blob: 277f530ee25fc1b6e0be1ec1eae87bee5dc583c3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//===- LoopInterchange.cpp - Loop interchange pass-------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This Pass handles loop interchange transform.
// This pass interchanges loops to provide a more cache-friendly memory access
// patterns.
#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/LoopInterchange.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/DependenceAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/LoopCacheAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/LoopInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/LoopNestAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/LoopPass.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/OptimizationRemarkEmitter.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ScalarEvolution.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ScalarEvolutionExpressions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DiagnosticInfo.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Dominators.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/InstrTypes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/User.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/LoopPassManager.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/BasicBlockUtils.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/LoopUtils.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
using namespace llvm;
#define DEBUG_TYPE "loop-interchange"
STATISTIC(LoopsInterchanged, "Number of loops interchanged");
static cl::opt<int> LoopInterchangeCostThreshold(
"loop-interchange-threshold", cl::init(0), cl::Hidden,
cl::desc("Interchange if you gain more than this number"));
namespace {
using LoopVector = SmallVector<Loop *, 8>;
// TODO: Check if we can use a sparse matrix here.
using CharMatrix = std::vector<std::vector<char>>;
} // end anonymous namespace
// Maximum number of dependencies that can be handled in the dependency matrix.
static const unsigned MaxMemInstrCount = 100;
// Maximum loop depth supported.
static const unsigned MaxLoopNestDepth = 10;
static void printDepMatrix(CharMatrix &DepMatrix) {
for (auto &Row : DepMatrix) {
for (auto D : Row)
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << D << " ");
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\n");
static bool populateDependencyMatrix(CharMatrix &DepMatrix, unsigned Level,
Loop *L, DependenceInfo *DI,
ScalarEvolution *SE) {
using ValueVector = SmallVector<Value *, 16>;
ValueVector MemInstr;
// For each block.
for (BasicBlock *BB : L->blocks()) {
// Scan the BB and collect legal loads and stores.
for (Instruction &I : *BB) {
if (!isa<Instruction>(I))
return false;
if (auto *Ld = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(&I)) {
if (!Ld->isSimple())
return false;
} else if (auto *St = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(&I)) {
if (!St->isSimple())
return false;
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Found " << MemInstr.size()
<< " Loads and Stores to analyze\n");
ValueVector::iterator I, IE, J, JE;
for (I = MemInstr.begin(), IE = MemInstr.end(); I != IE; ++I) {
for (J = I, JE = MemInstr.end(); J != JE; ++J) {
std::vector<char> Dep;
Instruction *Src = cast<Instruction>(*I);
Instruction *Dst = cast<Instruction>(*J);
// Ignore Input dependencies.
if (isa<LoadInst>(Src) && isa<LoadInst>(Dst))
// Track Output, Flow, and Anti dependencies.
if (auto D = DI->depends(Src, Dst, true)) {
assert(D->isOrdered() && "Expected an output, flow or anti dep.");
// If the direction vector is negative, normalize it to
// make it non-negative.
if (D->normalize(SE))
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Negative dependence vector normalized.\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(StringRef DepType =
D->isFlow() ? "flow" : D->isAnti() ? "anti" : "output";
dbgs() << "Found " << DepType
<< " dependency between Src and Dst\n"
<< " Src:" << *Src << "\n Dst:" << *Dst << '\n');
unsigned Levels = D->getLevels();
char Direction;
for (unsigned II = 1; II <= Levels; ++II) {
if (D->isScalar(II)) {
Direction = 'S';
} else {
unsigned Dir = D->getDirection(II);
if (Dir == Dependence::DVEntry::LT ||
Dir == Dependence::DVEntry::LE)
Direction = '<';
else if (Dir == Dependence::DVEntry::GT ||
Dir == Dependence::DVEntry::GE)
Direction = '>';
else if (Dir == Dependence::DVEntry::EQ)
Direction = '=';
Direction = '*';
while (Dep.size() != Level) {
if (DepMatrix.size() > MaxMemInstrCount) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Cannot handle more than " << MaxMemInstrCount
<< " dependencies inside loop\n");
return false;
return true;
// A loop is moved from index 'from' to an index 'to'. Update the Dependence
// matrix by exchanging the two columns.
static void interChangeDependencies(CharMatrix &DepMatrix, unsigned FromIndx,
unsigned ToIndx) {
for (unsigned I = 0, E = DepMatrix.size(); I < E; ++I)
std::swap(DepMatrix[I][ToIndx], DepMatrix[I][FromIndx]);
// After interchanging, check if the direction vector is valid.
// [Theorem] A permutation of the loops in a perfect nest is legal if and only
// if the direction matrix, after the same permutation is applied to its
// columns, has no ">" direction as the leftmost non-"=" direction in any row.
static bool isLexicographicallyPositive(std::vector<char> &DV) {
for (unsigned char Direction : DV) {
if (Direction == '<')
return true;
if (Direction == '>' || Direction == '*')
return false;
return true;
// Checks if it is legal to interchange 2 loops.
static bool isLegalToInterChangeLoops(CharMatrix &DepMatrix,
unsigned InnerLoopId,
unsigned OuterLoopId) {
unsigned NumRows = DepMatrix.size();
std::vector<char> Cur;
// For each row check if it is valid to interchange.
for (unsigned Row = 0; Row < NumRows; ++Row) {
// Create temporary DepVector check its lexicographical order
// before and after swapping OuterLoop vs InnerLoop
Cur = DepMatrix[Row];
if (!isLexicographicallyPositive(Cur))
return false;
std::swap(Cur[InnerLoopId], Cur[OuterLoopId]);
if (!isLexicographicallyPositive(Cur))
return false;
return true;
static void populateWorklist(Loop &L, LoopVector &LoopList) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Calling populateWorklist on Func: "
<< L.getHeader()->getParent()->getName() << " Loop: %"
<< L.getHeader()->getName() << '\n');
assert(LoopList.empty() && "LoopList should initially be empty!");
Loop *CurrentLoop = &L;
const std::vector<Loop *> *Vec = &CurrentLoop->getSubLoops();
while (!Vec->empty()) {
// The current loop has multiple subloops in it hence it is not tightly
// nested.
// Discard all loops above it added into Worklist.
if (Vec->size() != 1) {
LoopList = {};
CurrentLoop = Vec->front();
Vec = &CurrentLoop->getSubLoops();
namespace {
/// LoopInterchangeLegality checks if it is legal to interchange the loop.
class LoopInterchangeLegality {
LoopInterchangeLegality(Loop *Outer, Loop *Inner, ScalarEvolution *SE,
OptimizationRemarkEmitter *ORE)
: OuterLoop(Outer), InnerLoop(Inner), SE(SE), ORE(ORE) {}
/// Check if the loops can be interchanged.
bool canInterchangeLoops(unsigned InnerLoopId, unsigned OuterLoopId,
CharMatrix &DepMatrix);
/// Discover induction PHIs in the header of \p L. Induction
/// PHIs are added to \p Inductions.
bool findInductions(Loop *L, SmallVectorImpl<PHINode *> &Inductions);
/// Check if the loop structure is understood. We do not handle triangular
/// loops for now.
bool isLoopStructureUnderstood();
bool currentLimitations();
const SmallPtrSetImpl<PHINode *> &getOuterInnerReductions() const {
return OuterInnerReductions;
const SmallVectorImpl<PHINode *> &getInnerLoopInductions() const {
return InnerLoopInductions;
bool tightlyNested(Loop *Outer, Loop *Inner);
bool containsUnsafeInstructions(BasicBlock *BB);
/// Discover induction and reduction PHIs in the header of \p L. Induction
/// PHIs are added to \p Inductions, reductions are added to
/// OuterInnerReductions. When the outer loop is passed, the inner loop needs
/// to be passed as \p InnerLoop.
bool findInductionAndReductions(Loop *L,
SmallVector<PHINode *, 8> &Inductions,
Loop *InnerLoop);
Loop *OuterLoop;
Loop *InnerLoop;
ScalarEvolution *SE;
/// Interface to emit optimization remarks.
OptimizationRemarkEmitter *ORE;
/// Set of reduction PHIs taking part of a reduction across the inner and
/// outer loop.
SmallPtrSet<PHINode *, 4> OuterInnerReductions;
/// Set of inner loop induction PHIs
SmallVector<PHINode *, 8> InnerLoopInductions;
/// LoopInterchangeProfitability checks if it is profitable to interchange the
/// loop.
class LoopInterchangeProfitability {
LoopInterchangeProfitability(Loop *Outer, Loop *Inner, ScalarEvolution *SE,
OptimizationRemarkEmitter *ORE)
: OuterLoop(Outer), InnerLoop(Inner), SE(SE), ORE(ORE) {}
/// Check if the loop interchange is profitable.
bool isProfitable(const Loop *InnerLoop, const Loop *OuterLoop,
unsigned InnerLoopId, unsigned OuterLoopId,
CharMatrix &DepMatrix,
const DenseMap<const Loop *, unsigned> &CostMap,
std::unique_ptr<CacheCost> &CC);
int getInstrOrderCost();
std::optional<bool> isProfitablePerLoopCacheAnalysis(
const DenseMap<const Loop *, unsigned> &CostMap,
std::unique_ptr<CacheCost> &CC);
std::optional<bool> isProfitablePerInstrOrderCost();
std::optional<bool> isProfitableForVectorization(unsigned InnerLoopId,
unsigned OuterLoopId,
CharMatrix &DepMatrix);
Loop *OuterLoop;
Loop *InnerLoop;
/// Scev analysis.
ScalarEvolution *SE;
/// Interface to emit optimization remarks.
OptimizationRemarkEmitter *ORE;
/// LoopInterchangeTransform interchanges the loop.
class LoopInterchangeTransform {
LoopInterchangeTransform(Loop *Outer, Loop *Inner, ScalarEvolution *SE,
LoopInfo *LI, DominatorTree *DT,
const LoopInterchangeLegality &LIL)
: OuterLoop(Outer), InnerLoop(Inner), SE(SE), LI(LI), DT(DT), LIL(LIL) {}
/// Interchange OuterLoop and InnerLoop.
bool transform();
void restructureLoops(Loop *NewInner, Loop *NewOuter,
BasicBlock *OrigInnerPreHeader,
BasicBlock *OrigOuterPreHeader);
void removeChildLoop(Loop *OuterLoop, Loop *InnerLoop);
bool adjustLoopLinks();
bool adjustLoopBranches();
Loop *OuterLoop;
Loop *InnerLoop;
/// Scev analysis.
ScalarEvolution *SE;
LoopInfo *LI;
DominatorTree *DT;
const LoopInterchangeLegality &LIL;
struct LoopInterchange {
ScalarEvolution *SE = nullptr;
LoopInfo *LI = nullptr;
DependenceInfo *DI = nullptr;
DominatorTree *DT = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<CacheCost> CC = nullptr;
/// Interface to emit optimization remarks.
OptimizationRemarkEmitter *ORE;
LoopInterchange(ScalarEvolution *SE, LoopInfo *LI, DependenceInfo *DI,
DominatorTree *DT, std::unique_ptr<CacheCost> &CC,
OptimizationRemarkEmitter *ORE)
: SE(SE), LI(LI), DI(DI), DT(DT), CC(std::move(CC)), ORE(ORE) {}
bool run(Loop *L) {
if (L->getParentLoop())
return false;
SmallVector<Loop *, 8> LoopList;
populateWorklist(*L, LoopList);
return processLoopList(LoopList);
bool run(LoopNest &LN) {
SmallVector<Loop *, 8> LoopList(LN.getLoops().begin(), LN.getLoops().end());
for (unsigned I = 1; I < LoopList.size(); ++I)
if (LoopList[I]->getParentLoop() != LoopList[I - 1])
return false;
return processLoopList(LoopList);
bool isComputableLoopNest(ArrayRef<Loop *> LoopList) {
for (Loop *L : LoopList) {
const SCEV *ExitCountOuter = SE->getBackedgeTakenCount(L);
if (isa<SCEVCouldNotCompute>(ExitCountOuter)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Couldn't compute backedge count\n");
return false;
if (L->getNumBackEdges() != 1) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "NumBackEdges is not equal to 1\n");
return false;
if (!L->getExitingBlock()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Loop doesn't have unique exit block\n");
return false;
return true;
unsigned selectLoopForInterchange(ArrayRef<Loop *> LoopList) {
// TODO: Add a better heuristic to select the loop to be interchanged based
// on the dependence matrix. Currently we select the innermost loop.
return LoopList.size() - 1;
bool processLoopList(SmallVectorImpl<Loop *> &LoopList) {
bool Changed = false;
unsigned LoopNestDepth = LoopList.size();
if (LoopNestDepth < 2) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Loop doesn't contain minimum nesting level.\n");
return false;
if (LoopNestDepth > MaxLoopNestDepth) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Cannot handle loops of depth greater than "
<< MaxLoopNestDepth << "\n");
return false;
if (!isComputableLoopNest(LoopList)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Not valid loop candidate for interchange\n");
return false;
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Processing LoopList of size = " << LoopNestDepth
<< "\n");
CharMatrix DependencyMatrix;
Loop *OuterMostLoop = *(LoopList.begin());
if (!populateDependencyMatrix(DependencyMatrix, LoopNestDepth,
OuterMostLoop, DI, SE)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Populating dependency matrix failed\n");
return false;
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Dependence before interchange\n");
// Get the Outermost loop exit.
BasicBlock *LoopNestExit = OuterMostLoop->getExitBlock();
if (!LoopNestExit) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "OuterMostLoop needs an unique exit block");
return false;
unsigned SelecLoopId = selectLoopForInterchange(LoopList);
// Obtain the loop vector returned from loop cache analysis beforehand,
// and put each <Loop, index> pair into a map for constant time query
// later. Indices in loop vector reprsent the optimal order of the
// corresponding loop, e.g., given a loopnest with depth N, index 0
// indicates the loop should be placed as the outermost loop and index N
// indicates the loop should be placed as the innermost loop.
// For the old pass manager CacheCost would be null.
DenseMap<const Loop *, unsigned> CostMap;
if (CC != nullptr) {
const auto &LoopCosts = CC->getLoopCosts();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < LoopCosts.size(); i++) {
CostMap[LoopCosts[i].first] = i;
// We try to achieve the globally optimal memory access for the loopnest,
// and do interchange based on a bubble-sort fasion. We start from
// the innermost loop, move it outwards to the best possible position
// and repeat this process.
for (unsigned j = SelecLoopId; j > 0; j--) {
bool ChangedPerIter = false;
for (unsigned i = SelecLoopId; i > SelecLoopId - j; i--) {
bool Interchanged = processLoop(LoopList[i], LoopList[i - 1], i, i - 1,
DependencyMatrix, CostMap);
if (!Interchanged)
// Loops interchanged, update LoopList accordingly.
std::swap(LoopList[i - 1], LoopList[i]);
// Update the DependencyMatrix
interChangeDependencies(DependencyMatrix, i, i - 1);
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Dependence after interchange\n");
ChangedPerIter |= Interchanged;
Changed |= Interchanged;
// Early abort if there was no interchange during an entire round of
// moving loops outwards.
if (!ChangedPerIter)
return Changed;
bool processLoop(Loop *InnerLoop, Loop *OuterLoop, unsigned InnerLoopId,
unsigned OuterLoopId,
std::vector<std::vector<char>> &DependencyMatrix,
const DenseMap<const Loop *, unsigned> &CostMap) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Processing InnerLoopId = " << InnerLoopId
<< " and OuterLoopId = " << OuterLoopId << "\n");
LoopInterchangeLegality LIL(OuterLoop, InnerLoop, SE, ORE);
if (!LIL.canInterchangeLoops(InnerLoopId, OuterLoopId, DependencyMatrix)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Not interchanging loops. Cannot prove legality.\n");
return false;
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Loops are legal to interchange\n");
LoopInterchangeProfitability LIP(OuterLoop, InnerLoop, SE, ORE);
if (!LIP.isProfitable(InnerLoop, OuterLoop, InnerLoopId, OuterLoopId,
DependencyMatrix, CostMap, CC)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Interchanging loops not profitable.\n");
return false;
ORE->emit([&]() {
return OptimizationRemark(DEBUG_TYPE, "Interchanged",
<< "Loop interchanged with enclosing loop.";
LoopInterchangeTransform LIT(OuterLoop, InnerLoop, SE, LI, DT, LIL);
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Loops interchanged.\n");
llvm::formLCSSARecursively(*OuterLoop, *DT, LI, SE);
return true;
} // end anonymous namespace
bool LoopInterchangeLegality::containsUnsafeInstructions(BasicBlock *BB) {
return any_of(*BB, [](const Instruction &I) {
return I.mayHaveSideEffects() || I.mayReadFromMemory();
bool LoopInterchangeLegality::tightlyNested(Loop *OuterLoop, Loop *InnerLoop) {
BasicBlock *OuterLoopHeader = OuterLoop->getHeader();
BasicBlock *InnerLoopPreHeader = InnerLoop->getLoopPreheader();
BasicBlock *OuterLoopLatch = OuterLoop->getLoopLatch();
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Checking if loops are tightly nested\n");
// A perfectly nested loop will not have any branch in between the outer and
// inner block i.e. outer header will branch to either inner preheader and
// outerloop latch.
BranchInst *OuterLoopHeaderBI =
if (!OuterLoopHeaderBI)
return false;
for (BasicBlock *Succ : successors(OuterLoopHeaderBI))
if (Succ != InnerLoopPreHeader && Succ != InnerLoop->getHeader() &&
Succ != OuterLoopLatch)
return false;
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Checking instructions in Loop header and Loop latch\n");
// We do not have any basic block in between now make sure the outer header
// and outer loop latch doesn't contain any unsafe instructions.
if (containsUnsafeInstructions(OuterLoopHeader) ||
return false;
// Also make sure the inner loop preheader does not contain any unsafe
// instructions. Note that all instructions in the preheader will be moved to
// the outer loop header when interchanging.
if (InnerLoopPreHeader != OuterLoopHeader &&
return false;
BasicBlock *InnerLoopExit = InnerLoop->getExitBlock();
// Ensure the inner loop exit block flows to the outer loop latch possibly
// through empty blocks.
const BasicBlock &SuccInner =
LoopNest::skipEmptyBlockUntil(InnerLoopExit, OuterLoopLatch);
if (&SuccInner != OuterLoopLatch) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Inner loop exit block " << *InnerLoopExit
<< " does not lead to the outer loop latch.\n";);
return false;
// The inner loop exit block does flow to the outer loop latch and not some
// other BBs, now make sure it contains safe instructions, since it will be
// moved into the (new) inner loop after interchange.
if (containsUnsafeInstructions(InnerLoopExit))
return false;
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Loops are perfectly nested\n");
// We have a perfect loop nest.
return true;
bool LoopInterchangeLegality::isLoopStructureUnderstood() {
BasicBlock *InnerLoopPreheader = InnerLoop->getLoopPreheader();
for (PHINode *InnerInduction : InnerLoopInductions) {
unsigned Num = InnerInduction->getNumOperands();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Num; ++i) {
Value *Val = InnerInduction->getOperand(i);
if (isa<Constant>(Val))
Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Val);
if (!I)
return false;
// TODO: Handle triangular loops.
// e.g. for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
// for(int j=i;j<N;j++)
unsigned IncomBlockIndx = PHINode::getIncomingValueNumForOperand(i);
if (InnerInduction->getIncomingBlock(IncomBlockIndx) ==
InnerLoopPreheader &&
!OuterLoop->isLoopInvariant(I)) {
return false;
// TODO: Handle triangular loops of another form.
// e.g. for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
// for(int j=0;j<i;j++)
// or,
// for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
// for(int j=0;j*i<N;j++)
BasicBlock *InnerLoopLatch = InnerLoop->getLoopLatch();
BranchInst *InnerLoopLatchBI =
if (!InnerLoopLatchBI->isConditional())
return false;
if (CmpInst *InnerLoopCmp =
dyn_cast<CmpInst>(InnerLoopLatchBI->getCondition())) {
Value *Op0 = InnerLoopCmp->getOperand(0);
Value *Op1 = InnerLoopCmp->getOperand(1);
// LHS and RHS of the inner loop exit condition, e.g.,
// in "for(int j=0;j<i;j++)", LHS is j and RHS is i.
Value *Left = nullptr;
Value *Right = nullptr;
// Check if V only involves inner loop induction variable.
// Return true if V is InnerInduction, or a cast from
// InnerInduction, or a binary operator that involves
// InnerInduction and a constant.
std::function<bool(Value *)> IsPathToInnerIndVar;
IsPathToInnerIndVar = [this, &IsPathToInnerIndVar](const Value *V) -> bool {
if (llvm::is_contained(InnerLoopInductions, V))
return true;
if (isa<Constant>(V))
return true;
const Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V);
if (!I)
return false;
if (isa<CastInst>(I))
return IsPathToInnerIndVar(I->getOperand(0));
if (isa<BinaryOperator>(I))
return IsPathToInnerIndVar(I->getOperand(0)) &&
return false;
// In case of multiple inner loop indvars, it is okay if LHS and RHS
// are both inner indvar related variables.
if (IsPathToInnerIndVar(Op0) && IsPathToInnerIndVar(Op1))
return true;
// Otherwise we check if the cmp instruction compares an inner indvar
// related variable (Left) with a outer loop invariant (Right).
if (IsPathToInnerIndVar(Op0) && !isa<Constant>(Op0)) {
Left = Op0;
Right = Op1;
} else if (IsPathToInnerIndVar(Op1) && !isa<Constant>(Op1)) {
Left = Op1;
Right = Op0;
if (Left == nullptr)
return false;
const SCEV *S = SE->getSCEV(Right);
if (!SE->isLoopInvariant(S, OuterLoop))
return false;
return true;
// If SV is a LCSSA PHI node with a single incoming value, return the incoming
// value.
static Value *followLCSSA(Value *SV) {
PHINode *PHI = dyn_cast<PHINode>(SV);
if (!PHI)
return SV;
if (PHI->getNumIncomingValues() != 1)
return SV;
return followLCSSA(PHI->getIncomingValue(0));
// Check V's users to see if it is involved in a reduction in L.
static PHINode *findInnerReductionPhi(Loop *L, Value *V) {
// Reduction variables cannot be constants.
if (isa<Constant>(V))
return nullptr;
for (Value *User : V->users()) {
if (PHINode *PHI = dyn_cast<PHINode>(User)) {
if (PHI->getNumIncomingValues() == 1)
RecurrenceDescriptor RD;
if (RecurrenceDescriptor::isReductionPHI(PHI, L, RD)) {
// Detect floating point reduction only when it can be reordered.
if (RD.getExactFPMathInst() != nullptr)
return nullptr;
return PHI;
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
bool LoopInterchangeLegality::findInductionAndReductions(
Loop *L, SmallVector<PHINode *, 8> &Inductions, Loop *InnerLoop) {
if (!L->getLoopLatch() || !L->getLoopPredecessor())
return false;
for (PHINode &PHI : L->getHeader()->phis()) {
InductionDescriptor ID;
if (InductionDescriptor::isInductionPHI(&PHI, L, SE, ID))
else {
// PHIs in inner loops need to be part of a reduction in the outer loop,
// discovered when checking the PHIs of the outer loop earlier.
if (!InnerLoop) {
if (!OuterInnerReductions.count(&PHI)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Inner loop PHI is not part of reductions "
"across the outer loop.\n");
return false;
} else {
assert(PHI.getNumIncomingValues() == 2 &&
"Phis in loop header should have exactly 2 incoming values");
// Check if we have a PHI node in the outer loop that has a reduction
// result from the inner loop as an incoming value.
Value *V = followLCSSA(PHI.getIncomingValueForBlock(L->getLoopLatch()));
PHINode *InnerRedPhi = findInnerReductionPhi(InnerLoop, V);
if (!InnerRedPhi ||
!llvm::is_contained(InnerRedPhi->incoming_values(), &PHI)) {
<< "Failed to recognize PHI as an induction or reduction.\n");
return false;
return true;
// This function indicates the current limitations in the transform as a result
// of which we do not proceed.
bool LoopInterchangeLegality::currentLimitations() {
BasicBlock *InnerLoopLatch = InnerLoop->getLoopLatch();
// transform currently expects the loop latches to also be the exiting
// blocks.
if (InnerLoop->getExitingBlock() != InnerLoopLatch ||
OuterLoop->getExitingBlock() != OuterLoop->getLoopLatch() ||
!isa<BranchInst>(InnerLoopLatch->getTerminator()) ||
!isa<BranchInst>(OuterLoop->getLoopLatch()->getTerminator())) {
dbgs() << "Loops where the latch is not the exiting block are not"
<< " supported currently.\n");
ORE->emit([&]() {
return OptimizationRemarkMissed(DEBUG_TYPE, "ExitingNotLatch",
<< "Loops where the latch is not the exiting block cannot be"
" interchange currently.";
return true;
SmallVector<PHINode *, 8> Inductions;
if (!findInductionAndReductions(OuterLoop, Inductions, InnerLoop)) {
dbgs() << "Only outer loops with induction or reduction PHI nodes "
<< "are supported currently.\n");
ORE->emit([&]() {
return OptimizationRemarkMissed(DEBUG_TYPE, "UnsupportedPHIOuter",
<< "Only outer loops with induction or reduction PHI nodes can be"
" interchanged currently.";
return true;
// For multi-level loop nests, make sure that all phi nodes for inner loops
// at all levels can be recognized as a induction or reduction phi. Bail out
// if a phi node at a certain nesting level cannot be properly recognized.
Loop *CurLevelLoop = OuterLoop;
while (!CurLevelLoop->getSubLoops().empty()) {
// We already made sure that the loop nest is tightly nested.
CurLevelLoop = CurLevelLoop->getSubLoops().front();
if (!findInductionAndReductions(CurLevelLoop, Inductions, nullptr)) {
dbgs() << "Only inner loops with induction or reduction PHI nodes "
<< "are supported currently.\n");
ORE->emit([&]() {
return OptimizationRemarkMissed(DEBUG_TYPE, "UnsupportedPHIInner",
<< "Only inner loops with induction or reduction PHI nodes can be"
" interchange currently.";
return true;
// TODO: Triangular loops are not handled for now.
if (!isLoopStructureUnderstood()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Loop structure not understood by pass\n");
ORE->emit([&]() {
return OptimizationRemarkMissed(DEBUG_TYPE, "UnsupportedStructureInner",
<< "Inner loop structure not understood currently.";
return true;
return false;
bool LoopInterchangeLegality::findInductions(
Loop *L, SmallVectorImpl<PHINode *> &Inductions) {
for (PHINode &PHI : L->getHeader()->phis()) {
InductionDescriptor ID;
if (InductionDescriptor::isInductionPHI(&PHI, L, SE, ID))
return !Inductions.empty();
// We currently only support LCSSA PHI nodes in the inner loop exit, if their
// users are either reduction PHIs or PHIs outside the outer loop (which means
// the we are only interested in the final value after the loop).
static bool
areInnerLoopExitPHIsSupported(Loop *InnerL, Loop *OuterL,
SmallPtrSetImpl<PHINode *> &Reductions) {
BasicBlock *InnerExit = OuterL->getUniqueExitBlock();
for (PHINode &PHI : InnerExit->phis()) {
// Reduction lcssa phi will have only 1 incoming block that from loop latch.
if (PHI.getNumIncomingValues() > 1)
return false;
if (any_of(PHI.users(), [&Reductions, OuterL](User *U) {
PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(U);
return !PN ||
(!Reductions.count(PN) && OuterL->contains(PN->getParent()));
})) {
return false;
return true;
// We currently support LCSSA PHI nodes in the outer loop exit, if their
// incoming values do not come from the outer loop latch or if the
// outer loop latch has a single predecessor. In that case, the value will
// be available if both the inner and outer loop conditions are true, which
// will still be true after interchanging. If we have multiple predecessor,
// that may not be the case, e.g. because the outer loop latch may be executed
// if the inner loop is not executed.
static bool areOuterLoopExitPHIsSupported(Loop *OuterLoop, Loop *InnerLoop) {
BasicBlock *LoopNestExit = OuterLoop->getUniqueExitBlock();
for (PHINode &PHI : LoopNestExit->phis()) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < PHI.getNumIncomingValues(); i++) {
Instruction *IncomingI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(PHI.getIncomingValue(i));
if (!IncomingI || IncomingI->getParent() != OuterLoop->getLoopLatch())
// The incoming value is defined in the outer loop latch. Currently we
// only support that in case the outer loop latch has a single predecessor.
// This guarantees that the outer loop latch is executed if and only if
// the inner loop is executed (because tightlyNested() guarantees that the
// outer loop header only branches to the inner loop or the outer loop
// latch).
// FIXME: We could weaken this logic and allow multiple predecessors,
// if the values are produced outside the loop latch. We would need
// additional logic to update the PHI nodes in the exit block as
// well.
if (OuterLoop->getLoopLatch()->getUniquePredecessor() == nullptr)
return false;
return true;
// In case of multi-level nested loops, it may occur that lcssa phis exist in
// the latch of InnerLoop, i.e., when defs of the incoming values are further
// inside the loopnest. Sometimes those incoming values are not available
// after interchange, since the original inner latch will become the new outer
// latch which may have predecessor paths that do not include those incoming
// values.
// TODO: Handle transformation of lcssa phis in the InnerLoop latch in case of
// multi-level loop nests.
static bool areInnerLoopLatchPHIsSupported(Loop *OuterLoop, Loop *InnerLoop) {
if (InnerLoop->getSubLoops().empty())
return true;
// If the original outer latch has only one predecessor, then values defined
// further inside the looploop, e.g., in the innermost loop, will be available
// at the new outer latch after interchange.
if (OuterLoop->getLoopLatch()->getUniquePredecessor() != nullptr)
return true;
// The outer latch has more than one predecessors, i.e., the inner
// exit and the inner header.
// PHI nodes in the inner latch are lcssa phis where the incoming values
// are defined further inside the loopnest. Check if those phis are used
// in the original inner latch. If that is the case then bail out since
// those incoming values may not be available at the new outer latch.
BasicBlock *InnerLoopLatch = InnerLoop->getLoopLatch();
for (PHINode &PHI : InnerLoopLatch->phis()) {
for (auto *U : PHI.users()) {
Instruction *UI = cast<Instruction>(U);
if (InnerLoopLatch == UI->getParent())
return false;
return true;
bool LoopInterchangeLegality::canInterchangeLoops(unsigned InnerLoopId,
unsigned OuterLoopId,
CharMatrix &DepMatrix) {
if (!isLegalToInterChangeLoops(DepMatrix, InnerLoopId, OuterLoopId)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Failed interchange InnerLoopId = " << InnerLoopId
<< " and OuterLoopId = " << OuterLoopId
<< " due to dependence\n");
ORE->emit([&]() {
return OptimizationRemarkMissed(DEBUG_TYPE, "Dependence",
<< "Cannot interchange loops due to dependences.";
return false;
// Check if outer and inner loop contain legal instructions only.
for (auto *BB : OuterLoop->blocks())
for (Instruction &I : BB->instructionsWithoutDebug())
if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&I)) {
// readnone functions do not prevent interchanging.
if (CI->onlyWritesMemory())
dbgs() << "Loops with call instructions cannot be interchanged "
<< "safely.");
ORE->emit([&]() {
return OptimizationRemarkMissed(DEBUG_TYPE, "CallInst",
<< "Cannot interchange loops due to call instruction.";
return false;
if (!findInductions(InnerLoop, InnerLoopInductions)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Cound not find inner loop induction variables.\n");
return false;
if (!areInnerLoopLatchPHIsSupported(OuterLoop, InnerLoop)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Found unsupported PHI nodes in inner loop latch.\n");
ORE->emit([&]() {
return OptimizationRemarkMissed(DEBUG_TYPE, "UnsupportedInnerLatchPHI",
<< "Cannot interchange loops because unsupported PHI nodes found "
"in inner loop latch.";
return false;
// TODO: The loops could not be interchanged due to current limitations in the
// transform module.
if (currentLimitations()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Not legal because of current transform limitation\n");
return false;
// Check if the loops are tightly nested.
if (!tightlyNested(OuterLoop, InnerLoop)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Loops not tightly nested\n");
ORE->emit([&]() {
return OptimizationRemarkMissed(DEBUG_TYPE, "NotTightlyNested",
<< "Cannot interchange loops because they are not tightly "
return false;
if (!areInnerLoopExitPHIsSupported(OuterLoop, InnerLoop,
OuterInnerReductions)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Found unsupported PHI nodes in inner loop exit.\n");
ORE->emit([&]() {
return OptimizationRemarkMissed(DEBUG_TYPE, "UnsupportedExitPHI",
<< "Found unsupported PHI node in loop exit.";
return false;
if (!areOuterLoopExitPHIsSupported(OuterLoop, InnerLoop)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Found unsupported PHI nodes in outer loop exit.\n");
ORE->emit([&]() {
return OptimizationRemarkMissed(DEBUG_TYPE, "UnsupportedExitPHI",
<< "Found unsupported PHI node in loop exit.";
return false;
return true;
int LoopInterchangeProfitability::getInstrOrderCost() {
unsigned GoodOrder, BadOrder;
BadOrder = GoodOrder = 0;
for (BasicBlock *BB : InnerLoop->blocks()) {
for (Instruction &Ins : *BB) {
if (const GetElementPtrInst *GEP = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(&Ins)) {
unsigned NumOp = GEP->getNumOperands();
bool FoundInnerInduction = false;
bool FoundOuterInduction = false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumOp; ++i) {
// Skip operands that are not SCEV-able.
if (!SE->isSCEVable(GEP->getOperand(i)->getType()))
const SCEV *OperandVal = SE->getSCEV(GEP->getOperand(i));
const SCEVAddRecExpr *AR = dyn_cast<SCEVAddRecExpr>(OperandVal);
if (!AR)
// If we find the inner induction after an outer induction e.g.
// for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
// for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
// A[i][j] = A[i-1][j-1]+k;
// then it is a good order.
if (AR->getLoop() == InnerLoop) {
// We found an InnerLoop induction after OuterLoop induction. It is
// a good order.
FoundInnerInduction = true;
if (FoundOuterInduction) {
// If we find the outer induction after an inner induction e.g.
// for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
// for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
// A[j][i] = A[j-1][i-1]+k;
// then it is a bad order.
if (AR->getLoop() == OuterLoop) {
// We found an OuterLoop induction after InnerLoop induction. It is
// a bad order.
FoundOuterInduction = true;
if (FoundInnerInduction) {
return GoodOrder - BadOrder;
const DenseMap<const Loop *, unsigned> &CostMap,
std::unique_ptr<CacheCost> &CC) {
// This is the new cost model returned from loop cache analysis.
// A smaller index means the loop should be placed an outer loop, and vice
// versa.
if (CostMap.contains(InnerLoop) && CostMap.contains(OuterLoop)) {
unsigned InnerIndex = 0, OuterIndex = 0;
InnerIndex = CostMap.find(InnerLoop)->second;
OuterIndex = CostMap.find(OuterLoop)->second;
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "InnerIndex = " << InnerIndex
<< ", OuterIndex = " << OuterIndex << "\n");
if (InnerIndex < OuterIndex)
return std::optional<bool>(true);
assert(InnerIndex != OuterIndex && "CostMap should assign unique "
"numbers to each loop");
if (CC->getLoopCost(*OuterLoop) == CC->getLoopCost(*InnerLoop))
return std::nullopt;
return std::optional<bool>(false);
return std::nullopt;
LoopInterchangeProfitability::isProfitablePerInstrOrderCost() {
// Legacy cost model: this is rough cost estimation algorithm. It counts the
// good and bad order of induction variables in the instruction and allows
// reordering if number of bad orders is more than good.
int Cost = getInstrOrderCost();
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Cost = " << Cost << "\n");
if (Cost < 0 && Cost < LoopInterchangeCostThreshold)
return std::optional<bool>(true);
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<bool> LoopInterchangeProfitability::isProfitableForVectorization(
unsigned InnerLoopId, unsigned OuterLoopId, CharMatrix &DepMatrix) {
for (auto &Row : DepMatrix) {
// If the inner loop is loop independent or doesn't carry any dependency
// it is not profitable to move this to outer position, since we are
// likely able to do inner loop vectorization already.
if (Row[InnerLoopId] == 'I' || Row[InnerLoopId] == '=')
return std::optional<bool>(false);
// If the outer loop is not loop independent it is not profitable to move
// this to inner position, since doing so would not enable inner loop
// parallelism.
if (Row[OuterLoopId] != 'I' && Row[OuterLoopId] != '=')
return std::optional<bool>(false);
// If inner loop has dependence and outer loop is loop independent then it
// is/ profitable to interchange to enable inner loop parallelism.
// If there are no dependences, interchanging will not improve anything.
return std::optional<bool>(!DepMatrix.empty());
bool LoopInterchangeProfitability::isProfitable(
const Loop *InnerLoop, const Loop *OuterLoop, unsigned InnerLoopId,
unsigned OuterLoopId, CharMatrix &DepMatrix,
const DenseMap<const Loop *, unsigned> &CostMap,
std::unique_ptr<CacheCost> &CC) {
// isProfitable() is structured to avoid endless loop interchange.
// If loop cache analysis could decide the profitability then,
// profitability check will stop and return the analysis result.
// If cache analysis failed to analyze the loopnest (e.g.,
// due to delinearization issues) then only check whether it is
// profitable for InstrOrderCost. Likewise, if InstrOrderCost failed to
// analysis the profitability then only, isProfitableForVectorization
// will decide.
std::optional<bool> shouldInterchange =
isProfitablePerLoopCacheAnalysis(CostMap, CC);
if (!shouldInterchange.has_value()) {
shouldInterchange = isProfitablePerInstrOrderCost();
if (!shouldInterchange.has_value())
shouldInterchange =
isProfitableForVectorization(InnerLoopId, OuterLoopId, DepMatrix);
if (!shouldInterchange.has_value()) {
ORE->emit([&]() {
return OptimizationRemarkMissed(DEBUG_TYPE, "InterchangeNotProfitable",
<< "Insufficient information to calculate the cost of loop for "
return false;
} else if (!shouldInterchange.value()) {
ORE->emit([&]() {
return OptimizationRemarkMissed(DEBUG_TYPE, "InterchangeNotProfitable",
<< "Interchanging loops is not considered to improve cache "
"locality nor vectorization.";
return false;
return true;
void LoopInterchangeTransform::removeChildLoop(Loop *OuterLoop,
Loop *InnerLoop) {
for (Loop *L : *OuterLoop)
if (L == InnerLoop) {
llvm_unreachable("Couldn't find loop");
/// Update LoopInfo, after interchanging. NewInner and NewOuter refer to the
/// new inner and outer loop after interchanging: NewInner is the original
/// outer loop and NewOuter is the original inner loop.
/// Before interchanging, we have the following structure
/// Outer preheader
// Outer header
// Inner preheader
// Inner header
// Inner body
// Inner latch
// outer bbs
// Outer latch
// After interchanging:
// Inner preheader
// Inner header
// Outer preheader
// Outer header
// Inner body
// outer bbs
// Outer latch
// Inner latch
void LoopInterchangeTransform::restructureLoops(
Loop *NewInner, Loop *NewOuter, BasicBlock *OrigInnerPreHeader,
BasicBlock *OrigOuterPreHeader) {
Loop *OuterLoopParent = OuterLoop->getParentLoop();
// The original inner loop preheader moves from the new inner loop to
// the parent loop, if there is one.
LI->changeLoopFor(OrigInnerPreHeader, OuterLoopParent);
// Switch the loop levels.
if (OuterLoopParent) {
// Remove the loop from its parent loop.
removeChildLoop(OuterLoopParent, NewInner);
removeChildLoop(NewInner, NewOuter);
} else {
removeChildLoop(NewInner, NewOuter);
LI->changeTopLevelLoop(NewInner, NewOuter);
while (!NewOuter->isInnermost())
// BBs from the original inner loop.
SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 8> OrigInnerBBs(NewOuter->blocks());
// Add BBs from the original outer loop to the original inner loop (excluding
// BBs already in inner loop)
for (BasicBlock *BB : NewInner->blocks())
if (LI->getLoopFor(BB) == NewInner)
// Now remove inner loop header and latch from the new inner loop and move
// other BBs (the loop body) to the new inner loop.
BasicBlock *OuterHeader = NewOuter->getHeader();
BasicBlock *OuterLatch = NewOuter->getLoopLatch();
for (BasicBlock *BB : OrigInnerBBs) {
// Nothing will change for BBs in child loops.
if (LI->getLoopFor(BB) != NewOuter)
// Remove the new outer loop header and latch from the new inner loop.
if (BB == OuterHeader || BB == OuterLatch)
LI->changeLoopFor(BB, NewInner);
// The preheader of the original outer loop becomes part of the new
// outer loop.
LI->changeLoopFor(OrigOuterPreHeader, NewOuter);
// Tell SE that we move the loops around.
bool LoopInterchangeTransform::transform() {
bool Transformed = false;
if (InnerLoop->getSubLoops().empty()) {
BasicBlock *InnerLoopPreHeader = InnerLoop->getLoopPreheader();
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Splitting the inner loop latch\n");
auto &InductionPHIs = LIL.getInnerLoopInductions();
if (InductionPHIs.empty()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Failed to find the point to split loop latch \n");
return false;
SmallVector<Instruction *, 8> InnerIndexVarList;
for (PHINode *CurInductionPHI : InductionPHIs) {
if (CurInductionPHI->getIncomingBlock(0) == InnerLoopPreHeader)
// Create a new latch block for the inner loop. We split at the
// current latch's terminator and then move the condition and all
// operands that are not either loop-invariant or the induction PHI into the
// new latch block.
BasicBlock *NewLatch =
InnerLoop->getLoopLatch()->getTerminator(), DT, LI);
SmallSetVector<Instruction *, 4> WorkList;
unsigned i = 0;
auto MoveInstructions = [&i, &WorkList, this, &InductionPHIs, NewLatch]() {
for (; i < WorkList.size(); i++) {
// Duplicate instruction and move it the new latch. Update uses that
// have been moved.
Instruction *NewI = WorkList[i]->clone();
assert(!NewI->mayHaveSideEffects() &&
"Moving instructions with side-effects may change behavior of "
"the loop nest!");
for (Use &U : llvm::make_early_inc_range(WorkList[i]->uses())) {
Instruction *UserI = cast<Instruction>(U.getUser());
if (!InnerLoop->contains(UserI->getParent()) ||
UserI->getParent() == NewLatch ||
llvm::is_contained(InductionPHIs, UserI))
// Add operands of moved instruction to the worklist, except if they are
// outside the inner loop or are the induction PHI.
for (Value *Op : WorkList[i]->operands()) {
Instruction *OpI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Op);
if (!OpI ||
this->LI->getLoopFor(OpI->getParent()) != this->InnerLoop ||
llvm::is_contained(InductionPHIs, OpI))
// FIXME: Should we interchange when we have a constant condition?
Instruction *CondI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(
if (CondI)
for (Instruction *InnerIndexVar : InnerIndexVarList)
// Ensure the inner loop phi nodes have a separate basic block.
BasicBlock *InnerLoopHeader = InnerLoop->getHeader();
if (InnerLoopHeader->getFirstNonPHI() != InnerLoopHeader->getTerminator()) {
SplitBlock(InnerLoopHeader, InnerLoopHeader->getFirstNonPHI(), DT, LI);
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "splitting InnerLoopHeader done\n");
// Instructions in the original inner loop preheader may depend on values
// defined in the outer loop header. Move them there, because the original
// inner loop preheader will become the entry into the interchanged loop nest.
// Currently we move all instructions and rely on LICM to move invariant
// instructions outside the loop nest.
BasicBlock *InnerLoopPreHeader = InnerLoop->getLoopPreheader();
BasicBlock *OuterLoopHeader = OuterLoop->getHeader();
if (InnerLoopPreHeader != OuterLoopHeader) {
SmallPtrSet<Instruction *, 4> NeedsMoving;
for (Instruction &I :
Transformed |= adjustLoopLinks();
if (!Transformed) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "adjustLoopLinks failed\n");
return false;
return true;
/// \brief Move all instructions except the terminator from FromBB right before
/// InsertBefore
static void moveBBContents(BasicBlock *FromBB, Instruction *InsertBefore) {
BasicBlock *ToBB = InsertBefore->getParent();
ToBB->splice(InsertBefore->getIterator(), FromBB, FromBB->begin(),
/// Swap instructions between \p BB1 and \p BB2 but keep terminators intact.
static void swapBBContents(BasicBlock *BB1, BasicBlock *BB2) {
// Save all non-terminator instructions of BB1 into TempInstrs and unlink them
// from BB1 afterwards.
auto Iter = map_range(*BB1, [](Instruction &I) { return &I; });
SmallVector<Instruction *, 4> TempInstrs(Iter.begin(), std::prev(Iter.end()));
for (Instruction *I : TempInstrs)
// Move instructions from BB2 to BB1.
moveBBContents(BB2, BB1->getTerminator());
// Move instructions from TempInstrs to BB2.
for (Instruction *I : TempInstrs)
// Update BI to jump to NewBB instead of OldBB. Records updates to the
// dominator tree in DTUpdates. If \p MustUpdateOnce is true, assert that
// \p OldBB is exactly once in BI's successor list.
static void updateSuccessor(BranchInst *BI, BasicBlock *OldBB,
BasicBlock *NewBB,
std::vector<DominatorTree::UpdateType> &DTUpdates,
bool MustUpdateOnce = true) {
assert((!MustUpdateOnce ||
[OldBB](BasicBlock *BB) {
return BB == OldBB;
}) == 1) && "BI must jump to OldBB exactly once.");
bool Changed = false;
for (Use &Op : BI->operands())
if (Op == OldBB) {
Changed = true;
if (Changed) {
{DominatorTree::UpdateKind::Insert, BI->getParent(), NewBB});
{DominatorTree::UpdateKind::Delete, BI->getParent(), OldBB});
assert(Changed && "Expected a successor to be updated");
// Move Lcssa PHIs to the right place.
static void moveLCSSAPhis(BasicBlock *InnerExit, BasicBlock *InnerHeader,
BasicBlock *InnerLatch, BasicBlock *OuterHeader,
BasicBlock *OuterLatch, BasicBlock *OuterExit,
Loop *InnerLoop, LoopInfo *LI) {
// Deal with LCSSA PHI nodes in the exit block of the inner loop, that are
// defined either in the header or latch. Those blocks will become header and
// latch of the new outer loop, and the only possible users can PHI nodes
// in the exit block of the loop nest or the outer loop header (reduction
// PHIs, in that case, the incoming value must be defined in the inner loop
// header). We can just substitute the user with the incoming value and remove
// the PHI.
for (PHINode &P : make_early_inc_range(InnerExit->phis())) {
assert(P.getNumIncomingValues() == 1 &&
"Only loops with a single exit are supported!");
// Incoming values are guaranteed be instructions currently.
auto IncI = cast<Instruction>(P.getIncomingValueForBlock(InnerLatch));
// In case of multi-level nested loops, follow LCSSA to find the incoming
// value defined from the innermost loop.
auto IncIInnerMost = cast<Instruction>(followLCSSA(IncI));
// Skip phis with incoming values from the inner loop body, excluding the
// header and latch.
if (IncIInnerMost->getParent() != InnerLatch &&
IncIInnerMost->getParent() != InnerHeader)
[OuterHeader, OuterExit, IncI, InnerHeader](User *U) {
return (cast<PHINode>(U)->getParent() == OuterHeader &&
IncI->getParent() == InnerHeader) ||
cast<PHINode>(U)->getParent() == OuterExit;
}) &&
"Can only replace phis iff the uses are in the loop nest exit or "
"the incoming value is defined in the inner header (it will "
"dominate all loop blocks after interchanging)");
SmallVector<PHINode *, 8> LcssaInnerExit;
for (PHINode &P : InnerExit->phis())
SmallVector<PHINode *, 8> LcssaInnerLatch;
for (PHINode &P : InnerLatch->phis())
// Lcssa PHIs for values used outside the inner loop are in InnerExit.
// If a PHI node has users outside of InnerExit, it has a use outside the
// interchanged loop and we have to preserve it. We move these to
// InnerLatch, which will become the new exit block for the innermost
// loop after interchanging.
for (PHINode *P : LcssaInnerExit)
// If the inner loop latch contains LCSSA PHIs, those come from a child loop
// and we have to move them to the new inner latch.
for (PHINode *P : LcssaInnerLatch)
// Deal with LCSSA PHI nodes in the loop nest exit block. For PHIs that have
// incoming values defined in the outer loop, we have to add a new PHI
// in the inner loop latch, which became the exit block of the outer loop,
// after interchanging.
if (OuterExit) {
for (PHINode &P : OuterExit->phis()) {
if (P.getNumIncomingValues() != 1)
// Skip Phis with incoming values defined in the inner loop. Those should
// already have been updated.
auto I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(P.getIncomingValue(0));
if (!I || LI->getLoopFor(I->getParent()) == InnerLoop)
PHINode *NewPhi = dyn_cast<PHINode>(P.clone());
NewPhi->setIncomingValue(0, P.getIncomingValue(0));
NewPhi->setIncomingBlock(0, OuterLatch);
// We might have incoming edges from other BBs, i.e., the original outer
// header.
for (auto *Pred : predecessors(InnerLatch)) {
if (Pred == OuterLatch)
NewPhi->addIncoming(P.getIncomingValue(0), Pred);
P.setIncomingValue(0, NewPhi);
// Now adjust the incoming blocks for the LCSSA PHIs.
// For PHIs moved from Inner's exit block, we need to replace Inner's latch
// with the new latch.
InnerLatch->replacePhiUsesWith(InnerLatch, OuterLatch);
bool LoopInterchangeTransform::adjustLoopBranches() {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "adjustLoopBranches called\n");
std::vector<DominatorTree::UpdateType> DTUpdates;
BasicBlock *OuterLoopPreHeader = OuterLoop->getLoopPreheader();
BasicBlock *InnerLoopPreHeader = InnerLoop->getLoopPreheader();
assert(OuterLoopPreHeader != OuterLoop->getHeader() &&
InnerLoopPreHeader != InnerLoop->getHeader() && OuterLoopPreHeader &&
InnerLoopPreHeader && "Guaranteed by loop-simplify form");
// Ensure that both preheaders do not contain PHI nodes and have single
// predecessors. This allows us to move them easily. We use
// InsertPreHeaderForLoop to create an 'extra' preheader, if the existing
// preheaders do not satisfy those conditions.
if (isa<PHINode>(OuterLoopPreHeader->begin()) ||
OuterLoopPreHeader =
InsertPreheaderForLoop(OuterLoop, DT, LI, nullptr, true);
if (InnerLoopPreHeader == OuterLoop->getHeader())
InnerLoopPreHeader =
InsertPreheaderForLoop(InnerLoop, DT, LI, nullptr, true);
// Adjust the loop preheader
BasicBlock *InnerLoopHeader = InnerLoop->getHeader();
BasicBlock *OuterLoopHeader = OuterLoop->getHeader();
BasicBlock *InnerLoopLatch = InnerLoop->getLoopLatch();
BasicBlock *OuterLoopLatch = OuterLoop->getLoopLatch();
BasicBlock *OuterLoopPredecessor = OuterLoopPreHeader->getUniquePredecessor();
BasicBlock *InnerLoopLatchPredecessor =
BasicBlock *InnerLoopLatchSuccessor;
BasicBlock *OuterLoopLatchSuccessor;
BranchInst *OuterLoopLatchBI =
BranchInst *InnerLoopLatchBI =
BranchInst *OuterLoopHeaderBI =
BranchInst *InnerLoopHeaderBI =
if (!OuterLoopPredecessor || !InnerLoopLatchPredecessor ||
!OuterLoopLatchBI || !InnerLoopLatchBI || !OuterLoopHeaderBI ||
return false;
BranchInst *InnerLoopLatchPredecessorBI =
BranchInst *OuterLoopPredecessorBI =
if (!OuterLoopPredecessorBI || !InnerLoopLatchPredecessorBI)
return false;
BasicBlock *InnerLoopHeaderSuccessor = InnerLoopHeader->getUniqueSuccessor();
if (!InnerLoopHeaderSuccessor)
return false;
// Adjust Loop Preheader and headers.
// The branches in the outer loop predecessor and the outer loop header can
// be unconditional branches or conditional branches with duplicates. Consider
// this when updating the successors.
updateSuccessor(OuterLoopPredecessorBI, OuterLoopPreHeader,
InnerLoopPreHeader, DTUpdates, /*MustUpdateOnce=*/false);
// The outer loop header might or might not branch to the outer latch.
// We are guaranteed to branch to the inner loop preheader.
if (llvm::is_contained(OuterLoopHeaderBI->successors(), OuterLoopLatch)) {
// In this case the outerLoopHeader should branch to the InnerLoopLatch.
updateSuccessor(OuterLoopHeaderBI, OuterLoopLatch, InnerLoopLatch,
updateSuccessor(OuterLoopHeaderBI, InnerLoopPreHeader,
InnerLoopHeaderSuccessor, DTUpdates,
// Adjust reduction PHI's now that the incoming block has changed.
updateSuccessor(InnerLoopHeaderBI, InnerLoopHeaderSuccessor,
OuterLoopPreHeader, DTUpdates);
// -------------Adjust loop latches-----------
if (InnerLoopLatchBI->getSuccessor(0) == InnerLoopHeader)
InnerLoopLatchSuccessor = InnerLoopLatchBI->getSuccessor(1);
InnerLoopLatchSuccessor = InnerLoopLatchBI->getSuccessor(0);
updateSuccessor(InnerLoopLatchPredecessorBI, InnerLoopLatch,
InnerLoopLatchSuccessor, DTUpdates);
if (OuterLoopLatchBI->getSuccessor(0) == OuterLoopHeader)
OuterLoopLatchSuccessor = OuterLoopLatchBI->getSuccessor(1);
OuterLoopLatchSuccessor = OuterLoopLatchBI->getSuccessor(0);
updateSuccessor(InnerLoopLatchBI, InnerLoopLatchSuccessor,
OuterLoopLatchSuccessor, DTUpdates);
updateSuccessor(OuterLoopLatchBI, OuterLoopLatchSuccessor, InnerLoopLatch,
restructureLoops(OuterLoop, InnerLoop, InnerLoopPreHeader,
moveLCSSAPhis(InnerLoopLatchSuccessor, InnerLoopHeader, InnerLoopLatch,
OuterLoopHeader, OuterLoopLatch, InnerLoop->getExitBlock(),
InnerLoop, LI);
// For PHIs in the exit block of the outer loop, outer's latch has been
// replaced by Inners'.
OuterLoopLatchSuccessor->replacePhiUsesWith(OuterLoopLatch, InnerLoopLatch);
auto &OuterInnerReductions = LIL.getOuterInnerReductions();
// Now update the reduction PHIs in the inner and outer loop headers.
SmallVector<PHINode *, 4> InnerLoopPHIs, OuterLoopPHIs;
for (PHINode &PHI : InnerLoopHeader->phis())
if (OuterInnerReductions.contains(&PHI))
for (PHINode &PHI : OuterLoopHeader->phis())
if (OuterInnerReductions.contains(&PHI))
// Now move the remaining reduction PHIs from outer to inner loop header and
// vice versa. The PHI nodes must be part of a reduction across the inner and
// outer loop and all the remains to do is and updating the incoming blocks.
for (PHINode *PHI : OuterLoopPHIs) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Outer loop reduction PHIs:\n"; PHI->dump(););
assert(OuterInnerReductions.count(PHI) && "Expected a reduction PHI node");
for (PHINode *PHI : InnerLoopPHIs) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Inner loop reduction PHIs:\n"; PHI->dump(););
assert(OuterInnerReductions.count(PHI) && "Expected a reduction PHI node");
// Update the incoming blocks for moved PHI nodes.
OuterLoopHeader->replacePhiUsesWith(InnerLoopPreHeader, OuterLoopPreHeader);
OuterLoopHeader->replacePhiUsesWith(InnerLoopLatch, OuterLoopLatch);
InnerLoopHeader->replacePhiUsesWith(OuterLoopPreHeader, InnerLoopPreHeader);
InnerLoopHeader->replacePhiUsesWith(OuterLoopLatch, InnerLoopLatch);
// Values defined in the outer loop header could be used in the inner loop
// latch. In that case, we need to create LCSSA phis for them, because after
// interchanging they will be defined in the new inner loop and used in the
// new outer loop.
SmallVector<Instruction *, 4> MayNeedLCSSAPhis;
for (Instruction &I :
make_range(OuterLoopHeader->begin(), std::prev(OuterLoopHeader->end())))
formLCSSAForInstructions(MayNeedLCSSAPhis, *DT, *LI, SE);
return true;
bool LoopInterchangeTransform::adjustLoopLinks() {
// Adjust all branches in the inner and outer loop.
bool Changed = adjustLoopBranches();
if (Changed) {
// We have interchanged the preheaders so we need to interchange the data in
// the preheaders as well. This is because the content of the inner
// preheader was previously executed inside the outer loop.
BasicBlock *OuterLoopPreHeader = OuterLoop->getLoopPreheader();
BasicBlock *InnerLoopPreHeader = InnerLoop->getLoopPreheader();
swapBBContents(OuterLoopPreHeader, InnerLoopPreHeader);
return Changed;
PreservedAnalyses LoopInterchangePass::run(LoopNest &LN,
LoopAnalysisManager &AM,
LoopStandardAnalysisResults &AR,
LPMUpdater &U) {
Function &F = *LN.getParent();
DependenceInfo DI(&F, &AR.AA, &AR.SE, &AR.LI);
std::unique_ptr<CacheCost> CC =
CacheCost::getCacheCost(LN.getOutermostLoop(), AR, DI);
OptimizationRemarkEmitter ORE(&F);
if (!LoopInterchange(&AR.SE, &AR.LI, &DI, &AR.DT, CC, &ORE).run(LN))
return PreservedAnalyses::all();
return getLoopPassPreservedAnalyses();