Android platform profiling

Here are some tips for Android platform developers, who build and flash system images on rooted devices:

  1. After running adb root, simpleperf can be used to profile any process or system wide.
  2. It is recommended to use the latest simpleperf available in AOSP master, if you are not working on the current master branch. Scripts are in system/extras/simpleperf/scripts, binaries are in system/extras/simpleperf/scripts/bin/android.
  3. It is recommended to use for recording, and for reporting. Below is an example.
# Record surfaceflinger process for 10 seconds with dwarf based call graph. More examples are in
# scripts reference in the doc.
$ python -np surfaceflinger -r "-g --duration 10"

# Generate html report.
$ python
  1. Since Android >= O has symbols for system libraries on device, we don't need to use unstripped binaries in $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/symbols to report call graphs. However, they are needed to add source code and disassembly (with line numbers) in the report. Below is an example.
# Doing recording with or simpleperf on device, and generates on host.
$ python -np surfaceflinger -r "--call-graph fp --duration 10"

# Collect unstripped binaries from $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/symbols to binary_cache/.
$ python -lib $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/symbols

# Report source code and disassembly. Disassembling all binaries is slow, so it's better to add
# --binary_filter option to only disassemble selected binaries.
$ python --add_source_code --source_dirs $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP --add_disassembly \