blob: 7d15812f8cb60f262d99a06cf8fb98b1b2fbadd9 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Mapping between `TokenId`s and the token's position in macro definitions or inputs.
use std::hash::Hash;
use stdx::{always, itertools::Itertools};
use syntax::{TextRange, TextSize};
use tt::Span;
/// Maps absolute text ranges for the corresponding file to the relevant span data.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Hash)]
pub struct SpanMap<S: Span> {
spans: Vec<(TextSize, S)>,
impl<S: Span> SpanMap<S> {
/// Creates a new empty [`SpanMap`].
pub fn empty() -> Self {
Self { spans: Vec::new() }
/// Finalizes the [`SpanMap`], shrinking its backing storage and validating that the offsets are
/// in order.
pub fn finish(&mut self) {
self.spans.iter().tuple_windows().all(|(a, b)| a.0 < b.0),
"spans are not in order"
/// Pushes a new span onto the [`SpanMap`].
pub fn push(&mut self, offset: TextSize, span: S) {
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
if let Some(&(last_offset, _)) = self.spans.last() {
last_offset < offset,
"last_offset({last_offset:?}) must be smaller than offset({offset:?})"
self.spans.push((offset, span));
/// Returns all [`TextRange`]s that correspond to the given span.
/// Note this does a linear search through the entire backing vector.
pub fn ranges_with_span(&self, span: S) -> impl Iterator<Item = TextRange> + '_ {
// FIXME: This should ignore the syntax context!
self.spans.iter().enumerate().filter_map(move |(idx, &(end, s))| {
if s != span {
return None;
let start = idx.checked_sub(1).map_or(TextSize::new(0), |prev| self.spans[prev].0);
Some(TextRange::new(start, end))
/// Returns the span at the given position.
pub fn span_at(&self, offset: TextSize) -> S {
let entry = self.spans.partition_point(|&(it, _)| it <= offset);
/// Returns the spans associated with the given range.
/// In other words, this will return all spans that correspond to all offsets within the given range.
pub fn spans_for_range(&self, range: TextRange) -> impl Iterator<Item = S> + '_ {
let (start, end) = (range.start(), range.end());
let start_entry = self.spans.partition_point(|&(it, _)| it <= start);
let end_entry = self.spans[start_entry..].partition_point(|&(it, _)| it <= end); // FIXME: this might be wrong?
(&self.spans[start_entry..][..end_entry]).iter().map(|&(_, s)| s)
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (TextSize, S)> + '_ {