blob: 2a6613101614d1e0077964e542d6a67c51921df5 [file] [log] [blame]
mod environment;
use rustc::hir::def::DefKind;
use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc::hir::intravisit::{self, NestedVisitorMap, Visitor};
use rustc::hir::map::definitions::DefPathData;
use rustc::hir::{self, ImplPolarity};
use rustc::traits::{
use rustc::ty::query::Providers;
use rustc::ty::{self, List, TyCtxt};
use rustc::ty::subst::{Subst, InternalSubsts};
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::symbol::sym;
use std::iter;
crate fn provide(p: &mut Providers<'_>) {
*p = Providers {
program_clauses_for_env: environment::program_clauses_for_env,
environment: environment::environment,
crate trait Lower<T> {
/// Lower a rustc construct (e.g., `ty::TraitPredicate`) to a chalk-like type.
fn lower(&self) -> T;
impl<T, U> Lower<Vec<U>> for Vec<T>
T: Lower<U>,
fn lower(&self) -> Vec<U> {
self.iter().map(|item| item.lower()).collect()
impl<'tcx> Lower<WhereClause<'tcx>> for ty::TraitPredicate<'tcx> {
fn lower(&self) -> WhereClause<'tcx> {
impl<'tcx> Lower<WhereClause<'tcx>> for ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx> {
fn lower(&self) -> WhereClause<'tcx> {
impl<'tcx> Lower<WhereClause<'tcx>> for ty::RegionOutlivesPredicate<'tcx> {
fn lower(&self) -> WhereClause<'tcx> {
impl<'tcx> Lower<WhereClause<'tcx>> for ty::TypeOutlivesPredicate<'tcx> {
fn lower(&self) -> WhereClause<'tcx> {
impl<'tcx, T> Lower<DomainGoal<'tcx>> for T
T: Lower<WhereClause<'tcx>>,
fn lower(&self) -> DomainGoal<'tcx> {
/// `ty::Binder` is used for wrapping a rustc construction possibly containing generic
/// lifetimes, e.g., `for<'a> T: Fn(&'a i32)`. Instead of representing higher-ranked things
/// in that leaf-form (i.e., `Holds(Implemented(Binder<TraitPredicate>))` in the previous
/// example), we model them with quantified domain goals, e.g., as for the previous example:
/// `forall<'a> { T: Fn(&'a i32) }` which corresponds to something like
/// `Binder<Holds(Implemented(TraitPredicate))>`.
impl<'tcx, T> Lower<PolyDomainGoal<'tcx>> for ty::Binder<T>
T: Lower<DomainGoal<'tcx>> + ty::fold::TypeFoldable<'tcx>,
fn lower(&self) -> PolyDomainGoal<'tcx> {
self.map_bound_ref(|p| p.lower())
impl<'tcx> Lower<PolyDomainGoal<'tcx>> for ty::Predicate<'tcx> {
fn lower(&self) -> PolyDomainGoal<'tcx> {
use rustc::ty::Predicate;
match self {
Predicate::Trait(predicate) => predicate.lower(),
Predicate::RegionOutlives(predicate) => predicate.lower(),
Predicate::TypeOutlives(predicate) => predicate.lower(),
Predicate::Projection(predicate) => predicate.lower(),
Predicate::WellFormed(..) |
Predicate::ObjectSafe(..) |
Predicate::ClosureKind(..) |
Predicate::Subtype(..) |
Predicate::ConstEvaluatable(..) => {
bug!("unexpected predicate {}", self)
/// Used for implied bounds related rules (see rustc guide).
trait IntoFromEnvGoal {
/// Transforms an existing goal into a `FromEnv` goal.
fn into_from_env_goal(self) -> Self;
/// Used for well-formedness related rules (see rustc guide).
trait IntoWellFormedGoal {
/// Transforms an existing goal into a `WellFormed` goal.
fn into_well_formed_goal(self) -> Self;
impl<'tcx> IntoFromEnvGoal for DomainGoal<'tcx> {
fn into_from_env_goal(self) -> DomainGoal<'tcx> {
use self::WhereClause::*;
match self {
DomainGoal::Holds(Implemented(trait_ref)) => {
other => other,
impl<'tcx> IntoWellFormedGoal for DomainGoal<'tcx> {
fn into_well_formed_goal(self) -> DomainGoal<'tcx> {
use self::WhereClause::*;
match self {
DomainGoal::Holds(Implemented(trait_ref)) => {
other => other,
crate fn program_clauses_for<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, def_id: DefId) -> Clauses<'tcx> {
// FIXME(eddyb) this should only be using `def_kind`.
match tcx.def_key(def_id) {
DefPathData::TypeNs(..) => match tcx.def_kind(def_id) {
| Some(DefKind::TraitAlias) => program_clauses_for_trait(tcx, def_id),
// FIXME(eddyb) deduplicate this `associated_item` call with
// `program_clauses_for_associated_type_{value,def}`.
Some(DefKind::AssocTy) => match tcx.associated_item(def_id).container {
ty::AssocItemContainer::ImplContainer(_) =>
program_clauses_for_associated_type_value(tcx, def_id),
ty::AssocItemContainer::TraitContainer(_) =>
program_clauses_for_associated_type_def(tcx, def_id)
| Some(DefKind::Enum)
| Some(DefKind::TyAlias)
| Some(DefKind::Union)
| Some(DefKind::Existential) => program_clauses_for_type_def(tcx, def_id),
_ => List::empty(),
DefPathData::Impl => program_clauses_for_impl(tcx, def_id),
_ => List::empty(),
fn program_clauses_for_trait<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, def_id: DefId) -> Clauses<'tcx> {
// `trait Trait<P1..Pn> where WC { .. } // P0 == Self`
// Rule Implemented-From-Env (see rustc guide)
// ```
// forall<Self, P1..Pn> {
// Implemented(Self: Trait<P1..Pn>) :- FromEnv(Self: Trait<P1..Pn>)
// }
// ```
let bound_vars = InternalSubsts::bound_vars_for_item(tcx, def_id);
// `Self: Trait<P1..Pn>`
let trait_pred = ty::TraitPredicate {
trait_ref: ty::TraitRef {
substs: bound_vars,
// `Implemented(Self: Trait<P1..Pn>)`
let impl_trait: DomainGoal<'_> = trait_pred.lower();
// `FromEnv(Self: Trait<P1..Pn>)`
let from_env_goal = tcx.mk_goal(impl_trait.into_from_env_goal().into_goal());
let hypotheses = tcx.intern_goals(&[from_env_goal]);
// `Implemented(Self: Trait<P1..Pn>) :- FromEnv(Self: Trait<P1..Pn>)`
let implemented_from_env = ProgramClause {
goal: impl_trait,
category: ProgramClauseCategory::ImpliedBound,
let implemented_from_env = Clause::ForAll(ty::Binder::bind(implemented_from_env));
let predicates = &tcx.predicates_defined_on(def_id).predicates;
// Warning: these where clauses are not substituted for bound vars yet,
// so that we don't need to adjust binders in the `FromEnv` rules below
// (see the FIXME).
let where_clauses = &predicates
.map(|(wc, _)| wc.lower())
// Rule Implied-Bound-From-Trait
// For each where clause WC:
// ```
// forall<Self, P1..Pn> {
// FromEnv(WC) :- FromEnv(Self: Trait<P1..Pn)
// }
// ```
// `FromEnv(WC) :- FromEnv(Self: Trait<P1..Pn>)`, for each where clause WC
let implied_bound_clauses = where_clauses
// `FromEnv(WC) :- FromEnv(Self: Trait<P1..Pn>)`
.map(|wc| {
// we move binders to the left
wc.map_bound(|goal| ProgramClause {
// FIXME: As where clauses can only bind lifetimes for now, and that named
// bound regions have a def-id, it is safe to just inject `bound_vars` and
// `hypotheses` (which contain named vars bound at index `0`) into this
// binding level. This may change if we ever allow where clauses to bind
// types (e.g. for GATs things), because bound types only use a `BoundVar`
// index (no def-id).
goal: goal.subst(tcx, bound_vars).into_from_env_goal(),
category: ProgramClauseCategory::ImpliedBound,
// Rule WellFormed-TraitRef
// Here `WC` denotes the set of all where clauses:
// ```
// forall<Self, P1..Pn> {
// WellFormed(Self: Trait<P1..Pn>) :- Implemented(Self: Trait<P1..Pn>) && WellFormed(WC)
// }
// ```
// `WellFormed(WC)`
let wf_conditions = where_clauses
.map(|wc| wc.subst(tcx, bound_vars))
.map(|wc| wc.map_bound(|goal| goal.into_well_formed_goal()));
// `WellFormed(Self: Trait<P1..Pn>) :- Implemented(Self: Trait<P1..Pn>) && WellFormed(WC)`
let wf_clause = ProgramClause {
goal: DomainGoal::WellFormed(WellFormed::Trait(trait_pred)),
hypotheses: tcx.mk_goals(
iter::once(tcx.mk_goal(GoalKind::DomainGoal(impl_trait))).chain(|wc| tcx.mk_goal(GoalKind::from_poly_domain_goal(wc, tcx)))
category: ProgramClauseCategory::WellFormed,
let wf_clause = Clause::ForAll(ty::Binder::bind(wf_clause));
fn program_clauses_for_impl(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, def_id: DefId) -> Clauses<'tcx> {
if let ImplPolarity::Negative = tcx.impl_polarity(def_id) {
return List::empty();
// Rule Implemented-From-Impl (see rustc guide)
// `impl<P0..Pn> Trait<A1..An> for A0 where WC { .. }`
// ```
// forall<P0..Pn> {
// Implemented(A0: Trait<A1..An>) :- WC
// }
// ```
let bound_vars = InternalSubsts::bound_vars_for_item(tcx, def_id);
let trait_ref = tcx.impl_trait_ref(def_id)
.expect("not an impl")
.subst(tcx, bound_vars);
// `Implemented(A0: Trait<A1..An>)`
let trait_pred = ty::TraitPredicate { trait_ref }.lower();
// `WC`
let predicates = &tcx.predicates_of(def_id).predicates;
let where_clauses = predicates
.map(|(wc, _)| wc.lower())
.map(|wc| wc.subst(tcx, bound_vars));
// `Implemented(A0: Trait<A1..An>) :- WC`
let clause = ProgramClause {
goal: trait_pred,
hypotheses: tcx.mk_goals(
.map(|wc| tcx.mk_goal(GoalKind::from_poly_domain_goal(wc, tcx))),
category: ProgramClauseCategory::Other,
pub fn program_clauses_for_type_def<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, def_id: DefId) -> Clauses<'tcx> {
// Rule WellFormed-Type
// `struct Ty<P1..Pn> where WC1, ..., WCm`
// ```
// forall<P1..Pn> {
// WellFormed(Ty<...>) :- WellFormed(WC1), ..., WellFormed(WCm)`
// }
// ```
let bound_vars = InternalSubsts::bound_vars_for_item(tcx, def_id);
// `Ty<...>`
let ty = tcx.type_of(def_id).subst(tcx, bound_vars);
// Warning: these where clauses are not substituted for bound vars yet,
// so that we don't need to adjust binders in the `FromEnv` rules below
// (see the FIXME).
let where_clauses = tcx.predicates_of(def_id).predicates
.map(|(wc, _)| wc.lower())
// `WellFormed(Ty<...>) :- WellFormed(WC1), ..., WellFormed(WCm)`
let well_formed_clause = ProgramClause {
goal: DomainGoal::WellFormed(WellFormed::Ty(ty)),
hypotheses: tcx.mk_goals(
.map(|wc| wc.subst(tcx, bound_vars))
.map(|wc| wc.map_bound(|bound| bound.into_well_formed_goal()))
.map(|wc| tcx.mk_goal(GoalKind::from_poly_domain_goal(wc, tcx))),
category: ProgramClauseCategory::WellFormed,
let well_formed_clause = Clause::ForAll(ty::Binder::bind(well_formed_clause));
// Rule Implied-Bound-From-Type
// For each where clause `WC`:
// ```
// forall<P1..Pn> {
// FromEnv(WC) :- FromEnv(Ty<...>)
// }
// ```
// `FromEnv(Ty<...>)`
let from_env_goal = tcx.mk_goal(DomainGoal::FromEnv(FromEnv::Ty(ty)).into_goal());
let hypotheses = tcx.intern_goals(&[from_env_goal]);
// For each where clause `WC`:
let from_env_clauses = where_clauses
// `FromEnv(WC) :- FromEnv(Ty<...>)`
.map(|wc| {
// move the binders to the left
wc.map_bound(|goal| ProgramClause {
// FIXME: we inject `bound_vars` and `hypotheses` into this binding
// level, which may be incorrect in the future: see the FIXME in
// `program_clauses_for_trait`.
goal: goal.subst(tcx, bound_vars).into_from_env_goal(),
category: ProgramClauseCategory::ImpliedBound,
pub fn program_clauses_for_associated_type_def<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
item_id: DefId,
) -> Clauses<'tcx> {
// Rule ProjectionEq-Placeholder
// ```
// trait Trait<P1..Pn> {
// type AssocType<Pn+1..Pm>;
// }
// ```
// `ProjectionEq` can succeed by skolemizing, see "associated type"
// chapter for more:
// ```
// forall<Self, P1..Pn, Pn+1..Pm> {
// ProjectionEq(
// <Self as Trait<P1..Pn>>::AssocType<Pn+1..Pm> =
// (Trait::AssocType)<Self, P1..Pn, Pn+1..Pm>
// )
// }
// ```
let item = tcx.associated_item(item_id);
debug_assert_eq!(item.kind, ty::AssocKind::Type);
let trait_id = match item.container {
ty::AssocItemContainer::TraitContainer(trait_id) => trait_id,
_ => bug!("not an trait container"),
let trait_bound_vars = InternalSubsts::bound_vars_for_item(tcx, trait_id);
let trait_ref = ty::TraitRef {
def_id: trait_id,
substs: trait_bound_vars,
let projection_ty = ty::ProjectionTy::from_ref_and_name(tcx, trait_ref, item.ident);
let placeholder_ty = tcx.mk_ty(ty::UnnormalizedProjection(projection_ty));
let projection_eq = WhereClause::ProjectionEq(ty::ProjectionPredicate {
ty: placeholder_ty,
let projection_eq_clause = ProgramClause {
goal: DomainGoal::Holds(projection_eq),
hypotheses: ty::List::empty(),
category: ProgramClauseCategory::Other,
let projection_eq_clause = Clause::ForAll(ty::Binder::bind(projection_eq_clause));
// Rule WellFormed-AssocTy
// ```
// forall<Self, P1..Pn, Pn+1..Pm> {
// WellFormed((Trait::AssocType)<Self, P1..Pn, Pn+1..Pm>)
// :- WellFormed(Self: Trait<P1..Pn>)
// }
// ```
let trait_predicate = ty::TraitPredicate { trait_ref };
let hypothesis = tcx.mk_goal(
let wf_clause = ProgramClause {
goal: DomainGoal::WellFormed(WellFormed::Ty(placeholder_ty)),
hypotheses: tcx.mk_goals(iter::once(hypothesis)),
category: ProgramClauseCategory::WellFormed,
let wf_clause = Clause::ForAll(ty::Binder::bind(wf_clause));
// Rule Implied-Trait-From-AssocTy
// ```
// forall<Self, P1..Pn, Pn+1..Pm> {
// FromEnv(Self: Trait<P1..Pn>)
// :- FromEnv((Trait::AssocType)<Self, P1..Pn, Pn+1..Pm>)
// }
// ```
let hypothesis = tcx.mk_goal(
let from_env_clause = ProgramClause {
goal: DomainGoal::FromEnv(FromEnv::Trait(trait_predicate)),
hypotheses: tcx.mk_goals(iter::once(hypothesis)),
category: ProgramClauseCategory::ImpliedBound,
let from_env_clause = Clause::ForAll(ty::Binder::bind(from_env_clause));
// Rule ProjectionEq-Normalize
// ProjectionEq can succeed by normalizing:
// ```
// forall<Self, P1..Pn, Pn+1..Pm, U> {
// ProjectionEq(<Self as Trait<P1..Pn>>::AssocType<Pn+1..Pm> = U) :-
// Normalize(<Self as Trait<P1..Pn>>::AssocType<Pn+1..Pm> -> U)
// }
// ```
let offset = tcx.generics_of(trait_id).params
.map(|p| p.index)
// Add a new type param after the existing ones (`U` in the comment above).
let ty_var = ty::Bound(
ty::BoundVar::from_u32(offset + 1).into()
// `ProjectionEq(<Self as Trait<P1..Pn>>::AssocType<Pn+1..Pm> = U)`
let projection = ty::ProjectionPredicate {
ty: tcx.mk_ty(ty_var),
// `Normalize(<A0 as Trait<A1..An>>::AssocType<Pn+1..Pm> -> U)`
let hypothesis = tcx.mk_goal(
// ProjectionEq(<Self as Trait<P1..Pn>>::AssocType<Pn+1..Pm> = U) :-
// Normalize(<Self as Trait<P1..Pn>>::AssocType<Pn+1..Pm> -> U)
let normalize_clause = ProgramClause {
goal: DomainGoal::Holds(WhereClause::ProjectionEq(projection)),
hypotheses: tcx.mk_goals(iter::once(hypothesis)),
category: ProgramClauseCategory::Other,
let normalize_clause = Clause::ForAll(ty::Binder::bind(normalize_clause));
let clauses = iter::once(projection_eq_clause)
pub fn program_clauses_for_associated_type_value<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
item_id: DefId,
) -> Clauses<'tcx> {
// Rule Normalize-From-Impl (see rustc guide)
// ```
// impl<P0..Pn> Trait<A1..An> for A0 {
// type AssocType<Pn+1..Pm> = T;
// }
// ```
// FIXME: For the moment, we don't account for where clauses written on the associated
// ty definition (i.e., in the trait def, as in `type AssocType<T> where T: Sized`).
// ```
// forall<P0..Pm> {
// forall<Pn+1..Pm> {
// Normalize(<A0 as Trait<A1..An>>::AssocType<Pn+1..Pm> -> T) :-
// Implemented(A0: Trait<A1..An>)
// }
// }
// ```
let item = tcx.associated_item(item_id);
debug_assert_eq!(item.kind, ty::AssocKind::Type);
let impl_id = match item.container {
ty::AssocItemContainer::ImplContainer(impl_id) => impl_id,
_ => bug!("not an impl container"),
let impl_bound_vars = InternalSubsts::bound_vars_for_item(tcx, impl_id);
// `A0 as Trait<A1..An>`
let trait_ref = tcx.impl_trait_ref(impl_id)
.subst(tcx, impl_bound_vars);
// `T`
let ty = tcx.type_of(item_id);
// `Implemented(A0: Trait<A1..An>)`
let trait_implemented: DomainGoal<'_> = ty::TraitPredicate { trait_ref }.lower();
// `<A0 as Trait<A1..An>>::AssocType<Pn+1..Pm>`
let projection_ty = ty::ProjectionTy::from_ref_and_name(tcx, trait_ref, item.ident);
// `Normalize(<A0 as Trait<A1..An>>::AssocType<Pn+1..Pm> -> T)`
let normalize_goal = DomainGoal::Normalize(ty::ProjectionPredicate { projection_ty, ty });
// `Normalize(... -> T) :- ...`
let normalize_clause = ProgramClause {
goal: normalize_goal,
hypotheses: tcx.mk_goals(
category: ProgramClauseCategory::Other,
let normalize_clause = Clause::ForAll(ty::Binder::bind(normalize_clause));
pub fn dump_program_clauses<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>) {
if !tcx.features().rustc_attrs {
let mut visitor = ClauseDumper { tcx };
.visit_all_item_likes(&mut visitor.as_deep_visitor());
struct ClauseDumper<'tcx> {
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
impl ClauseDumper<'tcx> {
fn process_attrs(&mut self, hir_id: hir::HirId, attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) {
let def_id = self.tcx.hir().local_def_id_from_hir_id(hir_id);
for attr in attrs {
let mut clauses = None;
if attr.check_name(sym::rustc_dump_program_clauses) {
clauses = Some(self.tcx.program_clauses_for(def_id));
if attr.check_name(sym::rustc_dump_env_program_clauses) {
let environment = self.tcx.environment(def_id);
clauses = Some(self.tcx.program_clauses_for_env(environment));
if let Some(clauses) = clauses {
let mut err = self
.struct_span_err(attr.span, "program clause dump");
let mut strings: Vec<_> = clauses
.map(|clause| clause.to_string())
for string in strings {
impl Visitor<'tcx> for ClauseDumper<'tcx> {
fn nested_visit_map<'this>(&'this mut self) -> NestedVisitorMap<'this, 'tcx> {
fn visit_item(&mut self, item: &'tcx hir::Item) {
self.process_attrs(item.hir_id, &item.attrs);
intravisit::walk_item(self, item);
fn visit_trait_item(&mut self, trait_item: &'tcx hir::TraitItem) {
self.process_attrs(trait_item.hir_id, &trait_item.attrs);
intravisit::walk_trait_item(self, trait_item);
fn visit_impl_item(&mut self, impl_item: &'tcx hir::ImplItem) {
self.process_attrs(impl_item.hir_id, &impl_item.attrs);
intravisit::walk_impl_item(self, impl_item);
fn visit_struct_field(&mut self, s: &'tcx hir::StructField) {
self.process_attrs(s.hir_id, &s.attrs);
intravisit::walk_struct_field(self, s);