blob: 7aab15f4022651bbc0d36db0307e8dae5e54885e [file] [log] [blame]
#include "../unixish.h"
#undef waitpid
#define waitpid beos_waitpid
pid_t beos_waitpid(pid_t process_id, int *status_location, int options);
/* This seems to be protoless. */
char *gcvt(double value, int num_digits, char *buffer);
/* flock support, if available */
#ifdef HAS_FLOCK
#include <flock.h>
#undef close
#define close flock_close
#undef dup2
#define dup2 flock_dup2
#endif /* HAS_FLOCK */
#undef kill
#define kill beos_kill
int beos_kill(pid_t pid, int sig);
#undef sigaction
#define sigaction(sig, act, oact) beos_sigaction((sig), (act), (oact))
int beos_sigaction(int sig, const struct sigaction *act,
struct sigaction *oact);