
This is nested formatting text.


Some text at second level.

Third heading

Some text at third level.

Fourth heading

Some text at fourth level.

Quotes and blocks.

Here are some quotes and blocks.

This is a block quote. Ambidextrously koala apart that prudent blindly alas far amid dear goodness turgid so exact inside oh and alas much fanciful that dark on spoon-fed adequately insolent walking crud.

This is a code block. Groundhog watchfully sudden firefly some self-consciously hotly jeepers satanic after that this parrot this at virtuous
some mocking the leaned jeez nightingale as much mallard so because jeez
turned dear crud grizzly strenuously.

    Indented and should be unmodified.
This is an indented code block. Egregiously yikes animatedly since outside beseechingly a badger hey shakily giraffe a one wow one this
goodness regarding reindeer so astride before.

    Doubly indented


  1. Ordered list

    • Unordered list

      With a second paragraph inside it

      1. Inner ordered list

      2. Another

    • Eggs

    • Milk

      1. Don't start at one.
      2. tamarind
  2. Second element

  3. Third element


This has a
hard break in it and a soft one.

Horizontal rule

This should contain a line:


Strange characters

Handles escaping for characters

.dot at the start of a line.

\fBnot really troff

Various characters \ - – — ─ │ ├ └

└── example
    ├── salamander
    │   ├── honey
    │   └── some
    ├── fancifully
    └── trout

    non-breaking space.