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\input texinfo
@c %
@c % /**-----------------------------------------------------------------**
@c % ** OpenScop Library **
@c % **-----------------------------------------------------------------**
@c % ** openscop.texi **
@c % **-----------------------------------------------------------------**
@c % ** First version: september 10th 2006 **
@c % **-----------------------------------------------------------------**/
@c %
@c % release 0.0: May 4th 2008
@c %
@c % /*************************************************************************
@c % * PART I: HEADER *
@c % *************************************************************************/
@c %**start of header
@settitle OpenScop Specification and Library
@set EDITION 1.0
@set LIB_VERSION 0.8.1
@set UPDATED December 2nd 2011
@setchapternewpage odd
@c % This is to ask for A4 instead of Letter size document.
@end iftex
@c %**end of header
@c % /************************************************************************
@c % ************************************************************************/
This document describes OpenScop, a specification of a file format and a set
of data structures for polyhedral compilation tools to talk
together. It also describes briefly the OpenScop Library version @value{LIB_VERSION},
a Free Software that provides an example of OpenScop implementation.
It would be quite kind to refer at the present document in any publication that
results from the use of the OpenScop Library:
@ @ author =@ @ @ @ @ @ @{C\'edric Bastoul@},
@ @ title =@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @{OpenScop: A Specification and a Library for Data
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Exchange in Polyhedral Compilation Tools@},
@ @ month =@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @{September@},
@ @ year =@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 2011,
@ @ institution = @{Paris-Sud University, France@}
@end example
Copyright @copyright{} 2011 Paris-Sud University and INRIA.
@c quotation
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under
the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 published by the
Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover
Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. To receive a copy of the
GNU Free Documentation License, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
@c end quotation
@end copying
@c % /*************************************************************************
@c % *************************************************************************/
@title OpenScop
@subtitle A Specification and a Library for Data Exchange in Polyhedral Compilation Tools
@subtitle Edition @value{EDITION}, for OpenScop Specification @value{SPEC_VERSION} and OpenScop Library @value{LIB_VERSION}
@subtitle @value{UPDATED}
@author C@'edric Bastoul
@c The following two commands start the copyright page.
@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
@end titlepage
@c Output the table of contents at the beginning.
@c % /*************************************************************************
@c % *************************************************************************/
@node Top
@top OpenSCop
@end ifnottex
* Introduction::
* Polyhedral Representation::
* OpenScop Specification::
* OpenScop Library::
* References::
@end menu
@c % /*************************************************************************
@c % *************************************************************************/
@c % ****************************** INTRODUCTION ******************************
@node Introduction
@chapter Introduction
OpenScop is an open specification that defines a file format and a set of
data structures to represent a @emph{static control part} (SCoP for short),
i.e., a program part that can be represented in the @emph{polyhedral model}.
The goal of OpenScop is to provide a common interface to various
polyhedral compilation tools in order to simplify their interaction.
Designing a single format for tools that have different purposes
(e.g., as different as code generation and data dependence analysis) may
sound strange at first. However we could observe that most available
polyhedral compilation tools during the last decade were manipulating
more or less the same kind of data (polyhedra, affine functions...) and
were actually sharing a part of their input (e.g., iteration domains and
context concepts are nearly everywhere). We could also observe that
those tools may rely on different internal representations, mostly based on
one of the major polyhedral libraries (e.g., Polylib, PPL or isl), and
this representation may change over time (e.g., when switching to a
more convenient polyhedral library).
The OpenScop aim is to provide a stable, unified format that offers a
durable guarantee that a tool can use an output or provide an input to
another tool without breaking a tool chain because of some internal
changes in one element of the chain. The other promise of OpenScop is
the ability to assemble or replace the basic blocks of a polyhedral
compilation framework at no, or at least low engineering cost.
The policy that drives OpenScop can be summarized by these three rules:
@itemize @bullet
@item Embed the @emph{minimum} information to build a complete polyhedral
compilation framework in the so-called @emph{core part}
(to avoid as much as possible empty or useless information
for each tool).
@item Provide a @emph{very stable} core part (so users have some
guarantee that they will not need to update their tool
because of frequent specification evolution),
@item Provide a @emph{very flexible} extension part (so it can also
be used to test wild new ideas).
@end itemize
@noindent Another, more technical, rule may be added:
@itemize @bullet
@item Avoid any need for external library or tool to support it
(i.e., it's not XML or YAML or anything like that).
@end itemize
The success of OpenScop in meeting its goals totally depends on its
acceptance by the tool developers (that have to support it in their tools).
To help them, we provide an example implementation: the OpenScop Library.
This library (and in particular its API) is not part of the OpenScop
specification (which includes only the file format and the set of data
structures). It is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license so developers may
feel free to use it in their code (either by linking it or copy-pasting its
code). This document also describes this library briefly (readers are
invited to read at its technical documentation).
The current version of the OpenScop Library is still under evaluation,
and there is no guarantee that the upward compatibility will be respected,
even if we do think so. A lot of reports are
necessary to freeze the library API. Thus you are very welcome and
encouraged to send reports on bugs, wishes, critics, comments, suggestions
or (please!) successful experiences to the OpenScop mailing list
This document is organized as follows. First, we provide some
background on the polyhedral model and how it is used to represent and to
manipulate programs (@pxref{Polyhedral Representation}). Next,
we describe the OpenScop specification, from the file format
(@pxref{OpenScop File Format Specification}) to the data structures
and the OpenScop Library API
(@pxref{OpenScop Data Structure Specification}).
Finally we will detail how to install the OpenScop Library
@c % ******************* POLYHEDRAL REPRESENTATION OF PROGRAMS ****************
@node Polyhedral Representation
@chapter Polyhedral Representation of Programs
If you are reading at the OpenScop documentation, you probably don't need any
explanation about the polyhedral model. It is unlikely that someone will read
this paper by mistake. However some vicious advisor may ask their poor
to work for the very first time on this exciting topic. Most papers on
polyhedral compilation are hard to read. Despite my efforts,
mine are no exception according to some reviewers. Hence I give there a new
try to provide a comprehensive explanation of the polyhedral model without the
size and style limits of a classical research paper.
Be aware that to be able to understand the polyhedral model, there are a few
prerequisites. You should not read the following while you still ignore
what is:
@itemize @bullet
@item a @code{for} loop construction in C programs (@code{do} loops in FORTRAN are OK too!),
@item an @emph{affine expression},
@item a @emph{vector},
@item a @emph{matrix},
@item a @emph{matrix-vector multiply}.
@end itemize
If you do not know those concepts, please do some search and come back
afterwards. And if you are courageous enough, send me a few lines that
describe them so I can insert them here!
* Motivation::
* Thinking in Polyhedra::
* What's Next?::
@end menu
@node Motivation
@section Motivation: Program Transformations
A direct translation of high level programs written, e.g., in C, to assembly
then to object code is likely to produce (very) inefficient applications.
Architectures are
quite complex, including several levels of cache memory, many cores, deep
pipelines, various number of functional units, of registers etc.
The list of such
"architectural features" is growing with each new generation of processors.
To achieve the best performance, the object program must use
these features in a smart way.
Programmers use high level languages for productivity and portability:
typically they do not have to take care of the target architecture but
to ensure they write programs which produce the right output. Hence,
the problem of mapping the program to the target architecture in the most
efficient way is left to the compiler.
The compiler may see a high level program as a specification
@emph{of an output}. The program is a list of instructions to be executed to
produce the output. As long as the output is guaranteed to be as the
programmer specified in his code, the compiler is free to modify
the program.
For instance, let us imagine we are working on an architecture with only
three registers and we consider the following statements written by
a programmer:
x = a + b;
y = c + d;
z = a * b;
@end group
@end example
It is easy to see that we can reorder the three statements in any way without
modifying the semantics (no statement reads or writes a variable that another
statement writes). Because of the lack of registers, the solutions such that
the first and the third statements are one after the other are better
because @code{a} and @code{b} will be put in the processor registers by
one statement and can be reused directly by the other one
without reading from memory (this is called a @emph{data locality
improving} transformation). Hence a better statement order is, e.g.:
x = a + b;
z = a * b; // a and b are still in processor registers
y = c + d;
@end group
@end example
We can also notice that it is possible to run the three statements in
parallel (possibly on different processors). The programmer may
explicit this in a way the compiler
and/or the architecture is able to understand. For instance,
we can use OpenMP to describe parallelism
(this is called a @emph{parallelizing} transformation):
#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
x = a + b;
#pragma omp section
y = c + d;
#pragma omp section
z = a * b;
@end group
@end example
However, the right way to optimize this program is probably a tradeoff
between these two techniques. This is true if, e.g., the target
architecture has some limitations to run too many operations in parallel,
or, like in our case, when some data may be reused by some processors.
Hence, the best optimization for our small example is probably the
#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
x = a + b;
z = a * b;
#pragma omp section
y = c + d;
@end group
@end example
This example is quite trivial because the statements are
executed only once. The real sport begins when we have to deal with loops,
as we will see momentarily. However, polyhedral compilation framework users
have to be conscious that we @emph{need} to transform programs to achieve
the best performance and that the best transformation that has to be
discovered (at the price of many, many efforts) and performed may be
quite complex. Hence the need of powerful model and tools.
@node Thinking in Polyhedra
@section Thinking in Polyhedra
Since the very first compilers, the internal representation of programs
is the @emph{Abstract Syntax Tree}, or AST. In such representation,
each statement appears only once even if it is executed many times (e.g.,
when it is enclosed inside a loop). This is a limitation
for finding and applying complex transformations:
@itemize @bullet
@item It limits program analysis power. For instance if a statement
@emph{depends} on another statement (i.e., they access the same
memory location and at least one of these accesses is a write),
we will consider both statements as unique entities while the
dependence relation may involve only few statement executions.
@item It limits program transformation power. Loop transformations
operate on statement executions. For instance, because they
consider all statement executions at the same time, present day
production compilers are not able to achieve loop fusion
(that tries to merge the loop bodies of two loops) if the loop bounds
of the two loops do not match (yes, that's ridiculous).
@item It limits program manipulation flexibility.
Trees are very rigid data structures that are not easy to manipulate.
Program transformation may require very complex transformations that will
imply deep modifications of the control flow.
@end itemize
The Polyhedral Model is a convenient alternative representation which
combines analysis power, expressiveness and high flexibility. The drawback
is it breaks the classical structure of programs that every programmer
is familiar with. It requires some (real) efforts
to be smoothly manipulated, but it definitely worth it. It is based on three
main concepts, @emph{iteration domain}, @emph{scattering function} and
@emph{access function} that are described in depth in the
following sections.
A program part that can be represented using the Polyhedral Model is called
a @strong{Static Control Part} or @strong{SCoP} for short.
* Iteration Domain::
* Scattering Function::
* Access Function::
@end menu
@node Iteration Domain
@subsection Iteration Domain
The key aspect of the polyhedral model is to consider @emph{statement
instances}. A statement instance is @emph{one} execution of a statement.
A statement
outside a loop has only one instance while those inside loops may have many.
Let us consider the following code with two statements @code{S1}
and @code{S2}:
pi = 3.14; // S1
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
A[i] = pi; // S2
@end group
@end example
The list of statement instances is the following (we just have to fully
unroll the loop):
pi = 3.14;
A[0] = pi;
A[1] = pi;
A[2] = pi;
A[3] = pi;
A[4] = pi;
@end group
@end example
Each instance of a statement which is enclosed inside a loop may be referred
thanks to its outer loop counters (or @emph{iterators}). In the polyhedral
model we consider statements as functions of the outer loop counters that may
produce statement instances:
instead of simply "@code{S2}", we use preferably the notation @code{S2(i)}.
For instance we denote the statement instance @code{A[3] = pi;} of the
previous example as @code{S2(3)}. This means @emph{instance of
statement @code{S2} for} @code{i = 3}.
If a statement @code{S3} is enclosed inside two loops of iterators @code{i}
(outermost loop) and @code{j} (innermost loop), we would denote it
@code{S3(i,j)}, and so on with more enclosing loops.
The ordered list
of iterators (ordered from the outermost iterator to the innermost iterator)
is called the @strong{iteration vector}. For instance the iteration vector for
@code{S3} is @code{(i,j)}, for @code{S2} it is @code{(i)}, and for @code{S1}
it is empty since it has no enclosing loop: @code{()}. A more precise reading
at the notation @code{S2(3)} would show that it denotes the instance of
statement @code{S2} for the iteration vector @code{(2)}.
Obviously, dealing with statement instances does not mean we have to unroll all
loops. First because there would be probably too many instances to deal with,
and second because we probably just do not know how many instances there are.
For instance in the following loop it is impossible to know (at compile time)
how many times the statement @code{S3} will be executed:
for (i = 2; i <= N; i++)
for (j = 2; j <= N; j++)
A[i] = pi; // S3
@end group
@end example
@noindent Such a loop is said to be @emph{parametric}: it depends on
(at least) a value called a @emph{parameter} which is not modified
during the execution of the whole loop, but is unknown at compile time.
Here, the only parameter is @code{N}.
A compact way to represent all the instances of a given statement
is to consider the set of all possible values of its iteration vector.
This set is called the @strong{iteration domain}. It can be conveniently
described thanks to all the constraints on the various iterators the statement
depends on. For instance, let us consider
the statement @code{S3} of the previous program. The iteration domain is the set
of iteration vectors @code{(i,j)}. Because of the parameter, we are not able to
achieve a precise list of all possible values. It would look like this:
(2,2) (2,3) (2,4) ... (2,N)
(3,2) (3,3) (3,4) ... (3,N)
... ... ... ... ...
(N,2) (N,3) (N,4) ... (N,N)
@end group
@end example
@noindent A better way is to say it is the set
of iteration vectors @code{(i,j)} such that @code{i} is an integer greater or
equal than 2 and lower or equal than @code{N}, and @code{j} is an integer
greater or equal than 2 and lower or equal than @code{N}. This may be written
in the following mathematical form:
$$D _{S3} = \{(i,j) \in Z^2 \; | \; 2 \leq i \leq N \land 2 \leq j \leq N \}$$
@end tex
D_S3 = @{(i,j) in Z^2 | 2 <= i <= N && 2 <= j <= N @}
@end group
@end example
@end ifnottex
@noindent It is easy to see that this iteration domain is a part of the
2-dimensional space
@end tex
@end group
@end example
@end ifnottex
We often use in our research papers a graphical representation that gives a
better view of this subspace:
@noindent Here, the iteration domain is specified thanks to a set of
constraints. When those constraints are affine and
depend only on the outer loop counters and some parameters, the set of
constraints defines a @emph{polyhedron} (more precisely this is a
@emph{Z-polyhedron}, but we use @emph{polyhedron} for short).
Hence the @emph{polyhedral model}!
To manipulate a set of affine constraints easily, we rely on a matrix
representation. To write it, we use the @emph{homogeneous} iteration vector:
it is simply the iteration vector with some additional dimensions to
represent the parameters and the constant.
For instance for the statement @code{S3}, the
iteration vector in homogeneous coordinates is @code{(i, j, N, 1)}
(we will now call it @emph{iteration vector} directly for short).
Then we write all the constraints as affine inequalities of the form
@emph{affine constraint}
$\geq 0$.
@end tex
@code{ >= 0}.
@end ifnottex
For instance for the statement @code{S3} the set of constraints is:
\hbox{$ \cases{ i - 2 &$\geq 0$\cr
-i + N &$\geq 0$\cr
j - 2 &$\geq 0$\cr
-j + N &$\geq 0$}$}
@end tex
i - 2 >= 0
-i + N >= 0
j - 2 >= 0
-j + N >= 0
@end group
@end example
@end ifnottex
@noindent Lastly, we translate the constraint system to the form
@strong{domain matrix}@code{ * }@emph{iteration vector}@code{ >= 0}:
@c Thanks to Harald Devos for the TeX :-) !
1 & 0 & 0 & -2 \cr
-1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \cr
0 & 1 & 0 & -2 \cr
0 & -1 & 1 & 0
i \cr
j \cr
N \cr
0 \cr
0 \cr
0 \cr
@end tex
[ 1 0 0 -2 ] [ i ] [ 0 ]
[ -1 0 1 0 ] [ j ] [ 0 ]
[ 0 1 0 -2 ] * [ N ] >= [ 0 ]
[ 0 -1 1 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ]
@end group
@end example
@end ifnottex
@noindent @strong{The domain matrix will be used in all our tools to provide the
information on the iteration domain of a given statement (the iteration vector
is in general an implicit information).}
@node Scattering Function
@subsection Scattering Function
There is no ordering information inside the iteration domain: it only describes
the set of statement instances but @strong{not} the order in which they have
to be executed relatively to each other. In the past the lexicographic order
of the iteration domain was considered, this is no more true
(especially when using CLooG). If we do not provide any ordering information, this
means that the statement instances may be executed in any order
(this is useful, e.g., to specify parallelism). However, some statement instances
may depend on some others and it may be critical to enforce a given order (or
non-order). Hence we need another information.
We call @emph{scattering} any kind of ordering information in the polyhedral
model. There exists many kind of ordering, such as @emph{allocation},
@emph{scheduling}, @emph{chunking} etc. They are all expressed
in the same way, i.e., using @emph{logical stamps}, but they may have
different semantics.
In the case of @strong{scheduling}, the logical stamps are logical dates that
express at which date a statement instance has to be executed. For instance,
let us consider the following three statements:
x = a + b; // S1
y = c + d; // S2
z = a * b; // S3
@end group
@end example
@noindent The scheduling of a statement @code{S} is typically
denoted by
@end tex
@end ifnottex
Let us consider the following logical dates for each statement:
$\theta_{S1} = 2$
$\theta_{S2} = 3$
$\theta_{S3} = 1$
@end group
@end example
@end tex
T_S1 = 1
T_S2 = 2
T_S3 = 3
@end group
@end example
@end ifnottex
@noindent It means that statement @code{S3} has to be executed at logical date
@code{1}, statement @code{S1} has to be executed at logical date
@code{2} and statement @code{S2} has to be executed at logical date
@code{3}. The target code has to respect this scheduling (the order of
the logical dates), hence it would look like the following where the
variable @code{t} denotes the time:
t = 1;
z = a * b; // S3
t = 2;
x = a + b; // S1
t = 3;
y = c + d; // S2
@end group
@end example
@noindent When some statements share the same logical date, this means that,
once the program reaches this logical date, the two statements can be executed
in any order, or better, in parallel. For instance let us consider the
following scheduling:
$\theta_{S1} = 1$
$\theta_{S2} = 2$
$\theta_{S3} = 1$
@end group
@end example
@end tex
T_S1 = 1
T_S2 = 2
T_S3 = 1
@end group
@end example
@end ifnottex
@noindent Statements @code{S1} and @code{S3} have the same logical date,
moreover, @code{S2} has a greater logical date than @code{S1} and @code{S3}.
Hence the target code would be:
t = 1;
#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
x = a + b; // S1
#pragma omp section
z = a * b; // S3
t = 2;
y = c + d; // S2
@end group
@end example
Logical dates may be multidimensional, as clocks: the first dimension
may correspond to days (most significant), the next one to hours (less
significant), the third to minutes and so on. For instance we can consider
the following multidimensional schedules for our example:
$\theta_{S1} = (1,1)$
$\theta_{S2} = (2,1)$
$\theta_{S3} = (1,2)$
@end group
@end example
@end tex
T_S1 = (1,1)
T_S2 = (2,1)
T_S3 = (1,2)
@end group
@end example
@end ifnottex
@noindent It is not very hard to decypher the meaning of such scheduling.
Because of the first dimension, statements @code{S1} and @code{S3} will be
executed before statement @code{S2} (@code{S1} and @code{S3} are executed at
day 1, while @code{S2} is executed at day 2). The second dimension is not
really useful there for @code{S2} because it is the only statement executed
at day 2. Nevertheless it allows to order @code{S1} and
@code{S3} relatively to each other since @code{S1} is executed at hour 1 of day
1 while @code{S3} is executed at hour 2 of day 1.
The corresponding target code is the following, with some
additional time variables for a better view of the ordering (@code{t1}
corresponds to the first time dimension, @code{t2} to the second one):
t1 = 1;
t2 = 1;
x = a + b; // S1
t2 = 2;
z = a * b; // S3
t1 = 2;
t2 = 1;
y = c + d; // S2
@end group
@end example
In the case of @strong{allocation} (in the literature we can find some
papers calling it @emph{placement}), the logical stamp is a processor
number expressing on which processor a statement instance has to be
executed. Typically, allocations are written in the same way as scheduling.
Here, we denote it @math{P_S} for a statement @code{S}.
For instance, let us consider the following allocation:
$P_{S1} = 1$
$P_{S2} = 2$
$P_{S3} = 1$
@end group
@end example
@end tex
P_S1 = 1
P_S2 = 2
P_S3 = 1
@end group
@end example
@end ifnottex
@noindent The corresponding target code has to take into account that both
statements @code{S1} and @code{S3} have to be executed on the same processor
(they have the same logical number 1) and that statement @code{S2} has
to be executed on another processor (logical number 2). A possible target code
is the following:
#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
// Logical processor 1
x = a + b; // S1
z = a * b; // S3
#pragma omp section
// Logical processor 2
y = c + d; // S2
@end group
@end example
@noindent We can note that no order has been specified for the
statements @code{S1} and @code{S3} that are executed on the same processor.
Hence any order is satisfying. For sake of flexibility, it is usual to build
a scattering whose various dimensions do not have the same semantics. A
typical construction is @emph{space/time mapping} where the first @code{n}
dimensions are devoted to allocation, then the last @code{m}
dimensions are devoted to scheduling. Typically, space/time mapping is
written in the same way as scheduling.
Here we denote it @math{M_S} for a statement @code{S}.
For instance, let us consider the following space/time mapping for our
example where one dimension is devoted to mapping and one dimension is
devoted to scheduling:
$M_{S1} = (1,2)$
$M_{S2} = (2,1)$
$M_{S3} = (1,1)$
@end group
@end example
@end tex
M_S1 = (1,2)
M_S2 = (2,1)
M_S3 = (1,1)
@end group
@end example
@end ifnottex
@noindent Here we have the same first dimension as the previous example, thus
the allocation of the statements to processors is the same. The second
dimension precises on a given processor at which logical date a statement
instance has to be executed. Here, the statement @code{S1} is executed at
day 2 on processor 1 while the statement @code{S3} is executed at day 1 onto
the same processor. It follows this space/time mapping corresponds to the
following target code (we added an additional variable to represent the
local logical clocks):
#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
// Logical processor 1
t = 1;
z = a * b; // S3
t = 2;
x = a + b; // S1
#pragma omp section
// Logical processor 2
t = 1;
y = c + d; // S2
@end group
@end example
For the same reason as discussed for iteration domains
(@pxref{Iteration Domain}), it is not possible to define a scattering for
each statement instance, especially if the statement belongs to a
(possibly parametric) loop. The iteration vector fully defines an
instance of a given statement. Thus, a practical way to provide a scattering
for each instance of a given statement is to use a @emph{function}
that depends on the iteration vector. In this way the function may associate
to each iteration vector a different scattering. We call these functions
@strong{scattering functions}. Scattering functions are @emph{affine}
functions of the outer loop counter and the global parameters.
For instance, let us consider the following source code:
for (i = 2; i <= 4; i++)
for (j = 2; j <= 4; j++)
P[i+j] += A[i] + B[j]; // S4
@end group
@end example
@noindent The iteration domain of the statement @code{S4} is:
$$D _{S4} = \{(i,j) \in Z^2 \; | \; 2 \leq i \leq 4 \land 2 \leq j \leq 4 \}.$$
@end tex
D_S4= @{(i,j) in Z^2 | 2 <= i <= 4 && 2 <= j <= 4 @}.
@end group
@end example
@end ifnottex
@noindent If you are still not comfortable with the mathematical notation, it
corresponds to the following graphical representation:
@noindent The list of the statement instances of @code{S4} (the integer
points of its iteration domain) corresponds to the following iteration vectors:
iteration vector
@end group
@end example
@noindent Let us suppose we want to schedule the instances of the statement
@code{S4} (the integer points of its iteration domain) using the following
scheduling function:
$\theta_{S4}(i, j) = (j+2, 3*i+j)$
@end group
@end example
@end tex
T_S4(i,j) = (j+2,3*i+j)
@end group
@end example
@end ifnottex
@noindent We only need to apply the function to each iteration vector to find
the logical date of each instance:
iteration vector logical date
(2,2) --> (4,8)
(2,3) --> (5,9)
(2,4) --> (6,10)
(3,2) --> (4,11)
(3,3) --> (5,12)
(3,4) --> (6,13)
(4,2) --> (4,14)
(4,3) --> (5,15)
(4,4) --> (6,16)
@end group
@end example
The polyhedral model users do not have to take care about the generation of a
target code that respects the scattering: the
CLooG@footnote{@url{}} tool is there to
solve the problem quite easily. For the previous
example, the target code would be the following (@code{t1} and @code{t2}
correspond to the two dimensions of the logical date, the reader may
take care that this code actually implements the scattering function):
for (t1 = 4; t1 <= 6; t1++) @{
for (t2 = t1+4; t2 <= t1+10; t2++) @{
if ((-t1+t2+2)%3 == 0) @{
i = (-t1+t2+2)/3 ;
j = t1-2 ;
P[i+j] += A[i] + B[j]; // S4
@end group
@end example
Obviously with such a twisted scheduling, it is hard to see the "meaning"
of the transformation. To name any kind of program transformation as
a magic spell ("tile", "fuse", "skew"...) is an old bad habit which is not
relevant anymore in the polyhedral model: a scheduling may be an arbitrary
complex sequence of basic-old-good transformations. Nevertheless it is most
of the time quite easy to translate well known transformations to schedules.
For instance, let us consider this new scheduling function:
$\theta_{S4}(i,j) = (j,i)$
@end group
@end example
@end tex
T_S4(i,j) = (j,i)
@end group
@end example
@end ifnottex
@noindent Using CLooG, we can generate the target code:
for (t1 = 2; t1 <= 4; t1++) @{
for (t2 = 2; t2 <= 4; t2++) @{
i = t2;
j = t1;
P[i+j] += A[i] + B[j]; // S4
@end group
@end example
@noindent It is easy to see (and analyze) that it corresponds to a classical
@emph{loop interchange} transformation.
A very useful example of multi-dimensional scattering functions is
the @strong{scheduling of the original program}.
The method to compute it is quite simple (@pxref{Fea92}). The idea is to
build an abstract syntax tree of the program and to read the scheduling for
each statement. For instance, let us consider the following implementation of
a Cholesky factorization:
/* A Cholesky factorization kernel. */
for (i=1;i<=N;i++) @{
for (j=1;j<=i-1;j++) @{
a[i][i] -= a[i][j] ; // S1
a[i][i] = sqrt(a[i][i]) ; // S2
for (j=i+1;j<=N;j++) @{
for (k=1;k<=i-1;k++) @{
a[j][i] -= a[j][k]*a[i][k] ; // S3
a[j][i] /= a[i][i] ; // S4
@end group
@end example
@noindent The corresponding abstract syntax tree is shown in the following
figure. It directly gives the scattering functions (schedules) for all the
statements of the program (just follow the paths).
\hbox{$ \cases{ \theta _{S1}(i,j) &$= (0,i,0,j,0)$\cr
\theta _{S2}(i) &$= (0,i,1)$\cr
\theta _{S3}(i,j,k) &$= (0,i,2,j,0,k,0)$\cr
\theta _{S4}(i,j) &$= (0,i,2,j,1)$}$}
@end tex
T_S1(i,j) = (0,i,0,j,0)
T_S2(i) = (0,i,1)
T_S3(i,j,k) = (0,i,2,j,0,k,0)
T_S4(i,j) = (0,i,2,j,1)
@end group
@end example
@end ifnottex
@noindent These schedules depend on the iterators and give for each instance
of each statement a unique execution date. Using such scattering functions
allows CLooG to re-generate the input code.
@noindent To easily manipulate the scattering function of any
statement @code{S}, we translate it to the matrix form:
@math{\theta_S}(@emph{iteration vector})
@end tex
T_S(@emph{iteration vector})
@end ifnottex
@code{ = }@strong{scattering matrix}@code{ * }@emph{iteration vector}.
For instance let us consider again our previous example
$\theta_{S4}(i, j) = (j+2, 3*i+j).$
@end tex
T_S4(i,j) = (j+2,3*i+j).
@end ifnottex
We write it in the following way:
i \cr
j \cr
0 & 0 & 2 \cr
3 & 1 & 0
i \cr
j \cr
@end tex
[ i ] [ 0 1 2 ] [ i ]
T_S4([ j ]) = [ 3 1 0 ] * [ j ]
[ 1 ] [ 1 ]
@end group
@end example
@end ifnottex
@noindent @strong{The scattering matrix will be used in all our tools to provide
the information on the scattering of a given statement
(the iteration vector is in general an implicit information).}
@node Access Function
@subsection Access Function
Before applying any transformation, it is essential to deeply analyze both the
original program and the transformation to ensure the transformation does not
imply any modification of the original program semantics. In the polyhedral
model, we are able to achieve
an exact analysis when all the memory accesses are made through arrays
(note that variables are a particular case of arrays since they are simply
arrays with only one memory location) with affine subscripts that depend
on outer loop counters and global parameters (note that @emph{subscripts}
are sometimes called @emph{index} or @emph{accesses} in the literature).
For instance let us consider the array access @code{A[2*i+j][j][i+N]}. It has
three dimensions, each subscript dimension is an affine form of some outer loop
iterarors (@code{i} and @code{j}) and global parameters (@code{N}) hence
it corresponds to an acceptable array access to be analyzed in the
polyhedral model.
Each array access can target a different memory cell depending on the
statement instance, i.e., depending on the iteration vector.
Thus we use access functions (or subscript functions, or index functions, as you
prefer to call it) depending on the iteration vector to describe an array
access. In our example, the access function would be written
@math{F_A(i, j) = (2*i+j, j, i+N)}.
@noindent To easily manipulate the access function of any
array @code{A}, we translate it to the matrix form:
@math{F_A}(@emph{iteration vector})
@code{ = }@strong{access matrix}@code{ * }@emph{iteration vector}.
For instance let us consider again our previous example. We would
write it in the following way:
i \cr
j \cr
N \cr
2 & 1 & 0 & 0 \cr
0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \cr
1 & 0 & 1 & 0
i \cr
j \cr
N \cr
@end tex
[ i ] [ 2 1 0 0 ] [ i ]
F_A([ j ]) = [ 0 1 0 0 ] * [ j ]
[ N ] [ 1 0 1 0 ] [ N ]
[ 1 ] [ 1 ]
@end group
@end example
@end ifnottex
@noindent @strong{The access matrix will be used in all our tools to provide the
information on the access of a given statement
(the iteration vector is in general an implicit information).}
@node What's Next?
@section What's Next?
OK, now you have an idea about how we do represent a program part in the
polyhedral model. You know the three main concepts, namely: domain, scattering
and access. What can you do with this?! Well, pretty much anything related
to code restructuring! The core idea will be to rely on the mathematical
representation to extract useful information about your
code (data reuse, parallelism...) and to generate a scattering
to benefit from the properties you analysed.
However, OpenScop's documentation is not the right
place to learn at this (OpenScop is all about representation, not about
manipulation). Probably it is the right time for you to
have a look at:
@itemize @bullet
@item PoCC @url{}
@item Pluto @url{}
@end itemize
@noindent Have fun :-) !
@c % *********************** OpenScop Specification **************************
@node OpenScop Specification
@chapter OpenScop Specification
OpenScop provides an explicit polyhedral representation of a static control
part. It has been designed by various polyhedral compilation tool writers from
various institutions. It builds on previous popular polyhedral file and data
structure formats (such as @emph{.cloog} and CLooG data structures) to provide
a unique, extensible format to most polyhedral compilation tools. It
is composed of two parts. The first part, the so-called
@emph{core part}, is devoted to the polyhedral representation of a SCoP.
It contains what is strictly necessary to build a
complete source-to-source framework in the polyhedral model and to output a
semantically equivalent code for the SCoP, from analysis to code generation.
The second part of the format, the so-called @emph{extension part},
contains extensions to provide additional informations to some tools.
* Preliminary Example::
* OpenScop File Format Specification::
* OpenScop Data Structure Specification::
* Extensions::
* History::
@end menu
@c %/*************************************************************************
@c % *************************************************************************/
@node Preliminary Example
@section Preliminary Example
OpenScop is a specification for representing static control program parts in
the polyhedral model. Thus, we can translate some code parts to an equivalent
OpenScop representation. As an example, let us consider the
following matrix-multiply kernel:
#pragma scop
if (N > 0) @{
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) @{
for (j = 0; j < N; j++) @{
C[i][j] = 0.0;
for (k = 0; k < N; k++)
C[i][j] = C[i][j] + A[i][k] * B[k][j];
@end example
The Clan@footnote{@url{}}
tool may be used to translate this code part to an OpenScop
representation automatically. The @code{#pragma scop} is used here for
Clan, but some other tool may not need it. Here is the result of the
translation to an OpenScop textual representation.
@sp 1
@center @strong{DON'T PANIC}
@sp 1
@noindent Explanations will follow and it is not
as cryptic as it seems to be !
@sp 1
# =============================================== Global
# Backend Language
# Context
1 3 0 0 0 1
# e/i | N | 1
1 1 -1 ## N-1 >= 0
# Parameter names are provided
# Parameter names
# Number of statements
# =============================================== Statement 1
# Number of relations describing the statement
# ---------------------------------------------- 1.1 Domain
4 5 2 0 0 1
# e/i | i j | N | 1
1 1 0 0 0 ## i >= 0
1 -1 0 1 -1 ## -i+N-1 >= 0
1 0 1 0 0 ## j >= 0
1 0 -1 1 -1 ## -j+N-1 >= 0
# ---------------------------------------------- 1.2 Scattering
5 10 5 2 0 1
# e/i| s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 | i j | N | 1
0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## s1 = 0
0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ## s2 = i
0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## s3 = 0
0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 ## s4 = j
0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 ## s5 = 0
# ---------------------------------------------- 1.3 Access
3 8 3 2 0 1
# e/i| Arr [1] [2] | i j | N | 1
0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 1 ## C
0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 ## [i]
0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 ## [j]
# ---------------------------------------------- 1.4 Body
# Statement body is provided
# Statement body
# Number of original iterators
# Original iterator names
i j
# Statement body expression
C[i][j] = 0.0;
# =============================================== Statement 2
# Number of relations describing the statement
# ---------------------------------------------- 2.1 Domain
6 6 3 0 0 1
# e/i| i j k | N | 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 ## i >= 0
1 -1 0 0 1 -1 ## -i+N-1 >= 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 ## j >= 0
1 0 -1 0 1 -1 ## -j+N-1 >= 0
1 0 0 1 0 0 ## k >= 0
1 0 0 -1 1 -1 ## -k+N-1 >= 0
# ---------------------------------------------- 2.2 Scattering
7 13 7 3 0 1
# e/i| s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 | i j k | N | 1
0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## s1 = 0
0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ## s2 = i
0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## s3 = 0
0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ## s4 = j
0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ## s5 = 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ## s6 = k
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 ## s7 = 0
# ---------------------------------------------- 2.3 Access
3 9 3 3 0 1
# e/i| Arr [1] [2] | i j k | N | 1
0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ## C
0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 ## [i]
0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 ## [j]
3 9 3 3 0 1
# e/i| Arr [1] [2] | i j k | N | 1
0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ## C
0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 ## [i]
0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 ## [j]
3 9 3 3 0 1
# e/i| Arr [1] [2] | i j k | N | 1
0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ## A
0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 ## [i]
0 0 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 ## [k]
3 9 3 3 0 1
# e/i| Arr [1] [2] | i j k | N | 1
0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 ## B
0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ## [k]
0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 ## [j]
# ---------------------------------------------- 2.4 Body
# Statement body is provided
# Statement body
# Number of original iterators
# Original iterator names
i j k
# Statement body expression
C[i][j] = C[i][j] + A[i][k] * B[k][j];
# =============================================== Extensions
May the power of the polyhedral model be with you.
@end example
We will not describe here precisely the structure and the components of this
output, this is described in depth in a further section
(@pxref{OpenScop File Format Specification}). This format
has been designed to be a possible input or output file format of most of
polyhedral compilation tools. If you read the description of the polyhedral
representation of programs, you should already feel familiar with this file
format (@pxref{Polyhedral Representation}).
@c %/*************************************************************************
@c % *************************************************************************/
@node OpenScop File Format Specification
@section OpenScop File Format Specification
* Relations::
* Generics::
@end menu
The following grammar describes the structure of the
OpenScop file format where terminals are preceeded by "_". Except
stated otherwise, there can be at most one terminal per line in the file.
Moreover, each line may finish with a comment, starting by the @samp{#}
character. Each relevant part will be explained in more details momentarily:
OpenScop ::= Start_tag Data End_tag
Start_tag ::= "<OpenScop>"
End_tag ::= "</OpenScop>"
Data ::= Context Statements Extension_list
Context ::= Language Parameter_Domain Parameters
Statements ::= Nb_statements Statement_list
Statement_list ::= Statement Statement_list | (void)
Relation_list ::= _Relation Relation_list | (void)
Extension_list ::= _Generic Extension_list | (void)
Statement ::= Statement_relations Body
Body ::= "0" | "1" Body_information
Parameters ::= "0" | "1" Parameter_information
Statement_relations ::= Nb_relations Relation_List
Parameter_domain ::= _Relation
Language ::= _String
Nb_Relations ::= _Integer
Parameter_information ::= _Generic
Body_information ::= _Generic
@end example
The @samp{Context} and the @samp{Statements} parts compose the
@emph{core part}, i.e., what is strictly necessary to build
a complete source to source framework based on OpenSCop:
@itemize @bullet
@item @samp{Context} represents the global information of the SCoP. It
consists on the target language, the global constraints on the
parameters and optionally the parameter information which may be necessary
for the code generation process. The constraints on the parameters
are represented as a relation (@pxref{Context Domain Relation}).
The parameter information is optional. It is preceded by a
boolean which precises whether it is provided or not.
It is a generic information (@pxref{Generics}), a @code{strings}
(@pxref{Strings Generic}) for instance.
@item @samp{Statements} represents the information about the statements.
@samp{Nb_statements} is the number of statements in the SCoP,
i.e. the number of @samp{Statement} items in the @samp{Statement_list}.
@samp{Statement} represents the information on a given statement.
To each statement is associated a list of relations and,
optionaly, a body. The list of relations may include
one iteration domain (@pxref{Iteration Domain Relation}),
one scattering relation (@pxref{Scattering Relation})
and several access relations (@pxref{Access Relation}).
There is no mandatory ordering, but for consistency reason it would
be much appreciated that iteration domain comes first (if present)
then scattering (if present), then accesses (if present).
The statement body is an optional information. It is preceded by a
boolean which precises whether it is provided or not.
It is a generic information (@pxref{Generics}), a @code{body}
(@pxref{Body Generic}) for instance.
@end itemize
The @samp{Extension_list} represents the @emph{extension part} and may contain
an arbitrary number of generic informations (@pxref{Generics}).
Few examples of possible extensions are presented in a further
section (@pxref{Extensions}).
As shown by the grammar, the input file describes the various pieces of
information based on strings, integers, @emph{relations} and @emph{generics}.
Relations and Generics are specific to OpenScop and are described in depth
in the following Sections (@pxref{Relations} and @pxref{Generics}).
@c %/*************************************************************************
@c % * RELATIONS *
@c % *************************************************************************/
@node Relations
@subsection Relations
* Iteration Domain Relation::
* Context Domain Relation::
* Scattering Relation::
* Access Relation::
@end menu
@emph{Relations} are the essence of the OpenScop format and contain the
"polyhedral" information. They are used to describe either an iteration
domain, or a context domain, or a scattering or a memory access.
We use the relation term as a shortcut to denote a
union of convex relations, each element of the union being described by a set of
constraints in an extended PolyLib format (@pxref{Wil93}).
The number of elements in the union is given by an integer on the first line,
optionally followed by a comment starting with @samp{#}.
This number of elements can be omitted when there is only one element.
Each element in the union has the following syntax:
@item Some optional comment lines beginning with @samp{#}.
@item A line with the type of the relation, possibly followed by comments.
The type can be one of the following:
@itemize @bullet
@item @code{UNDEFINED}: generic relation,
@item @code{CONTEXT}: for context information,
@item @code{DOMAIN}: for iteration domains,
@item @code{SCATTERING}: for scattering relation,
@item @code{READ}: for read accesses,
@item @code{WRITE}: for write accesses,
@item @code{MAY_WRITE}: for may-write accesses,
@end itemize
@item A line with 6 numbers, possibly followed by comments:
@item the number of rows of the constraint matrix,
@item the number of columns of the constraint matrix,
@item the number of @emph{output dimensions},
@item the number of @emph{input dimension},
@item the number of @emph{local dimensions}
(existentially quantified dimensions),
@item the number of @emph{parameters}.
@end enumerate
The sum of the last four numbers should be equal to the number of columns
minus two. The remaining two columns are the equality/inequality
indicator and the constant term. The number of parameters should be the
same for all relations in the entire OpenScop file or data structure.
@item The constraint rows. Each row corresponds to a constraint the
relation has to satisfy. Each row must be on a single line and is possibly
followed by comments. The constraint is an equality @math{p(x) = 0} if the
first element is 0, an inequality @math{p(x) \geq 0} if the first element
is 1. The next elements are the coefficients of the output dimensions,
followed by coefficients of the input dimensions, the existentially
quantified dimensions and finally the parameters.
The last element is the constant term.
@end enumerate
This representation is the basis for several purposes. Examples for
iteration domains (@pxref{Iteration Domain Relation}), context domains
(@pxref{Context Domain Relation}), scattering
relations (@pxref{Scattering Relation}) and
access relations (@pxref{Access Relation}) are provided in further sections.
@c %/************************** ITERATION DOMAIN ****************************
@node Iteration Domain Relation
@subsubsection Iteration Domain Relation
Iteration domain represents the set of instances of the corresponding statement.
OpenScop iteration domains are represented as relations with the following
@itemize @bullet
@item the type is @code{DOMAIN},
@item there is 0 input dimension,
@item loop iterators correspond to output dimensions.
@end itemize
@noindent For instance, assuming that @samp{i}, @samp{j} and @samp{k} are the loop
iterators and @samp{M} and @samp{N} are the parameters, the domain defined by
the following constraints :
\hbox{$ \cases{ -i + M &$\geq 0$\cr
-j + N &$\geq 0$\cr
i + j - k &$\geq 0$}$}
@end tex
-i + M >= 0
-j + N >= 0
i + j - k >= 0
@end group
@end example
@end ifnottex
@noindent can be written in the input file as follows:
# This is an iteration domain
1 # Number of relations in the union
3 7 3 0 0 2 # 3 rows, 7 cols: 3 output dims and 2 params
# e/i| i j k | M N | 1
1 -1 0 0 1 0 0 # -i + M >= 0
1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 # -j + N >= 0
1 1 1 -1 0 0 0 # i + j - k >= 0
@end group
@end example
@noindent Equivalently, it can be written in the following way as the number
of relations in the union can be omitted if it is 1:
# This is an iteration domain
3 7 3 0 0 2 # 3 rows, 7 cols: 3 output dims and 2 params
# e/i| i j k | M N | 1
1 -1 0 0 1 0 0 # -i + M >= 0
1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 # -j + N >= 0
1 1 1 -1 0 0 0 # i + j - k >= 0
@end group
@end example
@noindent As an example for unions, let us consider the following pseudo-code:
for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) @{
if ((i >= M) || (i <= 2*M))
@end group
@end example
@noindent The iteration domain of @samp{S1} can be divided into two
relations and written in the OpenScop file as follows:
# This is an iteration domain
2 # Number of relations in the union
# Union part No.1
3 5 1 0 0 2 # 3 rows, 5 cols: 1 output dim and 2 params
# e/i| i | M N | 1
1 1 0 0 -1 # i >= 1
1 -1 0 1 0 # i <= N
1 1 -1 0 0 # i >= M
# Union part No.2
3 5 1 0 0 2 # 3 rows, 5 cols: 1 output dim and 2 params
# e/i| i | M N | 1
1 1 0 0 -1 # i >= 1
1 -1 0 1 0 # i <= N
1 -1 2 0 0 # i <= 2*M
@end group
@end example
@noindent As an example for local dimensions (existentially quantified
dimensions), let us consider the following pseudo-code:
for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) @{
if ((i % 2) == 0)
@end group
@end example
@noindent The iteration domain of @samp{S1} is composed of all even
integer values between 1 and N. The "divisible by two" constraint can
be expressed as follows: there exists an integer @samp{ld} such that
@samp{i = 2*ld}. We encode this thanks to a new local dimension:
# This is an iteration domain
3 5 1 0 1 1 # 3 rows, 5 cols: 1 output dim, 1 local dim, 1 param
# e/i| i |ld | N | 1
0 1 -2 0 0 # i = 2*ld
1 1 0 0 1 # i >= 1
1 -1 0 1 0 # i <= N
@end group
@end example
@c %/************************** CONTEXT DOMAIN ******************************
@node Context Domain Relation
@subsubsection Context Domain Relation
The context domain is a particular case of iteration domain
(@pxref{Iteration Domain Relation}) where there are only
constraints about parameters (no loop iterators). Hence it is the same
as an iteration domain, with the following conventions:
@itemize @bullet
@item the type is @code{CONTEXT},
@item there is 0 input dimension,
@item there is 0 output dimension.
@end itemize
@c %/************************* SCATTERING RELATION **************************
@node Scattering Relation
@subsubsection Scattering Relation
Scattering relation maps an iteration domain to a logical time and/or
space (and/or) anything.
OpenScop scattering information is represented as relations
(@pxref{Relations}) with the following conventions:
@itemize @bullet
@item the type is @code{SCATTERING},
@item output dimensions correspond to scattering dimensions,
@item loop iterators correspond to input dimensions.
@end itemize
As an example of a scattering relation and
assuming that @samp{i}, @samp{j} and @samp{k} are the loop
iterators and @samp{M} and @samp{N} are the parameters, take for instance:
$\theta_{S}(i,j,k) = (j+2,3*i+j,k+N+1).$
@end tex
T_@{S@}(i,j,k) = (j+2,3*i+j,k+N+1).
@end example
@end ifnottex
We can represent it in the following way:
# A scattering relation
# 3 rows, 10 columns: 3 scattering dimensions, 3 iterators, 2 parameters
3 10 3 3 0 2
# e/i|s1 s2 s3 | i j k | M N | 1
0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 # s1 = j+2
0 0 -1 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 # s2 = 3*i+j
0 0 0 -1 0 0 1 0 1 1 # s3 = k+N+1
@end group
@end example
@c %/************************** ACCESS RELATION *****************************
@node Access Relation
@subsubsection Access Relation
Access relation maps an iteration domain to an array space.
Each array accessed in the SCoP has a unique identification number.
OpenScop relation information is represented as relations
(@pxref{Relations}) with the following conventions:
@itemize @bullet
@item the type is one of the following:
@itemize @bullet
@item @code{READ}, for read accesses,
@item @code{WRITE}, for write accesses,
@item @code{MAY_WRITE}, for may write accesses,
@end itemize
@item output dimensions correspond to the array identifier and dimensions,
@item the first output dimension corresponds to the array identifier,
@item the (i+1)th output dimension corresponds to the ith array dimension (i>1),
@item loop iterators correspond to input dimensions.
@end itemize
As an example of a scattering relation and
assuming that @samp{i}, @samp{j} and @samp{k} are the loop
iterators and @samp{M} and @samp{N} are the parameters, let us consider
the array access @code{A[2*i+j][j][i+N]} (the identifier of @code{A} is 42),
and let us suppose this is a read access. Its representation would be the
# A read access relation
# 4 rows, 11 columns: 4 array dimensions, 3 iterators, 2 parameters
4 11 4 3 0 2
# e/i|Arr [1] [2] [3]| i j k | M N | 1
0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 # A
0 0 -1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 # [2*i+j]
0 0 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 # [j]
0 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0 1 0 # [i+N]
@end group
@end example
To understand this representation, consider that OpenScop accesses
are general memory accesses and not array accesses. The memory is
seen as a big array @code{Mem} while usual array names correspond to
the first dimension. Hence our example translates to @code{Mem[42][2*i+j][j][i+N]}.
Unions of access relations are allowed. In this case, each union part must
refer at the same array identifier, and the number of dimensions must be
@c %/*************************************************************************
@c % * GENERICS *
@c % *************************************************************************/
@node Generics
@subsection Generics
* Strings Generic::
* Body Generic::
@end menu
@emph{Generics} represent any elaborated non-polyhedral information in the
OpenScop format. They are used to represent the parameter information, the
statement body information as well as the extensions. Each generic information
is delimited using XML-like tags corresponding to its URI (Unique Resource
Identifier), For instance, if the generic has the URI @code{foo}, the begin
tag is @code{<foo>} and the end tag is @code{</foo>}).
Two generics, namely @code{strings} (@pxref{Strings Generic}) and
@code{body} (@pxref{Body Generic}) are part of the OpenScop
specification to provide the minimum, stricly necessary information to
build a complete source-to-source polyhedral framework based on OpenScop.
However, generics can be basically @emph{anything} as long as they are
properly delimited. OpenScop implementations will simply ignore
non-supported generics and warn the user with the mention of the
non-supported URIs. Support of new generics will be added throught the
extension mechanism.
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node Strings Generic
@subsubsection Strings Generic
The purpose of the @code{strings} generic is to represent a list of
textual strings on one line (which may be used, e.g., to represent the list of
parameter names in the order used in the relation). Its URI is @code{strings}
and its file format respects the following grammar:
Strings_generic ::= "<strings>" Strings "</strings>"
Strings ::= _String String_list | (void)
@end example
@noindent A possible example of textual @code{strings} is the following:
Not one sentence but 6 strings!
@end group
@end example
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node Body Generic
@subsubsection Body Generic
The purpose of the @code{body} generic is to represent the textual
information about a statement. It contains the number of original iterators on
the first line, the list of original iterators on the second
line (the loop counters of the statement surrounding loops in the original
program) and the original textual body expression on the third line.
Its URI is @code{body} and its file format respects the following grammar
(the @code{String} rule is reused, @pxref{Strings Generic}):
Body_generic ::= "<body>" Body "</body>"
Body ::= Nb_iterators Iterator_list Expression
Nb_iterators ::= _Integer
Iterator_list ::= Strings
Expression ::= Strings
@end example
@noindent A possible example of textual @code{body} is the following:
# Number of original iterators
# Original iterators
i j
# Original statement expression
A[i+j] += B[i] * C[j];
@end group
@end example
@c %/*************************************************************************
@c % *************************************************************************/
@node OpenScop Data Structure Specification
@section OpenScop Data Structure Specification
* osl_relation_t::
* osl_relation_list_t::
* osl_interface_t::
* osl_generic_t::
* osl_strings_t::
* osl_body_t::
* osl_statement_t::
* osl_scop_t::
@end menu
The OpenScop specification offers a small set of C data structures devoted to
represent a SCoP in memory in a convenient way. Using them in some tool or
library may greatly facilitate its interaction with other tools or libraries
which rely on this representation as well. Every field may not be useful for
a given tool or library. A general rule for all the data structure is
that a @code{NULL} pointer or a -1 integer value means the information is
not present. Contrary to engineering time, memory is cheap today, so it's much
probably not a big deal that some fields are left empty. Every field may not
be enough for a given tool or library. In this case it is much recommended
to provide a new extension which may be reused by other users
Each tool or library may have its own implementation of the OpenScop
data structures. The type names should not be the same as those provided
as an example here (they correspond to the OpenScop Library implementation).
The names of the fields, and their ordering, should however be the same. In this
way, the interaction between tools and libraries should be as simple as a cast.
Before reading at the OpenScop data structures, it is much recommended to
read at the OpenScop file format description, as it is quite close to this
representation (@pxref{OpenScop File Format Specification}).
@node osl_relation_t
@subsection osl_relation_t
struct osl_relation @{
int type; /* What this relation is encoding */
int precision; /* Precision of the matrix elements */
int nb_rows; /* Number of rows */
int nb_columns; /* Number of columns */
int nb_output_dims; /* Number of output dimensions */
int nb_input_dims; /* Number of input dimensions */
int nb_local_dims; /* Number of local dimensions */
int nb_parameters; /* Number of parameters */
void ** m; /* Matrix of constraints */
struct osl_relation * next; /* Next relation in the union */
typedef struct osl_relation osl_relation_t;
typedef struct osl_relation * osl_relation_p;
@end group
@end example
@noindent The @code{osl_relation_t} structure stores a part of an
union of relations. A union of relation is a @code{NULL}-terminated
linked list of union parts (@code{next} field). The @code{type} field
may provide some information about what the relation is encoding:
@itemize @bullet
@item -1: undefined (@code{OSL_UNDEFINED}),
@item 2: context domain (@code{OSL_TYPE_CONTEXT}),
@item 3: iteration domain (@code{OSL_TYPE_DOMAIN}),
@item 4: scattering relation (@code{OSL_TYPE_SCATTERING}),
@item 6: read access relation (@code{OSL_TYPE_READ}),
@item 7: write access relation (@code{OSL_TYPE_WRITE}),
@item 8: may write access relation (@code{OSL_TYPE_MAY_WRITE}),
@end itemize
The various numbers provide the details on the relation itself
(@pxref{Relations}) while the @code{m} field points to
the constraint matrix. The precision of the constraint matrix elements is
provided by the @code{precision} field. It can take the following
@itemize @bullet
@item 32: 32 bits precision, elements are @code{long int}
@item 64: 64 bits precision, elements are @code{long long int}
@item 0: multiple precision, elements are GNU GMP Library's
@code{mpz_t} (@code{OSL_PRECISION_MP}).
@end itemize
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node osl_relation_list_t
@subsection osl_relation_list_t
struct osl_relation_list @{
osl_relation_p elt; /* Element of the list */
struct osl_relation_list * next; /* Next element of the list */
typedef struct osl_relation_list osl_relation_list_t;
typedef struct osl_relation_list * osl_relation_list_p;
@end group
@end example
@noindent The @code{osl_relation_list_t} structure is a @code{NULL}-terminated
linked list of @code{osl_relation_t} data structures.
@code{elt} is a relation element of the list and @code{next} is the pointer to
the next element of the list.
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node osl_interface_t
@subsection osl_interface_t
typedef void (*osl_idump_f) (FILE *, void *, int);
typedef char * (*osl_sprint_f)(void *);
typedef void * (*osl_sread_f) (char *);
typedef void * (*osl_malloc_f)();
typedef void (*osl_free_f) (void *);
typedef void * (*osl_clone_f) (void *);
typedef int (*osl_equal_f) (void *, void *);
struct osl_interface @{
char * URI; /* Unique interface identifier string */
osl_idump_f idump; /* Pointer to the idump function */
osl_sprint_f sprint; /* Pointer to the sprint function */
osl_sread_f sread; /* Pointer to the sread function */
osl_malloc_f malloc; /* Pointer to the malloc function */
osl_free_f free; /* Pointer to the free function */
osl_clone_f clone; /* Pointer to the clone function */
osl_equal_f equal; /* Pointer to the equal function */
struct osl_interface * next; /* Next interface in the list */
typedef struct osl_interface osl_interface_t;
typedef struct osl_interface * osl_interface_p;
@end group
@end example
@noindent The @code{osl_interface_t} structure represents a
node in a @code{NULL}-terminated list of interfaces. Each node stores the
@emph{interface} of a generic OpenScop object, i.e., its unique name
(@code{URI}) and the function pointers to all the base functions it has
to provide. Extension providers will find information relative to those
functions in the OpenScop Library description (@pxref{Base Functions})
and the section dedicated to writing extensions
(@pxref{Extension Development}).
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node osl_generic_t
@subsection osl_generic_t
struct osl_generic @{
void * data; /* Pointer to some data */
osl_interface_p interface; /* Interface to work with the data */
struct osl_generic * next; /* Pointer to the next generic */
typedef struct osl_generic osl_generic_t;
typedef struct osl_generic * osl_generic_p;
@end group
@end example
@noindent The @code{osl_generic_t} structure represents a node in a
@code{NULL}-terminated list of generic elements. It stores some data
and operations with no pre-defined type. The information is accessible
through the @code{data} pointer while the type and operations are
accessible through the @code{interface} pointer. It is used to represent
data that are allowed to differ in implementations, such as symbols and
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node osl_strings_t
@subsection osl_strings_t
struct osl_string @{
char ** string; /* NULL-terminated array of strings */
typedef struct osl_strings osl_strings_t;
typedef struct osl_strings * osl_strings_p;
@end group
@end example
@noindent The @code{osl_strings_t} structure represents a NULL-terminated
list of C character strings. It is encapsulated into a structure to allow
its manipulation through a generic type.
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node osl_body_t
@subsection osl_body_t
struct osl_body @{
osl_strings_p iterators; /* Original iterators */
osl_strings_p expression; /* Original statement expression */
typedef struct osl_body osl_body_t;
typedef struct osl_body * osl_body_p;
@end group
@end example
@noindent The @code{osl_body_t} structure stores a statement body in a
textual form. The complete original expression (directly copy-pasted
from the original code) is in the expression field while the textual forms
of the original iterators are in the iterators field. They may be used for
substitutions inside the expression.
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node osl_statement_t
@subsection osl_statement_t
struct osl_statement @{
osl_relation_p domain; /* Iteration domain */
osl_relation_p scattering; /* Scattering relation */
osl_relation_list_p access; /* List of array access relations */
osl_generic_p body; /* Original statement body */
void * usr; /* A user-defined field */
struct osl_statement * next; /* Next statement in the list */
typedef struct osl_statement osl_statement_t;
typedef struct osl_statement * osl_statement_p;
@end group
@end example
@noindent The @code{osl_statement_t} structure represents a node
in a @code{NULL}-terminated linked list of statements. Each node contains the
useful information for a given statement to process it within a polyhedral
framework. The order in the list may matter for naming conventions
(e.g. "S1" for the first statement in the list). The iteration domain
and the scattering are represented using an @code{osl_relation_p}
structure while the accesses are using a list of
relations: one for each memory access in the statement.
The @code{body} field should provide information about the statement body
(since it has a generic type, the specification is not strict about how it
is used), e.g., using the @code{osl_body_t} data structure (@pxref{osl_body_t}).
It is also possible to use the @code{usr} field, but it has to be
totally managed by the user.
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node osl_scop_t
@subsection osl_scop_t
struct osl_scop @{
int version; /* Version of the data structure */
char * language; /* Target language */
osl_relation_p context; /* Constraints on the parameters */
osl_generic_p parameters; /* Information about parameters */
osl_statement_p statement; /* Statement list */
osl_interface_p registry; /* Registered extension interfaces */
osl_generic_p extension; /* Extension list */
void * usr; /* A user-defined field */
struct osl_scop * next; /* Next scop in the list */
typedef struct osl_scop osl_scop_t;
typedef struct osl_scop * osl_scop_p;
@end group
@end example
@noindent @code{osl_scop_t} represents a node in a
@code{NULL}-terminated list of scops. It stores the useful informations
of a static control part of a program to process it within a polyhedral
framework. To prepare OpenScop specification evolution, the @code{version}
field tells the version of the data structure. It should be set to 1 for
now (and hopefully a very, very, long time).
First, it contains the informations about the context. The target language
in expressed in the @code{language} field. The constraints on the
global parameters are detailed in the @code{context} field.
The @code{paremeters} field should provide information about the
parameters (since it has a generic type, the specification is not strict
about how it is used), e.g., using the @code{osl_strings_t} data structure
Finally, it contains the list of statements @code{statement}, the list
of registered interfaces for generic types @code{registry} and the list of
extentions @code{extension}.
It is also possible to use the @code{usr} field, but it has to be
totally managed by the user.
As an example, let us consider again the matrix multiply program
(@pxref{Preliminary Example}).
The next figure gives a possible representation in memory for this
SCoP thanks to the OpenScop data structures (it has been actually printed
by the @code{osl_scop_dump} function), note that symbols like
parameters, original iterators and statement expression are represented
with an @code{osl_strings_t} which does not belong to the
specification but to the OpenScop Library implementation:
@c @smallexample
+-- osl_scop_t
| |
| Version: 1
| |
| Language: C
| |
| +-- osl_relation_t (CONTEXT, 32 bits)
| | 1 3 0 0 0 1
| | [ 1 1 -1 ]
| |
| +-- osl_generic_t
| | |
| | +-- osl_interface_t: URI = strings
| | |
| | +-- osl_strings_t: N
| | |
| |
| +-- osl_statement_t (S1)
| | |
| | +-- osl_relation_t (DOMAIN, 32 bits)
| | | 4 5 2 0 0 1
| | | [ 1 1 0 0 0 ]
| | | [ 1 -1 0 1 -1 ]
| | | [ 1 0 1 0 0 ]
| | | [ 1 0 -1 1 -1 ]
| | |
| | +-- osl_relation_t (SCATTERING, 32 bits)
| | | 5 10 5 2 0 1
| | | [ 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
| | | [ 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ]
| | | [ 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
| | | [ 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 ]
| | | [ 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 ]
| | |
| | +-- osl_relation_list_t
| | | |
| | | +-- osl_relation_t (WRITE, 32 bits)
| | | | 3 8 3 2 0 1
| | | | [ 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 1 ]
| | | | [ 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 ]
| | | | [ 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 ]
| | | |
| | |
| | +-- osl_generic_t
| | | |
| | | +-- osl_interface_t: URI = body
| | | |
| | | +-- osl_strings_t: i j
| | | |
| | | +-- osl_strings_t: C[i][j] = 0.0;
| | | |
| | |
| | V
| | osl_statement_t (S2)
| | |
| | +-- osl_relation_t (DOMAIN, 32 bits)
| | | 6 6 3 0 0 1
| | | [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 ]
| | | [ 1 -1 0 0 1 -1 ]
| | | [ 1 0 1 0 0 0 ]
| | | [ 1 0 -1 0 1 -1 ]
| | | [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ]
| | | [ 1 0 0 -1 1 -1 ]
| | |
| | +-- osl_relation_t (SCATTERING, 32 bits)
| | | 7 13 7 3 0 1
| | | [ 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
| | | [ 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ]
| | | [ 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
| | | [ 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ]
| | | [ 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ]
| | | [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ]
| | | [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
| | |
| | +-- osl_relation_list_t
| | | |
| | | +-- osl_relation_t (WRITE, 32 bits)
| | | | 3 9 3 3 0 1
| | | | [ 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ]
| | | | [ 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 ]
| | | | [ 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 ]
| | | |
| | | V
| | | osl_relation_list_t
| | | |
| | | +-- osl_relation_t (READ, 32 bits)
| | | | 3 9 3 3 0 1
| | | | [ 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ]
| | | | [ 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 ]
| | | | [ 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 ]
| | | |
| | | V
| | | osl_relation_list_t
| | | |
| | | +-- osl_relation_t (READ, 32 bits)
| | | | 3 9 3 3 0 1
| | | | [ 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ]
| | | | [ 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 ]
| | | | [ 0 0 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 ]
| | | |
| | | V
| | | osl_relation_list_t
| | | |
| | | +-- osl_relation_t (READ, 32 bits)
| | | | 3 9 3 3 0 1
| | | | [ 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 ]
| | | | [ 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ]
| | | | [ 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 ]
| | | |
| | |
| | +-- osl_generic_t
| | | |
| | | +-- osl_interface_t: URI = body
| | | |
| | | +-- osl_strings_t: i j k
| | | |
| | | +-- osl_strings_t: C[i][j] = C[i][j] + A[i][k]*B[k][j];
| | | |
| | |
| |
| +-- NULL interface
| |
| +-- NULL generic
| |
@end example
@c @end smallexample
@c %/*************************************************************************
@c % *************************************************************************/
@node Extensions
@section Extensions
The core part of the OpenScop representation embeds what is strictly
necessary to build a complete source-to-source polyhedral framework.
However it may not be enough. Hence, OpenScop offers a very flexible
extension part. Actually, the only constraint to build an extension is
to request the OpenScop maintainer for a unique extension name: its URI
(ask the maintainer through the OpenScop mailing list
The policy to support extensions is the following and is pretty simple: an
OpenScop implementation is not required to support any extension. If it
is processing an OpenScop file or data structure which contains an
extension which is not supported, it must (1) warn the user with the
mention of the URI of the non-supported extension
and (2) ignore this extension.
Extensions in an OpenScop file are provided after the core part, without
any specific order. Each extension is delimited using
XML-like tags corresponding to its URI (e.g., if the extension has the URI
@code{foo}, the begin tag is @code{<foo>} and the end tag is @code{</foo>}).
There is no specification or preferred way to write the extension body.
Extensions in an OpenScop data structure must be accessible through one
pointer. This pointer will be stored in the @code{data} field of an
@code{osl_generic_t} container (@pxref{osl_generic_t}). There must be only
one extension with the same URI in an OpenScop file or data structure.
Extension writers may write a short documentation about their extension to
be added to this document. For consistency reason, this
documentation should comply to the documentation of the
@code{comment} option (@pxref{Comment Extension}). To describe the
file format, it is allowed to reuse the existing rules and terminals
present in the OpenScop file format description without defining them
(@pxref{OpenScop File Format Specification}). By sending a
documentation, you accept it to be added to this document. In
particular, the sender fully accepts the license and copyright notice.
* Comment Extension::
* Arrays Extension::
* Scatnames Extension::
* Lines Extension::
* Irregular Extension::
@end menu
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node Comment Extension
@subsection Comment Extension
@noindent @strong{Description}
@itemize @bullet
@item URI: @code{comment}.
@item Author: C@'edric Bastoul <>.
@item Purpose: the @code{comment} extension stores a textual string.
@end itemize
@noindent @strong{File Format}
@noindent The @code{comment} extension file format respects the following
Comment_generic ::= "<comment>" Comment "</comment>"
Comment ::= _Text
@end example
@noindent An example of textual @code{comment} extension is the following:
This is a comment string.
@end group
@end example
@noindent @strong{Data Structure}
@noindent The @code{comment} extension data structure is the following:
struct osl_comment @{
char * comment; /* Comment message as a 0-terminated string */
typedef struct osl_comment osl_comment_t;
typedef struct osl_comment * osl_comment_p;
@end group
@end example
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node Scatnames Extension
@subsection Scatnames Extension
@noindent @strong{Description}
@itemize @bullet
@item URI: @code{scatnames}.
@item Author: C@'edric Bastoul <>.
@item Purpose: the @code{scatnames} extension provides a list of textual
scattering dimension names.
@end itemize
@noindent @strong{File Format}
@noindent The @code{scatnames} extension file format respects the following
grammar. It reuses the @code{Strings} description (@pxref{Strings Generic}):
Scatnames_generic ::= "<scatnames>" Scatnames "</scatnames>"
Scatnames ::= Strings
@end example
@noindent The list of scattering dimension names is provided on one single
line. The names are separated with spaces. A possible
example of such an extension is the following:
# List of scattering dimension names:
beta_0 i beta_1 j beta_2
@end group
@end example
@noindent @strong{Data Structure}
@noindent The @code{scatnames} extension data structure is the following:
struct osl_scatnames @{
osl_strings_p names; /* List of textual scattering dimension names. */
typedef struct osl_scatnames osl_scatnames_t;
typedef struct osl_scatnames * osl_scatnames_p;
@end group
@end example
@noindent The order of the scattering dimension names in the list corresponds
to the order of the scattering dimensions.
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node Arrays Extension
@subsection Arrays Extension
@noindent @strong{Description}
@itemize @bullet
@item URI: @code{arrays}.
@item Author: C@'edric Bastoul <>.
@item Purpose: the @code{arrays} extension provides a set of textual array
names corresponding to the array identifiers used in the access relations.
@end itemize
@noindent @strong{File Format}
@noindent The @code{arrays} extension file format respects the following
Arrays_generic ::= "<arrays>" Arrays "</arrays>"
Arrays ::= Nb_items Item_list
Item_List ::= Item Item_list | (void)
Item ::= Identifier Name
Nb_items ::= _Integer
Identifier ::= _Integer
Name ::= _String
@end example
@noindent The number of array names is provided on the first line,
then each following line contains a couple identifier-name.
For instance, the following example is a correct textual @code{arrays}
extension. It corresponds to the array names of the preliminary example
(@pxref{Preliminary Example}):
# Number of array names:
1 C # Identifier 1 corresponds to array name "C"
3 B # Identifier 3 corresponds to array name "B"
2 A # Identifier 2 corresponds to array name "A"
@end group
@end example
@noindent @strong{Data Structure}
@noindent The @code{arrays} extension data structure is the following:
struct osl_arrays @{
int nb_names; /* Number of names */
int * id; /* Array of nb_names identifiers */
char ** names; /* Array of nb_names names */
typedef struct osl_arrays osl_arrays_t;
typedef struct osl_arrays * osl_arrays_p;
@end group
@end example
@noindent Each name has a name string and an identifier: the ith name has name
string @code{names[i]} and identifier @code{id[i]}.
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node Lines Extension
@subsection Lines Extension
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node Irregular Extension
@subsection Irregular Extension
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node History
@section History
OpenScop is a follow-up of Louis-No@"el Pouchet et al.'s ScopLib effort which
was itself based on C@'edric Bastoul et al.'s Clan tool. People involved in
OpenScop's genesis are:
@itemize @bullet
@item C@'edric Bastoul
@item Uday Bondhugula
@item Tobias Grosser
@item Louis-No@"el Pouchet
@item Sven Verdoolaege
@end itemize
@c %/*************************************************************************
@c % * OpenScop LIBRARY *
@c % *************************************************************************/
@node OpenScop Library
@chapter OpenScop Library
The OpenScop Library, or OSL for short, is an example implementation of the
OpenScop specification. Its API is not part of the OpenScop specification.
It offers basic functionalities to manipulate the OpenScop data structures
(allocate, free, copy, dump, etc.) and file format (read, print, etc.).
The OpenScop Library is @emph{not} a polyhedral library. OpenScop is an
exchange format, and the OpenScop Library reflects this.
It is a Free Software using the 3-clause BSD License.
Programmers should feel free to use
it or copy/paste its code in any project, Open Source or not@footnote{Closed
source projects should consider to provide some OpenScop file input
and output, so they can be incorporated to any OpenScop-based tool chain.}.
* Precision::
* Base Functions::
* Example of OpenScop Library Utilization::
* Installation::
* Documentation::
* Development::
@end menu
@node Precision
@section Precision
The OpenScop specification does not impose a specific type for the
constraint matrix elements. For a maximum flexibility, the OpenScop Library
offers an hybrid precision implementation. It supports 32 bits, 64 bits and
multiple precision (relying on GNU GMP) relations transparently. At relation
allocation time, users have two ways to set the precision. The first way is
to call an allocation function with a precision parameter. The second way is
to rely on the environment variable @code{OSL_PRECISION}.
The accepted values for this variable are @code{32} for 32 bits precision,
@code{64} for 64 bits precision and @code{0} for multiple precision. When this
variable is set, its value becomes the default precision for relation elements.
For instance, to ensure the OpenScop Library will use 64 bits precision
by default, the user may set:
@end example
@noindent if his shell is, e.g., bash or
@end example
@noindent if his shell is, e.g., tcsh. The user should ad this line to
his .bashrc or .tcshrc (or whatever convenient file) to make this
setting permanent.
@node Base Functions
@section Base Functions
The OpenScop Library provides, for each OpenScop data structure,
a set of functions devoted to basic manipulation, conversion
from file format to data structures and from data structures to
file format. The naming convention is consistent for all data
structures. Hence, the function prototypes differ only with the
name of the data structure. In the following, we will use the
generic term of @emph{structure} to refer at any OpenScop
data structure. For instance the
@code{osl_}@emph{structure}@code{_malloc()} function is a
generic name can be instantiated to
@code{osl_relation_malloc()} or
@code{osl_statement_malloc()} etc.
We present in this documentation only
the main functions. Many other utility functions are provided
to ease OpenScop format manipulation. The reader is invited to
refer at the technical documentation to learn everything about the
OpenScop Library.
* Dumping::
* Printing::
* Reading::
* Allocating::
* Deallocating::
* Cloning::
* Testing::
@end menu
@node Dumping
@subsection Dumping: osl_@emph{structure}_dump and idump
void osl_@emph{structure}_dump(FILE * output, osl_@emph{structure}_p s);
void osl_@emph{structure}_idump(FILE * output, osl_@emph{structure}_p s, int i);
@end group
@end example
@noindent Each OpenScop data structure has a dumping functions
as shown above. Dumping means writing down the content of the data
structure pointed by @code{s} (and its fields recursively)
in a textual form to the
@code{output} file (the file, possibly @code{stdout}, has to be open
for writing). The textual form is not the OpenScop file format but
another representation closer to the internal representation in
memory and mainly intended for debugging purpose. The @code{idump}
function has an additional integer parameter which corresponds to
an indentation level.
@node Printing
@subsection Printing: osl_@emph{structure}_print
void osl_@emph{structure}_print(FILE * output, osl_@emph{structure}_p s);
@end group
@end example
@noindent Each OpenScop data structure has a pretty printing function
as shown above. It prints the content of the data
structure pointed by @code{s} (and its fields recursively)
according to the OpenScop file format
(@pxref{OpenScop File Format Specification}) to the
@code{output} file (the file, possibly @code{stdout}, has to be open
for writing).
@node Reading
@subsection Reading: osl_@emph{structure}_read
osl_@emph{structure}_p osl_@emph{structure}_read(FILE * input);
@end group
@end example
@noindent Each OpenScop data structure has a reading function
as shown above. It reads the content of an OpenScop
data structure written according to the OpenScop file format
(@pxref{OpenScop File Format Specification}) from
the @code{input} file (the file, possibly @code{stdin}, has to be open
for reading). It returns a pointer to a freshly allocated
@code{osl_@emph{structure}_t} structure containing the
@node Allocating
@subsection Allocating: osl_@emph{structure}_malloc
osl_@emph{structure}_p osl_@emph{structure}_malloc();
@end group
@end example
@noindent Each OpenScop data structure has a memory allocation function
as shown above (except one see below). It allocates the memory to store
the corresponding data structure, it initializes the pointer fields to
@code{NULL} and the integer fields to @code{OSL_UNDEFINED}
(@code{-1}) and it returns a pointer to the allocated space.
An exception to this base description is the
@code{osl_relation_malloc()} function which requires two
parameters: the number of rows and columns of the constraint
matrix (@pxref{Relations}):
osl_relation_p osl_relation_malloc(int nb_rows, int nb_columns);
@end group
@end example
@noindent The precision of the relation elements will depend on the
@code{OSL_PRECISION} environment variable (@pxref{Precision}) if it is set,
or the maximum available precision if it is not set. Another allocation
function is provided to explicitly set a given precision:
osl_relation_p osl_relation_pmalloc(int precision,
int nb_rows, int nb_columns);
@end group
@end example
@noindent The @code{precision} field may take the following values:
@itemize @bullet
@item @code{OSL_PRECISION_SP} for 32 bits precision,
@item @code{OSL_PRECISION_DP} for 64 bits precision,
@item @code{OSL_PRECISION_MP} for multiple precision,
@end itemize
@node Deallocating
@subsection Deallocating: osl_@emph{structure}_free
void osl_@emph{structure}_free(osl_@emph{structure}_p s);
@end group
@end example
@noindent Each OpenScop data structure has a memory deallocation function
as shown above. It recursively frees the memory allocated for the
structure pointed by @code{s}, i.e., internal structures are also freed.
@node Cloning
@subsection Cloning: osl_@emph{structure}_clone
osl_@emph{structure}_p osl_@emph{structure}_clone(osl_@emph{structure}_p s);
@end group
@end example
@noindent Each OpenScop data structure has a clone function
as shown above. It recursively copies the content of the
structure pointed by @code{s}, i.e., internal structures are also copied.
It returns a pointer to the clone of the structure pointed by @code{s}.
@node Testing
@subsection Testing: osl_@emph{structure}_equal
int osl_@emph{structure}_equal(osl_@emph{structure}_p s1, osl_@emph{structure}_p s2);
@end group
@end example
@noindent Each OpenScop data structure has a testing function
as shown above. It checks whether two pointers are referring to equivalent
structures (either by pointing to the same structure or to different
structures which contain the same information). It returns 1 if the
pointed structures are equivalent, 0 otherwise. This test is
@emph{content-based} and is intended for debugging purpose. It is not
(and will never be) able to state, e.g., that two relations with
different constraint matrices are actually representing the same relation.
@node Example of OpenScop Library Utilization
@section Example of OpenScop Library Utilization
Here is a basic example showing how it is possible to use the
OpenScop Library, assuming that a standard installation has been done.
The following C program reads an OpenScop file from the standard
input and dumps the content of the data structures to the standard output.
/* example.c */
# include <stdio.h>
# include <osl/osl.h>
int main() @{
osl_scop_p scop;
// Read the OpenScop file.
scop = osl_scop_read(stdin);
// Dump the content of the scop data structure.
osl_scop_dump(stdout, scop);
// Save the planet.
return 0;
@end example
@noindent The compilation command could be:
gcc example.c -losl -o example
@end example
@noindent A calling command with the input file test.scop could be:
more test.scop | ./example
@end example
@c % ****************************** INSTALLING ********************************
@node Installation
@section Installation
* License::
* Requirements::
* Installation Instructions::
* Optional Features::
* Uninstallation::
@end menu
@node License
@subsection License
First of all, it would be very kind to refer the present document in any
publication that results from the use of the OpenScop specification or library,
@pxref{Bas11} (a bibtex entry is provided behind the title page of this
manual, along with the copyright notice).
The OpenScop Library is provided under the 3-clause BSD license:
Copyright (C) 2011 University Paris-Sud 11 and INRIA
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
@item Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
@item Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyrigh
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
@item The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written permission
@end enumerate
@node Requirements
@subsection Requirements
The OpenScop Library is a stand-alone library. For a basic use,
it does not need any additional tool or library. Anyway, to be able to
work in conjunction with other tools that manipulate multiple precision
numbers, the GNU GMP library can be used as an option.
* GMP Library::
@end menu
@node GMP Library
@subsubsection GMP Library (optional)
To be able to deal with insanely large coefficient, the user will need to
install the GNU Multiple Precision Library (GMP for short) version 4.2.2
or above@footnote{@code{}}.
The user can compile it by typing the following commands on the GMP root
@itemize @bullet
@item @code{./configure}
@item @code{make}
@item And as root: @code{make install}
@end itemize
The GMP default installation is @code{/usr/local}. This directory may
not be inside the user's library path. To fix the problem, the user should set
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
@end example
@noindent if your shell is, e.g., bash or
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
@end example
@noindent if your shell is, e.g., tcsh. Add the line to your .bashrc or .tcshrc (or
whatever convenient file) to make this change permanent. Another solution
is to ask GMP to install in the standard path by using the prefix
option of the configure script:
@samp{./configure --prefix=/usr}.
The OpenScop Library has to be built using the GMP library by specifying
the convenient configure script options to buid the GMP version
(@pxref{Optional Features}).
@node Installation Instructions
@subsection Installation Instructions
Once downloaded and unpacked
(e.g. using the @samp{tar -zxvf openscop-@value{LIB_VERSION}.tar.gz} command),
you can compile the OpenScop Library by typing the following commands
on the OpenScop Library's root directory:
@itemize @bullet
@item @code{./}
@item @code{./configure}
@item @code{make}
@item And as root: @code{make install}
@end itemize
The program binaries and object files can be removed from the
source code directory by typing @code{make clean}. To also remove the
files that the @code{configure} script created (so you can compile the
package for a different kind of computer) type @code{make distclean}.
@node Optional Features
@subsection Optional Features
The @code{configure} shell script attempts to guess correct values for
various system-dependent variables and user options used during compilation.
It uses those values to create the @code{Makefile}. Various user options
are provided by the OpenScop Library's configure script. They are summarized in the
following list and may be printed by typing @code{./configure --help} in the
OpenScop Library top-level directory.
@itemize @bullet
@item By default, the installation directory is @code{/usr/local}:
@code{make install} will install the package's files in
@code{/usr/local/bin}, @code{/usr/local/lib} and @code{/usr/local/include}.
The user can specify an installation prefix other than @code{/usr/local} by
giving @code{configure} the option @code{--prefix=PATH}.
@item By default, The OpenScop Library is built in 64bits version.
If the user gives to @code{configure} the option
@code{--enable-int-version}, the 32bits version of the OpenScop Library
will be compiled. In the same way, the option @code{--enable-mp-version}
has to be used to build the multiple precision version.
@item By default, @code{configure} will look for the GMP library
(necessary to build the multiple precision version) in standard
locations. If necessary, the user can specify the GMP path by giving
@code{configure} the option @code{--with-gmp=PATH}.
@end itemize
@node Uninstallation
@subsection Uninstallation
The user can easily remove the OpenScop Library from his system
by typing (as root if necessary) from the OpenScop Library top-level
@code{make uninstall}.
@c % **************************** DOCUMENTATION ******************************
@node Documentation
@section Documentation
The OpenScop Library distribution provides several sources of documentation.
First, the source code itself is as documented as much as possible.
The code comments use the Doxygen technical documentation system.
The user may install
Doxygen@footnote{@code{}} to automatically
generate a technical documentation by typing @code{make doc} or
@code{doxygen ./autoconf/Doxyfile} at the OpenScop Library
top-level directory after running the configure script
(@pxref{Installation Instructions}). Doxygen will generate
documentation sources (in HTML, LaTeX and man) in the @code{doc/source}
directory of the OpenScop Library distribution.
The Texinfo source of the present document is also provided in the @code{doc}
directory. The user can build it in either PDF format
(by typing @code{texi2pdf openscop.texi}) or HTML format
(by typing @code{makeinfo --html openscop.texi}, using @code{--no-split}
option to generate a single HTML file) or info format
(by typing @code{makeinfo openscop.texi}).
@c % **************************** DEVELOPPING ********************************
@node Development
@section Development
* Copyright Issue::
* Repository::
* Coding Style::
* Extension Development::
@end menu
@node Copyright Issue
@subsection Copyright Issue
The OpenScop Library is an Open Source project and you should feel free to
contribute by adding functionalities (in particular extensions), correcting
bugs or improving documentation. However, for painful administrative reasons,
the copyright of the core part (everything except extensions) should not be
impacted by your work. Hence, if you are doing a significant contribution to
the main part, the OpenScop Library maintainer may ask you for an agreement
about this copyright. If you plan to do such a significant contribution, it
may be wise to discuss this issue with the maintainer first. Extensions
may include developer's own copyright.
@node Repository
@subsection Repository
The main repository of the OpenScop Library is
@url{}. Developers may ask the OpenScop Library
maintainer to open them a write access to this repository. Only the maintainer
should ever change the @code{master} branch. Developers should work on their
own branches. To avoid any problem developers should use the @emph{fork}
functionality of the repository.
@node Coding Style
@subsection Coding Style
The OpenScop Library is written in C using an object oriented style. Each
important data structure (e.g., @code{struct foo}) has its own header file
(@code{include/osl/foo.h}) where lies the definition of
the data structure, the two typedefs for the data structure (one for the
structure, @code{osl_foo_t}, and one for a pointer
to the structure, @code{osl_foo_p}), the prototypes of the various
functions related to this data structure, all named using the
prefix "@code{osl_foo_}". The source code of the functions is provided in a
separated C file (@code{source/foo.c}).
Utility functions independent from the main data structures may be placed in
separate source files (e.g., definition in @code{include/osl/util.h}
and code in @code{source/util.c}). Tool-wide preprocessor directives are
placed in @code{include/osl/macros.h}, macros are prefixed with
The core code itself has to be written according to the Google C++ Coding Style:
@url{} (for
what can apply to C), plus the naming conventions discussed above with
highest priority. The extension parts must only respect the naming convention,
but a consistent coding style is much appreciated.
@node Extension Development
@subsection Extension Development
It's fairly easy to integrate a new extension to OpenScop and the OpenScop
Library. Developing a new extension is very much like adding a new "object":
it requires writing a data structure for the extension data and the 7 base
functions to manage this extension. Here is how developers should proceed
to add an extension called @code{foo} (beware that the naming convention is
@item Send the name @code{foo} to the maintainer to ensure it is unique and
hence can be used as an URI. The name (one single
word, or words separated with underscores "_") should be
suggested by the extension developers to the OpenScop development
mailing list @email{}). It
should not correspond to an existing structure name
(see @code{include/osl/osl.h} for the list). The
maintainer will update @code{include/osl/osl.h} in the development
version accordingly.
@item Look at the @code{comment} extension. The @code{comment} extension
(@pxref{Comment Extension}) has been written to be used as a basic
example for extension developers. Having a look at
@code{include/osl/extensions/comment.h} and
@code{source/extensions/comment.c} will be a great help to do it right.
@item Create the extension data structure: it is necessary that the
extension data can be accessible through only one pointer.
@item Code the 7 base functions for the extension. Any extension must provide
this set of functions (naming convention apply only if the
extension is planed to be integrated to the OpenScop Library
default extensions):
@itemize @bullet
@item @code{osl_foo_idump} (@pxref{Dumping})
@item @code{osl_foo_sprint} has the following prototype:
char * osl_@emph{structure}_sprint(osl_@emph{structure}_p s);
@end group
@end example
It corresponds to the pretty printing functions of the core
data structures (@pxref{Printing}) with the
difference that the OpenScop textual representation is written
to a string (returned by the function) instead of a file.
@item @code{osl_foo_sread} has the following prototype:
osl_@emph{structure}_p osl_@emph{structure}_sread(char ** string);
@end group
@end example
It corresponds to the reading functions of the core
data structures (@pxref{Reading}) with the
difference that the OpenScop textual representation is read
from a string (provided as a parameter) instead of a file.
The address of the string to read is passed as a parameter and
is updated to point immediately after what has been actually read.
@item @code{osl_foo_malloc} (@pxref{Allocating})
@item @code{osl_foo_free} (@pxref{Deallocating})
@item @code{osl_foo_clone} (@pxref{Cloning})
@item @code{osl_foo_equal} (@pxref{Testing})
@end itemize
@item Code the other functions you need!
@end enumerate
Now let us consider two scenarios.
First scenario, the extension is external and is
not planned to be integrated to the OpenScop Library. In this case you are
all set. Simply generate an @code{osl_interface_t} for your
extension and have a look at the function
@code{osl_scop_register_extension()} which is devoted to register
a new extension interface to an existing @code{osl_scop_t}.
Second scenario, the extension will integrate the set of default
OpenScop Library extensions (the best solution to share it to other
potential users). In this case, a few additional
things have to be done:
@item Create the extension header
@code{include/osl/extensions/foo.h} to store the extension
structure and function prototypes and the
extension source file @code{source/extensions/foo.c} for the code
of the functions.
@item Add the documentation for the extension to the texinfo source of
this document (in @code{doc/openscop.texi}), following the example
of the @code{comment} documentation (@pxref{Comment Extension}).
@item Integrate the extension by adding the @code{extensions/foo.c} entry
to the @code{libosl_la_SOURCES} in the @code{source/}
file, the @code{osl/foo.h} entry to the
@code{nobase_pkginclude_HEADERS} and add the corresponding
@code{#include <osl/extensions/foo.h>} in the
@code{include/} file.
@item Add the new extension in the
@code{osl_interface_get_default_registry()} function.
@item You are done! Prepare a single commit or patch corresponding to the
integration of the new extension and ask the maintainer to merge it
to the master branch.
@end enumerate
@c % ****************************** REFERENCES ********************************
@node References
@chapter References
@anchor{Bas03a}[Bas03a] C. Bastoul, P. Feautrier. Improving data locality
by chunking. CC'12 International Conference on Compiler Construction,
LNCS 2622, pages 320-335, Warsaw, April 2003.
@anchor{Bas11}[Bas11] C. Bastoul.
OpenScop: A Specification and a Library for Data Exchange in Polyhedral
Compilation Tools. Technical Report, Paris-Sud University, France, June 2011.
@anchor{Fea92}[Fea92] P. Feautrier. Some efficient solutions to the affine
scheduling problem, part II: multidimensional time.
International Journal of Parallel Programming, 21(6):389--420, December 1992.
@anchor{Gri04}[Gri04] M. Griebl. Automatic parallelization of loop programs
for distributed memory architectures. Habilitation Thesis. Facult@"at f@"ur
Mathematik und Informatik, Universit@"at Passau, 2004.
@anchor{Wil93}[Wil93] Doran K. Wilde.
A library for doing polyhedral operations.
Technical Report 785, IRISA, Rennes, France, 1993.
@end itemize
@c % /*************************************************************************
@c % *************************************************************************/
@c @unnumbered Index
@c @printindex cp