Panicking in rust

Step 1: Invocation of the panic! macro.

There are actually two panic macros - one defined in core, and one defined in std. This is due to the fact that code in core can panic. core is built before std, but we want panics to use the same machinery at runtime, whether they originate in core or std.

core definition of panic!

The core panic! macro eventually makes the following call (in library/core/src/

// NOTE This function never crosses the FFI boundary; it's a Rust-to-Rust call
extern "Rust" {
    #[lang = "panic_impl"]
    fn panic_impl(pi: &PanicInfo<'_>) -> !;

let pi = PanicInfo::internal_constructor(Some(&fmt), location);
unsafe { panic_impl(&pi) }

Actually resolving this goes through several layers of indirection:

  1. In compiler/rustc_middle/src/middle/, panic_impl is declared as ‘weak lang item’, with the symbol rust_begin_unwind. This is used in rustc_hir_analysis/src/ to set the actual symbol name to rust_begin_unwind.

    Note that panic_impl is declared in an extern "Rust" block, which means that core will attempt to call a foreign symbol called rust_begin_unwind (to be resolved at link time)

  2. In library/std/src/, we have this definition:

/// Entry point of panic from the core crate.
pub fn begin_panic_handler(info: &PanicInfo<'_>) -> ! {

The special panic_handler attribute is resolved via compiler/rustc_middle/src/middle/lang_items. The extract function converts the panic_handler attribute to a panic_impl lang item.

Now, we have a matching panic_handler lang item in the std. This function goes through the same process as the extern { fn panic_impl } definition in core, ending up with a symbol name of rust_begin_unwind. At link time, the symbol reference in core will be resolved to the definition of std (the function called begin_panic_handler in the Rust source).

Thus, control flow will pass from core to std at runtime. This allows panics from core to go through the same infrastructure that other panics use (panic hooks, unwinding, etc)

std implementation of panic!

This is where the actual panic-related logic begins. In library/std/src/, control passes to rust_panic_with_hook. This method is responsible for invoking the global panic hook, and checking for double panics. Finally, we call __rust_start_panic, which is provided by the panic runtime.

The call to __rust_start_panic is very weird - it is passed a *mut &mut dyn BoxMeUp, converted to an usize. Let's break this type down:

  1. BoxMeUp is an internal trait. It is implemented for PanicPayload (a wrapper around the user-supplied payload type), and has a method fn box_me_up(&mut self) -> *mut (dyn Any + Send). This method takes the user-provided payload (T: Any + Send), boxes it, and converts the box to a raw pointer.

  2. When we call __rust_start_panic, we have an &mut dyn BoxMeUp. However, this is a fat pointer (twice the size of a usize). To pass this to the panic runtime across an FFI boundary, we take a mutable reference to this mutable reference (&mut &mut dyn BoxMeUp), and convert it to a raw pointer (*mut &mut dyn BoxMeUp). The outer raw pointer is a thin pointer, since it points to a Sized type (a mutable reference). Therefore, we can convert this thin pointer into a usize, which is suitable for passing across an FFI boundary.

Finally, we call __rust_start_panic with this usize. We have now entered the panic runtime.

Step 2: The panic runtime

Rust provides two panic runtimes: panic_abort and panic_unwind. The user chooses between them at build time via their Cargo.toml

panic_abort is extremely simple: its implementation of __rust_start_panic just aborts, as you would expect.

panic_unwind is the more interesting case.

In its implementation of __rust_start_panic, we take the usize, convert it back to a *mut &mut dyn BoxMeUp, dereference it, and call box_me_up on the &mut dyn BoxMeUp. At this point, we have a raw pointer to the payload itself (a *mut (dyn Send + Any)): that is, a raw pointer to the actual value provided by the user who called panic!.

At this point, the platform-independent code ends. We now call into platform-specific unwinding logic (e.g unwind). This code is responsible for unwinding the stack, running any ‘landing pads’ associated with each frame (currently, running destructors), and transferring control to the catch_unwind frame.

Note that all panics either abort the process or get caught by some call to catch_unwind. In particular, std's runtime service wrap the call to the user-provided main function is wrapped in catch_unwind.