blob: d3ab858f9e2d71cfbc189de0d7005d0a5d727b63 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Check for spelling errors in POD documentation
# Checks all POD files in the tree for spelling problems using Pod::Spell and
# either aspell or ispell. aspell is preferred. This test is disabled unless
# RRA_MAINTAINER_TESTS is set, since spelling dictionaries vary too much
# between environments.
# Copyright 2008, 2009 Russ Allbery <>
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
use strict;
use Test::More;
# Skip all spelling tests unless the maintainer environment variable is set.
plan skip_all => 'Spelling tests only run for maintainer'
# Load required Perl modules.
eval 'use Test::Pod 1.00';
plan skip_all => 'Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD' if $@;
eval 'use Pod::Spell';
plan skip_all => 'Pod::Spell required to test POD spelling' if $@;
# Locate a spell-checker. hunspell is not currently supported due to its lack
# of support for contractions (at least in the version in Debian).
my @spell;
my %options = (aspell => [ qw(-d en_US --home-dir=./ list) ],
ispell => [ qw(-d american -l -p /dev/null) ]);
SEARCH: for my $program (qw/aspell ispell/) {
for my $dir (split ':', $ENV{PATH}) {
if (-x "$dir/$program") {
@spell = ("$dir/$program", @{ $options{$program} });
last SEARCH if @spell;
plan skip_all => 'aspell or ispell required to test POD spelling'
unless @spell;
# Prerequisites are satisfied, so we're going to do some testing. Figure out
# what POD files we have and from that develop our plan.
$| = 1;
my @pod = all_pod_files ();
plan tests => scalar @pod;
# Finally, do the checks.
for my $pod (@pod) {
my $child = open (CHILD, '-|');
if (not defined $child) {
die "Cannot fork: $!\n";
} elsif ($child == 0) {
my $pid = open (SPELL, '|-', @spell) or die "Cannot run @spell: $!\n";
open (POD, '<', $pod) or die "Cannot open $pod: $!\n";
my $parser = Pod::Spell->new;
$parser->parse_from_filehandle (\*POD, \*SPELL);
close POD;
close SPELL;
exit ($? >> 8);
} else {
my @words = <CHILD>;
close CHILD;
skip "@spell failed for $pod", 1 unless $? == 0;
for (@words) {
is ("@words", '', $pod);