blob: b8e297b6b8d93974cffc13175a346a2661b96773 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- lib/builtins/ppc/floattitf.c - Convert int128->long double -*-C -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements converting a signed 128 bit integer to a 128bit IBM /
// PowerPC long double (double-double) value.
#include <stdint.h>
/* Conversions from signed and unsigned 64-bit int to long double. */
long double __floatditf(int64_t);
long double __floatunditf(uint64_t);
/* Convert a signed 128-bit integer to long double.
* This uses the following property: Let hi and lo be 64-bits each,
* and let signed_val_k() and unsigned_val_k() be the value of the
* argument interpreted as a signed or unsigned k-bit integer. Then,
* signed_val_128(hi,lo) = signed_val_64(hi) * 2^64 + unsigned_val_64(lo)
* = (long double)hi * 2^64 + (long double)lo,
* where (long double)hi and (long double)lo are signed and
* unsigned 64-bit integer to long double conversions, respectively.
long double __floattitf(__int128_t arg) {
/* Split the int128 argument into 64-bit high and low int64 parts. */
int64_t ArgHiPart = (int64_t)(arg >> 64);
uint64_t ArgLoPart = (uint64_t)arg;
/* Convert each 64-bit part into long double. The high part
* must be a signed conversion and the low part an unsigned conversion
* to ensure the correct result. */
long double ConvertedHiPart = __floatditf(ArgHiPart);
long double ConvertedLoPart = __floatunditf(ArgLoPart);
/* The low bit of ArgHiPart corresponds to the 2^64 bit in arg.
* Multiply the high part by 2^64 to undo the right shift by 64-bits
* done in the splitting. Then, add to the low part to obtain the
* final result. */
return ((ConvertedHiPart * 0x1.0p64) + ConvertedLoPart);