blob: 01d8e4128c1def869dd452ba824aa26d741db4e0 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Node definition for EGraph representation.
use super::PackedMemoryState;
use crate::ir::{Block, DataFlowGraph, InstructionImms, Opcode, RelSourceLoc, Type};
use crate::loop_analysis::LoopLevel;
use cranelift_egraph::{CtxEq, CtxHash, Id, Language, UnionFind};
use cranelift_entity::{EntityList, ListPool};
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
pub enum Node {
/// A blockparam. Effectively an input/root; does not refer to
/// predecessors' branch arguments, because this would create
/// cycles.
Param {
/// CLIF block this param comes from.
block: Block,
/// Index of blockparam within block.
index: u32,
/// Type of the value.
ty: Type,
/// The loop level of this Param.
loop_level: LoopLevel,
/// A CLIF instruction that is pure (has no side-effects). Not
/// tied to any location; we will compute a set of locations at
/// which to compute this node during lowering back out of the
/// egraph.
Pure {
/// The instruction data, without SSA values.
op: InstructionImms,
/// eclass arguments to the operator.
args: EntityList<Id>,
/// Type of result, if one.
ty: Type,
/// Number of results.
arity: u16,
/// A CLIF instruction that has side-effects or is otherwise not
/// representable by `Pure`.
Inst {
/// The instruction data, without SSA values.
op: InstructionImms,
/// eclass arguments to the operator.
args: EntityList<Id>,
/// Type of result, if one.
ty: Type,
/// Number of results.
arity: u16,
/// The source location to preserve.
srcloc: RelSourceLoc,
/// The loop level of this Inst.
loop_level: LoopLevel,
/// A projection of one result of an `Inst` or `Pure`.
Result {
/// `Inst` or `Pure` node.
value: Id,
/// Index of the result we want.
result: usize,
/// Type of the value.
ty: Type,
/// A load instruction. Nominally a side-effecting `Inst` (and
/// included in the list of side-effecting roots so it will always
/// be elaborated), but represented as a distinct kind of node so
/// that we can leverage deduplication to do
/// redundant-load-elimination for free (and make store-to-load
/// forwarding much easier).
Load {
// -- identity depends on:
/// The original load operation. Must have one argument, the
/// address.
op: InstructionImms,
/// The type of the load result.
ty: Type,
/// Address argument. Actual address has an offset, which is
/// included in `op` (and thus already considered as part of
/// the key).
addr: Id,
/// The abstract memory state that this load accesses.
mem_state: PackedMemoryState,
// -- not included in dedup key:
/// Source location, for traps. Not included in Eq/Hash.
srcloc: RelSourceLoc,
impl Node {
pub(crate) fn is_non_pure(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Node::Inst { .. } | Node::Load { .. } => true,
_ => false,
/// Shared pools for type and id lists in nodes.
pub struct NodeCtx {
/// Arena for arg eclass-ID lists.
pub args: ListPool<Id>,
impl NodeCtx {
pub(crate) fn with_capacity_for_dfg(dfg: &DataFlowGraph) -> Self {
let n_args = dfg.value_lists.capacity();
Self {
args: ListPool::with_capacity(n_args),
impl NodeCtx {
fn ids_eq(&self, a: &EntityList<Id>, b: &EntityList<Id>, uf: &mut UnionFind) -> bool {
let a = a.as_slice(&self.args);
let b = b.as_slice(&self.args);
a.len() == b.len() && a.iter().zip(b.iter()).all(|(&a, &b)| uf.equiv_id_mut(a, b))
fn hash_ids<H: Hasher>(&self, a: &EntityList<Id>, hash: &mut H, uf: &mut UnionFind) {
let a = a.as_slice(&self.args);
for &id in a {
uf.hash_id_mut(hash, id);
impl CtxEq<Node, Node> for NodeCtx {
fn ctx_eq(&self, a: &Node, b: &Node, uf: &mut UnionFind) -> bool {
match (a, b) {
&Node::Param {
loop_level: _,
&Node::Param {
block: other_block,
index: other_index,
ty: other_ty,
loop_level: _,
) => block == other_block && index == other_index && ty == other_ty,
&Node::Result { value, result, ty },
&Node::Result {
value: other_value,
result: other_result,
ty: other_ty,
) => uf.equiv_id_mut(value, other_value) && result == other_result && ty == other_ty,
&Node::Pure {
ref op,
ref args,
arity: _,
&Node::Pure {
op: ref other_op,
args: ref other_args,
ty: other_ty,
arity: _,
) => *op == *other_op && self.ids_eq(args, other_args, uf) && ty == other_ty,
&Node::Inst { ref args, .. },
&Node::Inst {
args: ref other_args,
) => self.ids_eq(args, other_args, uf),
&Node::Load {
ref op,
&Node::Load {
op: ref other_op,
ty: other_ty,
addr: other_addr,
mem_state: other_mem_state,
// Explicitly exclude: `inst` and `srcloc`. We
// want loads to merge if identical in
// opcode/offset, address expression, and last
// store (this does implicit
// redundant-load-elimination.)
// Note however that we *do* include `ty` (the
// type) and match on that: we otherwise would
// have no way of disambiguating loads of
// different widths to the same address.
) => {
op == other_op
&& ty == other_ty
&& uf.equiv_id_mut(addr, other_addr)
&& mem_state == other_mem_state
_ => false,
impl CtxHash<Node> for NodeCtx {
fn ctx_hash(&self, value: &Node, uf: &mut UnionFind) -> u64 {
let mut state = crate::fx::FxHasher::default();
std::mem::discriminant(value).hash(&mut state);
match value {
&Node::Param {
ty: _,
loop_level: _,
} => {
block.hash(&mut state);
index.hash(&mut state);
&Node::Result {
ty: _,
} => {
uf.hash_id_mut(&mut state, value);
result.hash(&mut state);
&Node::Pure {
ref op,
ref args,
arity: _,
} => {
op.hash(&mut state);
self.hash_ids(args, &mut state, uf);
ty.hash(&mut state);
&Node::Inst { ref args, .. } => {
self.hash_ids(args, &mut state, uf);
&Node::Load {
ref op,
} => {
op.hash(&mut state);
ty.hash(&mut state);
uf.hash_id_mut(&mut state, addr);
mem_state.hash(&mut state);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub(crate) struct Cost(u32);
impl Cost {
pub(crate) fn at_level(&self, loop_level: LoopLevel) -> Cost {
let loop_level = std::cmp::min(2, loop_level.level());
let multiplier = 1u32 << ((10 * loop_level) as u32);
pub(crate) fn infinity() -> Cost {
// 2^32 - 1 is, uh, pretty close to infinite... (we use `Cost`
// only for heuristics and always saturate so this suffices!)
pub(crate) fn zero() -> Cost {
/// Clamp this cost at a "finite" value. Can be used in
/// conjunction with saturating ops to avoid saturating into
/// `infinity()`.
fn finite(self) -> Cost {
Cost(std::cmp::min(u32::MAX - 1, self.0))
impl std::default::Default for Cost {
fn default() -> Cost {
impl std::ops::Add<Cost> for Cost {
type Output = Cost;
fn add(self, other: Cost) -> Cost {
pub(crate) fn op_cost(op: &InstructionImms) -> Cost {
match op.opcode() {
// Constants.
Opcode::Iconst | Opcode::F32const | Opcode::F64const => Cost(0),
// Extends/reduces.
Opcode::Uextend | Opcode::Sextend | Opcode::Ireduce | Opcode::Iconcat | Opcode::Isplit => {
// "Simple" arithmetic.
| Opcode::Isub
| Opcode::Band
| Opcode::BandNot
| Opcode::Bor
| Opcode::BorNot
| Opcode::Bxor
| Opcode::BxorNot
| Opcode::Bnot => Cost(2),
// Everything else.
_ => Cost(3),
impl Language for NodeCtx {
type Node = Node;
fn children<'a>(&'a self, node: &'a Node) -> &'a [Id] {
match node {
Node::Param { .. } => &[],
Node::Pure { args, .. } | Node::Inst { args, .. } => args.as_slice(&self.args),
Node::Load { addr, .. } => std::slice::from_ref(addr),
Node::Result { value, .. } => std::slice::from_ref(value),
fn children_mut<'a>(&'a mut self, node: &'a mut Node) -> &'a mut [Id] {
match node {
Node::Param { .. } => &mut [],
Node::Pure { args, .. } | Node::Inst { args, .. } => args.as_mut_slice(&mut self.args),
Node::Load { addr, .. } => std::slice::from_mut(addr),
Node::Result { value, .. } => std::slice::from_mut(value),
fn needs_dedup(&self, node: &Node) -> bool {
match node {
Node::Pure { .. } | Node::Load { .. } => true,
_ => false,
mod test {
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
fn node_size() {
use super::*;
assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<InstructionImms>(), 16);
assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<Node>(), 32);