headers: Temporarily undefine _Bool when typedeffing std::_Bool

This fixes building the following with libc++:

With libc++, yvals.h is implicitly included by anything that includes
locales (via xlocinfo.h).

Signed-off-by: Martin Storsjö <martin@...>

Upstream URL:

Change-Id: I181892e94128a0941911eb815a0aebb9e1a65981
1 file changed
tree: 12354b513e9a300eee9b56d5115732ac4b684047
  1. mingw-w64-v5.0.0/
  2. build.sh
  3. README.md
  4. README.version

Building Mingw for Android

The build.sh script in this directory is used to build mingw for Android.

Mingw is built from the mingw branch of AOSP. To fetch the sources:

repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b mingw

# Googlers, use
repo init -u \
    persistent-https://android.git.corp.google.com/platform/manifest -b mingw

To build, run build.sh. Run with --help for a list of options.