blob: 85036c8101f57057baecc6cf3e88b794fadba7e3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::task::Poll;
use crate::core::{Dependency, EitherManifest, Manifest, Package, PackageId, SourceId};
use crate::ops;
use crate::sources::source::MaybePackage;
use crate::sources::source::QueryKind;
use crate::sources::source::Source;
use crate::sources::IndexSummary;
use crate::util::errors::CargoResult;
use crate::util::important_paths::find_project_manifest_exact;
use crate::util::internal;
use crate::util::toml::read_manifest;
use crate::util::GlobalContext;
use anyhow::Context as _;
use cargo_util::paths;
use filetime::FileTime;
use gix::bstr::{BString, ByteVec};
use gix::dir::entry::Status;
use gix::index::entry::Stage;
use ignore::gitignore::GitignoreBuilder;
use tracing::{debug, info, trace, warn};
use walkdir::WalkDir;
/// A source that represents a package gathered at the root
/// path on the filesystem.
/// It also provides convenient methods like [`PathSource::list_files`] to
/// list all files in a package, given its ability to walk the filesystem.
pub struct PathSource<'gctx> {
/// The unique identifier of this source.
source_id: SourceId,
/// The root path of this source.
path: PathBuf,
/// Packages that this sources has discovered.
package: Option<Package>,
gctx: &'gctx GlobalContext,
impl<'gctx> PathSource<'gctx> {
/// Invoked with an absolute path to a directory that contains a `Cargo.toml`.
/// This source will only return the package at precisely the `path`
/// specified, and it will be an error if there's not a package at `path`.
pub fn new(path: &Path, source_id: SourceId, gctx: &'gctx GlobalContext) -> Self {
Self {
path: path.to_path_buf(),
package: None,
/// Preloads a package for this source. The source is assumed that it has
/// yet loaded any other packages.
pub fn preload_with(pkg: Package, gctx: &'gctx GlobalContext) -> Self {
let source_id = pkg.package_id().source_id();
let path = pkg.root().to_owned();
Self {
package: Some(pkg),
/// Gets the package on the root path.
pub fn root_package(&mut self) -> CargoResult<Package> {
trace!("root_package; source={:?}", self);
match &self.package {
Some(pkg) => Ok(pkg.clone()),
None => Err(internal(format!(
"no package found in source {:?}",
/// List all files relevant to building this package inside this source.
/// This function will use the appropriate methods to determine the
/// set of files underneath this source's directory which are relevant for
/// building `pkg`.
/// The basic assumption of this method is that all files in the directory
/// are relevant for building this package, but it also contains logic to
/// use other methods like `.gitignore`, `package.include`, or
/// `package.exclude` to filter the list of files.
pub fn list_files(&self, pkg: &Package) -> CargoResult<Vec<PathBuf>> {
list_files(pkg, self.gctx)
/// Gets the last modified file in a package.
fn last_modified_file(&self, pkg: &Package) -> CargoResult<(FileTime, PathBuf)> {
if self.package.is_none() {
return Err(internal(format!(
"BUG: source `{:?}` was not loaded",
last_modified_file(&self.path, pkg, self.gctx)
/// Returns the root path of this source.
pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
/// Discovers packages inside this source if it hasn't yet done.
pub fn load(&mut self) -> CargoResult<()> {
if self.package.is_none() {
self.package = Some(self.read_package()?);
fn read_package(&self) -> CargoResult<Package> {
let path = self.path.join("Cargo.toml");
let pkg = ops::read_package(&path, self.source_id, self.gctx)?;
impl<'gctx> Debug for PathSource<'gctx> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "the paths source")
impl<'gctx> Source for PathSource<'gctx> {
fn query(
&mut self,
dep: &Dependency,
kind: QueryKind,
f: &mut dyn FnMut(IndexSummary),
) -> Poll<CargoResult<()>> {
if let Some(s) = self.package.as_ref().map(|p| p.summary()) {
let matched = match kind {
QueryKind::Exact => dep.matches(s),
QueryKind::Alternatives => true,
QueryKind::Normalized => dep.matches(s),
if matched {
fn supports_checksums(&self) -> bool {
fn requires_precise(&self) -> bool {
fn source_id(&self) -> SourceId {
fn download(&mut self, id: PackageId) -> CargoResult<MaybePackage> {
trace!("getting packages; id={}", id);
let pkg = self.package.iter().find(|pkg| pkg.package_id() == id);
.ok_or_else(|| internal(format!("failed to find {} in path source", id)))
fn finish_download(&mut self, _id: PackageId, _data: Vec<u8>) -> CargoResult<Package> {
panic!("no download should have started")
fn fingerprint(&self, pkg: &Package) -> CargoResult<String> {
let (max, max_path) = self.last_modified_file(pkg)?;
// Note that we try to strip the prefix of this package to get a
// relative path to ensure that the fingerprint remains consistent
// across entire project directory renames.
let max_path = max_path.strip_prefix(&self.path).unwrap_or(&max_path);
Ok(format!("{} ({})", max, max_path.display()))
fn describe(&self) -> String {
match self.source_id.url().to_file_path() {
Ok(path) => path.display().to_string(),
Err(_) => self.source_id.to_string(),
fn add_to_yanked_whitelist(&mut self, _pkgs: &[PackageId]) {}
fn is_yanked(&mut self, _pkg: PackageId) -> Poll<CargoResult<bool>> {
fn block_until_ready(&mut self) -> CargoResult<()> {
fn invalidate_cache(&mut self) {
// Path source has no local cache.
fn set_quiet(&mut self, _quiet: bool) {
// Path source does not display status
/// A source that represents one or multiple packages gathered from a given root
/// path on the filesystem.
pub struct RecursivePathSource<'gctx> {
/// The unique identifier of this source.
source_id: SourceId,
/// The root path of this source.
path: PathBuf,
/// Whether this source has loaded all package information it may contain.
loaded: bool,
/// Packages that this sources has discovered.
/// Tracking all packages for a given ID to warn on-demand for unused packages
packages: HashMap<PackageId, Vec<Package>>,
/// Avoid redundant unused package warnings
warned_duplicate: HashSet<PackageId>,
gctx: &'gctx GlobalContext,
impl<'gctx> RecursivePathSource<'gctx> {
/// Creates a new source which is walked recursively to discover packages.
/// This is similar to the [`PathSource::new`] method except that instead
/// of requiring a valid package to be present at `root` the folder is
/// walked entirely to crawl for packages.
/// Note that this should be used with care and likely shouldn't be chosen
/// by default!
pub fn new(root: &Path, source_id: SourceId, gctx: &'gctx GlobalContext) -> Self {
Self {
path: root.to_path_buf(),
loaded: false,
packages: Default::default(),
warned_duplicate: Default::default(),
/// Returns the packages discovered by this source. It may walk the
/// filesystem if package information haven't yet loaded.
pub fn read_packages(&mut self) -> CargoResult<Vec<Package>> {
.map(|(pkg_id, v)| {
first_package(*pkg_id, v, &mut self.warned_duplicate, self.gctx).clone()
/// List all files relevant to building this package inside this source.
/// This function will use the appropriate methods to determine the
/// set of files underneath this source's directory which are relevant for
/// building `pkg`.
/// The basic assumption of this method is that all files in the directory
/// are relevant for building this package, but it also contains logic to
/// use other methods like `.gitignore`, `package.include`, or
/// `package.exclude` to filter the list of files.
pub fn list_files(&self, pkg: &Package) -> CargoResult<Vec<PathBuf>> {
list_files(pkg, self.gctx)
/// Gets the last modified file in a package.
fn last_modified_file(&self, pkg: &Package) -> CargoResult<(FileTime, PathBuf)> {
if !self.loaded {
return Err(internal(format!(
"BUG: source `{:?}` was not loaded",
last_modified_file(&self.path, pkg, self.gctx)
/// Returns the root path of this source.
pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
/// Discovers packages inside this source if it hasn't yet done.
pub fn load(&mut self) -> CargoResult<()> {
if !self.loaded {
self.packages = read_packages(&self.path, self.source_id, self.gctx)?;
self.loaded = true;
impl<'gctx> Debug for RecursivePathSource<'gctx> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "the paths source")
impl<'gctx> Source for RecursivePathSource<'gctx> {
fn query(
&mut self,
dep: &Dependency,
kind: QueryKind,
f: &mut dyn FnMut(IndexSummary),
) -> Poll<CargoResult<()>> {
for s in self
.filter(|(pkg_id, _)| == dep.package_name())
.map(|(pkg_id, pkgs)| {
first_package(*pkg_id, pkgs, &mut self.warned_duplicate, self.gctx)
.map(|p| p.summary())
let matched = match kind {
QueryKind::Exact => dep.matches(s),
QueryKind::Alternatives => true,
QueryKind::Normalized => dep.matches(s),
if matched {
fn supports_checksums(&self) -> bool {
fn requires_precise(&self) -> bool {
fn source_id(&self) -> SourceId {
fn download(&mut self, id: PackageId) -> CargoResult<MaybePackage> {
trace!("getting packages; id={}", id);
let pkg = self.packages.get(&id);|pkgs| first_package(id, pkgs, &mut self.warned_duplicate, self.gctx).clone())
.ok_or_else(|| internal(format!("failed to find {} in path source", id)))
fn finish_download(&mut self, _id: PackageId, _data: Vec<u8>) -> CargoResult<Package> {
panic!("no download should have started")
fn fingerprint(&self, pkg: &Package) -> CargoResult<String> {
let (max, max_path) = self.last_modified_file(pkg)?;
// Note that we try to strip the prefix of this package to get a
// relative path to ensure that the fingerprint remains consistent
// across entire project directory renames.
let max_path = max_path.strip_prefix(&self.path).unwrap_or(&max_path);
Ok(format!("{} ({})", max, max_path.display()))
fn describe(&self) -> String {
match self.source_id.url().to_file_path() {
Ok(path) => path.display().to_string(),
Err(_) => self.source_id.to_string(),
fn add_to_yanked_whitelist(&mut self, _pkgs: &[PackageId]) {}
fn is_yanked(&mut self, _pkg: PackageId) -> Poll<CargoResult<bool>> {
fn block_until_ready(&mut self) -> CargoResult<()> {
fn invalidate_cache(&mut self) {
// Path source has no local cache.
fn set_quiet(&mut self, _quiet: bool) {
// Path source does not display status
fn first_package<'p>(
pkg_id: PackageId,
pkgs: &'p Vec<Package>,
warned_duplicate: &mut HashSet<PackageId>,
gctx: &GlobalContext,
) -> &'p Package {
if pkgs.len() != 1 && warned_duplicate.insert(pkg_id) {
let ignored = pkgs[1..]
// We can assume a package with publish = false isn't intended to be seen
// by users so we can hide the warning about those since the user is unlikely
// to care about those cases.
.filter(|pkg| pkg.publish().is_none())
if !ignored.is_empty() {
use std::fmt::Write as _;
let plural = if ignored.len() == 1 { "" } else { "s" };
let mut msg = String::new();
let _ = writeln!(&mut msg, "skipping duplicate package{plural} `{pkg_id}`:");
for ignored in ignored {
let manifest_path = ignored.manifest_path().display();
let _ = writeln!(&mut msg, " {manifest_path}");
let manifest_path = pkgs[0].manifest_path().display();
let _ = writeln!(&mut msg, "in favor of {manifest_path}");
let _ =;
/// List all files relevant to building this package inside this source.
/// This function will use the appropriate methods to determine the
/// set of files underneath this source's directory which are relevant for
/// building `pkg`.
/// The basic assumption of this method is that all files in the directory
/// are relevant for building this package, but it also contains logic to
/// use other methods like `.gitignore`, `package.include`, or
/// `package.exclude` to filter the list of files.
pub fn list_files(pkg: &Package, gctx: &GlobalContext) -> CargoResult<Vec<PathBuf>> {
_list_files(pkg, gctx).with_context(|| {
"failed to determine list of files in {}",
/// See [`PathSource::list_files`].
fn _list_files(pkg: &Package, gctx: &GlobalContext) -> CargoResult<Vec<PathBuf>> {
let root = pkg.root();
let no_include_option = pkg.manifest().include().is_empty();
let git_repo = if no_include_option {
} else {
let mut exclude_builder = GitignoreBuilder::new(root);
if no_include_option && git_repo.is_none() {
// no include option and not git repo discovered (see rust-lang/cargo#7183).
exclude_builder.add_line(None, ".*")?;
for rule in pkg.manifest().exclude() {
exclude_builder.add_line(None, rule)?;
let ignore_exclude =;
let mut include_builder = GitignoreBuilder::new(root);
for rule in pkg.manifest().include() {
include_builder.add_line(None, rule)?;
let ignore_include =;
let ignore_should_package = |relative_path: &Path, is_dir: bool| {
// "Include" and "exclude" options are mutually exclusive.
if no_include_option {
.matched_path_or_any_parents(relative_path, is_dir)
} else {
if is_dir {
// Generally, include directives don't list every
// directory (nor should they!). Just skip all directory
// checks, and only check files.
return true;
.matched_path_or_any_parents(relative_path, /* is_dir */ false)
let filter = |path: &Path, is_dir: bool| {
let Ok(relative_path) = path.strip_prefix(root) else {
return false;
let rel = relative_path.as_os_str();
if rel == "Cargo.lock" {
return pkg.include_lockfile();
} else if rel == "Cargo.toml" {
return true;
ignore_should_package(relative_path, is_dir)
// Attempt Git-prepopulate only if no `include` (see rust-lang/cargo#4135).
if no_include_option {
if let Some(repo) = git_repo {
return list_files_gix(pkg, &repo, &filter, gctx);
let mut ret = Vec::new();
list_files_walk(pkg.root(), &mut ret, true, &filter, gctx)?;
/// Returns [`Some(gix::Repository)`](gix::Repository) if the discovered repository
/// (searched upwards from `root`) contains a tracked `<root>/Cargo.toml`.
/// Otherwise, the caller should fall back on full file list.
fn discover_gix_repo(root: &Path) -> CargoResult<Option<gix::Repository>> {
let repo = match gix::ThreadSafeRepository::discover(root) {
Ok(repo) => repo.to_thread_local(),
Err(e) => {
"could not discover git repo at or above {}: {}",
return Ok(None);
let index = repo
.with_context(|| format!("failed to open git index at {}", repo.path().display()))?;
let repo_root = repo.work_dir().ok_or_else(|| {
"did not expect repo at {} to be bare",
let repo_relative_path = match paths::strip_prefix_canonical(root, repo_root) {
Ok(p) => p,
Err(e) => {
"cannot determine if path `{:?}` is in git repo `{:?}`: {:?}",
root, repo_root, e
return Ok(None);
let manifest_path = gix::path::join_bstr_unix_pathsep(
if index.entry_index_by_path(&manifest_path).is_ok() {
return Ok(Some(repo));
// Package Cargo.toml is not in git, don't use git to guide our selection.
/// Lists files relevant to building this package inside this source by
/// traversing the git working tree, while avoiding ignored files.
/// This looks into Git sub-repositories as well, resolving them to individual files.
/// Symlinks to directories will also be resolved, but walked as repositories if they
/// point to one to avoid picking up `.git` directories.
fn list_files_gix(
pkg: &Package,
repo: &gix::Repository,
filter: &dyn Fn(&Path, bool) -> bool,
gctx: &GlobalContext,
) -> CargoResult<Vec<PathBuf>> {
debug!("list_files_gix {}", pkg.package_id());
let options = repo
let index = repo.index_or_empty()?;
let root = repo
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::format_err!("can't list files on a bare repository"))?;
"BUG: paths used internally are absolute, and the repo inherits that"
let pkg_path = pkg.root();
let repo_relative_pkg_path = pkg_path.strip_prefix(root).unwrap_or(Path::new(""));
let target_prefix = gix::path::to_unix_separators_on_windows(gix::path::into_bstr(
let package_prefix =
let pathspec = {
// Include the package root.
let mut include = BString::from(":/");
// Exclude the target directory.
let mut exclude = BString::from(":!/");
vec![include, exclude]
let mut files = Vec::<PathBuf>::new();
let mut subpackages_found = Vec::new();
for item in repo
.dirwalk_iter(index.clone(), pathspec, Default::default(), options)?
.filter(|res| {
// Don't include Cargo.lock if it is untracked. Packaging will
// generate a new one as needed.
res.as_ref().map_or(true, |item| {
!(item.entry.status == Status::Untracked && item.entry.rela_path == "Cargo.lock")
.map(|res||item| (item.entry.rela_path, item.entry.disk_kind)))
// Append entries that might be tracked in `<pkg_root>/target/`.
.filter(|entry| {
// probably not needed as conflicts prevent this to run, but let's be explicit.
entry.stage() == Stage::Unconflicted
.map(|entry| {
// Do not trust what's recorded in the index, enforce checking the disk.
// This traversal is not part of a `status()`, and tracking things in `target/`
// is rare.
let (rela_path, kind) = item?;
let file_path = root.join(gix::path::from_bstr(rela_path));
if file_path.file_name().and_then(|name| name.to_str()) == Some("Cargo.toml") {
// Keep track of all sub-packages found and also strip out all
// matches we've found so far. Note, though, that if we find
// our own `Cargo.toml`, we keep going.
let path = file_path.parent().unwrap();
if path != pkg_path {
debug!("subpackage found: {}", path.display());
files.retain(|p| !p.starts_with(path));
// If this file is part of any other sub-package we've found so far,
// skip it.
if subpackages_found.iter().any(|p| file_path.starts_with(p)) {
let is_dir = kind.map_or(false, |kind| {
if kind == gix::dir::entry::Kind::Symlink {
// Symlinks must be checked to see if they point to a directory
// we should traverse.
} else {
if is_dir {
// This could be a submodule, or a sub-repository. In any case, we prefer to walk
// it with git-support to leverage ignored files and to avoid pulling in entire
// .git repositories.
match gix::open(&file_path) {
Ok(sub_repo) => {
files.extend(list_files_gix(pkg, &sub_repo, filter, gctx)?);
Err(_) => {
list_files_walk(&file_path, &mut files, false, filter, gctx)?;
} else if (filter)(&file_path, is_dir) {
trace!(" found {}", file_path.display());
return Ok(files);
/// Lists files relevant to building this package inside this source by
/// walking the filesystem from the package root path.
/// This is a fallback for [`list_files_gix`] when the package
/// is not tracked under a Git repository.
fn list_files_walk(
path: &Path,
ret: &mut Vec<PathBuf>,
is_root: bool,
filter: &dyn Fn(&Path, bool) -> bool,
gctx: &GlobalContext,
) -> CargoResult<()> {
let walkdir = WalkDir::new(path)
.filter_entry(|entry| {
let path = entry.path();
let at_root = is_root && entry.depth() == 0;
let is_dir = entry.file_type().is_dir();
if !at_root && !filter(path, is_dir) {
return false;
if !is_dir {
return true;
// Don't recurse into any sub-packages that we have.
if !at_root && path.join("Cargo.toml").exists() {
return false;
// Skip root Cargo artifacts.
if is_root
&& entry.depth() == 1
&& path.file_name().and_then(|s| s.to_str()) == Some("target")
return false;
for entry in walkdir {
match entry {
Ok(entry) => {
if !entry.file_type().is_dir() {
Err(err) if err.loop_ancestor().is_some() => {;
Err(err) => match err.path() {
// If an error occurs with a path, filter it again.
// If it is excluded, Just ignore it in this case.
// See issue rust-lang/cargo#10917
Some(path) if !filter(path, path.is_dir()) => {}
// Otherwise, simply recover from it.
// Don't worry about error skipping here, the callers would
// still hit the IO error if they do access it thereafter.
Some(path) => ret.push(path.to_path_buf()),
None => return Err(err.into()),
/// Gets the last modified file in a package.
fn last_modified_file(
path: &Path,
pkg: &Package,
gctx: &GlobalContext,
) -> CargoResult<(FileTime, PathBuf)> {
let mut max = FileTime::zero();
let mut max_path = PathBuf::new();
for file in list_files(pkg, gctx).with_context(|| {
"failed to determine the most recently modified file in {}",
})? {
// An `fs::stat` error here is either because path is a
// broken symlink, a permissions error, or a race
// condition where this path was `rm`-ed -- either way,
// we can ignore the error and treat the path's `mtime`
// as `0`.
let mtime = paths::mtime(&file).unwrap_or_else(|_| FileTime::zero());
if mtime > max {
max = mtime;
max_path = file;
trace!("last modified file {}: {}", path.display(), max);
Ok((max, max_path))
fn read_packages(
path: &Path,
source_id: SourceId,
gctx: &GlobalContext,
) -> CargoResult<HashMap<PackageId, Vec<Package>>> {
let mut all_packages = HashMap::new();
let mut visited = HashSet::<PathBuf>::new();
let mut errors = Vec::<anyhow::Error>::new();
"looking for root package: {}, source_id={}",
walk(path, &mut |dir| {
trace!("looking for child package: {}", dir.display());
// Don't recurse into hidden/dot directories unless we're at the toplevel
if dir != path {
let name = dir.file_name().and_then(|s| s.to_str());
if|s| s.starts_with('.')) == Some(true) {
return Ok(false);
// Don't automatically discover packages across git submodules
if dir.join(".git").exists() {
return Ok(false);
// Don't ever look at target directories
if dir.file_name().and_then(|s| s.to_str()) == Some("target")
&& has_manifest(dir.parent().unwrap())
return Ok(false);
if has_manifest(dir) {
&mut all_packages,
&mut visited,
&mut errors,
if all_packages.is_empty() {
match errors.pop() {
Some(err) => Err(err),
None => {
if find_project_manifest_exact(path, "cargo.toml").is_ok() {
"Could not find Cargo.toml in `{}`, but found cargo.toml please try to rename it to Cargo.toml",
} else {
"Could not find Cargo.toml in `{}`",
} else {
fn nested_paths(manifest: &Manifest) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
let mut nested_paths = Vec::new();
let resolved = manifest.resolved_toml();
let dependencies = resolved
.flat_map(|t| t.values())
.flat_map(|t| {
for dep_table in dependencies {
for dep in dep_table.values() {
let cargo_util_schemas::manifest::InheritableDependency::Value(dep) = dep else {
let cargo_util_schemas::manifest::TomlDependency::Detailed(dep) = dep else {
let Some(path) = dep.path.as_ref() else {
fn walk(path: &Path, callback: &mut dyn FnMut(&Path) -> CargoResult<bool>) -> CargoResult<()> {
if !callback(path)? {
trace!("not processing {}", path.display());
return Ok(());
// Ignore any permission denied errors because temporary directories
// can often have some weird permissions on them.
let dirs = match fs::read_dir(path) {
Ok(dirs) => dirs,
Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => return Ok(()),
Err(e) => {
let cx = format!("failed to read directory `{}`", path.display());
let e = anyhow::Error::from(e);
return Err(e.context(cx));
let mut dirs = dirs.collect::<Vec<_>>();
dirs.sort_unstable_by_key(|d| d.as_ref().ok().map(|d| d.file_name()));
for dir in dirs {
let dir = dir?;
if dir.file_type()?.is_dir() {
walk(&dir.path(), callback)?;
fn has_manifest(path: &Path) -> bool {
find_project_manifest_exact(path, "Cargo.toml").is_ok()
fn read_nested_packages(
path: &Path,
all_packages: &mut HashMap<PackageId, Vec<Package>>,
source_id: SourceId,
gctx: &GlobalContext,
visited: &mut HashSet<PathBuf>,
errors: &mut Vec<anyhow::Error>,
) -> CargoResult<()> {
if !visited.insert(path.to_path_buf()) {
return Ok(());
let manifest_path = find_project_manifest_exact(path, "Cargo.toml")?;
let manifest = match read_manifest(&manifest_path, source_id, gctx) {
Err(err) => {
// Ignore malformed manifests found on git repositories
// git source try to find and read all manifests from the repository
// but since it's not possible to exclude folders from this search
// it's safer to ignore malformed manifests to avoid
// TODO: Add a way to exclude folders?
"skipping malformed package found at `{}`",
return Ok(());
Ok(tuple) => tuple,
let manifest = match manifest {
EitherManifest::Real(manifest) => manifest,
EitherManifest::Virtual(..) => return Ok(()),
let nested = nested_paths(&manifest);
let pkg = Package::new(manifest, &manifest_path);
let pkg_id = pkg.package_id();
// Registry sources are not allowed to have `path=` dependencies because
// they're all translated to actual registry dependencies.
// We normalize the path here ensure that we don't infinitely walk around
// looking for crates. By normalizing we ensure that we visit this crate at
// most once.
// TODO: filesystem/symlink implications?
if !source_id.is_registry() {
for p in nested.iter() {
let path = paths::normalize_path(&path.join(p));
let result =
read_nested_packages(&path, all_packages, source_id, gctx, visited, errors);
// Ignore broken manifests found on git repositories.
// A well formed manifest might still fail to load due to reasons
// like referring to a "path" that requires an extra build step.
// See
if let Err(err) = result {
if source_id.is_git() {
"skipping nested package found at `{}`: {:?}",
} else {
return Err(err);