blob: be9c770ee978263abf5922deb70d5ca6c8c6b7f3 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import sys
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# Tell pylint that we know config and lit_config exist somewhere.
if 'PYLINT_IMPORT' in os.environ:
config = object()
lit_config = object()
lit_config.params = {}
ndk = os.getenv('NDK')
if ndk is None:
sys.exit('The environment variable NDK must point to an NDK toolchain.')
top = os.getenv('ANDROID_BUILD_TOP')
libcxx_dir = os.path.join(ndk, 'sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++')
abi = lit_config.params["abi"]
host_tag = lit_config.params["host_tag"]
toolchain = lit_config.params["toolchain"]
triple = lit_config.params["triple"]
config.cxx_under_test = os.path.join(
ndk, "toolchains/llvm/prebuilt", host_tag, "bin/clang++")
config.std = "c++14"
config.libcxx_src_root = libcxx_dir
config.libcxx_obj_root = libcxx_dir
config.cxx_include = os.path.join(libcxx_dir, "include")
config.cxx_library_root = os.path.join(libcxx_dir, "libs", abi)
config.use_target = "True"
config.enable_exceptions = "True"
config.enable_rtti = "True"
config.enable_shared = "False"
config.enable_32bit = "False"
config.enable_threads = "True"
config.enable_monotonic_clock = "True"
config.cxx_abi = "libcxxabi"
config.use_sanitizer = ""
config.configuration_variant = "libcxx.ndk"
config.target_triple = triple
config.gcc_toolchain = os.path.join(
ndk, "toolchains", toolchain + "-4.9", "prebuilt", host_tag)
# Let the main config do the real work.
config.loaded_site_config = True
config, os.path.join(libcxx_dir, "test/lit.cfg"))