [`SummariesCache`], which
/// represents information previously cached by Cargo.
pub fn parse_cache(contents: Vec<u8>) -> CargoResult<(Summaries, InternedString)> {
let cache = SummariesCache::parse(&contents)?;
let index_version = InternedString::new(cache.index_version);
let mut ret = Summaries::default();
for (version, summary) in cache.versions {
let (start, end) = subslice_bounds(&contents, summary);
.insert(version, MaybeIndexSummary::Unparsed { start, end });
ret.raw_data = contents;
return Ok((ret, index_version));
// Returns the start/end offsets of `inner` with `outer`. Asserts that
// `inner` is a subslice of `outer`.
fn subslice_bounds(outer: &[u8], inner: &[u8]) -> (usize, usize) {
let outer_start = outer.as_ptr() as usize;
let outer_end = outer_start + outer.len();
let inner_start = inner.as_ptr() as usize;
let inner_end = inner_start + inner.len();
assert!(inner_start >= outer_start);
assert!(inner_end <= outer_end);
(inner_start - outer_start, inner_end - outer_start)
impl MaybeIndexSummary {
/// Parses this "maybe a summary" into a `Parsed` for sure variant.
/// Does nothing if this is already `Parsed`, and otherwise the `raw_data`
/// passed in is sliced with the bounds in `Unparsed` and then actually
/// parsed.
fn parse(
&mut self,
raw_data: &[u8],
source_id: SourceId,
bindeps: bool,
) -> CargoResult<&IndexSummary> {
let (start, end) = match self {
MaybeIndexSummary::Unparsed { start, end } => (*start, *end),
MaybeIndexSummary::Parsed(summary) => return Ok(summary),
let summary = IndexSummary::parse(&raw_data[start..end], source_id, bindeps)?;
*self = MaybeIndexSummary::Parsed(summary);
match self {
MaybeIndexSummary::Unparsed { .. } => unreachable!(),
MaybeIndexSummary::Parsed(summary) => Ok(summary),
impl From<IndexSummary> for MaybeIndexSummary {
fn from(summary: IndexSummary) -> MaybeIndexSummary {
impl IndexSummary {
/// Parses a line from the registry's index file into an [`IndexSummary`]
/// for a package.
/// The `line` provided is expected to be valid JSON. It is supposed to be
/// a [`IndexPackage`].
fn parse(line: &[u8], source_id: SourceId, bindeps: bool) -> CargoResult<IndexSummary> {
// ****CAUTION**** Please be extremely careful with returning errors
// from this function. Entries that error are not included in the
// index cache, and can cause cargo to get confused when switching
// between different versions that understand the index differently.
// Make sure to consider the INDEX_V_MAX and CURRENT_CACHE_VERSION
// values carefully when making changes here.
let IndexPackage {
mut features,
} = serde_json::from_slice(line)?;
let v = v.unwrap_or(1);
tracing::trace!("json parsed registry {}/{}", name, vers);
let pkgid = PackageId::new(name.into(), vers.clone(), source_id);
let deps = deps
.map(|dep| dep.into_dep(source_id))
if let Some(features2) = features2 {
for (name, values) in features2 {
let mut summary = Summary::new(pkgid, deps, &features, links, rust_version)?;
let v_max = if bindeps {
} else {
if v_max < v {
Ok(IndexSummary::Unsupported(summary, v))
} else if yanked.unwrap_or(false) {
} else {
impl<'a> RegistryDependency<'a> {
/// Converts an encoded dependency in the registry to a cargo dependency
pub fn into_dep(self, default: SourceId) -> CargoResult<Dependency> {
let RegistryDependency {
mut features,
} = self;
let id = if let Some(registry) = &registry {
} else {
let mut dep = Dependency::parse(package.unwrap_or(name), Some(&req), id)?;
if package.is_some() {
let kind = match kind.as_deref().unwrap_or("") {
"dev" => DepKind::Development,
"build" => DepKind::Build,
_ => DepKind::Normal,
let platform = match target {
Some(target) => Some(target.parse()?),
None => None,
// All dependencies are private by default
let public = public.unwrap_or(false);
// Unfortunately older versions of cargo and/or the registry ended up
// publishing lots of entries where the features array contained the
// empty feature, "", inside. This confuses the resolution process much
// later on and these features aren't actually valid, so filter them all
// out here.
features.retain(|s| !s.is_empty());
// In index, "registry" is null if it is from the same index.
// In Cargo.toml, "registry" is None if it is from the default
if !id.is_crates_io() {
if let Some(artifacts) = artifact {
let artifact = Artifact::parse(&artifacts, lib, bindep_target.as_deref())?;
/// Like [`slice::split`] but is optimized by [`memchr`].
fn split(haystack: &[u8], needle: u8) -> impl Iterator<Item = &[u8]> {
struct Split<'a> {
haystack: &'a [u8],
needle: u8,
impl<'a> Iterator for Split<'a> {
type Item = &'a [u8];
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a [u8]> {
if self.haystack.is_empty() {
return None;
let (ret, remaining) = match memchr::memchr(self.needle, self.haystack) {
Some(pos) => (&self.haystack[..pos], &self.haystack[pos + 1..]),
None => (self.haystack, &[][..]),
self.haystack = remaining;
Split { haystack, needle }
fn escaped_char_in_index_json_blob() {
let _: IndexPackage<'_> = serde_json::from_str(
let _: IndexPackage<'_> = serde_json::from_str(
// Now we add escaped cher all the places they can go
// these are not valid, but it should error later than json parsing
let _: IndexPackage<'_> = serde_json::from_str(
"name":"This name has a escaped cher in it \n\t\" ",
"name": " \n\t\" ",
"req": " \n\t\" ",
"features": [" \n\t\" "],
"optional": true,
"default_features": true,
"target": " \n\t\" ",
"kind": " \n\t\" ",
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