blob: 3d773a5a3127697646238f28e8434961533e5ec4 [file] [log] [blame]
#!./miniperl -w
use strict;
if (@ARGV) {
my $dir = shift;
chdir $dir or die "Can't chdir '$dir': $!";
unshift @INC, 'lib';
unshift @INC, ('dist/Cwd', 'dist/Cwd/lib');
require File::Spec::Functions;
# To clarify, this isn't the entire suite of modules considered "toolchain"
# It's not even all modules needed to build ext/
# It's just the source paths of the (minimum complete set of) modules in ext/
# needed to build the nonxs modules
# After which, all nonxs modules are in lib, which was always sufficient to
# allow miniperl to build everything else.
# Term::ReadLine is not here for building but for allowing the debugger to
# run under miniperl when nothing but miniperl will build :-(.
my @toolchain = qw(cpan/AutoLoader/lib
dist/Cwd dist/Cwd/lib
# Used only in ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid::_win32_ext()
push @toolchain, 'cpan/Text-ParseWords/lib' if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
# lib must be last, as the the toolchain modules write themselves into it
# as they build, and it's important that @INC order ensures that the partially
# written files are always masked by the complete versions.
my $inc = join ",\n ",
map { "q\0$_\0" }
(map {File::Spec::Functions::rel2abs($_)} @toolchain, 'lib'), '.';
# If any of the system's build tools are written in Perl, then this module
# may well be loaded by a much older version than we are building. So keep it
# as backwards compatible as is easy.
print <<"EOT";
# We are miniperl, building extensions
# Reset \@INC completely, adding the directories we need, and removing the
# installed directories (which we don't need to read, and may confuse us)
\@INC = ($inc);