blob: 528b71f034292681d566c5007509d49d5e77e1f3 [file] [log] [blame]
if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = ("../lib", "lib/compress");
use lib qw(t t/compress);
use strict;
use warnings;
use bytes;
use Test::More ;
use CompTestUtils;
# use Test::NoWarnings, if available
my $extra = 0 ;
$extra = 1
if eval { require Test::NoWarnings ; import Test::NoWarnings; 1 };
plan tests => 140 + $extra ;
ok gotScalarUtilXS(), "Got XS Version of Scalar::Util"
or diag <<EOM;
You don't have the XS version of Scalar::Util
# Compress::Zlib::Common;
sub My::testParseParameters()
eval { ParseParameters(1, {}, 1) ; };
like $@, mkErr(': Expected even number of parameters, got 1'),
"Trap odd number of params";
eval { ParseParameters(1, {}, undef) ; };
like $@, mkErr(': Expected even number of parameters, got 1'),
"Trap odd number of params";
eval { ParseParameters(1, {}, []) ; };
like $@, mkErr(': Expected even number of parameters, got 1'),
"Trap odd number of params";
eval { ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [1, 1, Parse_boolean, 0]}, Fred => 'joe') ; };
like $@, mkErr("Parameter 'Fred' must be an int, got 'joe'"),
"wanted unsigned, got undef";
eval { ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [1, 1, Parse_unsigned, 0]}, Fred => undef) ; };
like $@, mkErr("Parameter 'Fred' must be an unsigned int, got 'undef'"),
"wanted unsigned, got undef";
eval { ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [1, 1, Parse_signed, 0]}, Fred => undef) ; };
like $@, mkErr("Parameter 'Fred' must be a signed int, got 'undef'"),
"wanted signed, got undef";
eval { ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [1, 1, Parse_signed, 0]}, Fred => 'abc') ; };
like $@, mkErr("Parameter 'Fred' must be a signed int, got 'abc'"),
"wanted signed, got 'abc'";
eval { ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [1, 1, Parse_code, undef]}, Fred => 'abc') ; };
like $@, mkErr("Parameter 'Fred' must be a code reference, got 'abc'"),
"wanted code, got 'abc'";
use Config;
skip 'readonly + threads', 1
if $Config{useithreads};
eval { ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [1, 1, Parse_writable_scalar, 0]}, Fred => 'abc') ; };
like $@, mkErr("Parameter 'Fred' not writable"),
"wanted writable, got readonly";
my @xx;
eval { ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [1, 1, Parse_writable_scalar, 0]}, Fred => \@xx) ; };
like $@, mkErr("Parameter 'Fred' not a scalar reference"),
"wanted scalar reference";
local *ABC;
eval { ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [1, 1, Parse_writable_scalar, 0]}, Fred => *ABC) ; };
like $@, mkErr("Parameter 'Fred' not a scalar"),
"wanted scalar";
eval { ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [1, 1, Parse_any, 0]}, Fred => 1, Fred => 2) ; };
like $@, mkErr("Muliple instances of 'Fred' found"),
"multiple instances";
my $g = ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [1, 1, Parse_unsigned|Parse_multiple, 7]}, Fred => 1, Fred => 2) ;
is_deeply $g->value('Fred'), [ 1, 2 ] ;
#ok 1;
my $got = ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [1, 1, 0x1000000, 0]}, Fred => 'abc') ;
is $got->value('Fred'), "abc", "other" ;
$got = ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [0, 1, Parse_any, undef]}, Fred => undef) ;
ok $got->parsed('Fred'), "undef" ;
ok ! defined $got->value('Fred'), "undef" ;
$got = ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [0, 1, Parse_string, undef]}, Fred => undef) ;
ok $got->parsed('Fred'), "undef" ;
is $got->value('Fred'), "", "empty string" ;
my $xx;
$got = ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [1, 1, Parse_writable_scalar, undef]}, Fred => $xx) ;
ok $got->parsed('Fred'), "parsed" ;
my $xx_ref = $got->value('Fred');
$$xx_ref = 77 ;
is $xx, 77;
$got = ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [1, 1, Parse_writable_scalar, undef]}, Fred => \$xx) ;
ok $got->parsed('Fred'), "parsed" ;
$xx_ref = $got->value('Fred');
$$xx_ref = 666 ;
is $xx, 666;
my $got1 = ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [1, 1, Parse_writable_scalar, undef]}, $got) ;
is $got1, $got, "Same object";
ok $got1->parsed('Fred'), "parsed" ;
$xx_ref = $got1->value('Fred');
$$xx_ref = 777 ;
is $xx, 777;
## my $got2 = ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [1, 1, Parse_writable_scalar, undef]}, '__xxx__' => $got) ;
## isnt $got2, $got, "not the Same object";
## ok $got2->parsed('Fred'), "parsed" ;
## $xx_ref = $got2->value('Fred');
## $$xx_ref = 888 ;
## is $xx, 888;
## my $other;
## my $got3 = ParseParameters(1, {'Fred' => [1, 1, Parse_writable_scalar, undef]}, '__xxx__' => $got, Fred => \$other) ;
## isnt $got3, $got, "not the Same object";
## exit;
## ok $got3->parsed('Fred'), "parsed" ;
## $xx_ref = $got3->value('Fred');
## $$xx_ref = 999 ;
## is $other, 999;
## is $xx, 888;
title "isaFilename" ;
ok isaFilename("abc"), "'abc' isaFilename";
ok ! isaFilename(undef), "undef ! isaFilename";
ok ! isaFilename([]), "[] ! isaFilename";
$main::X = 1; $main::X = $main::X ;
ok ! isaFilename(*X), "glob ! isaFilename";
title "whatIsInput" ;
my $lex = new LexFile my $out_file ;
open FH, ">$out_file" ;
is whatIsInput(*FH), 'handle', "Match filehandle" ;
close FH ;
my $stdin = '-';
is whatIsInput($stdin), 'handle', "Match '-' as stdin";
#is $stdin, \*STDIN, "'-' changed to *STDIN";
#isa_ok $stdin, 'IO::File', "'-' changed to IO::File";
is whatIsInput("abc"), 'filename', "Match filename";
is whatIsInput(\"abc"), 'buffer', "Match buffer";
is whatIsInput(sub { 1 }, 1), 'code', "Match code";
is whatIsInput(sub { 1 }), '' , "Don't match code";
title "whatIsOutput" ;
my $lex = new LexFile my $out_file ;
open FH, ">$out_file" ;
is whatIsOutput(*FH), 'handle', "Match filehandle" ;
close FH ;
my $stdout = '-';
is whatIsOutput($stdout), 'handle', "Match '-' as stdout";
#is $stdout, \*STDOUT, "'-' changed to *STDOUT";
#isa_ok $stdout, 'IO::File', "'-' changed to IO::File";
is whatIsOutput("abc"), 'filename', "Match filename";
is whatIsOutput(\"abc"), 'buffer', "Match buffer";
is whatIsOutput(sub { 1 }, 1), 'code', "Match code";
is whatIsOutput(sub { 1 }), '' , "Don't match code";
# U64
title "U64" ;
my $x = new U64();
is $x->getHigh, 0, " getHigh is 0";
is $x->getLow, 0, " getLow is 0";
ok ! $x->is64bit(), " ! is64bit";
$x = new U64(1,2);
is $x->getHigh, 1, " getHigh is 1";
is $x->getLow, 2, " getLow is 2";
ok $x->is64bit(), " is64bit";
$x = new U64(0xFFFFFFFF,2);
is $x->getHigh, 0xFFFFFFFF, " getHigh is 0xFFFFFFFF";
is $x->getLow, 2, " getLow is 2";
ok $x->is64bit(), " is64bit";
$x = new U64(7, 0xFFFFFFFF);
is $x->getHigh, 7, " getHigh is 7";
is $x->getLow, 0xFFFFFFFF, " getLow is 0xFFFFFFFF";
ok $x->is64bit(), " is64bit";
$x = new U64(666);
is $x->getHigh, 0, " getHigh is 0";
is $x->getLow, 666, " getLow is 666";
ok ! $x->is64bit(), " ! is64bit";
title "U64 - add" ;
$x = new U64(0, 1);
is $x->getHigh, 0, " getHigh is 0";
is $x->getLow, 1, " getLow is 1";
ok ! $x->is64bit(), " ! is64bit";
is $x->getHigh, 0, " getHigh is 0";
is $x->getLow, 2, " getLow is 2";
ok ! $x->is64bit(), " ! is64bit";
$x = new U64(0, 0xFFFFFFFE);
is $x->getHigh, 0, " getHigh is 0";
is $x->getLow, 0xFFFFFFFE, " getLow is 0xFFFFFFFE";
is $x->get32bit(), 0xFFFFFFFE, " get32bit is 0xFFFFFFFE";
is $x->get64bit(), 0xFFFFFFFE, " get64bit is 0xFFFFFFFE";
ok ! $x->is64bit(), " ! is64bit";
is $x->getHigh, 0, " getHigh is 0";
is $x->getLow, 0xFFFFFFFF, " getLow is 0xFFFFFFFF";
is $x->get32bit(), 0xFFFFFFFF, " get32bit is 0xFFFFFFFF";
is $x->get64bit(), 0xFFFFFFFF, " get64bit is 0xFFFFFFFF";
ok ! $x->is64bit(), " ! is64bit";
is $x->getHigh, 1, " getHigh is 1";
is $x->getLow, 0, " getLow is 0";
is $x->get32bit(), 0x0, " get32bit is 0x0";
is $x->get64bit(), 0xFFFFFFFF+1, " get64bit is 0x100000000";
ok $x->is64bit(), " is64bit";
is $x->getHigh, 1, " getHigh is 1";
is $x->getLow, 1, " getLow is 1";
is $x->get32bit(), 0x1, " get32bit is 0x1";
is $x->get64bit(), 0xFFFFFFFF+2, " get64bit is 0x100000001";
ok $x->is64bit(), " is64bit";
is $x->getHigh, 1, " getHigh is 1";
is $x->getLow, 2, " getLow is 1";
is $x->get32bit(), 0x2, " get32bit is 0x2";
is $x->get64bit(), 0xFFFFFFFF+3, " get64bit is 0x100000002";
ok $x->is64bit(), " is64bit";
$x = new U64(1, 0xFFFFFFFE);
my $y = new U64(2, 3);
is $x->getHigh, 4, " getHigh is 4";
is $x->getLow, 1, " getLow is 1";
ok $x->is64bit(), " is64bit";
title "U64 - subtract" ;
$x = new U64(0, 1);
is $x->getHigh, 0, " getHigh is 0";
is $x->getLow, 1, " getLow is 1";
ok ! $x->is64bit(), " ! is64bit";
is $x->getHigh, 0, " getHigh is 0";
is $x->getLow, 0, " getLow is 0";
ok ! $x->is64bit(), " ! is64bit";
$x = new U64(1, 0);
is $x->getHigh, 1, " getHigh is 1";
is $x->getLow, 0, " getLow is 0";
is $x->get32bit(), 0, " get32bit is 0xFFFFFFFE";
is $x->get64bit(), 0xFFFFFFFF+1, " get64bit is 0x100000000";
ok $x->is64bit(), " is64bit";
is $x->getHigh, 0, " getHigh is 0";
is $x->getLow, 0xFFFFFFFF, " getLow is 0xFFFFFFFF";
is $x->get32bit(), 0xFFFFFFFF, " get32bit is 0xFFFFFFFF";
is $x->get64bit(), 0xFFFFFFFF, " get64bit is 0xFFFFFFFF";
ok ! $x->is64bit(), " ! is64bit";
$x = new U64(2, 2);
$y = new U64(1, 3);
is $x->getHigh, 0, " getHigh is 0";
is $x->getLow, 0xFFFFFFFF, " getLow is 1";
ok ! $x->is64bit(), " ! is64bit";
$x = new U64(0x01CADCE2, 0x4E815983);
$y = new U64(0x19DB1DE, 0xD53E8000); # NTFS to Unix time delta
is $x->getHigh, 0x2D2B03, " getHigh is 2D2B03";
is $x->getLow, 0x7942D983, " getLow is 7942D983";
ok $x->is64bit(), " is64bit";
title "U64 - equal" ;
$x = new U64(0, 1);
is $x->getHigh, 0, " getHigh is 0";
is $x->getLow, 1, " getLow is 1";
ok ! $x->is64bit(), " ! is64bit";
$y = new U64(0, 1);
is $y->getHigh, 0, " getHigh is 0";
is $y->getLow, 1, " getLow is 1";
ok ! $y->is64bit(), " ! is64bit";
my $z = new U64(0, 2);
is $z->getHigh, 0, " getHigh is 0";
is $z->getLow, 2, " getLow is 2";
ok ! $z->is64bit(), " ! is64bit";
ok $x->equal($y), " equal";
ok !$x->equal($z), " ! equal";
title "U64 - clone" ;
$x = new U64(21, 77);
$z = U64::clone($x);
is $z->getHigh, 21, " getHigh is 21";
is $z->getLow, 77, " getLow is 77";
title "U64 -" ;
$x = new U64 1;
$y = new U64 0;
cmp_ok $x->cmp($y), '>', 0, " cmp > 0";
is $x->gt($y), 1, " gt";
cmp_ok $y->cmp($x), '<', 0, " cmp < 0";