blob: d66aa42029574562038d7de4f8d020309bb40a06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
use super::utils::{show_error, TestResult};
use std::path::Path;
pub fn check_license_header(content: &str, p: &Path) -> TestResult {
let mut lines = content.lines();
let next =;
let header = "// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.";
match next {
Some(s) if s == header => {
let next =;
match next {
Some("") => TestResult {
nb_tests: 1,
nb_errors: 0,
Some(s) => {
&format!("Expected empty line after license header, found `{s}`"),
TestResult {
nb_tests: 1,
nb_errors: 1,
None => {
show_error(p, "This file should very likely not exist...");
TestResult {
nb_tests: 1,
nb_errors: 1,
Some(s) => {
"Expected license header at the top of the file (`{}`), found: `{}`",
header, s
TestResult {
nb_tests: 1,
nb_errors: 1,
None => {
show_error(p, "This (empty?) file should very likely not exist...");
TestResult {
nb_tests: 1,
nb_errors: 1,