blob: 78025f88a73ab35a951c0a12167595d56b869101 [file] [log] [blame]
** CLooG **
** constraintset.c **
** First version: april 17th 2005 **
* CLooG : the Chunky Loop Generator (experimental) *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2005 Cedric Bastoul *
* *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* Lesser General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software *
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, *
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *
* *
* CLooG, the Chunky Loop Generator *
* Written by Cedric Bastoul, *
* *
/* CAUTION: the english used for comments is probably the worst you ever read,
* please feel free to correct and improve it !
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <ctype.h>
#include <cloog/cloog.h>
#include <cloog/matrix/constraintset.h>
#define ALLOC(type) (type*)malloc(sizeof(type))
#define ALLOCN(type,n) (type*)malloc((n)*sizeof(type))
CloogConstraint *cloog_constraint_first(CloogConstraintSet *constraints);
CloogConstraint *cloog_constraint_next(CloogConstraint *constraint);
CloogConstraintSet *cloog_constraint_set_from_cloog_matrix(CloogMatrix *M)
return (CloogConstraintSet *)M;
void cloog_constraint_set_free(CloogConstraintSet *constraints)
int cloog_constraint_set_contains_level(CloogConstraintSet *constraints,
int level, int nb_parameters)
return constraints->M.NbColumns - 2 - nb_parameters >= level;
/* Check if the variable at position level is defined by an
* equality. If so, return the row number. Otherwise, return -1.
* If there is an equality, we can print it directly -no ambiguity-.
* PolyLib can give more than one equality, we use just the first one
* (this is a PolyLib problem, but all equalities are equivalent).
CloogConstraint *cloog_constraint_set_defining_equality(CloogConstraintSet *constraints, int level)
CloogConstraint *constraint = ALLOC(CloogConstraint);
int i;
constraint->set = constraints;
for (i = 0; i < constraints->M.NbRows; i++)
if (cloog_int_is_zero(constraints->M.p[i][0]) &&
!cloog_int_is_zero(constraints->M.p[i][level])) {
constraint->line = &constraints->M.p[i];
return constraint;
return cloog_constraint_invalid();
/* Check if the variable (e) at position level is defined by a
* pair of inequalities
* <a, i> + -m e + <b, p> + k1 >= 0
* <-a, i> + m e + <-b, p> + k2 >= 0
* with 0 <= k1 + k2 < m
* If so return the row number of the upper bound and set *lower
* to the row number of the lower bound. If not, return -1.
* If the variable at position level occurs in any other constraint,
* then we currently return -1. The modulo guard that we would generate
* would still be correct, but we would also need to generate
* guards corresponding to the other constraints, and this has not
* been implemented yet.
CloogConstraint *cloog_constraint_set_defining_inequalities(CloogConstraintSet *constraints,
int level, CloogConstraint **lower, int nb_par)
int i, j, k;
cloog_int_t m;
CloogMatrix *matrix = &constraints->M;
unsigned len = matrix->NbColumns - 2;
unsigned nb_iter = len - nb_par;
CloogConstraint *constraint;
for (i = 0; i < matrix->NbRows; i++) {
if (cloog_int_is_zero(matrix->p[i][level]))
if (cloog_int_is_zero(matrix->p[i][0]))
return cloog_constraint_invalid();
if (cloog_int_is_one(matrix->p[i][level]))
return cloog_constraint_invalid();
if (cloog_int_is_neg_one(matrix->p[i][level]))
return cloog_constraint_invalid();
if (cloog_seq_first_non_zero(matrix->p[i]+level+1,
(1+nb_iter)-(level+1)) != -1)
return cloog_constraint_invalid();
for (j = i+1; j < matrix->NbRows; ++j) {
if (cloog_int_is_zero(matrix->p[j][level]))
if (cloog_int_is_zero(matrix->p[j][0]))
return cloog_constraint_invalid();
if (cloog_int_is_one(matrix->p[j][level]))
return cloog_constraint_invalid();
if (cloog_int_is_neg_one(matrix->p[j][level]))
return cloog_constraint_invalid();
if (cloog_seq_first_non_zero(matrix->p[j]+level+1,
(1+nb_iter)-(level+1)) != -1)
return cloog_constraint_invalid();
cloog_int_add(m, matrix->p[i][1+len], matrix->p[j][1+len]);
if (cloog_int_is_neg(m) ||
cloog_int_abs_ge(m, matrix->p[i][level])) {
return cloog_constraint_invalid();
if (!cloog_seq_is_neg(matrix->p[i]+1, matrix->p[j]+1,
return cloog_constraint_invalid();
for (k = j+1; k < matrix->NbRows; ++k)
if (!cloog_int_is_zero(matrix->p[k][level]))
return cloog_constraint_invalid();
*lower = ALLOC(CloogConstraint);
constraint = ALLOC(CloogConstraint);
(*lower)->set = constraints;
constraint->set = constraints;
if (cloog_int_is_pos(matrix->p[i][level])) {
(*lower)->line = &matrix->p[i];
constraint->line = &matrix->p[j];
} else {
(*lower)->line = &matrix->p[j];
constraint->line = &matrix->p[i];
return constraint;
return cloog_constraint_invalid();
int cloog_constraint_set_total_dimension(CloogConstraintSet *constraints)
return constraints->M.NbColumns - 2;
int cloog_constraint_set_n_iterators(CloogConstraintSet *constraint, int nb_par)
return cloog_constraint_set_total_dimension(constraint) - nb_par;
int cloog_equal_total_dimension(CloogEqualities *equal)
return cloog_constraint_set_total_dimension(equal->constraints);
int cloog_constraint_total_dimension(CloogConstraint *constraint)
return cloog_constraint_set_total_dimension(constraint->set);
* Equalities spreading functions *
/* Equalities are stored inside a CloogMatrix data structure called "equal".
* This matrix has (nb_scattering + nb_iterators + 1) rows (i.e. total
* dimensions + 1, the "+ 1" is because a statement can be included inside an
* external loop without iteration domain), and (nb_scattering + nb_iterators +
* nb_parameters + 2) columns (all unknowns plus the scalar plus the equality
* type). The ith row corresponds to the equality "= 0" for the ith dimension
* iterator. The first column gives the equality type (0: no equality, then
* EQTYPE_* -see pprint.h-). At each recursion of pprint, if an equality for
* the current level is found, the corresponding row is updated. Then the
* equality if it exists is used to simplify expressions (e.g. if we have
* "i+1" while we know that "i=2", we simplify it in "3"). At the end of
* the pprint call, the corresponding row is reset to zero.
CloogEqualities *cloog_equal_alloc(int n, int nb_levels,
int nb_parameters)
int i;
CloogEqualities *equal = ALLOC(CloogEqualities);
equal->constraints = cloog_constraint_set_from_cloog_matrix(
cloog_matrix_alloc(n, nb_levels + nb_parameters + 1));
equal->types = ALLOCN(int, n);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
equal->types[i] = EQTYPE_NONE;
return equal;
void cloog_equal_free(CloogEqualities *equal)
int cloog_equal_count(CloogEqualities *equal)
return equal->constraints->M.NbRows;
CloogConstraintSet *cloog_equal_constraints(CloogEqualities *equal)
return equal->constraints;
* cloog_constraint_equal_type function :
* This function returns the type of the equality in the constraint (line) of
* (constraints) for the element (level). An equality is 'constant' iff all
* other factors are null except the constant one. It is a 'pure item' iff
* it is equal or opposite to a single variable or parameter.
* Otherwise it is an 'affine expression'.
* For instance:
* i = -13 is constant, i = j, j = -M are pure items,
* j = 2*M, i = j+1, 2*j = M are affine expressions.
* - constraints is the matrix of constraints,
* - level is the column number in equal of the element which is 'equal to',
* - July 3rd 2002: first version, called pprint_equal_isconstant.
* - July 6th 2002: adaptation for the 3 types.
* - June 15th 2005: (debug) expr = domain->Constraint[line] was evaluated
* before checking if line != ONE_TIME_LOOP. Since
* ONE_TIME_LOOP is -1, an invalid read was possible.
* - October 19th 2005: Removal of the once-time-loop specific processing.
static int cloog_constraint_equal_type(CloogConstraint *constraint, int level)
int i, one=0 ;
cloog_int_t *expr;
expr = *constraint->line;
if (!cloog_int_is_one(expr[level]) && !cloog_int_is_neg_one(expr[level]))
/* There is only one non null factor, and it must be +1 or -1 for
* iterators or parameters.
for (i = 1;i <= constraint->set->M.NbColumns-2; i++)
if (!cloog_int_is_zero(expr[i]) && (i != level)) {
if ((!cloog_int_is_one(expr[i]) && !cloog_int_is_neg_one(expr[i])) || (one != 0))
one = 1 ;
/* if the constant factor is non null, it must be alone. */
if (one != 0) {
if (!cloog_int_is_zero(expr[constraint->set->M.NbColumns-1]))
int cloog_equal_type(CloogEqualities *equal, int level)
return equal->types[level-1];
* cloog_equal_update function:
* this function updates a matrix of equalities where each row corresponds to
* the equality "=0" of an affine expression such that the entry at column
* "row" (="level") is not zero. This matrix is upper-triangular, except the
* row number "level-1" which has to be updated for the matrix to be triangular.
* This function achieves the processing.
* - equal is the matrix to be updated,
* - level gives the row that has to be updated (it is actually row "level-1"),
* - nb_par is the number of parameters of the program.
* - September 20th 2005: first version.
static void cloog_equal_update(CloogEqualities *equal, int level, int nb_par)
{ int i, j ;
cloog_int_t gcd, factor_level, factor_outer, temp_level, temp_outer;
/* For each previous level, */
for (i=level-2;i>=0;i--)
{ /* if the corresponding iterator is inside the current equality and is equal
* to something,
if (!cloog_int_is_zero(equal->constraints->M.p[level-1][i+1]) && equal->types[i])
{ /* Compute the Greatest Common Divisor. */
cloog_int_gcd(gcd, equal->constraints->M.p[level-1][i+1],
/* Compute the factors to apply to each row vector element. */
cloog_int_divexact(factor_level, equal->constraints->M.p[i][i+1], gcd);
cloog_int_divexact(factor_outer, equal->constraints->M.p[level-1][i+1], gcd);
/* Now update the row 'level'. */
/* - the iterators, up to level, */
for (j = 1; j <= level; j++) {
cloog_int_mul(temp_level, factor_level,
cloog_int_mul(temp_outer, factor_outer, equal->constraints->M.p[i][j]);
cloog_int_sub(equal->constraints->M.p[level-1][j], temp_level, temp_outer);
/* - between last useful iterator (level) and the first parameter, the
* matrix is sparse (full of zeroes), we just do nothing there.
* - the parameters and the scalar.
for (j = 0; j < nb_par + 1; j++) {
temp_level,temp_outer) ;
/* Normalize (divide by GCD of all elements) the updated equality. */
* cloog_equal_add function:
* This function updates the row (level-1) of the equality matrix (equal) with
* the row that corresponds to the row (line) of the matrix (matrix).
* - equal is the matrix of equalities,
* - matrix is the matrix of constraints,
* - level is the column number in matrix of the element which is 'equal to',
* - line is the line number in matrix of the constraint we want to study,
* - the infos structure gives the user all options on code printing and more.
* - July 2nd 2002: first version.
* - October 19th 2005: Addition of the once-time-loop specific processing.
void cloog_equal_add(CloogEqualities *equal, CloogConstraintSet *constraints,
int level, CloogConstraint *line, int nb_par)
int j;
CloogConstraint *i = cloog_constraint_invalid();
CloogMatrix *matrix = &constraints->M;
/* If we are in the case of a loop running once, this means that the equality
* comes from an inequality. Here we find this inequality.
if (!cloog_constraint_is_valid(line))
{ for (i = cloog_constraint_first(constraints);
cloog_constraint_is_valid(i); i = cloog_constraint_next(i))
if ((!cloog_int_is_zero(i->line[0][0]))&& (!cloog_int_is_zero(i->line[0][level])))
{ line = i ;
/* Since in once-time-loops, equalities derive from inequalities, we
* may have to offset the values. For instance if we have 2i>=3, the
* equality is in fact i=2. This may happen when the level coefficient is
* not 1 or -1 and the scalar value is not zero. In any other case (e.g.,
* if the inequality is an expression including outer loop counters or
* parameters) the once time loop would not have been detected
* because of floord and ceild functions.
if (cloog_int_ne_si(i->line[0][level],1) &&
cloog_int_ne_si(i->line[0][level],-1) &&
!cloog_int_is_zero(i->line[0][matrix->NbColumns-1])) {
cloog_int_t denominator;
cloog_int_abs(denominator, i->line[0][level]);
i->line[0][matrix->NbColumns-1], denominator);
cloog_int_set_si(i->line[0][level], cloog_int_sgn(i->line[0][level]));
break ;
/* We update the line of equal corresponding to level:
* - the first element gives the equality type,
equal->types[level-1] = cloog_constraint_equal_type(line, level);
/* - the other elements corresponding to the equality itself
* (the iterators up to level, then the parameters and the scalar).
for (j=1;j<=level;j++)
cloog_int_set(equal->constraints->M.p[level-1][j], line->line[0][j]);
for (j = 0; j < nb_par + 1; j++)
if (cloog_constraint_is_valid(i))
cloog_equal_update(equal, level, nb_par);
* cloog_equal_del function :
* This function reset the equality corresponding to the iterator (level)
* in the equality matrix (equal).
* - July 2nd 2002: first version.
void cloog_equal_del(CloogEqualities *equal, int level)
equal->types[level-1] = EQTYPE_NONE;
* Processing functions *
* Function cloog_constraint_set_normalize:
* This function will modify the constraint system in such a way that when
* there is an equality depending on the element at level 'level', there are
* no more (in)equalities depending on this element. For instance, try
* test/valilache.cloog with options -f 8 -l 9, with and without the call
* to this function. At a given moment, for the level L we will have
* 32*P=L && L>=1 (P is a lower level), this constraint system cannot be
* translated directly into a source code. Thus, we normalize the domain to
* remove L from the inequalities. In our example, this leads to
* 32*P=L && 32*P>=1, that can be transated to the code
* if (P>=1) { L=32*P ; ... }. This function solves the DaeGon Kim bug.
* WARNING: Remember that if there is another call to Polylib after a call to
* this function, we have to recall this function.
* -June 16th 2005: first version (adaptation from URGent June-7th-2005 by
* N. Vasilache).
* - June 21rd 2005: Adaptation for GMP.
* - November 4th 2005: Complete rewriting, simpler and faster. It is no more an
* adaptation from URGent.
void cloog_constraint_set_normalize(CloogConstraintSet *constraints, int level)
{ int ref, i, j ;
cloog_int_t factor_i, factor_ref, temp_i, temp_ref, gcd;
CloogMatrix *matrix = &constraints->M;
if (matrix == NULL)
return ;
/* Don't "normalize" the constant term. */
if (level == matrix->NbColumns-1)
/* Let us find an equality for the current level that can be propagated. */
for (ref=0;ref<matrix->NbRows;ref++)
if (cloog_int_is_zero(matrix->p[ref][0]) && !cloog_int_is_zero(matrix->p[ref][level])) {
/* Row "ref" is the reference equality, now let us find a row to simplify.*/
for (i=ref+1;i<matrix->NbRows;i++)
if (!cloog_int_is_zero(matrix->p[i][level])) {
/* Now let us set to 0 the "level" coefficient of row "j" using "ref".
* First we compute the factors to apply to each row vector element.
cloog_int_gcd(gcd, matrix->p[ref][level], matrix->p[i][level]);
cloog_int_divexact(factor_i, matrix->p[ref][level], gcd);
cloog_int_divexact(factor_ref, matrix->p[i][level], gcd);
/* Maybe we are simplifying an inequality: factor_i must not be <0. */
if (cloog_int_is_neg(factor_i)) {
cloog_int_abs(factor_i, factor_i);
cloog_int_neg(factor_ref, factor_ref);
/* Now update the vector. */
for (j=1;j<matrix->NbColumns;j++) {
cloog_int_mul(temp_i, factor_i, matrix->p[i][j]);
cloog_int_mul(temp_ref, factor_ref, matrix->p[ref][j]);
cloog_int_sub(matrix->p[i][j], temp_i, temp_ref);
/* Normalize (divide by GCD of all elements) the updated vector. */
cloog_seq_normalize(&(matrix->p[i][1]), matrix->NbColumns-1);
break ;
* cloog_constraint_set_copy function:
* this functions builds and returns a "hard copy" (not a pointer copy) of a
* CloogMatrix data structure.
* - October 26th 2005: first version.
CloogConstraintSet *cloog_constraint_set_copy(CloogConstraintSet *constraints)
{ int i, j ;
CloogMatrix *copy;
CloogMatrix *matrix = &constraints->M;
copy = cloog_matrix_alloc(matrix->NbRows, matrix->NbColumns);
for (i=0;i<matrix->NbRows;i++)
for (j=0;j<matrix->NbColumns;j++)
cloog_int_set(copy->p[i][j], matrix->p[i][j]);
return cloog_constraint_set_from_cloog_matrix(copy);
* cloog_equal_vector_simplify function:
* this function simplify an affine expression with its coefficients in
* "vector" of length "length" thanks to an equality matrix "equal" that gives
* for some elements of the affine expression an equality with other elements,
* preferably constants. For instance, if the vector contains i+j+3 and the
* equality matrix gives i=n and j=2, the vector is simplified to n+3 and is
* returned in a new vector.
* - vector is the array of affine expression coefficients
* - equal is the matrix of equalities,
* - length is the vector length,
* - level is a level we don't want to simplify (-1 if none),
* - nb_par is the number of parameters of the program.
* - September 20th 2005: first version.
* - November 2nd 2005: (debug) we are simplifying inequalities, thus we are
* not allowed to multiply the vector by a negative
* constant.Problem found after a report of Michael
* Classen.
struct cloog_vec *cloog_equal_vector_simplify(CloogEqualities *equal, cloog_int_t *vector,
int length, int level, int nb_par)
{ int i, j ;
cloog_int_t gcd, factor_vector, factor_equal, temp_vector, temp_equal;
struct cloog_vec *simplified;
simplified = cloog_vec_alloc(length);
cloog_seq_cpy(simplified->p, vector, length);
/* For each non-null coefficient in the vector, */
for (i=length-nb_par-2;i>0;i--)
if (i != level)
{ /* if the coefficient in not null, and there exists a useful equality */
if ((!cloog_int_is_zero(simplified->p[i])) && equal->types[i-1])
{ /* Compute the Greatest Common Divisor. */
cloog_int_gcd(gcd, simplified->p[i], equal->constraints->M.p[i-1][i]);
/* Compute the factors to apply to each row vector element. */
cloog_int_divexact(factor_vector, equal->constraints->M.p[i-1][i], gcd);
cloog_int_divexact(factor_equal, simplified->p[i], gcd);
/* We are simplifying an inequality: factor_vector must not be <0. */
if (cloog_int_is_neg(factor_vector)) {
cloog_int_abs(factor_vector, factor_vector);
cloog_int_neg(factor_equal, factor_equal);
/* Now update the vector. */
/* - the iterators, up to the current level, */
for (j=1;j<=length-nb_par-2;j++) {
cloog_int_mul(temp_vector, factor_vector, simplified->p[j]);
cloog_int_mul(temp_equal, factor_equal, equal->constraints->M.p[i-1][j]);
cloog_int_sub(simplified->p[j], temp_vector, temp_equal);
/* - between last useful iterator (i) and the first parameter, the equal
* matrix is sparse (full of zeroes), we just do nothing there.
* - the parameters and the scalar.
for (j = 0; j < nb_par + 1; j++) {
cloog_int_mul(temp_vector, factor_vector, simplified->p[length-1-j]);
cloog_int_sub(simplified->p[length-1-j],temp_vector,temp_equal) ;
/* Normalize (divide by GCD of all elements) the updated vector. */
cloog_seq_normalize(&simplified->p[1], length - 1);
return simplified ;
* cloog_constraint_set_simplify function:
* this function simplify all constraints inside the matrix "matrix" thanks to
* an equality matrix "equal" that gives for some elements of the affine
* constraint an equality with other elements, preferably constants.
* For instance, if a row of the matrix contains i+j+3>=0 and the equality
* matrix gives i=n and j=2, the constraint is simplified to n+3>=0. The
* simplified constraints are returned back inside a new simplified matrix.
* - matrix is the set of constraints to simplify,
* - equal is the matrix of equalities,
* - level is a level we don't want to simplify (-1 if none),
* - nb_par is the number of parameters of the program.
* - November 4th 2005: first version.
CloogConstraintSet *cloog_constraint_set_simplify(CloogConstraintSet *constraints,
CloogEqualities *equal, int level, int nb_par)
{ int i, j, k ;
struct cloog_vec *vector;
CloogMatrix *simplified;
CloogMatrix *matrix = &constraints->M;
if (matrix == NULL)
return NULL ;
/* The simplified matrix is such that each row has been simplified thanks
* tho the "equal" matrix. We allocate the memory for the simplified matrix,
* then for each row of the original matrix, we compute the simplified
* vector and we copy its content into the according simplified row.
simplified = cloog_matrix_alloc(matrix->NbRows, matrix->NbColumns);
for (i=0;i<matrix->NbRows;i++)
{ vector = cloog_equal_vector_simplify(equal, matrix->p[i],
matrix->NbColumns, level, nb_par);
for (j=0;j<matrix->NbColumns;j++)
cloog_int_set(simplified->p[i][j], vector->p[j]);
/* After simplification, it may happen that few constraints are the same,
* we remove them here by replacing them with 0=0 constraints.
for (i=0;i<simplified->NbRows;i++)
for (j=i+1;j<simplified->NbRows;j++)
{ for (k=0;k<simplified->NbColumns;k++)
if (cloog_int_ne(simplified->p[i][k],simplified->p[j][k]))
break ;
if (k == matrix->NbColumns)
{ for (k=0;k<matrix->NbColumns;k++)
return cloog_constraint_set_from_cloog_matrix(simplified);
* Return clast_expr corresponding to the variable "level" (1 based) in
* the given constraint.
struct clast_expr *cloog_constraint_variable_expr(CloogConstraint *constraint,
int level, CloogNames *names)
int total_dim, nb_iter;
const char *name;
total_dim = cloog_constraint_total_dimension(constraint);
nb_iter = total_dim - names->nb_parameters;
if (level <= nb_iter)
name = cloog_names_name_at_level(names, level);
name = names->parameters[level - (nb_iter+1)] ;
return &new_clast_name(name)->expr;
* Return true if constraint c involves variable v (zero-based).
int cloog_constraint_involves(CloogConstraint *constraint, int v)
return !cloog_int_is_zero(constraint->line[0][1+v]);
int cloog_constraint_is_lower_bound(CloogConstraint *constraint, int v)
return cloog_int_is_pos(constraint->line[0][1+v]);
int cloog_constraint_is_upper_bound(CloogConstraint *constraint, int v)
return cloog_int_is_neg(constraint->line[0][1+v]);
int cloog_constraint_is_equality(CloogConstraint *constraint)
return cloog_int_is_zero(constraint->line[0][0]);
void cloog_constraint_clear(CloogConstraint *constraint)
int k;
for (k = 1; k <= constraint->set->M.NbColumns - 2; k++)
cloog_int_set_si(constraint->line[0][k], 0);
CloogConstraintSet *cloog_constraint_set_drop_constraint(
CloogConstraintSet *constraints, CloogConstraint *constraint)
return constraints;
void cloog_constraint_coefficient_get(CloogConstraint *constraint,
int var, cloog_int_t *val)
cloog_int_set(*val, constraint->line[0][1+var]);
void cloog_constraint_coefficient_set(CloogConstraint *constraint,
int var, cloog_int_t val)
cloog_int_set(constraint->line[0][1+var], val);
void cloog_constraint_constant_get(CloogConstraint *constraint, cloog_int_t *val)
cloog_int_set(*val, constraint->line[0][constraint->set->M.NbColumns-1]);
* Copy the coefficient of constraint c into dst in PolyLib order,
* i.e., first the coefficients of the variables, then the coefficients
* of the parameters and finally the constant.
void cloog_constraint_copy_coefficients(CloogConstraint *constraint,
cloog_int_t *dst)
cloog_seq_cpy(dst, constraint->line[0]+1, constraint->set->M.NbColumns-1);
CloogConstraint *cloog_constraint_invalid(void)
return NULL;
int cloog_constraint_is_valid(CloogConstraint *constraint)
return constraint != NULL;
* Check whether there is any need for the constraint "upper" on
* "level" to get reduced.
* Yes.
int cloog_constraint_needs_reduction(CloogConstraint *upper, int level)
return 1;
* Create a CloogConstraintSet containing enough information to perform
* a reduction on the upper equality (in this case lower is an invalid
* CloogConstraint) or the pair of inequalities upper and lower
* from within insert_modulo_guard.
* In the PolyLib backend, we return a CloogConstraintSet containting only
* the upper bound. The reduction will not change the stride so there
* will be no need to recompute the bound on the modulo expression.
CloogConstraintSet *cloog_constraint_set_for_reduction(CloogConstraint *upper,
CloogConstraint *lower)
CloogConstraintSet *set;
set = cloog_constraint_set_from_cloog_matrix(
cloog_matrix_alloc(1, upper->set->M.NbColumns));
cloog_seq_cpy(set->M.p[0], upper->line[0], set->M.NbColumns);
return set;
/* Computes x, y and g such that g = gcd(a,b) and a*x+b*y = g */
static void Euclid(cloog_int_t a, cloog_int_t b,
cloog_int_t *x, cloog_int_t *y, cloog_int_t *g)
cloog_int_t c, d, e, f, tmp;
cloog_int_abs(c, a);
cloog_int_abs(d, b);
cloog_int_set_si(e, 1);
cloog_int_set_si(f, 0);
while (cloog_int_is_pos(d)) {
cloog_int_tdiv_q(tmp, c, d);
cloog_int_mul(tmp, tmp, f);
cloog_int_sub(e, e, tmp);
cloog_int_tdiv_q(tmp, c, d);
cloog_int_mul(tmp, tmp, d);
cloog_int_sub(c, c, tmp);
cloog_int_swap(c, d);
cloog_int_swap(e, f);
cloog_int_set(*g, c);
if (cloog_int_is_zero(a))
cloog_int_set_si(*x, 0);
else if (cloog_int_is_pos(a))
cloog_int_set(*x, e);
else cloog_int_neg(*x, e);
if (cloog_int_is_zero(b))
cloog_int_set_si(*y, 0);
else {
cloog_int_mul(tmp, a, *x);
cloog_int_sub(tmp, c, tmp);
cloog_int_divexact(*y, tmp, b);
* Reduce the modulo guard expressed by "contraints" using equalities
* found in outer nesting levels (stored in "equal").
* The modulo guard may be an equality or a pair of inequalities.
* In case of a pair of inequalities, "constraints" only contains the
* upper bound and *bound contains the bound on the
* corresponding modulo expression. The bound is left untouched by
* this function.
CloogConstraintSet *cloog_constraint_set_reduce(CloogConstraintSet *constraints,
int level, CloogEqualities *equal, int nb_par, cloog_int_t *bound)
int i, j, k, len, len2, nb_iter;
struct cloog_vec *line_vector2;
cloog_int_t *line, *line2, val, x, y, g;
len = constraints->M.NbColumns;
len2 = cloog_equal_total_dimension(equal) + 2;
nb_iter = len - 2 - nb_par;
line_vector2 = cloog_vec_alloc(len2);
line2 = line_vector2->p;
line = constraints->M.p[0];
if (cloog_int_is_pos(line[level]))
cloog_seq_neg(line+1, line+1, len-1);
cloog_int_neg(line[level], line[level]);
for (i = nb_iter; i >= 1; --i) {
if (i == level)
cloog_int_fdiv_r(line[i], line[i], line[level]);
if (cloog_int_is_zero(line[i]))
/* Look for an earlier variable that is also a multiple of line[level]
* and check whether we can use the corresponding affine expression
* to "reduce" the modulo guard, where reduction means that we eliminate
* a variable, possibly at the expense of introducing other variables
* with smaller index.
for (j = level-1; j >= 0; --j) {
CloogConstraint *equal_constraint;
if (cloog_equal_type(equal, j+1) != EQTYPE_EXAFFINE)
equal_constraint = cloog_equal_constraint(equal, j);
cloog_constraint_coefficient_get(equal_constraint, j, &val);
if (!cloog_int_is_divisible_by(val, line[level])) {
cloog_constraint_coefficient_get(equal_constraint, i-1, &val);
if (cloog_int_is_divisible_by(val, line[level])) {
for (k = j; k > i; --k) {
cloog_constraint_coefficient_get(equal_constraint, k-1, &val);
if (cloog_int_is_zero(val))
if (!cloog_int_is_divisible_by(val, line[level]))
if (k > i) {
cloog_constraint_coefficient_get(equal_constraint, i-1, &val);
Euclid(val, line[level], &x, &y, &g);
if (!cloog_int_is_divisible_by(val, line[i])) {
cloog_int_divexact(val, line[i], g);
cloog_int_neg(val, val);
cloog_int_mul(val, val, x);
cloog_int_set_si(y, 1);
/* Add (equal->p[j][i])^{-1} * line[i] times the equality */
cloog_constraint_copy_coefficients(equal_constraint, line2+1);
cloog_seq_combine(line+1, y, line+1, val, line2+1, i);
cloog_seq_combine(line+len-nb_par-1, y, line+len-nb_par-1,
val, line2+len2-nb_par-1, nb_par+1);
/* Make sure the line is not inverted again in the calling function. */
cloog_int_neg(line[level], line[level]);
return constraints;
CloogConstraint *cloog_constraint_first(CloogConstraintSet *constraints)
CloogConstraint *c;
if (constraints->M.NbRows == 0)
return cloog_constraint_invalid();
c = ALLOC(CloogConstraint);
c->set = constraints;
c->line = &constraints->M.p[0];
return c;
CloogConstraint *cloog_constraint_next(CloogConstraint *constraint)
if (constraint->line == constraint->set->M.p + constraint->set->M.NbRows) {
return NULL;
return constraint;
CloogConstraint *cloog_constraint_copy(CloogConstraint *constraint)
CloogConstraint *c = ALLOC(CloogConstraint);
c->set = constraint->set;
c->line = constraint->line;
return c;
void cloog_constraint_release(CloogConstraint *constraint)
int cloog_constraint_set_foreach_constraint(CloogConstraintSet *constraints,
int (*fn)(CloogConstraint *constraint, void *user), void *user)
CloogConstraint *c;
for (c = cloog_constraint_first(constraints);
cloog_constraint_is_valid(c); c = cloog_constraint_next(c))
if (fn(c, user) < 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
CloogConstraint *cloog_equal_constraint(CloogEqualities *equal, int j)
CloogConstraint *c = ALLOC(CloogConstraint);
c->set = equal->constraints;
c->line = &equal->constraints->M.p[j];
return c;