Generics and substitutions

Given a generic type MyType<A, B, …>, we may want to swap out the generics A, B, … for some other types (possibly other generics or concrete types). We do this a lot while doing type inference, type checking, and trait solving. Conceptually, during these routines, we may find out that one type is equal to another type and want to swap one out for the other and then swap that out for another type and so on until we eventually get some concrete types (or an error).

In rustc this is done using the SubstsRef that we mentioned above (“substs” = “substitutions”). Conceptually, you can think of SubstsRef of a list of types that are to be substituted for the generic type parameters of the ADT.

SubstsRef is a type alias of List<GenericArg<'tcx>> (see List rustdocs). GenericArg is essentially a space-efficient wrapper around GenericArgKind, which is an enum indicating what kind of generic the type parameter is (type, lifetime, or const). Thus, SubstsRef is conceptually like a &'tcx [GenericArgKind<'tcx>] slice (but it is actually a List).

So why do we use this List type instead of making it really a slice? It has the length “inline”, so &List is only 32 bits. As a consequence, it cannot be “subsliced” (that only works if the length is out of line).

This also implies that you can check two Lists for equality via == (which would be not be possible for ordinary slices). This is precisely because they never represent a “sub-list”, only the complete List, which has been hashed and interned.

So pulling it all together, let’s go back to our example above:

struct MyStruct<T>
  • There would be an AdtDef (and corresponding DefId) for MyStruct.
  • There would be a TyKind::Param (and corresponding DefId) for T (more later).
  • There would be a SubstsRef containing the list [GenericArgKind::Type(Ty(T))]
    • The Ty(T) here is my shorthand for entire other ty::Ty that has TyKind::Param, which we mentioned in the previous point.
  • This is one TyKind::Adt containing the AdtDef of MyStruct with the SubstsRef above.

Finally, we will quickly mention the Generics type. It is used to give information about the type parameters of a type.

Unsubstituted Generics

So above, recall that in our example the MyStruct struct had a generic type T. When we are (for example) type checking functions that use MyStruct, we will need to be able to refer to this type T without actually knowing what it is. In general, this is true inside all generic definitions: we need to be able to work with unknown types. This is done via TyKind::Param (which we mentioned in the example above).

Each TyKind::Param contains two things: the name and the index. In general, the index fully defines the parameter and is used by most of the code. The name is included for debug print-outs. There are two reasons for this. First, the index is convenient, it allows you to include into the list of generic arguments when substituting. Second, the index is more robust. For example, you could in principle have two distinct type parameters that use the same name, e.g. impl<A> Foo<A> { fn bar<A>() { .. } }, although the rules against shadowing make this difficult (but those language rules could change in the future).

The index of the type parameter is an integer indicating its order in the list of the type parameters. Moreover, we consider the list to include all of the type parameters from outer scopes. Consider the following example:

struct Foo<A, B> {
  // A would have index 0
  // B would have index 1

  .. // some fields
impl<X, Y> Foo<X, Y> {
  fn method<Z>() {
    // inside here, X, Y and Z are all in scope
    // X has index 0
    // Y has index 1
    // Z has index 2

When we are working inside the generic definition, we will use TyKind::Param just like any other TyKind; it is just a type after all. However, if we want to use the generic type somewhere, then we will need to do substitutions.

For example suppose that the Foo<A, B> type from the previous example has a field that is a Vec<A>. Observe that Vec is also a generic type. We want to tell the compiler that the type parameter of Vec should be replaced with the A type parameter of Foo<A, B>. We do that with substitutions:

struct Foo<A, B> { // Adt(Foo, &[Param(0), Param(1)])
  x: Vec<A>, // Adt(Vec, &[Param(0)])

fn bar(foo: Foo<u32, f32>) { // Adt(Foo, &[u32, f32])
  let y = foo.x; // Vec<Param(0)> => Vec<u32>

This example has a few different substitutions:

  • In the definition of Foo, in the type of the field x, we replace Vec's type parameter with Param(0), the first parameter of Foo<A, B>, so that the type of x is Vec<A>.
  • In the function bar, we specify that we want a Foo<u32, f32>. This means that we will substitute Param(0) and Param(1) with u32 and f32.
  • In the body of bar, we access foo.x, which has type Vec<Param(0)>, but Param(0) has been substituted for u32, so foo.x has type Vec<u32>.

Let’s look a bit more closely at that last substitution to see why we use indexes. If we want to find the type of foo.x, we can get generic type of x, which is Vec<Param(0)>. Now we can take the index 0 and use it to find the right type substitution: looking at Foo's SubstsRef, we have the list [u32, f32] , since we want to replace index 0, we take the 0-th index of this list, which is u32. Voila!

You may have a couple of followup questions…

type_of How do we get the “generic type of x"? You can get the type of pretty much anything with the tcx.type_of(def_id) query. In this case, we would pass the DefId of the field x. The type_of query always returns the definition with the generics that are in scope of the definition. For example, tcx.type_of(def_id_of_my_struct) would return the “self-view” of MyStruct: Adt(Foo, &[Param(0), Param(1)]).

subst How do we actually do the substitutions? There is a function for that too! You use subst to replace a SubstRef with another list of types.

Here is an example of actually using subst in the compiler. The exact details are not too important, but in this piece of code, we happen to be converting from the rustc_hir::Ty to a real ty::Ty. You can see that we first get some substitutions (substs). Then we call type_of to get a type and call ty.subst(substs) to get a new version of ty with the substitutions made.

Note on indices: It is possible for the indices in Param to not match with what we expect. For example, the index could be out of bounds or it could be the index of a lifetime when we were expecting a type. These sorts of errors would be caught earlier in the compiler when translating from a rustc_hir::Ty to a ty::Ty. If they occur later, that is a compiler bug.