blob: 3ae66ed01b3ab1b39fcc56bc1d9f48bd2ec0dac4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter.cpp - --------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file Generate a combiner implementation for GlobalISel from a declarative
/// syntax using GlobalISelMatchTable.
#include "CodeGenInstruction.h"
#include "CodeGenTarget.h"
#include "GlobalISel/CodeExpander.h"
#include "GlobalISel/CodeExpansions.h"
#include "GlobalISel/CombinerUtils.h"
#include "GlobalISelMatchTable.h"
#include "GlobalISelMatchTableExecutorEmitter.h"
#include "SubtargetFeatureInfo.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ScopedPrinter.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/StringMatcher.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
#include <cstdint>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::gi;
#define DEBUG_TYPE "gicombiner-matchtable-emitter"
extern cl::list<std::string> SelectedCombiners;
extern cl::opt<bool> StopAfterParse;
namespace {
constexpr StringLiteral CXXApplyPrefix = "GICXXCustomAction_CombineApply";
constexpr StringLiteral CXXPredPrefix = "GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_";
std::string getIsEnabledPredicateEnumName(unsigned CombinerRuleID) {
return "GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule" + to_string(CombinerRuleID) + "Enabled";
void declareInstExpansion(CodeExpansions &CE, const InstructionMatcher &IM,
StringRef Name) {
CE.declare(Name, "State.MIs[" + to_string(IM.getInsnVarID()) + "]");
void declareOperandExpansion(CodeExpansions &CE, const OperandMatcher &OM,
StringRef Name) {
CE.declare(Name, "State.MIs[" + to_string(OM.getInsnVarID()) +
"]->getOperand(" + to_string(OM.getOpIdx()) + ")");
//===- MatchData Handling -------------------------------------------------===//
/// Represents MatchData defined by the match stage and required by the apply
/// stage.
/// This allows the plumbing of arbitrary data from C++ predicates between the
/// stages.
/// When this class is initially created, it only has a pattern symbol and a
/// type. When all of the MatchDatas declarations of a given pattern have been
/// parsed, `AssignVariables` must be called to assign storage variable names to
/// each MatchDataInfo.
class MatchDataInfo {
StringRef PatternSymbol;
StringRef Type;
std::string VarName;
static constexpr StringLiteral StructTypeName = "MatchInfosTy";
static constexpr StringLiteral StructName = "MatchInfos";
MatchDataInfo(StringRef PatternSymbol, StringRef Type)
: PatternSymbol(PatternSymbol), Type(Type.trim()) {}
StringRef getPatternSymbol() const { return PatternSymbol; };
StringRef getType() const { return Type; };
bool hasVariableName() const { return !VarName.empty(); }
void setVariableName(StringRef Name) { VarName = Name; }
StringRef getVariableName() const;
std::string getQualifiedVariableName() const {
return StructName.str() + "." + getVariableName().str();
void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;
void dump() const { print(dbgs()); }
StringRef MatchDataInfo::getVariableName() const {
return VarName;
void MatchDataInfo::print(raw_ostream &OS) const {
OS << "(MatchDataInfo pattern_symbol:" << PatternSymbol << " type:'" << Type
<< "' var_name:" << (VarName.empty() ? "<unassigned>" : VarName) << ")";
/// Pool of type -> variables used to emit MatchData variables declarations.
/// e.g. if the map contains "int64_t" -> ["MD0", "MD1"], then two variable
/// declarations must be emitted: `int64_t MD0` and `int64_t MD1`.
/// This has a static lifetime and will outlive all the `MatchDataInfo` objects
/// by design. It needs to persist after all `CombineRuleBuilder` objects died
/// so we can emit the variable declarations.
StringMap<std::vector<std::string>> AllMatchDataVars;
// Assign variable names to all MatchDatas used by a pattern. This must be
// called after all MatchData decls have been parsed inside a rule.
// Requires an array of MatchDataInfo so we can handle cases where a pattern
// uses multiple instances of the same MatchData type.
void AssignMatchDataVariables(MutableArrayRef<MatchDataInfo> Infos) {
static unsigned NextVarID = 0;
StringMap<unsigned> SeenTypes;
for (auto &I : Infos) {
unsigned &NumSeen = SeenTypes[I.getType()];
auto &ExistingVars = AllMatchDataVars[I.getType()];
if (NumSeen == ExistingVars.size())
ExistingVars.push_back("MDInfo" + to_string(NextVarID++));
//===- C++ Predicates Handling --------------------------------------------===//
/// Entry into the static pool of all CXX Predicate code. This contains the
/// fully expanded C++ code.
/// Each CXXPattern creates a new entry in the pool to store its data, even
/// after the pattern is destroyed.
/// Note that CXXPattern trims C++ code, so the Code is already expected to be
/// free of leading/trailing whitespace.
struct CXXPredicateCode {
CXXPredicateCode(std::string Code, unsigned ID)
: Code(Code), ID(ID), BaseEnumName("GICombiner" + to_string(ID)) {
assert(StringRef(Code).trim() == Code &&
"Code was expected to be trimmed!");
const std::string Code;
const unsigned ID;
const std::string BaseEnumName;
bool needsUnreachable() const {
return !StringRef(Code).starts_with("return");
std::string getEnumNameWithPrefix(StringRef Prefix) const {
return Prefix.str() + BaseEnumName;
using CXXPredicateCodePool =
DenseMap<hash_code, std::unique_ptr<CXXPredicateCode>>;
CXXPredicateCodePool AllCXXMatchCode;
CXXPredicateCodePool AllCXXApplyCode;
/// Gets an instance of `CXXPredicateCode` for \p Code, or returns an already
/// existing one.
const CXXPredicateCode &getOrInsert(CXXPredicateCodePool &Pool,
std::string Code) {
// Check if we already have an identical piece of code, if not, create an
// entry in the pool.
const auto CodeHash = hash_value(Code);
if (auto It = Pool.find(CodeHash); It != Pool.end())
return *It->second;
const auto ID = Pool.size();
auto OwnedData = std::make_unique<CXXPredicateCode>(std::move(Code), ID);
const auto &DataRef = *OwnedData;
Pool[CodeHash] = std::move(OwnedData);
return DataRef;
/// Sorts a `CXXPredicateCodePool` by their IDs and returns it.
std::vector<const CXXPredicateCode *>
getSorted(const CXXPredicateCodePool &Pool) {
std::vector<const CXXPredicateCode *> Out;
std::transform(Pool.begin(), Pool.end(), std::back_inserter(Out),
[&](auto &Elt) { return Elt.second.get(); });
sort(Out, [](const auto *A, const auto *B) { return A->ID < B->ID; });
return Out;
//===- Pattern Base Class -------------------------------------------------===//
// An abstract pattern found in a combine rule. This can be an apply or match
// pattern.
class Pattern {
enum {
virtual ~Pattern() = default;
unsigned getKind() const { return Kind; }
const char *getKindName() const;
bool hasName() const { return !Name.empty(); }
StringRef getName() const { return Name; }
virtual void print(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName = true) const = 0;
void dump() const { return print(dbgs()); }
Pattern(unsigned Kind, StringRef Name) : Kind(Kind), Name(Name.str()) {
assert(!Name.empty() && "unnamed pattern!");
void printImpl(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName,
function_ref<void()> ContentPrinter) const;
unsigned Kind;
// Note: if this ever changes to a StringRef (e.g. allocated in a pool or
// something), CombineRuleBuilder::verify() needs to be updated as well.
// It currently checks that the StringRef in the PatternMap references this.
std::string Name;
const char *Pattern::getKindName() const {
switch (Kind) {
case K_AnyOpcode:
return "AnyOpcodePattern";
case K_Inst:
return "InstructionPattern";
case K_CXX:
return "CXXPattern";
llvm_unreachable("unknown pattern kind!");
void Pattern::printImpl(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName,
function_ref<void()> ContentPrinter) const {
OS << "(" << getKindName() << " ";
if (PrintName)
OS << "name:" << getName() << " ";
OS << ")";
//===- AnyOpcodePattern ---------------------------------------------------===//
/// `wip_match_opcode` patterns.
/// This matches one or more opcodes, and does not check any operands
/// whatsoever.
class AnyOpcodePattern : public Pattern {
AnyOpcodePattern(StringRef Name) : Pattern(K_AnyOpcode, Name) {}
static bool classof(const Pattern *P) { return P->getKind() == K_AnyOpcode; }
void addOpcode(const CodeGenInstruction *I) { Insts.push_back(I); }
const auto &insts() const { return Insts; }
void print(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName = true) const override;
SmallVector<const CodeGenInstruction *, 4> Insts;
void AnyOpcodePattern::print(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName) const {
printImpl(OS, PrintName, [&OS, this]() {
OS << "["
<< join(map_range(Insts,
[](const auto *I) { return I->TheDef->getName(); }),
", ")
<< "]";
//===- InstructionPattern -------------------------------------------------===//
/// Matches an instruction, e.g. `G_ADD $x, $y, $z`.
/// This pattern is simply CodeGenInstruction + a list of operands.
class InstructionPattern : public Pattern {
struct Operand {
std::string Name;
bool IsDef = false;
InstructionPattern(const CodeGenInstruction &I, StringRef Name)
: Pattern(K_Inst, Name), I(I) {}
static bool classof(const Pattern *P) { return P->getKind() == K_Inst; }
const auto &operands() const { return Operands; }
void addOperand(StringRef Name);
unsigned getNumDefs() const { return I.Operands.NumDefs; }
const CodeGenInstruction &getInst() const { return I; }
StringRef getInstName() const { return I.TheDef->getName(); }
void reportUnreachable(ArrayRef<SMLoc> Locs) const;
bool checkSemantics(ArrayRef<SMLoc> Loc) const;
void print(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName = true) const override;
const CodeGenInstruction &I;
SmallVector<Operand, 4> Operands;
void InstructionPattern::addOperand(StringRef Name) {
const bool IsDef = Operands.size() < getNumDefs();
Operands.emplace_back(Operand{Name.str(), IsDef});
void InstructionPattern::reportUnreachable(ArrayRef<SMLoc> Locs) const {
PrintError(Locs, "Instruction pattern '" + getName() +
"' is unreachable from the pattern root!");
bool InstructionPattern::checkSemantics(ArrayRef<SMLoc> Loc) const {
unsigned NumExpectedOperands = I.Operands.size();
if (NumExpectedOperands != Operands.size()) {
PrintError(Loc, "'" + getInstName() + "' expected " +
Twine(NumExpectedOperands) + " operands, got " +
return false;
return true;
void InstructionPattern::print(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName) const {
printImpl(OS, PrintName, [&OS, this]() {
OS << "inst:" << I.TheDef->getName() << " operands:["
<< join(map_range(Operands,
[](const auto &O) {
return (O.IsDef ? "<def>" : "") + O.Name;
", ")
<< "]";
//===- CXXPattern ---------------------------------------------------------===//
/// Raw C++ code which may need some expansions.
/// e.g. [{ return isFooBux(${src}.getReg()); }]
/// For the expanded code, \see CXXPredicateCode. CXXPredicateCode objects are
/// created through `expandCode`.
/// \see CodeExpander and \see CodeExpansions for more information on code
/// expansions.
/// This object has two purposes:
/// - Represent C++ code as a pattern entry.
/// - Be a factory for expanded C++ code.
/// - It's immutable and only holds the raw code so we can expand the same
/// CXX pattern multiple times if we need to.
/// Note that the code is always trimmed in the constructor, so leading and
/// trailing whitespaces are removed. This removes bloat in the output, avoids
/// formatting issues, but also allows us to check things like
/// `.startswith("return")` trivially without worrying about spaces.
class CXXPattern : public Pattern {
CXXPattern(const StringInit &Code, StringRef Name, bool IsApply)
: CXXPattern(Code.getAsUnquotedString(), Name, IsApply) {}
CXXPattern(StringRef Code, StringRef Name, bool IsApply)
: Pattern(K_CXX, Name), IsApply(IsApply), RawCode(Code.trim().str()) {}
static bool classof(const Pattern *P) { return P->getKind() == K_CXX; }
bool isApply() const { return IsApply; }
StringRef getRawCode() const { return RawCode; }
/// Expands raw code, replacing things such as `${foo}` with their
/// substitution in \p CE.
/// \param CE Map of Code Expansions
/// \param Locs SMLocs for the Code Expander, in case it needs to emit
/// diagnostics.
/// \return A CXXPredicateCode object that contains the expanded code. Note
/// that this may or may not insert a new object. All CXXPredicateCode objects
/// are held in a set to avoid emitting duplicate C++ code.
const CXXPredicateCode &expandCode(const CodeExpansions &CE,
ArrayRef<SMLoc> Locs) const;
void print(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName = true) const override;
bool IsApply;
std::string RawCode;
const CXXPredicateCode &CXXPattern::expandCode(const CodeExpansions &CE,
ArrayRef<SMLoc> Locs) const {
std::string Result;
raw_string_ostream OS(Result);
CodeExpander Expander(RawCode, CE, Locs, /*ShowExpansions*/ false);
return getOrInsert(IsApply ? AllCXXApplyCode : AllCXXMatchCode,
void CXXPattern::print(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName) const {
printImpl(OS, PrintName, [&OS, this] {
OS << (IsApply ? "apply" : "match") << " code:\"";
printEscapedString(getRawCode(), OS);
OS << "\"";
//===- CombineRuleBuilder -------------------------------------------------===//
/// Helper for CombineRuleBuilder.
/// Represents information about an operand.
/// Operands with no MatchPat are considered live-in to the pattern.
struct OperandTableEntry {
// The matcher pattern that defines this operand.
// null for live-ins.
InstructionPattern *MatchPat = nullptr;
// The apply pattern that (re)defines this operand.
// This can only be non-null if MatchPat is.
InstructionPattern *ApplyPat = nullptr;
bool isLiveIn() const { return !MatchPat; }
/// Parses combine rule and builds a small intermediate representation to tie
/// patterns together and emit RuleMatchers to match them. This may emit more
/// than one RuleMatcher, e.g. for `wip_match_opcode`.
/// Memory management for `Pattern` objects is done through `std::unique_ptr`.
/// In most cases, there are two stages to a pattern's lifetime:
/// - Creation in a `parse` function
/// - The unique_ptr is stored in a variable, and may be destroyed if the
/// pattern is found to be semantically invalid.
/// - Ownership transfer into a `PatternMap`
/// - Once a pattern is moved into either the map of Match or Apply
/// patterns, it is known to be valid and it never moves back.
class CombineRuleBuilder {
using PatternMap = MapVector<StringRef, std::unique_ptr<Pattern>>;
CombineRuleBuilder(const CodeGenTarget &CGT,
SubtargetFeatureInfoMap &SubtargetFeatures,
Record &RuleDef, unsigned ID,
std::vector<RuleMatcher> &OutRMs)
: CGT(CGT), SubtargetFeatures(SubtargetFeatures), RuleDef(RuleDef),
RuleID(ID), OutRMs(OutRMs) {}
/// Parses all fields in the RuleDef record.
bool parseAll();
/// Emits all RuleMatchers into the vector of RuleMatchers passed in the
/// constructor.
bool emitRuleMatchers();
void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;
void dump() const { print(dbgs()); }
/// Debug-only verification of invariants.
void verify() const;
void PrintError(Twine Msg) const { ::PrintError(RuleDef.getLoc(), Msg); }
/// Adds the expansions from \see MatchDatas to \p CE.
void declareAllMatchDatasExpansions(CodeExpansions &CE) const;
/// Adds \p P to \p IM, expanding its code using \p CE.
void addCXXPredicate(InstructionMatcher &IM, const CodeExpansions &CE,
const CXXPattern &P);
/// Generates a name for anonymous patterns.
/// e.g. (G_ADD $x, $y, $z):$foo is a pattern named "foo", but if ":$foo" is
/// absent, then the pattern is anonymous and this is used to assign it a
/// name.
std::string makeAnonPatName(StringRef Prefix) const;
mutable unsigned AnonIDCnt = 0;
/// Creates a new RuleMatcher with some boilerplate
/// settings/actions/predicates, and and adds it to \p OutRMs.
/// \see addFeaturePredicates too.
/// \param AdditionalComment Comment string to be added to the
/// `DebugCommentAction`.
RuleMatcher &addRuleMatcher(Twine AdditionalComment = "");
bool addFeaturePredicates(RuleMatcher &M);
bool findRoots();
bool buildOperandsTable();
bool parseDefs(DagInit &Def);
bool parseMatch(DagInit &Match);
bool parseApply(DagInit &Apply);
std::unique_ptr<Pattern> parseInstructionMatcher(const Init &Arg,
StringRef PatName);
std::unique_ptr<Pattern> parseWipMatchOpcodeMatcher(const Init &Arg,
StringRef PatName);
bool emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE, const InstructionPattern &IP);
bool emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE, const AnyOpcodePattern &AOP);
bool emitApplyPatterns(CodeExpansions &CE, RuleMatcher &M);
// Recursively visits InstructionPattern from P to build up the
// RuleMatcher/InstructionMatcher. May create new InstructionMatchers as
// needed.
bool emitInstructionMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE, RuleMatcher &M,
InstructionMatcher &IM,
const InstructionPattern &P,
DenseSet<const Pattern *> &SeenPats);
const CodeGenTarget &CGT;
SubtargetFeatureInfoMap &SubtargetFeatures;
Record &RuleDef;
const unsigned RuleID;
std::vector<RuleMatcher> &OutRMs;
// For InstructionMatcher::addOperand
unsigned AllocatedTemporariesBaseID = 0;
/// The root of the pattern.
StringRef RootName;
/// These maps have ownership of the actual Pattern objects.
/// They both map a Pattern's name to the Pattern instance.
PatternMap MatchPats;
PatternMap ApplyPats;
/// Set by findRoots.
Pattern *MatchRoot = nullptr;
MapVector<StringRef, OperandTableEntry> OperandTable;
SmallVector<MatchDataInfo, 2> MatchDatas;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::parseAll() {
if (!parseDefs(*RuleDef.getValueAsDag("Defs")))
return false;
if (!parseMatch(*RuleDef.getValueAsDag("Match")))
return false;
if (!parseApply(*RuleDef.getValueAsDag("Apply")))
return false;
if (!buildOperandsTable())
return false;
if (!findRoots())
return false;
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitRuleMatchers() {
CodeExpansions CE;
switch (MatchRoot->getKind()) {
case Pattern::K_AnyOpcode: {
if (!emitMatchPattern(CE, *cast<AnyOpcodePattern>(MatchRoot)))
return false;
case Pattern::K_Inst:
if (!emitMatchPattern(CE, *cast<InstructionPattern>(MatchRoot)))
return false;
case Pattern::K_CXX:
PrintError("C++ code cannot be the root of a pattern!");
return false;
llvm_unreachable("unknown pattern kind!");
return true;
void CombineRuleBuilder::print(raw_ostream &OS) const {
OS << "(CombineRule name:" << RuleDef.getName() << " id:" << RuleID
<< " root:" << RootName << "\n";
OS << " (MatchDatas ";
if (MatchDatas.empty())
OS << "<empty>)\n";
else {
OS << "\n";
for (const auto &MD : MatchDatas) {
OS << " ";
OS << "\n";
OS << " )\n";
const auto DumpPats = [&](StringRef Name, const PatternMap &Pats) {
OS << " (" << Name << " ";
if (Pats.empty()) {
OS << "<empty>)\n";
OS << "\n";
for (const auto &[Name, Pat] : Pats) {
OS << " ";
if (Pat.get() == MatchRoot)
OS << "<root>";
OS << Name << ":";
Pat->print(OS, /*PrintName=*/false);
OS << "\n";
OS << " )\n";
DumpPats("MatchPats", MatchPats);
DumpPats("ApplyPats", ApplyPats);
OS << " (OperandTable ";
if (OperandTable.empty())
OS << "<empty>)\n";
else {
OS << "\n";
for (const auto &[Key, Val] : OperandTable) {
OS << " [" << Key;
if (const auto *P = Val.MatchPat)
OS << " match_pat:" << P->getName();
if (const auto *P = Val.ApplyPat)
OS << " apply_pat:" << P->getName();
if (Val.isLiveIn())
OS << " live-in";
OS << "]\n";
OS << " )\n";
OS << ")\n";
void CombineRuleBuilder::verify() const {
const auto VerifyPats = [&](const PatternMap &Pats) {
for (const auto &[Name, Pat] : Pats) {
if (!Pat)
PrintFatalError("null pattern in pattern map!");
if (Name != Pat->getName()) {
PrintFatalError("Pattern name mismatch! Map name: " + Name +
", Pat name: " + Pat->getName());
// As an optimization, the PatternMaps don't re-allocate the PatternName
// string. They simply reference the std::string inside Pattern. Ensure
// this is the case to avoid memory issues.
if ( != Pat->getName().data()) {
dbgs() << "Map StringRef: '" << Name << "' @ "
<< (const void *) << "\n";
dbgs() << "Pat String: '" << Pat->getName() << "' @ "
<< (const void *)Pat->getName().data() << "\n";
PrintFatalError("StringRef stored in the PatternMap is not referencing "
"the same string as its Pattern!");
for (const auto &[Name, Op] : OperandTable) {
if (Op.ApplyPat && !Op.MatchPat) {
PrintFatalError("Operand " + Name +
" has an apply pattern, but no match pattern!");
bool CombineRuleBuilder::addFeaturePredicates(RuleMatcher &M) {
if (!RuleDef.getValue("Predicates"))
return true;
ListInit *Preds = RuleDef.getValueAsListInit("Predicates");
for (Init *I : Preds->getValues()) {
if (DefInit *Pred = dyn_cast<DefInit>(I)) {
Record *Def = Pred->getDef();
if (!Def->isSubClassOf("Predicate")) {
::PrintError(Def->getLoc(), "Unknown 'Predicate' Type");
return false;
if (Def->getValueAsString("CondString").empty())
if (SubtargetFeatures.count(Def) == 0) {
Def, SubtargetFeatureInfo(Def, SubtargetFeatures.size()));
return true;
void CombineRuleBuilder::declareAllMatchDatasExpansions(
CodeExpansions &CE) const {
for (const auto &MD : MatchDatas)
CE.declare(MD.getPatternSymbol(), MD.getQualifiedVariableName());
void CombineRuleBuilder::addCXXPredicate(InstructionMatcher &IM,
const CodeExpansions &CE,
const CXXPattern &P) {
const auto &ExpandedCode = P.expandCode(CE, RuleDef.getLoc());
std::string CombineRuleBuilder::makeAnonPatName(StringRef Prefix) const {
return to_string("__anon_pat_" + Prefix + "_" + to_string(RuleID) + "_" +
RuleMatcher &CombineRuleBuilder::addRuleMatcher(Twine AdditionalComment) {
auto &RM = OutRMs.emplace_back(RuleDef.getLoc());
const std::string AdditionalCommentStr = AdditionalComment.str();
"Combiner Rule #" + to_string(RuleID) + ": " + RuleDef.getName().str() +
(AdditionalCommentStr.empty() ? "" : "; " + AdditionalCommentStr));
return RM;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::findRoots() {
// Look by pattern name, e.g.
// (G_FNEG $x, $y):$root
if (auto It = MatchPats.find(RootName); It != MatchPats.end()) {
MatchRoot = It->second.get();
return true;
// Look by def:
// (G_FNEG $root, $y)
auto It = OperandTable.find(RootName);
if (It == OperandTable.end()) {
PrintError("Cannot find root '" + RootName + "' in match patterns!");
return false;
if (!It->second.MatchPat) {
PrintError("Cannot use live-in operand '" + RootName +
"' as match pattern root!");
return false;
MatchRoot = It->second.MatchPat;
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::buildOperandsTable() {
// Walk each instruction pattern
for (auto &[_, P] : MatchPats) {
auto *IP = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(P.get());
if (!IP)
for (const auto &Operand : IP->operands()) {
// Create an entry, no matter if it's a use or a def.
auto &Entry = OperandTable[Operand.Name];
// We only need to do additional checking on defs, though.
if (!Operand.IsDef)
if (Entry.MatchPat) {
PrintError("Operand '" + Operand.Name +
"' is defined multiple times in the 'match' patterns");
return false;
Entry.MatchPat = IP;
for (auto &[_, P] : ApplyPats) {
auto *IP = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(P.get());
if (!IP)
for (const auto &Operand : IP->operands()) {
// Create an entry, no matter if it's a use or a def.
auto &Entry = OperandTable[Operand.Name];
// We only need to do additional checking on defs, though.
if (!Operand.IsDef)
if (!Entry.MatchPat) {
PrintError("Cannot define live-in operand '" + Operand.Name +
"' in the 'apply' pattern");
return false;
if (Entry.ApplyPat) {
PrintError("Operand '" + Operand.Name +
"' is defined multiple times in the 'apply' patterns");
return false;
Entry.ApplyPat = IP;
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::parseDefs(DagInit &Def) {
if (Def.getOperatorAsDef(RuleDef.getLoc())->getName() != "defs") {
PrintError("Expected defs operator");
return false;
SmallVector<StringRef> Roots;
for (unsigned I = 0, E = Def.getNumArgs(); I < E; ++I) {
if (isSpecificDef(*Def.getArg(I), "root")) {
// Subclasses of GIDefMatchData should declare that this rule needs to pass
// data from the match stage to the apply stage, and ensure that the
// generated matcher has a suitable variable for it to do so.
if (Record *MatchDataRec =
getDefOfSubClass(*Def.getArg(I), "GIDefMatchData")) {
// Otherwise emit an appropriate error message.
if (getDefOfSubClass(*Def.getArg(I), "GIDefKind"))
PrintError("This GIDefKind not implemented in tablegen");
else if (getDefOfSubClass(*Def.getArg(I), "GIDefKindWithArgs"))
PrintError("This GIDefKindWithArgs not implemented in tablegen");
PrintError("Expected a subclass of GIDefKind or a sub-dag whose "
"operator is of type GIDefKindWithArgs");
return false;
if (Roots.size() != 1) {
PrintError("Combine rules must have exactly one root");
return false;
RootName = Roots.front();
// Assign variables to all MatchDatas.
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::parseMatch(DagInit &Match) {
if (Match.getOperatorAsDef(RuleDef.getLoc())->getName() != "match") {
PrintError("Expected match operator");
return false;
if (Match.getNumArgs() == 0) {
PrintError("Matcher is empty");
return false;
// The match section consists of a list of matchers and predicates. Parse each
// one and add the equivalent GIMatchDag nodes, predicates, and edges.
bool HasOpcodeMatcher = false;
for (unsigned I = 0; I < Match.getNumArgs(); ++I) {
Init *Arg = Match.getArg(I);
std::string Name = Match.getArgName(I)
? Match.getArgName(I)->getValue().str()
: makeAnonPatName("match");
if (MatchPats.contains(Name)) {
PrintError("'" + Name + "' match pattern defined more than once!");
return false;
if (auto Pat = parseInstructionMatcher(*Arg, Name)) {
MatchPats[Pat->getName()] = std::move(Pat);
if (auto Pat = parseWipMatchOpcodeMatcher(*Arg, Name)) {
if (HasOpcodeMatcher) {
PrintError("wip_opcode_match can only be present once");
return false;
HasOpcodeMatcher = true;
MatchPats[Pat->getName()] = std::move(Pat);
// Parse arbitrary C++ code
if (const auto *StringI = dyn_cast<StringInit>(Arg)) {
auto CXXPat =
std::make_unique<CXXPattern>(*StringI, Name, /*IsApply*/ false);
if (!CXXPat->getRawCode().contains("return ")) {
"'match' C++ code does not seem to return!");
MatchPats[CXXPat->getName()] = std::move(CXXPat);
// TODO: don't print this on, e.g. bad operand count in inst pat
PrintError("Expected a subclass of GIMatchKind or a sub-dag whose "
"operator is either of a GIMatchKindWithArgs or Instruction");
PrintNote("Pattern was `" + Arg->getAsString() + "'");
return false;
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::parseApply(DagInit &Apply) {
// Currently we only support C++ :(
if (Apply.getOperatorAsDef(RuleDef.getLoc())->getName() != "apply") {
PrintError("Expected 'apply' operator in Apply DAG");
return false;
if (Apply.getNumArgs() != 1) {
PrintError("Expected exactly 1 argument in 'apply'");
return false;
const StringInit *Code = dyn_cast<StringInit>(Apply.getArg(0));
auto Pat = std::make_unique<CXXPattern>(*Code, makeAnonPatName("apply"),
/*IsApply*/ true);
ApplyPats[Pat->getName()] = std::move(Pat);
return true;
CombineRuleBuilder::parseInstructionMatcher(const Init &Arg, StringRef Name) {
const DagInit *Matcher = getDagWithOperatorOfSubClass(Arg, "Instruction");
if (!Matcher)
return nullptr;
auto &Instr = CGT.getInstruction(Matcher->getOperatorAsDef(RuleDef.getLoc()));
auto Pat = std::make_unique<InstructionPattern>(Instr, Name);
for (const auto &NameInit : Matcher->getArgNames())
if (!Pat->checkSemantics(RuleDef.getLoc()))
return nullptr;
return std::move(Pat);
CombineRuleBuilder::parseWipMatchOpcodeMatcher(const Init &Arg,
StringRef Name) {
const DagInit *Matcher = getDagWithSpecificOperator(Arg, "wip_match_opcode");
if (!Matcher)
return nullptr;
if (Matcher->getNumArgs() == 0) {
PrintError("Empty wip_match_opcode");
return nullptr;
// Each argument is an opcode that can match.
auto Result = std::make_unique<AnyOpcodePattern>(Name);
for (const auto &Arg : Matcher->getArgs()) {
Record *OpcodeDef = getDefOfSubClass(*Arg, "Instruction");
if (OpcodeDef) {
PrintError("Arguments to wip_match_opcode must be instructions");
return nullptr;
return std::move(Result);
bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE,
const InstructionPattern &IP) {
auto &M = addRuleMatcher();
InstructionMatcher &IM = M.addInstructionMatcher("root");
declareInstExpansion(CE, IM, IP.getName());
DenseSet<const Pattern *> SeenPats;
if (!emitInstructionMatchPattern(CE, M, IM, IP, SeenPats))
return false;
// Emit remaining patterns
for (auto &[_, Pat] : MatchPats) {
if (SeenPats.contains(Pat.get()))
switch (Pat->getKind()) {
case Pattern::K_AnyOpcode:
PrintError("wip_match_opcode can not be used with instruction patterns!");
return false;
case Pattern::K_Inst:
return false;
case Pattern::K_CXX: {
addCXXPredicate(IM, CE, *cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get()));
llvm_unreachable("unknown pattern kind!");
return emitApplyPatterns(CE, M);
bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE,
const AnyOpcodePattern &AOP) {
for (const CodeGenInstruction *CGI : AOP.insts()) {
auto &M = addRuleMatcher("wip_match_opcode alternative '" +
CGI->TheDef->getName() + "'");
InstructionMatcher &IM = M.addInstructionMatcher(AOP.getName());
declareInstExpansion(CE, IM, AOP.getName());
// declareInstExpansion needs to be identical, otherwise we need to create a
// CodeExpansions object here instead.
assert(IM.getInsnVarID() == 0);
// Emit remaining patterns.
for (auto &[_, Pat] : MatchPats) {
if (Pat.get() == &AOP)
switch (Pat->getKind()) {
case Pattern::K_AnyOpcode:
PrintError("wip_match_opcode can only be present once!");
return false;
case Pattern::K_Inst:
return false;
case Pattern::K_CXX: {
addCXXPredicate(IM, CE, *cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get()));
llvm_unreachable("unknown pattern kind!");
if (!emitApplyPatterns(CE, M))
return false;
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitApplyPatterns(CodeExpansions &CE, RuleMatcher &M) {
for (auto &[_, Pat] : ApplyPats) {
switch (Pat->getKind()) {
case Pattern::K_AnyOpcode:
case Pattern::K_Inst:
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported pattern kind in output pattern!");
case Pattern::K_CXX: {
CXXPattern *CXXPat = cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get());
const auto &ExpandedCode = CXXPat->expandCode(CE, RuleDef.getLoc());
llvm_unreachable("Unknown pattern kind!");
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitInstructionMatchPattern(
CodeExpansions &CE, RuleMatcher &M, InstructionMatcher &IM,
const InstructionPattern &P, DenseSet<const Pattern *> &SeenPats) {
if (SeenPats.contains(&P))
return true;
declareInstExpansion(CE, IM, P.getName());
unsigned OpIdx = 0;
for (auto &O : P.operands()) {
auto &OpTableEntry = OperandTable.find(O.Name)->second;
OperandMatcher &OM =
IM.addOperand(OpIdx++, O.Name, AllocatedTemporariesBaseID++);
declareOperandExpansion(CE, OM, O.Name);
if (O.IsDef)
if (InstructionPattern *DefPat = OpTableEntry.MatchPat) {
auto InstOpM = OM.addPredicate<InstructionOperandMatcher>(M, O.Name);
if (!InstOpM) {
// TODO: copy-pasted from GlobalISelEmitter.cpp. Is it still relevant
// here?
PrintError("Nested instruction '" + DefPat->getName() +
"' cannot be the same as another operand '" + O.Name + "'");
return false;
if (!emitInstructionMatchPattern(CE, M, (*InstOpM)->getInsnMatcher(),
*DefPat, SeenPats))
return false;
return true;
//===- GICombinerEmitter --------------------------------------------------===//
/// This class is essentially the driver. It fetches all TableGen records, calls
/// CombineRuleBuilder to build the MatchTable's RuleMatchers, then creates the
/// MatchTable & emits it. It also handles emitting all the supporting code such
/// as the list of LLTs, the CXXPredicates, etc.
class GICombinerEmitter final : public GlobalISelMatchTableExecutorEmitter {
RecordKeeper &Records;
StringRef Name;
const CodeGenTarget &Target;
Record *Combiner;
unsigned NextRuleID = 0;
// List all combine rules (ID, name) imported.
// Note that the combiner rule ID is different from the RuleMatcher ID. The
// latter is internal to the MatchTable, the former is the canonical ID of the
// combine rule used to disable/enable it.
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, std::string>> AllCombineRules;
MatchTable buildMatchTable(MutableArrayRef<RuleMatcher> Rules);
void emitRuleConfigImpl(raw_ostream &OS);
void emitAdditionalImpl(raw_ostream &OS) override;
void emitMIPredicateFns(raw_ostream &OS) override;
void emitI64ImmPredicateFns(raw_ostream &OS) override;
void emitAPFloatImmPredicateFns(raw_ostream &OS) override;
void emitAPIntImmPredicateFns(raw_ostream &OS) override;
void emitTestSimplePredicate(raw_ostream &OS) override;
void emitRunCustomAction(raw_ostream &OS) override;
void emitAdditionalTemporariesDecl(raw_ostream &OS,
StringRef Indent) override;
const CodeGenTarget &getTarget() const override { return Target; }
StringRef getClassName() const override {
return Combiner->getValueAsString("Classname");
std::string getRuleConfigClassName() const {
return getClassName().str() + "RuleConfig";
void gatherRules(std::vector<RuleMatcher> &Rules,
const std::vector<Record *> &&RulesAndGroups);
explicit GICombinerEmitter(RecordKeeper &RK, const CodeGenTarget &Target,
StringRef Name, Record *Combiner);
~GICombinerEmitter() {}
void run(raw_ostream &OS);
void GICombinerEmitter::emitRuleConfigImpl(raw_ostream &OS) {
OS << "struct " << getRuleConfigClassName() << " {\n"
<< " SparseBitVector<> DisabledRules;\n\n"
<< " bool isRuleEnabled(unsigned RuleID) const;\n"
<< " bool parseCommandLineOption();\n"
<< " bool setRuleEnabled(StringRef RuleIdentifier);\n"
<< " bool setRuleDisabled(StringRef RuleIdentifier);\n"
<< "};\n\n";
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> Cases;
for (const auto &[ID, Name] : AllCombineRules)
Cases.emplace_back(Name, "return " + to_string(ID) + ";\n");
OS << "static std::optional<uint64_t> getRuleIdxForIdentifier(StringRef "
"RuleIdentifier) {\n"
<< " uint64_t I;\n"
<< " // getAtInteger(...) returns false on success\n"
<< " bool Parsed = !RuleIdentifier.getAsInteger(0, I);\n"
<< " if (Parsed)\n"
<< " return I;\n\n"
<< "#ifndef NDEBUG\n";
StringMatcher Matcher("RuleIdentifier", Cases, OS);
OS << "#endif // ifndef NDEBUG\n\n"
<< " return std::nullopt;\n"
<< "}\n";
OS << "static std::optional<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>> "
"getRuleRangeForIdentifier(StringRef RuleIdentifier) {\n"
<< " std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> RangePair = "
<< " if (!RangePair.second.empty()) {\n"
<< " const auto First = "
<< " const auto Last = "
<< " if (!First || !Last)\n"
<< " return std::nullopt;\n"
<< " if (First >= Last)\n"
<< " report_fatal_error(\"Beginning of range should be before "
"end of range\");\n"
<< " return {{*First, *Last + 1}};\n"
<< " }\n"
<< " if (RangePair.first == \"*\") {\n"
<< " return {{0, " << AllCombineRules.size() << "}};\n"
<< " }\n"
<< " const auto I = getRuleIdxForIdentifier(RangePair.first);\n"
<< " if (!I)\n"
<< " return std::nullopt;\n"
<< " return {{*I, *I + 1}};\n"
<< "}\n\n";
for (bool Enabled : {true, false}) {
OS << "bool " << getRuleConfigClassName() << "::setRule"
<< (Enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled") << "(StringRef RuleIdentifier) {\n"
<< " auto MaybeRange = getRuleRangeForIdentifier(RuleIdentifier);\n"
<< " if (!MaybeRange)\n"
<< " return false;\n"
<< " for (auto I = MaybeRange->first; I < MaybeRange->second; ++I)\n"
<< " DisabledRules." << (Enabled ? "reset" : "set") << "(I);\n"
<< " return true;\n"
<< "}\n\n";
OS << "static std::vector<std::string> " << Name << "Option;\n"
<< "static cl::list<std::string> " << Name << "DisableOption(\n"
<< " \"" << Name.lower() << "-disable-rule\",\n"
<< " cl::desc(\"Disable one or more combiner rules temporarily in "
<< "the " << Name << " pass\"),\n"
<< " cl::CommaSeparated,\n"
<< " cl::Hidden,\n"
<< " cl::cat(GICombinerOptionCategory),\n"
<< " cl::callback([](const std::string &Str) {\n"
<< " " << Name << "Option.push_back(Str);\n"
<< " }));\n"
<< "static cl::list<std::string> " << Name << "OnlyEnableOption(\n"
<< " \"" << Name.lower() << "-only-enable-rule\",\n"
<< " cl::desc(\"Disable all rules in the " << Name
<< " pass then re-enable the specified ones\"),\n"
<< " cl::Hidden,\n"
<< " cl::cat(GICombinerOptionCategory),\n"
<< " cl::callback([](const std::string &CommaSeparatedArg) {\n"
<< " StringRef Str = CommaSeparatedArg;\n"
<< " " << Name << "Option.push_back(\"*\");\n"
<< " do {\n"
<< " auto X = Str.split(\",\");\n"
<< " " << Name << "Option.push_back((\"!\" + X.first).str());\n"
<< " Str = X.second;\n"
<< " } while (!Str.empty());\n"
<< " }));\n"
<< "\n\n"
<< "bool " << getRuleConfigClassName()
<< "::isRuleEnabled(unsigned RuleID) const {\n"
<< " return !DisabledRules.test(RuleID);\n"
<< "}\n"
<< "bool " << getRuleConfigClassName() << "::parseCommandLineOption() {\n"
<< " for (StringRef Identifier : " << Name << "Option) {\n"
<< " bool Enabled = Identifier.consume_front(\"!\");\n"
<< " if (Enabled && !setRuleEnabled(Identifier))\n"
<< " return false;\n"
<< " if (!Enabled && !setRuleDisabled(Identifier))\n"
<< " return false;\n"
<< " }\n"
<< " return true;\n"
<< "}\n\n";
void GICombinerEmitter::emitAdditionalImpl(raw_ostream &OS) {
OS << "bool " << getClassName()
<< "::tryCombineAll(MachineInstr &I) const {\n"
<< " const TargetSubtargetInfo &ST = MF.getSubtarget();\n"
<< " const PredicateBitset AvailableFeatures = "
<< " NewMIVector OutMIs;\n"
<< " State.MIs.clear();\n"
<< " State.MIs.push_back(&I);\n"
<< " " << MatchDataInfo::StructName << " = "
<< MatchDataInfo::StructTypeName << "();\n\n"
<< " if (executeMatchTable(*this, OutMIs, State, ExecInfo"
<< ", getMatchTable(), *ST.getInstrInfo(), MRI, "
"*MRI.getTargetRegisterInfo(), *ST.getRegBankInfo(), AvailableFeatures"
<< ", /*CoverageInfo*/ nullptr)) {\n"
<< " return true;\n"
<< " }\n\n"
<< " return false;\n"
<< "}\n\n";
void GICombinerEmitter::emitMIPredicateFns(raw_ostream &OS) {
auto MatchCode = getSorted(AllCXXMatchCode);
emitMIPredicateFnsImpl<const CXXPredicateCode *>(
OS, "", ArrayRef<const CXXPredicateCode *>(MatchCode),
[](const CXXPredicateCode *C) -> StringRef { return C->BaseEnumName; },
[](const CXXPredicateCode *C) -> StringRef { return C->Code; });
void GICombinerEmitter::emitI64ImmPredicateFns(raw_ostream &OS) {
// Unused, but still needs to be called.
OS, "I64", "int64_t", {}, [](unsigned) { return ""; },
[](unsigned) { return ""; });
void GICombinerEmitter::emitAPFloatImmPredicateFns(raw_ostream &OS) {
// Unused, but still needs to be called.
OS, "APFloat", "const APFloat &", {}, [](unsigned) { return ""; },
[](unsigned) { return ""; });
void GICombinerEmitter::emitAPIntImmPredicateFns(raw_ostream &OS) {
// Unused, but still needs to be called.
OS, "APInt", "const APInt &", {}, [](unsigned) { return ""; },
[](unsigned) { return ""; });
void GICombinerEmitter::emitTestSimplePredicate(raw_ostream &OS) {
if (!AllCombineRules.empty()) {
OS << "enum {\n";
std::string EnumeratorSeparator = " = GICXXPred_Invalid + 1,\n";
// To avoid emitting a switch, we expect that all those rules are in order.
// That way we can just get the RuleID from the enum by subtracting
// (GICXXPred_Invalid + 1).
unsigned ExpectedID = 0;
for (const auto &[ID, _] : AllCombineRules) {
assert(ExpectedID++ == ID && "combine rules are not ordered!");
OS << " " << getIsEnabledPredicateEnumName(ID) << EnumeratorSeparator;
EnumeratorSeparator = ",\n";
OS << "};\n\n";
OS << "bool " << getClassName()
<< "::testSimplePredicate(unsigned Predicate) const {\n"
<< " return RuleConfig.isRuleEnabled(Predicate - "
"GICXXPred_Invalid - "
<< "}\n";
void GICombinerEmitter::emitRunCustomAction(raw_ostream &OS) {
const auto ApplyCode = getSorted(AllCXXApplyCode);
if (!ApplyCode.empty()) {
OS << "enum {\n";
std::string EnumeratorSeparator = " = GICXXCustomAction_Invalid + 1,\n";
for (const auto &Apply : ApplyCode) {
OS << " " << Apply->getEnumNameWithPrefix(CXXApplyPrefix)
<< EnumeratorSeparator;
EnumeratorSeparator = ",\n";
OS << "};\n";
OS << "void " << getClassName()
<< "::runCustomAction(unsigned ApplyID, const MatcherState &State) const "
if (!ApplyCode.empty()) {
OS << " switch(ApplyID) {\n";
for (const auto &Apply : ApplyCode) {
OS << " case " << Apply->getEnumNameWithPrefix(CXXApplyPrefix) << ":{\n"
<< " " << Apply->Code << "\n"
<< " return;\n";
OS << " }\n";
OS << "}\n";
OS << " llvm_unreachable(\"Unknown Apply Action\");\n"
<< "}\n";
void GICombinerEmitter::emitAdditionalTemporariesDecl(raw_ostream &OS,
StringRef Indent) {
OS << Indent << "struct " << MatchDataInfo::StructTypeName << " {\n";
for (const auto &[Type, VarNames] : AllMatchDataVars) {
assert(!VarNames.empty() && "Cannot have no vars for this type!");
OS << Indent << " " << Type << " " << join(VarNames, ", ") << ";\n";
OS << Indent << "};\n"
<< Indent << "mutable " << MatchDataInfo::StructTypeName << " "
<< MatchDataInfo::StructName << ";\n\n";
GICombinerEmitter::GICombinerEmitter(RecordKeeper &RK,
const CodeGenTarget &Target,
StringRef Name, Record *Combiner)
: Records(RK), Name(Name), Target(Target), Combiner(Combiner) {}
GICombinerEmitter::buildMatchTable(MutableArrayRef<RuleMatcher> Rules) {
std::vector<Matcher *> InputRules;
for (Matcher &Rule : Rules)
unsigned CurrentOrdering = 0;
StringMap<unsigned> OpcodeOrder;
for (RuleMatcher &Rule : Rules) {
const StringRef Opcode = Rule.getOpcode();
assert(!Opcode.empty() && "Didn't expect an undefined opcode");
if (OpcodeOrder.count(Opcode) == 0)
OpcodeOrder[Opcode] = CurrentOrdering++;
llvm::stable_sort(InputRules, [&OpcodeOrder](const Matcher *A,
const Matcher *B) {
auto *L = static_cast<const RuleMatcher *>(A);
auto *R = static_cast<const RuleMatcher *>(B);
return std::make_tuple(OpcodeOrder[L->getOpcode()], L->getNumOperands()) <
std::make_tuple(OpcodeOrder[R->getOpcode()], R->getNumOperands());
for (Matcher *Rule : InputRules)
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Matcher>> MatcherStorage;
std::vector<Matcher *> OptRules =
optimizeRules<GroupMatcher>(InputRules, MatcherStorage);
for (Matcher *Rule : OptRules)
OptRules = optimizeRules<SwitchMatcher>(OptRules, MatcherStorage);
return MatchTable::buildTable(OptRules, /*WithCoverage*/ false,
/*IsCombiner*/ true);
/// Recurse into GICombineGroup's and flatten the ruleset into a simple list.
void GICombinerEmitter::gatherRules(
std::vector<RuleMatcher> &ActiveRules,
const std::vector<Record *> &&RulesAndGroups) {
for (Record *R : RulesAndGroups) {
if (R->isValueUnset("Rules")) {
AllCombineRules.emplace_back(NextRuleID, R->getName().str());
CombineRuleBuilder CRB(Target, SubtargetFeatures, *R, NextRuleID++,
if (!CRB.parseAll())
if (StopAfterParse) {
if (!CRB.emitRuleMatchers())
} else
gatherRules(ActiveRules, R->getValueAsListOfDefs("Rules"));
void GICombinerEmitter::run(raw_ostream &OS) {
Records.startTimer("Gather rules");
std::vector<RuleMatcher> Rules;
gatherRules(Rules, Combiner->getValueAsListOfDefs("Rules"));
if (ErrorsPrinted)
PrintFatalError(Combiner->getLoc(), "Failed to parse one or more rules");
Records.startTimer("Creating Match Table");
unsigned MaxTemporaries = 0;
for (const auto &Rule : Rules)
MaxTemporaries = std::max(MaxTemporaries, Rule.countRendererFns());
const MatchTable Table = buildMatchTable(Rules);
Records.startTimer("Emit combiner");
emitSourceFileHeader(getClassName().str() + " Combiner Match Table", OS);
// Unused
std::vector<StringRef> CustomRendererFns;
// Unused, but hack to avoid empty declarator
std::vector<LLTCodeGen> TypeObjects = {LLTCodeGen(LLT::scalar(1))};
// Unused
std::vector<Record *> ComplexPredicates;
// GET_GICOMBINER_DEPS, which pulls in extra dependencies.
<< "#include \"llvm/ADT/SparseBitVector.h\"\n"
<< "namespace llvm {\n"
<< "extern cl::OptionCategory GICombinerOptionCategory;\n"
<< "} // end namespace llvm\n"
<< "#endif // ifdef GET_GICOMBINER_DEPS\n\n";
// GET_GICOMBINER_TYPES, which needs to be included before the declaration of
// the class.
OS << "#endif // ifdef GET_GICOMBINER_TYPES\n\n";
emitPredicateBitset(OS, "GET_GICOMBINER_TYPES");
// GET_GICOMBINER_CLASS_MEMBERS, which need to be included inside the class.
// GET_GICOMBINER_IMPL, which needs to be included outside the class.
emitExecutorImpl(OS, Table, TypeObjects, Rules, ComplexPredicates,
CustomRendererFns, "GET_GICOMBINER_IMPL");
// GET_GICOMBINER_CONSTRUCTOR_INITS, which are in the constructor's
// initializer list.
emitTemporariesInit(OS, MaxTemporaries, "GET_GICOMBINER_CONSTRUCTOR_INITS");
} // end anonymous namespace
static void EmitGICombiner(RecordKeeper &RK, raw_ostream &OS) {
CodeGenTarget Target(RK);
if (SelectedCombiners.empty())
PrintFatalError("No combiners selected with -combiners");
for (const auto &Combiner : SelectedCombiners) {
Record *CombinerDef = RK.getDef(Combiner);
if (!CombinerDef)
PrintFatalError("Could not find " + Combiner);
GICombinerEmitter(RK, Target, Combiner, CombinerDef).run(OS);
static TableGen::Emitter::Opt X("gen-global-isel-combiner-matchtable",
"Generate GlobalISel combiner Match Table");