Drop Check

We generally require the type of locals to be well-formed whenever the local is used. This includes proving the where-bounds of the local and also requires all regions used by it to be live.

The only exception to this is when implicitly dropping values when they go out of scope. This does not necessarily require the value to be live:

fn main() {
    let x = vec![];
        let y = String::from("I am temporary");
    // `x` goes out of scope here, after the reference to `y`
    // is invalidated. This means that while dropping `x` its type
    // is not well-formed as it contain regions which are not live.

This is only sound if dropping the value does not try to access any dead region. We check this by requiring the type of the value to be drop-live. The requirements for which are computed in fn dropck_outlives.

The rest of this section uses the following type definition for a type which requires its region parameter to be live:

struct PrintOnDrop<'a>(&'a str);
impl<'a> Drop for PrintOnDrop<'_> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("{}", self.0);

How values are dropped

At its core, a value of type T is dropped by executing its “drop glue”. Drop glue is compiler generated and first calls <T as Drop>::drop and then recursively calls the drop glue of any recursively owned values.

  • If T has an explicit Drop impl, call <T as Drop>::drop.
  • Regardless of whether T implements Drop, recurse into all values owned by T:
    • references, raw pointers, function pointers, function items, trait objects[^traitobj], and scalars do not own anything.
    • tuples, slices, and arrays consider their elements to be owned. For arrays of length zero we do not own any value of the element type.
    • all fields (of all variants) of ADTs are considered owned. We consider all variants for enums. The exception here is ManuallyDrop<U> which is not considered to own U. PhantomData<U> also does not own anything. closures and generators own their captured upvars.

Whether a type has drop glue is returned by fn Ty::needs_drop.

Partially dropping a local

For types which do not implement Drop themselves, we can also partially move parts of the value before dropping the rest. In this case only the drop glue for the not-yet moved values is called, e.g.

fn main() {
    let mut x = (PrintOnDrop("third"), PrintOnDrop("first"));

During MIR building we assume that a local may get dropped whenever it goes out of scope as long as its type needs drop. Computing the exact drop glue for a variable happens after borrowck in the ElaborateDrops pass. This means that even if some part of the local have been dropped previously, dropck still requires this value to be live. This is the case even if we completely moved a local.

fn main() {
    let mut x;
        let temp = String::from("I am temporary");
        x = PrintOnDrop(&temp);
} //~ ERROR `temp` does not live long enough.

It should be possible to add some amount of drop elaboration before borrowck, allowing this example to compile. There is an unstable feature to move drop elaboration before const checking: #73255. Such a feature gate does not exist for doing some drop elaboration before borrowck, although there's a relevant MCP.

[^traitobj]: you can consider trait objects to have a builtin Drop implementation which directly uses the drop_in_place provided by the vtable. This Drop implementation requires all its generic parameters to be live.


There are two distinct “liveness” computations that we perform:

  • a value v is use-live at location L if it may be “used” later; a use here is basically anything that is not a drop
  • a value v is drop-live at location L if it maybe dropped later

When things are use-live, their entire type must be valid at L. When they are drop-live, all regions that are required by dropck must be valid at L. The values dropped in the MIR are places.

The constraints computed by dropck_outlives for a type closely match the generated drop glue for that type. Unlike drop glue, dropck_outlives cares about the types of owned values, not the values itself. For a value of type T

  • if T has an explicit Drop, require all generic arguments to be live, unless they are marked with #[may_dangle] in which case they are fully ignored
  • regardless of whether T has an explicit Drop, recurse into all types owned by T
    • references, raw pointers, function pointers, function items, trait objects[^traitobj], and scalars do not own anything.
    • tuples, slices and arrays consider their element type to be owned. For arrays we currently do not check whether their length is zero.
    • all fields (of all variants) of ADTs are considered owned. The exception here is ManuallyDrop<U> which is not considered to own U. We consider PhantomData<U> to own U.
    • closures and generators own their captured upvars.

The sections marked in bold are cases where dropck_outlives considers types to be owned which are ignored by Ty::needs_drop. We only rely on dropck_outlives if Ty::needs_drop for the containing local returned true.This means liveness requirements can change depending on whether a type is contained in a larger local. This is inconsistent, and should be fixed: an example for arrays and for PhantomData.[^core]

One possible way these inconsistencies can be fixed is by MIR building to be more pessimistic, probably by making Ty::needs_drop weaker, or alternatively, changing dropck_outlives to be more precise, requiring fewer regions to be live.

[^core]: This is the core assumption of #110288 and RFC 3417.