Merge commit 'de7a0a152648d1a74cf4319920b1848aa00d1ca3'

This merge commit was generated via:
$ git merge --allow-unrelated-histories \

It was needed to re-establish history from the upstream-master branch
which tracks and autopulls from upstream llvm/llvm-project.

Bug: 131714073
Bug: 132372833
Signed-off-by: Nick Desaulniers <>
Change-Id: I9756f43eb86ea2f17e08bd04362e6efa70a825b8
tree: 21ac82caba61168452ca310420406cbf99be99ae
  1. clang/
  2. clang-tools-extra/
  3. compiler-rt/
  4. debuginfo-tests/
  5. libclc/
  6. libcxx/
  7. libcxxabi/
  8. libunwind/
  9. lld/
  10. lldb/
  11. llgo/
  12. llvm/
  13. openmp/
  14. parallel-libs/
  15. polly/
  16. pstl/
  17. .arcconfig
  18. .clang-format
  19. .clang-tidy

The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure

This directory and its subdirectories contain source code for LLVM, a toolkit for the construction of highly optimized compilers, optimizers, and runtime environments.