blob: daa8255fbe181ffa6697e0ac4197ec3933ebff48 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This is a test of the verification of the arguments to
# WriteMakefile.
unshift @INC, 't/lib';
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 39;
use TieOut;
use MakeMaker::Test::Utils;
use MakeMaker::Test::Setup::BFD;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
chdir 't';
ok( setup_recurs(), 'setup' );
ok( chdir File::Spec->updir );
ok( teardown_recurs(), 'teardown' );
ok( chdir 'Big-Dummy', "chdir'd to Big-Dummy" ) ||
diag("chdir failed: $!");
ok( my $stdout = tie *STDOUT, 'TieOut' );
my $warnings = '';
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
$warnings .= join '', @_;
my $mm;
eval {
$mm = WriteMakefile(
NAME => 'Big::Dummy',
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Big/',
MAN3PODS => ' ', # common mistake
is( $warnings, <<VERIFY );
WARNING: MAN3PODS takes a HASH reference not a string/number.
Please inform the author.
$warnings = '';
eval {
$mm = WriteMakefile(
NAME => 'Big::Dummy',
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Big/',
AUTHOR => sub {},
is( $warnings, <<VERIFY );
WARNING: AUTHOR takes a ARRAY reference not a CODE reference.
Please inform the author.
# LIBS accepts *both* a string or an array ref. The first cut of
# our verification did not take this into account.
$warnings = '';
$mm = WriteMakefile(
NAME => 'Big::Dummy',
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Big/',
LIBS => '-lwibble -lwobble',
# We'll get warnings about the bogus libs, that's ok.
unlike( $warnings, qr/WARNING: .* takes/ );
is_deeply( $mm->{LIBS}, ['-lwibble -lwobble'] );
$warnings = '';
$mm = WriteMakefile(
NAME => 'Big::Dummy',
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Big/',
LIBS => ['-lwibble', '-lwobble'],
# We'll get warnings about the bogus libs, that's ok.
unlike( $warnings, qr/WARNING: .* takes/ );
is_deeply( $mm->{LIBS}, ['-lwibble', '-lwobble'] );
$warnings = '';
eval {
$mm = WriteMakefile(
NAME => 'Big::Dummy',
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Big/',
LIBS => { wibble => "wobble" },
# We'll get warnings about the bogus libs, that's ok.
like( $warnings, qr{^WARNING: LIBS takes a ARRAY reference or string/number not a HASH reference}m );
$warnings = '';
$mm = WriteMakefile(
NAME => 'Big::Dummy',
WIBBLE => 'something',
wump => { foo => 42 },
like( $warnings, qr{^WARNING: WIBBLE is not a known parameter.\n}m );
like( $warnings, qr{^WARNING: wump is not a known parameter.\n}m );
is( $mm->{WIBBLE}, 'something' );
is_deeply( $mm->{wump}, { foo => 42 } );
$warnings = '';
eval {
$mm = WriteMakefile(
NAME => 'Big::Dummy',
VERSION => [1,2,3],
like( $warnings, qr{^WARNING: VERSION takes a version object or string/number} );
$warnings = '';
eval {
$mm = WriteMakefile(
NAME => 'Big::Dummy',
VERSION => 1.002_003,
is( $warnings, '' );
is( $mm->{VERSION}, '1.002003' );
$warnings = '';
eval {
$mm = WriteMakefile(
NAME => 'Big::Dummy',
VERSION => '1.002_003',
is( $warnings, '' );
is( $mm->{VERSION}, '1.002_003' );
$warnings = '';
eval {
$mm = WriteMakefile(
NAME => 'Big::Dummy',
VERSION => bless {}, "Some::Class",
like( $warnings, '/^WARNING: VERSION takes a version object or string/number not a Some::Class object/' );
skip("Can't test version objects", 8) unless eval { require version };
my $version = version->new("1.2.3");
$warnings = '';
ok eval {
$mm = WriteMakefile(
NAME => 'Big::Dummy',
VERSION => $version,
} || diag $@;
is( $warnings, '' );
isa_ok( $mm->{VERSION}, 'version' );
is( $mm->{VERSION}, $version );
$warnings = '';
$version = qv('1.2.3');
ok eval {
$mm = WriteMakefile(
NAME => 'Big::Dummy',
VERSION => $version,
} || diag $@;
is( $warnings, '' );
isa_ok( $mm->{VERSION}, 'version' );
is( $mm->{VERSION}, $version );
$warnings = '';
eval {
$mm = WriteMakefile(
NAME => 'Big::Dummy',
VERSION => '1.00',
DISTNAME => "Hooballa",
is( $warnings, '' );
is( $mm->{DISTNAME}, "Hooballa" );
is( $mm->{DISTVNAME}, $Is_VMS ? "Hooballa-1_00" : "Hooballa-1.00" );
# DISTVNAME ( 43217)
$warnings = '';
eval {
$mm = WriteMakefile(
NAME => 'Big::Dummy',
VERSION => 1.00,
DISTVNAME => "Hooballoo",
is( $warnings, '' );
is( $mm->{DISTVNAME}, 'Hooballoo' );
# AUTHOR / scalar
$warnings = '';
eval {
$mm = WriteMakefile(
NAME => 'Big::Dummy',
VERSION => '1.00',
AUTHOR => "test",
is( $warnings, '' );
is_deeply( $mm->{AUTHOR}, ["test"] );
# AUTHOR / array
$warnings = '';
eval {
$mm = WriteMakefile(
NAME => 'Big::Dummy',
VERSION => '1.00',
AUTHOR => ["test1", "test2"],
is( $warnings, '' );
is_deeply( $mm->{AUTHOR}, ["test1","test2"] );