

cargo-update --- Update dependencies as recorded in the local lock file


cargo update [options]


This command will update dependencies in the Cargo.lock file to the latest version. If the Cargo.lock file does not exist, it will be created with the latest available versions.


Update Options


{{#option “-p spec...” “--package spec...” }} Update only the specified packages. This flag may be specified multiple times. See {{man “cargo-pkgid” 1}} for the SPEC format.

If packages are specified with the -p flag, then a conservative update of the lockfile will be performed. This means that only the dependency specified by SPEC will be updated. Its transitive dependencies will be updated only if SPEC cannot be updated without updating dependencies. All other dependencies will remain locked at their currently recorded versions.

If -p is not specified, all dependencies are updated. {{/option}}

{{#option “--aggressive” }} When used with -p, dependencies of spec are forced to update as well. Cannot be used with --precise. {{/option}}

{{#option “--precise precise” }} When used with -p, allows you to specify a specific version number to set the package to. If the package comes from a git repository, this can be a git revision (such as a SHA hash or tag). {{/option}}

{{#option “-w” “--workspace” }} Attempt to update only packages defined in the workspace. Other packages are updated only if they don‘t already exist in the lockfile. This option is useful for updating Cargo.lock after you’ve changed version numbers in Cargo.toml. {{/option}}

{{#option “--dry-run” }} Displays what would be updated, but doesn't actually write the lockfile. {{/option}}


Display Options

{} {{> options-display }} {{/options}}

Manifest Options


{{> options-manifest-path }}

{{> options-locked }}


{{> section-options-common }}

{{> section-environment }}

{{> section-exit-status }}


  1. Update all dependencies in the lockfile:

    cargo update
  2. Update only specific dependencies:

    cargo update -p foo -p bar
  3. Set a specific dependency to a specific version:

    cargo update -p foo --precise 1.2.3


{{man “cargo” 1}}, {{man “cargo-generate-lockfile” 1}}