blob: 3387d53888c4c6fae1e653eeac8cded69713b643 [file] [log] [blame]
use super::FreeList;
use crate::sync::{
atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
hint, UnsafeCell,
use crate::{cfg, clear::Clear, Pack, Tid};
use std::{fmt, marker::PhantomData, mem, ptr, thread};
pub(crate) struct Slot<T, C> {
lifecycle: AtomicUsize,
/// The offset of the next item on the free list.
next: UnsafeCell<usize>,
/// The data stored in the slot.
item: UnsafeCell<T>,
_cfg: PhantomData<fn(C)>,
pub(crate) struct Guard<T, C: cfg::Config = cfg::DefaultConfig> {
slot: ptr::NonNull<Slot<T, C>>,
pub(crate) struct InitGuard<T, C: cfg::Config = cfg::DefaultConfig> {
slot: ptr::NonNull<Slot<T, C>>,
curr_lifecycle: usize,
released: bool,
pub(crate) struct Generation<C = cfg::DefaultConfig> {
value: usize,
_cfg: PhantomData<fn(C)>,
pub(crate) struct RefCount<C = cfg::DefaultConfig> {
value: usize,
_cfg: PhantomData<fn(C)>,
pub(crate) struct Lifecycle<C> {
state: State,
_cfg: PhantomData<fn(C)>,
struct LifecycleGen<C>(Generation<C>);
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
enum State {
Present = 0b00,
Marked = 0b01,
Removing = 0b11,
impl<C: cfg::Config> Pack<C> for Generation<C> {
/// Use all the remaining bits in the word for the generation counter, minus
/// any bits reserved by the user.
const LEN: usize = (cfg::WIDTH - C::RESERVED_BITS) - Self::SHIFT;
type Prev = Tid<C>;
fn from_usize(u: usize) -> Self {
debug_assert!(u <= Self::BITS);
fn as_usize(&self) -> usize {
impl<C: cfg::Config> Generation<C> {
fn new(value: usize) -> Self {
Self {
_cfg: PhantomData,
// Slot methods which should work across all trait bounds
impl<T, C> Slot<T, C>
C: cfg::Config,
pub(super) fn next(&self) -> usize {|next| unsafe { *next })
pub(crate) fn value(&self) -> &T {
self.item.with(|item| unsafe { &*item })
pub(super) fn set_next(&self, next: usize) {|n| unsafe {
(*n) = next;
pub(crate) fn get(&self, gen: Generation<C>) -> Option<Guard<T, C>> {
let mut lifecycle = self.lifecycle.load(Ordering::Acquire);
loop {
// Unpack the current state.
let state = Lifecycle::<C>::from_packed(lifecycle);
let current_gen = LifecycleGen::<C>::from_packed(lifecycle).0;
let refs = RefCount::<C>::from_packed(lifecycle);
"-> get {:?}; current_gen={:?}; lifecycle={:#x}; state={:?}; refs={:?};",
// Is it okay to access this slot? The accessed generation must be
// current, and the slot must not be in the process of being
// removed. If we can no longer access the slot at the given
// generation, return `None`.
if gen != current_gen || state != Lifecycle::PRESENT {
test_println!("-> get: no longer exists!");
return None;
// Try to increment the slot's ref count by one.
let new_refs = refs.incr()?;
match self.lifecycle.compare_exchange(
) {
Ok(_) => {
test_println!("-> {:?}", new_refs);
return Some(Guard {
slot: ptr::NonNull::from(self),
Err(actual) => {
// Another thread modified the slot's state before us! We
// need to retry with the new state.
// Since the new state may mean that the accessed generation
// is no longer valid, we'll check again on the next
// iteration of the loop.
test_println!("-> get: retrying; lifecycle={:#x};", actual);
lifecycle = actual;
/// Marks this slot to be released, returning `true` if the slot can be
/// mutated *now* and `false` otherwise.
/// This method checks if there are any references to this slot. If there _are_ valid
/// references, it just marks them for modification and returns and the next thread calling
/// either `clear_storage` or `remove_value` will try and modify the storage
fn mark_release(&self, gen: Generation<C>) -> Option<bool> {
let mut lifecycle = self.lifecycle.load(Ordering::Acquire);
let mut curr_gen;
// Try to advance the slot's state to "MARKED", which indicates that it
// should be removed when it is no longer concurrently accessed.
loop {
curr_gen = LifecycleGen::from_packed(lifecycle).0;
"-> mark_release; gen={:?}; current_gen={:?};",
// Is the slot still at the generation we are trying to remove?
if gen != curr_gen {
return None;
let state = Lifecycle::<C>::from_packed(lifecycle).state;
test_println!("-> mark_release; state={:?};", state);
match state {
State::Removing => {
test_println!("--> mark_release; cannot release (already removed!)");
return None;
State::Marked => {
test_println!("--> mark_release; already marked;");
State::Present => {}
// Set the new state to `MARKED`.
let new_lifecycle = Lifecycle::<C>::MARKED.pack(lifecycle);
"-> mark_release; old_lifecycle={:#x}; new_lifecycle={:#x};",
match self.lifecycle.compare_exchange(
) {
Ok(_) => break,
Err(actual) => {
test_println!("-> mark_release; retrying");
lifecycle = actual;
// Unpack the current reference count to see if we can remove the slot now.
let refs = RefCount::<C>::from_packed(lifecycle);
test_println!("-> mark_release: marked; refs={:?};", refs);
// Are there currently outstanding references to the slot? If so, it
// will have to be removed when those references are dropped.
Some(refs.value == 0)
/// Mutates this slot.
/// This method spins until no references to this slot are left, and calls the mutator
fn release_with<F, M, R>(&self, gen: Generation<C>, offset: usize, free: &F, mutator: M) -> R
F: FreeList<C>,
M: FnOnce(Option<&mut T>) -> R,
let mut lifecycle = self.lifecycle.load(Ordering::Acquire);
let mut advanced = false;
// Exponential spin backoff while waiting for the slot to be released.
let mut spin_exp = 0;
let next_gen = gen.advance();
loop {
let current_gen = Generation::from_packed(lifecycle);
test_println!("-> release_with; lifecycle={:#x}; expected_gen={:?}; current_gen={:?}; next_gen={:?};",
// First, make sure we are actually able to remove the value.
// If we're going to remove the value, the generation has to match
// the value that `remove_value` was called with...unless we've
// already stored the new generation.
if (!advanced) && gen != current_gen {
test_println!("-> already removed!");
return mutator(None);
match self.lifecycle.compare_exchange(
) {
Ok(actual) => {
// If we're in this state, we have successfully advanced to
// the next generation.
advanced = true;
// Make sure that there are no outstanding references.
let refs = RefCount::<C>::from_packed(actual);
test_println!("-> advanced gen; lifecycle={:#x}; refs={:?};", actual, refs);
if refs.value == 0 {
test_println!("-> ok to remove!");
// safety: we've modified the generation of this slot and any other thread
// calling this method will exit out at the generation check above in the
// next iteraton of the loop.
let value = self
.with_mut(|item| mutator(Some(unsafe { &mut *item })));
free.push(offset, self);
return value;
// Otherwise, a reference must be dropped before we can
// remove the value. Spin here until there are no refs remaining...
test_println!("-> refs={:?}; spin...", refs);
// Back off, spinning and possibly yielding.
exponential_backoff(&mut spin_exp);
Err(actual) => {
test_println!("-> retrying; lifecycle={:#x};", actual);
lifecycle = actual;
// The state changed; reset the spin backoff.
spin_exp = 0;
/// Initialize a slot
/// This method initializes and sets up the state for a slot. When being used in `Pool`, we
/// only need to ensure that the `Slot` is in the right `state, while when being used in a
/// `Slab` we want to insert a value into it, as the memory is not initialized
pub(crate) fn init(&self) -> Option<InitGuard<T, C>> {
// Load the current lifecycle state.
let lifecycle = self.lifecycle.load(Ordering::Acquire);
let gen = LifecycleGen::<C>::from_packed(lifecycle).0;
let refs = RefCount::<C>::from_packed(lifecycle);
"-> initialize_state; state={:?}; gen={:?}; refs={:?};",
if refs.value != 0 {
test_println!("-> initialize while referenced! cancelling");
return None;
Some(InitGuard {
slot: ptr::NonNull::from(self),
curr_lifecycle: lifecycle,
released: false,
// Slot impl which _needs_ an `Option` for self.item, this is for `Slab` to use.
impl<T, C> Slot<Option<T>, C>
C: cfg::Config,
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.item.with(|item| unsafe { (*item).is_none() })
/// Insert a value into a slot
/// We first initialize the state and then insert the pased in value into the slot.
pub(crate) fn insert(&self, value: &mut Option<T>) -> Option<Generation<C>> {
debug_assert!(self.is_empty(), "inserted into full slot");
debug_assert!(value.is_some(), "inserted twice");
let mut guard = self.init()?;
let gen = guard.generation();
unsafe {
// Safety: Accessing the value of an `InitGuard` is unsafe because
// it has a pointer to a slot which may dangle. Here, we know the
// pointed slot is alive because we have a reference to it in scope,
// and the `InitGuard` will be dropped when this function returns.
mem::swap(guard.value_mut(), value);
test_println!("-> inserted at {:?}", gen);
/// Tries to remove the value in the slot, returning `true` if the value was
/// removed.
/// This method tries to remove the value in the slot. If there are existing references, then
/// the slot is marked for removal and the next thread calling either this method or
/// `remove_value` will do the work instead.
pub(super) fn try_remove_value<F: FreeList<C>>(
gen: Generation<C>,
offset: usize,
free: &F,
) -> bool {
let should_remove = match self.mark_release(gen) {
// If `mark_release` returns `Some`, a value exists at this
// generation. The bool inside this option indicates whether or not
// _we're_ allowed to remove the value.
Some(should_remove) => should_remove,
// Otherwise, the generation we tried to remove has already expired,
// and we did not mark anything for removal.
None => {
"-> try_remove_value; nothing exists at generation={:?}",
return false;
test_println!("-> try_remove_value; marked!");
if should_remove {
// We're allowed to remove the slot now!
test_println!("-> try_remove_value; can remove now");
self.remove_value(gen, offset, free);
pub(super) fn remove_value<F: FreeList<C>>(
gen: Generation<C>,
offset: usize,
free: &F,
) -> Option<T> {
self.release_with(gen, offset, free, |item| item.and_then(Option::take))
// These impls are specific to `Pool`
impl<T, C> Slot<T, C>
T: Default + Clear,
C: cfg::Config,
pub(in crate::page) fn new(next: usize) -> Self {
Self {
lifecycle: AtomicUsize::new(Lifecycle::<C>::REMOVING.as_usize()),
item: UnsafeCell::new(T::default()),
next: UnsafeCell::new(next),
_cfg: PhantomData,
/// Try to clear this slot's storage
/// If there are references to this slot, then we mark this slot for clearing and let the last
/// thread do the work for us.
pub(super) fn try_clear_storage<F: FreeList<C>>(
gen: Generation<C>,
offset: usize,
free: &F,
) -> bool {
let should_clear = match self.mark_release(gen) {
// If `mark_release` returns `Some`, a value exists at this
// generation. The bool inside this option indicates whether or not
// _we're_ allowed to clear the value.
Some(should_clear) => should_clear,
// Otherwise, the generation we tried to remove has already expired,
// and we did not mark anything for removal.
None => {
"-> try_clear_storage; nothing exists at generation={:?}",
return false;
test_println!("-> try_clear_storage; marked!");
if should_clear {
// We're allowed to remove the slot now!
test_println!("-> try_remove_value; can clear now");
return self.clear_storage(gen, offset, free);
/// Clear this slot's storage
/// This method blocks until all references have been dropped and clears the storage.
pub(super) fn clear_storage<F: FreeList<C>>(
gen: Generation<C>,
offset: usize,
free: &F,
) -> bool {
// release_with will _always_ wait unitl it can release the slot or just return if the slot
// has already been released.
self.release_with(gen, offset, free, |item| {
let cleared =|inner| Clear::clear(inner)).is_some();
test_println!("-> cleared: {}", cleared);
impl<T, C: cfg::Config> Slot<T, C> {
fn release(&self) -> bool {
let mut lifecycle = self.lifecycle.load(Ordering::Acquire);
loop {
let refs = RefCount::<C>::from_packed(lifecycle);
let state = Lifecycle::<C>::from_packed(lifecycle).state;
let gen = LifecycleGen::<C>::from_packed(lifecycle).0;
// Are we the last guard, and is the slot marked for removal?
let dropping = refs.value == 1 && state == State::Marked;
let new_lifecycle = if dropping {
// If so, we want to advance the state to "removing"
gen.pack(State::Removing as usize)
} else {
// Otherwise, just subtract 1 from the ref count.
"-> drop guard: state={:?}; gen={:?}; refs={:?}; lifecycle={:#x}; new_lifecycle={:#x}; dropping={:?}",
match self.lifecycle.compare_exchange(
) {
Ok(_) => {
test_println!("-> drop guard: done; dropping={:?}", dropping);
return dropping;
Err(actual) => {
test_println!("-> drop guard; retry, actual={:#x}", actual);
lifecycle = actual;
impl<T, C: cfg::Config> fmt::Debug for Slot<T, C> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let lifecycle = self.lifecycle.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
.field("lifecycle", &format_args!("{:#x}", lifecycle))
.field("state", &Lifecycle::<C>::from_packed(lifecycle).state)
.field("gen", &LifecycleGen::<C>::from_packed(lifecycle).0)
.field("refs", &RefCount::<C>::from_packed(lifecycle))
.field("next", &
// === impl Generation ===
impl<C> fmt::Debug for Generation<C> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl<C: cfg::Config> Generation<C> {
fn advance(self) -> Self {
Self::from_usize((self.value + 1) % Self::BITS)
impl<C: cfg::Config> PartialEq for Generation<C> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.value == other.value
impl<C: cfg::Config> Eq for Generation<C> {}
impl<C: cfg::Config> PartialOrd for Generation<C> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
impl<C: cfg::Config> Ord for Generation<C> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
impl<C: cfg::Config> Clone for Generation<C> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
impl<C: cfg::Config> Copy for Generation<C> {}
// === impl Guard ===
impl<T, C: cfg::Config> Guard<T, C> {
/// Releases the guard, returning `true` if the slot should be cleared.
/// ## Safety
/// This dereferences a raw pointer to the slot. The caller is responsible
/// for ensuring that the `Guard` does not outlive the slab that contains
/// the pointed slot. Failure to do so means this pointer may dangle.
pub(crate) unsafe fn release(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns a borrowed reference to the slot.
/// ## Safety
/// This dereferences a raw pointer to the slot. The caller is responsible
/// for ensuring that the `Guard` does not outlive the slab that contains
/// the pointed slot. Failure to do so means this pointer may dangle.
pub(crate) unsafe fn slot(&self) -> &Slot<T, C> {
/// Returns a borrowed reference to the slot's value.
/// ## Safety
/// This dereferences a raw pointer to the slot. The caller is responsible
/// for ensuring that the `Guard` does not outlive the slab that contains
/// the pointed slot. Failure to do so means this pointer may dangle.
pub(crate) unsafe fn value(&self) -> &T {
self.slot().item.with(|item| &*item)
// === impl Lifecycle ===
impl<C: cfg::Config> Lifecycle<C> {
const MARKED: Self = Self {
state: State::Marked,
_cfg: PhantomData,
const REMOVING: Self = Self {
state: State::Removing,
_cfg: PhantomData,
const PRESENT: Self = Self {
state: State::Present,
_cfg: PhantomData,
impl<C: cfg::Config> Pack<C> for Lifecycle<C> {
const LEN: usize = 2;
type Prev = ();
fn from_usize(u: usize) -> Self {
Self {
state: match u & Self::MASK {
0b00 => State::Present,
0b01 => State::Marked,
0b11 => State::Removing,
bad => unreachable!("weird lifecycle {:#b}", bad),
_cfg: PhantomData,
fn as_usize(&self) -> usize {
self.state as usize
impl<C> PartialEq for Lifecycle<C> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.state == other.state
impl<C> Eq for Lifecycle<C> {}
impl<C> fmt::Debug for Lifecycle<C> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
// === impl RefCount ===
impl<C: cfg::Config> Pack<C> for RefCount<C> {
const LEN: usize = cfg::WIDTH - (Lifecycle::<C>::LEN + Generation::<C>::LEN);
type Prev = Lifecycle<C>;
fn from_usize(value: usize) -> Self {
debug_assert!(value <= Self::BITS);
Self {
_cfg: PhantomData,
fn as_usize(&self) -> usize {
impl<C: cfg::Config> RefCount<C> {
pub(crate) const MAX: usize = Self::BITS - 1;
fn incr(self) -> Option<Self> {
if self.value >= Self::MAX {
test_println!("-> get: {}; MAX={}", self.value, RefCount::<C>::MAX);
return None;
Some(Self::from_usize(self.value + 1))
fn decr(self) -> Self {
Self::from_usize(self.value - 1)
impl<C> fmt::Debug for RefCount<C> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl<C: cfg::Config> PartialEq for RefCount<C> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.value == other.value
impl<C: cfg::Config> Eq for RefCount<C> {}
impl<C: cfg::Config> PartialOrd for RefCount<C> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
impl<C: cfg::Config> Ord for RefCount<C> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
impl<C: cfg::Config> Clone for RefCount<C> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
impl<C: cfg::Config> Copy for RefCount<C> {}
// === impl LifecycleGen ===
impl<C: cfg::Config> Pack<C> for LifecycleGen<C> {
const LEN: usize = Generation::<C>::LEN;
type Prev = RefCount<C>;
fn from_usize(value: usize) -> Self {
fn as_usize(&self) -> usize {
impl<T, C: cfg::Config> InitGuard<T, C> {
pub(crate) fn generation(&self) -> Generation<C> {
/// Returns a borrowed reference to the slot's value.
/// ## Safety
/// This dereferences a raw pointer to the slot. The caller is responsible
/// for ensuring that the `InitGuard` does not outlive the slab that
/// contains the pointed slot. Failure to do so means this pointer may
/// dangle.
pub(crate) unsafe fn value(&self) -> &T {
self.slot.as_ref().item.with(|val| &*val)
/// Returns a mutably borrowed reference to the slot's value.
/// ## Safety
/// This dereferences a raw pointer to the slot. The caller is responsible
/// for ensuring that the `InitGuard` does not outlive the slab that
/// contains the pointed slot. Failure to do so means this pointer may
/// dangle.
/// It's safe to reference the slot mutably, though, because creating an
/// `InitGuard` ensures there are no outstanding immutable references.
pub(crate) unsafe fn value_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
self.slot.as_ref().item.with_mut(|val| &mut *val)
/// Releases the guard, returning `true` if the slot should be cleared.
/// ## Safety
/// This dereferences a raw pointer to the slot. The caller is responsible
/// for ensuring that the `InitGuard` does not outlive the slab that
/// contains the pointed slot. Failure to do so means this pointer may
/// dangle.
pub(crate) unsafe fn release(&mut self) -> bool {
/// Downgrades the guard to an immutable guard
/// ## Safety
/// This dereferences a raw pointer to the slot. The caller is responsible
/// for ensuring that the `InitGuard` does not outlive the slab that
/// contains the pointed slot. Failure to do so means this pointer may
/// dangle.
pub(crate) unsafe fn downgrade(&mut self) -> Guard<T, C> {
let _ = self.release2(RefCount::<C>::from_usize(1).pack(0));
Guard { slot: self.slot }
unsafe fn release2(&mut self, new_refs: usize) -> bool {
"InitGuard::release; curr_lifecycle={:?}; downgrading={}",
new_refs != 0,
if self.released {
test_println!("-> already released!");
return false;
self.released = true;
let mut curr_lifecycle = self.curr_lifecycle;
let slot = self.slot.as_ref();
let new_lifecycle = LifecycleGen::<C>::from_packed(self.curr_lifecycle)
match slot.lifecycle.compare_exchange(
) {
Ok(_) => {
test_println!("--> advanced to PRESENT; done");
return false;
Err(actual) => {
"--> lifecycle changed; actual={:?}",
curr_lifecycle = actual;
// if the state was no longer the prior state, we are now responsible
// for releasing the slot.
loop {
let refs = RefCount::<C>::from_packed(curr_lifecycle);
let state = Lifecycle::<C>::from_packed(curr_lifecycle).state;
"-> InitGuard::release; lifecycle={:#x}; state={:?}; refs={:?};",
debug_assert!(state == State::Marked || thread::panicking(), "state was not MARKED; someone else has removed the slot while we have exclusive access!\nactual={:?}", state);
debug_assert!(refs.value == 0 || thread::panicking(), "ref count was not 0; someone else has referenced the slot while we have exclusive access!\nactual={:?}", refs);
let new_lifecycle = self.generation().pack(State::Removing as usize);
match slot.lifecycle.compare_exchange(
) {
Ok(_) => {
test_println!("-> InitGuard::RELEASE: done!");
return true;
Err(actual) => {
debug_assert!(thread::panicking(), "we should not have to retry this CAS!");
test_println!("-> InitGuard::release; retry, actual={:#x}", actual);
curr_lifecycle = actual;
// === helpers ===
fn exponential_backoff(exp: &mut usize) {
/// Maximum exponent we can back off to.
const MAX_EXPONENT: usize = 8;
// Issue 2^exp pause instructions.
for _ in 0..(1 << *exp) {
if *exp >= MAX_EXPONENT {
// If we have reached the max backoff, also yield to the scheduler
// explicitly.
} else {
// Otherwise, increment the exponent.
*exp += 1;