blob: a4b641a30f7a99342874711fe5096df6bc51f31c [file] [log] [blame]
** OpenScop Library **
** relation.c **
** First version: 30/04/2008 **
* OpenScop: Structures and formats for polyhedral tools to talk together *
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* | R |l| o | = | e | l |=| = |a| = | = | = |=| = |=| L | \# \ /\ *
* | A |a| l | = | t | u |=| = |n| = | = | = |=| = |=| o | |\# \ \ *
* | P |n| l | = | s | t |=| = |d| = | = | = | | |=| o | | \# \ \ *
* | H | | y | | e | o | | = |l| | | = | | | | G | | \ \ \ *
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* | T | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \ \ \ *
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* '---'-'---'---'---'---'-'---'-'---'---'---'-'---'-'---' '--' *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2008 University Paris-Sud 11 and INRIA *
* *
* (3-clause BSD license) *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without *
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions *
* are met: *
* *
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, *
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. *
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright *
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the *
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. *
* 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products *
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission. *
* *
* *
* OpenScop Library, a library to manipulate OpenScop formats and data *
* structures. Written by: *
* Cedric Bastoul <> and *
* Louis-Noel Pouchet <> *
* *
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <osl/macros.h>
#include <osl/int.h>
#include <osl/util.h>
#include <osl/vector.h>
#include <osl/strings.h>
#include <osl/names.h>
#include <osl/relation.h>
* Structure display function *
* osl_relation_sprint_type function:
* this function prints the textual type of an osl_relation_t structure into
* a string, according to the OpenScop specification, and returns that string.
* \param[in] relation The relation whose type has to be printed.
* \return A string containing the relation type.
char * osl_relation_sprint_type(osl_relation_p relation) {
char * string = NULL;
OSL_malloc(string, char *, OSL_MAX_STRING * sizeof(char));
string[0] = '\0';
if (relation != NULL) {
switch (relation->type) {
snprintf(string, OSL_MAX_STRING, OSL_STRING_READ);
default: {
OSL_warning("unknown relation type, "
"replaced with "OSL_STRING_UNDEFINED);
return string;
* osl_relation_print_type function:
* this function displays the textual type of an osl_relation_t structure into
* a file (file, possibly stdout), according to the OpenScop specification.
* \param[in] file File where informations are printed.
* \param[in] relation The relation whose type has to be printed.
void osl_relation_print_type(FILE * file, osl_relation_p relation) {
char * string = osl_relation_sprint_type(relation);
fprintf(file, "%s", string);
* osl_relation_idump function:
* this function displays a osl_relation_t structure (*relation) into a
* file (file, possibly stdout) in a way that trends to be understandable.
* It includes an indentation level (level) in order to work with others
* idump functions.
* \param[in] file File where informations are printed.
* \param[in] relation The relation whose information has to be printed.
* \param[in] level Number of spaces before printing, for each line.
void osl_relation_idump(FILE * file, osl_relation_p relation, int level) {
int i, j, first = 1;
// Go to the right level.
for (j = 0; j < level; j++)
fprintf(file, "|\t");
if (relation != NULL) {
fprintf(file, "+-- osl_relation_t (");
osl_relation_print_type(file, relation);
fprintf(file, ", ");
osl_int_dump_precision(file, relation->precision);
fprintf(file, ")\n");
else {
fprintf(file, "+-- NULL relation\n");
while (relation != NULL) {
if (! first) {
// Go to the right level.
for (j = 0; j < level; j++)
fprintf(file, "|\t");
fprintf(file, "| osl_relation_t (");
osl_relation_print_type(file, relation);
fprintf(file, ", ");
osl_int_dump_precision(file, relation->precision);
fprintf(file, ")\n");
first = 0;
// A blank line
for(j = 0; j <= level; j++)
fprintf(file, "|\t");
fprintf(file, "%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
relation->nb_rows, relation->nb_columns,
relation->nb_output_dims, relation->nb_input_dims,
relation->nb_local_dims, relation->nb_parameters);
// Display the relation.
for (i = 0; i < relation->nb_rows; i++) {
for (j = 0; j <= level; j++)
fprintf(file, "|\t");
fprintf(file, "[ ");
for (j = 0; j < relation->nb_columns; j++) {
osl_int_print(file, relation->precision, relation->m[i], j);
fprintf(file, " ");
fprintf(file, "]\n");
relation = relation->next;
// Next line.
if (relation != NULL) {
for (j = 0; j <= level; j++)
fprintf(file, "|\t");
fprintf(file, "|\n");
for (j = 0; j <= level; j++)
fprintf(file, "|\t");
fprintf(file, "V\n");
// The last line.
for (j = 0; j <= level; j++)
fprintf(file, "|\t");
fprintf(file, "\n");
* osl_relation_dump function:
* this function prints the content of a osl_relation_t structure
* (*relation) into a file (file, possibly stdout).
* \param[in] file File where informations are printed.
* \param[in] relation The relation whose information have to be printed.
void osl_relation_dump(FILE * file, osl_relation_p relation) {
osl_relation_idump(file, relation, 0);
* osl_relation_expression_element function:
* this function returns a string containing the printing of a value (e.g.,
* an iterator with its coefficient or a constant).
* \param[in] val Address of the coefficient or constant value.
* \param[in] precision The precision of the value.
* \param[in,out] first Pointer to a boolean set to 1 if the current value
* is the first of an expresion, 0 otherwise (maybe
* updated).
* \param[in] cst A boolean set to 1 if the value is a constant,
* 0 otherwise.
* \param[in] name String containing the name of the element.
* \return A string that contains the printing of a value.
char * osl_relation_expression_element(void * val,
int precision, int * first,
int cst, char * name) {
char * temp, * body, * sval;
OSL_malloc(temp, char *, OSL_MAX_STRING * sizeof(char));
OSL_malloc(body, char *, OSL_MAX_STRING * sizeof(char));
OSL_malloc(sval, char *, OSL_MAX_STRING * sizeof(char));
body[0] = '\0';
sval[0] = '\0';
// statements for the 'normal' processing.
if (!osl_int_zero(precision, val, 0) && (!cst)) {
if ((*first) || osl_int_neg(precision, val, 0)) {
if (osl_int_one(precision, val, 0)) { // case 1
sprintf(sval, "%s", name);
else {
if (osl_int_mone(precision, val, 0)) { // case -1
sprintf(sval, "-%s", name);
else { // default case
osl_int_sprint(sval, precision, val, 0);
sprintf(temp, "*%s", name);
strcat(sval, temp);
*first = 0;
else {
if (osl_int_one(precision, val, 0)) {
sprintf(sval, "+%s", name);
else {
sprintf(sval, "+");
osl_int_sprint_txt(temp, precision, val, 0);
strcat(sval, temp);
sprintf(temp, "*%s", name);
strcat(sval, temp);
else {
if (cst) {
if ((osl_int_zero(precision, val, 0) && (*first)) ||
(osl_int_neg(precision, val, 0)))
osl_int_sprint_txt(sval, precision, val, 0);
if (osl_int_pos(precision, val, 0)) {
if (!(*first)) {
sprintf(sval, "+");
osl_int_sprint_txt(temp, precision, val, 0);
strcat(sval, temp);
else {
osl_int_sprint_txt(sval, precision, val, 0);
* osl_relation_strings function:
* this function creates a NULL-terminated array of strings from an
* osl_names_t structure in such a way that the ith string is the "name"
* corresponding to the ith column of the constraint matrix.
* \param[in] relation The relation for which we need an array of names.
* \param[in] names The set of names for each element.
* \return An array of strings with one string per constraint matrix column.
char ** osl_relation_strings(osl_relation_p relation, osl_names_p names) {
char ** strings;
char temp[OSL_MAX_STRING];
int i, offset, array_id;
if ((relation == NULL) || (names == NULL)) {
OSL_debug("no names or relation to build the name array");
return NULL;
OSL_malloc(strings, char **, (relation->nb_columns + 1)*sizeof(char *));
strings[relation->nb_columns] = NULL;
// 1. Equality/inequality marker.
OSL_strdup(strings[0], "e/i");
offset = 1;
// 2. Output dimensions.
if (osl_relation_is_access(relation)) {
// The first output dimension is the array name.
array_id = osl_relation_get_array_id(relation);
OSL_strdup(strings[offset], names->arrays->string[array_id - 1]);
// The other ones are the array dimensions [1]...[n]
for (i = offset + 1; i < relation->nb_output_dims + offset; i++) {
sprintf(temp, "[%d]", i - 1);
OSL_strdup(strings[i], temp);
if (relation->type == OSL_TYPE_SCATTERING) {
for (i = offset; i < relation->nb_output_dims + offset; i++) {
OSL_strdup(strings[i], names->scatt_dims->string[i - offset]);
else {
for (i = offset; i < relation->nb_output_dims + offset; i++) {
OSL_strdup(strings[i], names->iterators->string[i - offset]);
offset += relation->nb_output_dims;
// 3. Input dimensions.
for (i = offset; i < relation->nb_input_dims + offset; i++)
OSL_strdup(strings[i], names->iterators->string[i - offset]);
offset += relation->nb_input_dims;
// 4. Local dimensions.
for (i = offset; i < relation->nb_local_dims + offset; i++)
OSL_strdup(strings[i], names->local_dims->string[i - offset]);
offset += relation->nb_local_dims;
// 5. Parameters.
for (i = offset; i < relation->nb_parameters + offset; i++)
OSL_strdup(strings[i], names->parameters->string[i - offset]);
offset += relation->nb_parameters;
// 6. Scalar.
OSL_strdup(strings[offset], "1");
return strings;
* osl_relation_subexpression function:
* this function returns a string corresponding to an affine (sub-)expression
* stored at the "row"^th row of the relation pointed by "relation" between
* the start and stop columns. Optionnaly it may oppose the whole expression.
* \param[in] relation A set of linear expressions.
* \param[in] row The row corresponding to the expression.
* \param[in] start The first column for the expression (inclusive).
* \param[in] stop The last column for the expression (inclusive).
* \param[in] oppose Boolean set to 1 to negate the expression, 0 otherwise.
* \param[in] strings Array of textual names of the various elements.
* \return A string that contains the printing of an affine (sub-)expression.
char * osl_relation_subexpression(osl_relation_p relation,
int row, int start, int stop, int oppose,
char ** strings) {
int i, first = 1, constant;
char * sval;
char * sline;
OSL_malloc(sline, char *, OSL_MAX_STRING * sizeof(char));
sline[0] = '\0';
// Create the expression. The constant is a special case.
for (i = start; i <= stop; i++) {
if (oppose) {
relation->m[row], i, relation->m[row], i);
if (i == relation->nb_columns - 1)
constant = 1;
constant = 0;
sval = osl_relation_expression_element(
osl_int_address(relation->precision, relation->m[row], i),
relation->precision, &first, constant, strings[i]);
if (oppose) {
relation->m[row], i, relation->m[row], i);
strcat(sline, sval);
return sline;
* osl_relation_expression function:
* this function returns a string corresponding to an affine expression
* stored at the "row"^th row of the relation pointed by "relation".
* \param[in] relation A set of linear expressions.
* \param[in] row The row corresponding to the expression.
* \param[in] strings Array of textual names of the various elements.
* \return A string that contains the printing of an affine expression.
char * osl_relation_expression(osl_relation_p relation,
int row, char ** strings) {
return osl_relation_subexpression(relation, row,
1, relation->nb_columns - 1, 0,
* osl_relation_is_simple_output function:
* this function returns 1 or -1 if a given constraint row of a relation
* corresponds to an output, 0 otherwise. We call a simple output an equality
* constraint where exactly one output coefficient is not 0 and is either
* 1 (in this case the function returns 1) or -1 (in this case the function
* returns -1).
* \param[in] relation The relation to test for simple output.
* \param[in] row The row corresponding to the constraint to test.
* \return 1 or -1 if the row is a simple output, 0 otherwise.
int osl_relation_is_simple_output(osl_relation_p relation, int row) {
int i;
int first = 1;
int sign = 0;
if ((relation == NULL) ||
(relation->m == NULL) ||
(relation->nb_output_dims == 0))
return 0;
if ((row < 0) || (row > relation->nb_rows))
OSL_error("the specified row does not exist in the relation");
// The constraint must be an equality.
if (!osl_int_zero(relation->precision, relation->m[row], 0))
return 0;
// Check the output part has one and only one non-zero +1 or -1 coefficient.
first = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= relation->nb_output_dims; i++) {
if (!osl_int_zero(relation->precision, relation->m[row], i)) {
if (first)
first = 0;
return 0;
if (osl_int_one(relation->precision, relation->m[row], i))
sign = 1;
else if (osl_int_mone(relation->precision, relation->m[row], i))
sign = -1;
return 0;
return sign;
* osl_relation_sprint_comment function:
* this function prints into a string a comment corresponding to a constraint
* of a relation, according to its type, then it returns this string. This
* function does not check that printing the comment is possible (i.e., are
* there enough names ?), hence it is the responsibility of the user to ensure
* he/she can call this function safely.
* \param[in] relation The relation for which a comment has to be printed.
* \param[in] row The constrain row for which a comment has to be printed.
* \param[in] strings Array of textual names of the various elements.
* \return A string which contains the comment for the row.
char * osl_relation_sprint_comment(osl_relation_p relation,
int row, char ** strings) {
int sign;
int high_water_mark = OSL_MAX_STRING;
char * string = NULL;
char * expression;
char buffer[OSL_MAX_STRING];
OSL_malloc(string, char *, high_water_mark * sizeof(char));
string[0] = '\0';
if ((relation == NULL) || (strings == NULL)) {
OSL_debug("no relation or names while asked to print a comment");
return string;
if ((sign = osl_relation_is_simple_output(relation, row))) {
// First case : output == expression.
expression = osl_relation_subexpression(relation, row,
1, relation->nb_output_dims,
sign < 0,
snprintf(buffer, OSL_MAX_STRING, " ## %s", expression);
osl_util_safe_strcat(&string, buffer, &high_water_mark);
// We don't print the right hand side if it's an array identifier.
if (!osl_relation_is_access(relation) ||
osl_int_zero(relation->precision, relation->m[row], 1)) {
expression = osl_relation_subexpression(relation, row,
relation->nb_output_dims + 1,
relation->nb_columns - 1,
sign > 0,
snprintf(buffer, OSL_MAX_STRING, " == %s", expression);
osl_util_safe_strcat(&string, buffer, &high_water_mark);
else {
// Second case : general case.
expression = osl_relation_expression(relation, row, strings);
snprintf(buffer, OSL_MAX_STRING, " ## %s", expression);
osl_util_safe_strcat(&string, buffer, &high_water_mark);
if (osl_int_zero(relation->precision, relation->m[row], 0))
snprintf(buffer, OSL_MAX_STRING, " == 0");
snprintf(buffer, OSL_MAX_STRING, " >= 0");
osl_util_safe_strcat(&string, buffer, &high_water_mark);
return string;
* osl_relation_column_string function:
* this function returns an OpenScop comment string showing all column
* names. It is designed to nicely fit a constraint matrix that would be
* printed just below this line.
* \param[in] relation The relation related to the comment line to build.
* \param[in] strings Array of textual names of the various elements.
* \return A fancy comment string with all the dimension names.
char * osl_relation_column_string(osl_relation_p relation, char ** strings) {
int i, j;
int index_output_dims;
int index_input_dims;
int index_local_dims;
int index_parameters;
int index_scalar;
int space, length, left, right;
char * scolumn;
char temp[OSL_MAX_STRING];
OSL_malloc(scolumn, char *, OSL_MAX_STRING);
index_output_dims = 1;
index_input_dims = index_output_dims + relation->nb_output_dims;
index_local_dims = index_input_dims + relation->nb_input_dims;
index_parameters = index_local_dims + relation->nb_local_dims;
index_scalar = index_parameters + relation->nb_parameters;
// 1. The comment part.
sprintf(scolumn, "#");
for (j = 0; j < (OSL_FMT_LENGTH - 1)/2 - 1; j++)
strcat(scolumn, " ");
i = 0;
while (strings[i] != NULL) {
length = (space > strlen(strings[i])) ? strlen(strings[i]) : space;
right = (space - length + (OSL_FMT_LENGTH % 2)) / 2;
left = space - length - right;
// 2. Spaces before the name
for (j = 0; j < left; j++)
strcat(scolumn, " ");
// 3. The (abbreviated) name
for (j = 0; j < length - 1; j++) {
sprintf(temp, "%c", strings[i][j]);
strcat(scolumn, temp);
if (length >= strlen(strings[i]))
sprintf(temp, "%c", strings[i][j]);
sprintf(temp, ".");
strcat(scolumn, temp);
// 4. Spaces after the name
for (j = 0; j < right; j++)
strcat(scolumn, " ");
if ((i == index_output_dims) ||
(i == index_input_dims) ||
(i == index_local_dims) ||
(i == index_parameters) ||
(i == index_scalar))
strcat(scolumn, "|");
strcat(scolumn, " ");
strcat(scolumn, "\n");
return scolumn;
* osl_relation_names function:
* this function generates as set of names for all the dimensions
* involved in a given relation.
* \param[in] relation The relation we have to generate names for.
* \return A set of generated names for the input relation dimensions.
osl_names_p osl_relation_names(osl_relation_p relation) {
int nb_parameters = OSL_UNDEFINED;
int nb_iterators = OSL_UNDEFINED;
int nb_scattdims = OSL_UNDEFINED;
int nb_localdims = OSL_UNDEFINED;
int array_id = OSL_UNDEFINED;
osl_relation_get_attributes(relation, &nb_parameters, &nb_iterators,
&nb_scattdims, &nb_localdims, &array_id);
return osl_names_generate("P", nb_parameters,
"i", nb_iterators,
"c", nb_scattdims,
"l", nb_localdims,
"A", array_id);
* osl_relation_nb_components function:
* this function returns the number of component in the union of relations
* provided as parameter.
* \param[in] relation The input union of relations.
* \return The number of components in the input union of relations.
int osl_relation_nb_components(osl_relation_p relation) {
int nb_components = 0;
while (relation != NULL) {
relation = relation->next;
return nb_components;
* osl_relation_spprint_polylib function:
* this function pretty-prints the content of an osl_relation_t structure
* (*relation) into a string in the extended polylib format, and returns this
* string. This format is the same as OpenScop's, minus the type.
* \param[in] relation The relation whose information has to be printed.
* \param[in] names The names of the constraint columns for comments.
* \return A string containing the relation pretty-printing.
char * osl_relation_spprint_polylib(osl_relation_p relation,
osl_names_p names) {
int i, j;
int part, nb_parts;
int generated_names = 0;
int high_water_mark = OSL_MAX_STRING;
char * string = NULL;
char buffer[OSL_MAX_STRING];
char ** name_array = NULL;
char * scolumn;
char * comment;
if (relation == NULL)
return strdup("# NULL relation\n");
OSL_malloc(string, char *, high_water_mark * sizeof(char));
string[0] = '\0';
// Generates the names for the comments if necessary.
if (names == NULL) {
generated_names = 1;
names = osl_relation_names(relation);
nb_parts = osl_relation_nb_components(relation);
if (nb_parts > 1) {
snprintf(buffer, OSL_MAX_STRING, "# Union with %d parts\n%d\n",
nb_parts, nb_parts);
osl_util_safe_strcat(&string, buffer, &high_water_mark);
// Print each part of the union.
for (part = 1; part <= nb_parts; part++) {
// Prepare the array of strings for comments.
name_array = osl_relation_strings(relation, names);
if (nb_parts > 1) {
snprintf(buffer, OSL_MAX_STRING, "# Union part No.%d\n", part);
osl_util_safe_strcat(&string, buffer, &high_water_mark);
snprintf(buffer, OSL_MAX_STRING, "%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
relation->nb_rows, relation->nb_columns,
relation->nb_output_dims, relation->nb_input_dims,
relation->nb_local_dims, relation->nb_parameters);
osl_util_safe_strcat(&string, buffer, &high_water_mark);
if (relation->nb_rows > 0) {
scolumn = osl_relation_column_string(relation, name_array);
snprintf(buffer, OSL_MAX_STRING, "%s", scolumn);
osl_util_safe_strcat(&string, buffer, &high_water_mark);
for (i = 0; i < relation->nb_rows; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < relation->nb_columns; j++) {
osl_int_sprint(buffer, relation->precision, relation->m[i], j);
osl_util_safe_strcat(&string, buffer, &high_water_mark);
snprintf(buffer, OSL_MAX_STRING, " ");
osl_util_safe_strcat(&string, buffer, &high_water_mark);
if (name_array != NULL) {
comment = osl_relation_sprint_comment(relation, i, name_array);
osl_util_safe_strcat(&string, comment, &high_water_mark);
snprintf(buffer, OSL_MAX_STRING, "\n");
osl_util_safe_strcat(&string, buffer, &high_water_mark);
// Free the array of strings.
if (name_array != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < relation->nb_columns; i++)
relation = relation->next;
if (generated_names)
return string;
* osl_relation_spprint function:
* this function pretty-prints the content of an osl_relation_t structure
* (*relation) into a string in the OpenScop format, and returns this string.
* \param[in] relation The relation whose information has to be printed.
* \param[in] names The names of the constraint columns for comments.
* \return A string
char * osl_relation_spprint(osl_relation_p relation, osl_names_p names) {
int high_water_mark = OSL_MAX_STRING;
char * string = NULL;
char * temp;
char buffer[OSL_MAX_STRING];
OSL_malloc(string, char *, high_water_mark * sizeof(char));
string[0] = '\0';
if (osl_relation_nb_components(relation) > 0) {
temp = osl_relation_sprint_type(relation);
osl_util_safe_strcat(&string, temp, &high_water_mark);
snprintf(buffer, OSL_MAX_STRING, "\n");
osl_util_safe_strcat(&string, buffer, &high_water_mark);
temp = osl_relation_spprint_polylib(relation, names);
osl_util_safe_strcat(&string, temp, &high_water_mark);
return string;
* osl_relation_pprint function:
* this function pretty-prints the content of an osl_relation_t structure
* (*relation) into a file (file, possibly stdout) in the OpenScop format.
* \param[in] file File where informations are printed.
* \param[in] relation The relation whose information has to be printed.
* \param[in] names The names of the constraint columns for comments.
void osl_relation_pprint(FILE * file, osl_relation_p relation,
osl_names_p names) {
char * string = osl_relation_spprint(relation, names);
fprintf(file, "%s", string);
* osl_relation_print function:
* this function prints the content of an osl_relation_t structure
* (*relation) into a file (file, possibly stdout) in the OpenScop format.
* \param[in] file File where informations are printed.
* \param[in] relation The relation whose information has to be printed.
void osl_relation_print(FILE * file, osl_relation_p relation) {
osl_relation_pprint(file, relation, NULL);
* Reading function *
* osl_relation_read_type function:
* this function reads a textual relation type and returns its integer
* counterpart.
* \param[in] file The input stream.
* \return The relation type.
int osl_relation_read_type(FILE * file) {
int type;
osl_strings_p strings;
strings = osl_strings_read(file);
if (osl_strings_size(strings) > 1) {
OSL_warning("uninterpreted information (after the relation type)");
if (osl_strings_size(strings) == 0)
OSL_error("no relation type");
if (!strcmp(strings->string[0], OSL_STRING_UNDEFINED)) {
goto return_type;
if (!strcmp(strings->string[0], OSL_STRING_CONTEXT)) {
goto return_type;
if (!strcmp(strings->string[0], OSL_STRING_DOMAIN)) {
goto return_type;
if (!strcmp(strings->string[0], OSL_STRING_SCATTERING)) {
goto return_type;
if (!strcmp(strings->string[0], OSL_STRING_READ)) {
goto return_type;
if (!strcmp(strings->string[0], OSL_STRING_WRITE)) {
goto return_type;
if (!strcmp(strings->string[0], OSL_STRING_MAY_WRITE)) {
goto return_type;
OSL_error("relation type not supported");
return type;
* osl_relation_pread function ("precision read"):
* this function reads a relation into a file (foo, posibly stdin) and
* returns a pointer this relation. The relation is set to the maximum
* available precision.
* \param[in] foo The input stream.
* \param[in] precision The precision of the relation elements.
* \return A pointer to the relation structure that has been read.
osl_relation_p osl_relation_pread(FILE * foo, int precision) {
int i, j, k, n, read = 0;
int nb_rows, nb_columns;
int nb_output_dims, nb_input_dims, nb_local_dims, nb_parameters;
int nb_union_parts = 1;
int may_read_nb_union_parts = 1;
int read_attributes = 1;
int first = 1;
int type;
char * c, s[OSL_MAX_STRING], str[OSL_MAX_STRING], *tmp;
osl_relation_p relation, relation_union = NULL, previous = NULL;
type = osl_relation_read_type(foo);
// Read each part of the union (the number of parts may be updated inside)
for (k = 0; k < nb_union_parts; k++) {
// Read the number of union parts or the attributes of the union part
while (read_attributes) {
read_attributes = 0;
// Read relation attributes.
c = osl_util_skip_blank_and_comments(foo, s);
read = sscanf(c, " %d %d %d %d %d %d", &nb_rows, &nb_columns,
&nb_output_dims, &nb_input_dims,
&nb_local_dims, &nb_parameters);
if (((read != 1) && (read != 6)) ||
((read == 1) && (may_read_nb_union_parts != 1)))
OSL_error("not 1 or 6 integers on the first relation line");
if (read == 1) {
// Only one number means a union and is the number of parts.
nb_union_parts = nb_rows;
if (nb_union_parts < 1)
OSL_error("negative nb of union parts");
// Allow to read the properties of the first part of the union.
read_attributes = 1;
may_read_nb_union_parts = 0;
// Allocate the union part and fill its properties.
relation = osl_relation_pmalloc(precision, nb_rows, nb_columns);
relation->type = type;
relation->nb_output_dims = nb_output_dims;
relation->nb_input_dims = nb_input_dims;
relation->nb_local_dims = nb_local_dims;
relation->nb_parameters = nb_parameters;
// Read the matrix of constraints.
for (i = 0; i < relation->nb_rows; i++) {
c = osl_util_skip_blank_and_comments(foo, s);
if (c == NULL)
OSL_error("not enough rows");
for (j = 0; j < relation->nb_columns; j++) {
if (c == NULL || *c == '#' || *c == '\n')
OSL_error("not enough columns");
if (sscanf(c, "%s%n", str, &n) == 0)
OSL_error("not enough rows");
// TODO: remove this tmp (sread updates the pointer).
tmp = str;
osl_int_sread(&tmp, precision, relation->m[i], j);
c += n;
// Build the linked list of union parts.
if (first == 1) {
relation_union = relation;
first = 0;
else {
previous->next = relation;
previous = relation;
read_attributes = 1;
return relation_union;
* osl_relation_read function:
* this function is equivalent to osl_relation_pread() except that
* the precision corresponds to the precision environment variable or
* to the highest available precision if it is not defined.
* \see{osl_relation_pread}
osl_relation_p osl_relation_read(FILE * foo) {
int precision = osl_util_get_precision();
return osl_relation_pread(foo, precision);
* Memory allocation/deallocation function *
* osl_relation_pmalloc function:
* (precision malloc) this function allocates the memory space for an
* osl_relation_t structure and sets its fields with default values.
* Then it returns a pointer to the allocated space.
* \param[in] precision The precision of the constraint matrix.
* \param[in] nb_rows The number of row of the relation to allocate.
* \param[in] nb_columns The number of columns of the relation to allocate.
* \return A pointer to an empty relation with fields set to default values
* and a ready-to-use constraint matrix.
osl_relation_p osl_relation_pmalloc(int precision,
int nb_rows, int nb_columns) {
osl_relation_p relation;
void ** p, * q;
int i, j;
OSL_malloc(relation, osl_relation_p, sizeof(osl_relation_t));
relation->type = OSL_UNDEFINED;
relation->nb_rows = nb_rows;
relation->nb_columns = nb_columns;
relation->nb_output_dims = OSL_UNDEFINED;
relation->nb_input_dims = OSL_UNDEFINED;
relation->nb_parameters = OSL_UNDEFINED;
relation->nb_local_dims = OSL_UNDEFINED;
relation->precision = precision;
if ((nb_rows == 0) || (nb_columns == 0) ||
(nb_rows == OSL_UNDEFINED) || (nb_columns == OSL_UNDEFINED)) {
relation->m = NULL;
else {
OSL_malloc(p, void **, nb_rows * sizeof(void *));
OSL_malloc(q, void *,
nb_rows * nb_columns * osl_int_sizeof(precision));
relation->m = p;
for (i = 0; i < nb_rows; i++) {
relation->m[i] = osl_int_address(precision, q, i * nb_columns);
for (j = 0; j < nb_columns; j++)
osl_int_init_set_si(precision, relation->m[i], j, 0);
relation->next = NULL;
return relation;
* osl_relation_malloc function:
* this function is equivalent to osl_relation_pmalloc() except that
* the precision corresponds to the precision environment variable or
* to the highest available precision if it is not defined.
* \see{osl_relation_pmalloc}
osl_relation_p osl_relation_malloc(int nb_rows, int nb_columns) {
int precision = osl_util_get_precision();
return osl_relation_pmalloc(precision, nb_rows, nb_columns);
* osl_relation_free_inside function:
* this function frees the allocated memory for the inside of a
* osl_relation_t structure, i.e. only m.
* \param[in] relation The pointer to the relation we want to free internals.
void osl_relation_free_inside(osl_relation_p relation) {
int i, nb_elements;
void * p;
if (relation == NULL)
nb_elements = relation->nb_rows * relation->nb_columns;
if (nb_elements > 0)
p = relation->m[0];
for (i = 0; i < nb_elements; i++)
osl_int_clear(relation->precision, p, i);
if (relation->m != NULL) {
if (nb_elements > 0)
* osl_relation_free function:
* this function frees the allocated memory for an osl_relation_t
* structure.
* \param[in] relation The pointer to the relation we want to free.
void osl_relation_free(osl_relation_p relation) {
osl_relation_p tmp;
if (relation == NULL)
while (relation != NULL) {
tmp = relation->next;
relation = tmp;
* Processing functions *
* osl_relation_nclone function:
* this functions builds and returns a "hard copy" (not a pointer copy) of a
* osl_relation_t data structure such that the clone is restricted to the
* "n" first rows of the relation. This applies to all the parts in the case
* of a relation union.
* \param[in] relation The pointer to the relation we want to clone.
* \param[in] n The number of row of the relation we want to clone (the
* special value -1 means "all the rows").
* \return A pointer to the clone of the relation union restricted to the
* first n rows of constraint matrix for each part of the union.
osl_relation_p osl_relation_nclone(osl_relation_p relation, int n) {
int i, j;
int first = 1, all_rows = 0;
osl_relation_p clone = NULL, node, previous = NULL;
if (n == -1)
all_rows = 1;
while (relation != NULL) {
if (all_rows)
n = relation->nb_rows;
if (n > relation->nb_rows)
OSL_error("not enough rows to clone in the relation");
node = osl_relation_pmalloc(relation->precision, n, relation->nb_columns);
node->type = relation->type;
node->nb_output_dims = relation->nb_output_dims;
node->nb_input_dims = relation->nb_input_dims;
node->nb_local_dims = relation->nb_local_dims;
node->nb_parameters = relation->nb_parameters;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (j = 0; j < relation->nb_columns; j++)
osl_int_assign(relation->precision, node->m[i], j, relation->m[i], j);
if (first) {
first = 0;
clone = node;
previous = node;
else {
previous->next = node;
previous = previous->next;
relation = relation->next;
return clone;
* osl_relation_clone function:
* this function builds and returns a "hard copy" (not a pointer copy) of an
* osl_relation_t data structure (the full union of relation).
* \param[in] relation The pointer to the relation we want to clone.
* \return A pointer to the clone of the union of relations.
osl_relation_p osl_relation_clone(osl_relation_p relation) {
if (relation == NULL)
return NULL;
return osl_relation_nclone(relation, -1);
* osl_relation_replace_vector function:
* this function replaces the "row"^th row of a relation "relation" with the
* vector "vector". It directly updates the relation union part pointed
* by "relation" and this part only.
* \param[in,out] relation The relation we want to replace a row.
* \param[in] vector The vector that will replace a row of the relation.
* \param[in] row The row of the relation to be replaced.
void osl_relation_replace_vector(osl_relation_p relation,
osl_vector_p vector, int row) {
int i;
if ((relation == NULL) || (vector == NULL) ||
(relation->precision != vector->precision) ||
(relation->nb_columns != vector->size) ||
(row >= relation->nb_rows) || (row < 0))
OSL_error("vector cannot replace relation row");
for (i = 0; i < vector->size; i++)
osl_int_assign(relation->precision, relation->m[row], i, vector->v, i);
* osl_relation_add_vector function:
* this function adds (meaning, +) a vector to the "row"^th row of a
* relation "relation". It directly updates the relation union part pointed
* by "relation" and this part only.
* \param[in,out] relation The relation we want to add a vector to a row.
* \param[in] vector The vector that will replace a row of the relation.
* \param[in] row The row of the relation to add the vector.
void osl_relation_add_vector(osl_relation_p relation,
osl_vector_p vector, int row) {
int i;
if ((relation == NULL) || (vector == NULL) ||
(relation->precision != vector->precision) ||
(relation->nb_columns != vector->size) ||
(row >= relation->nb_rows) || (row < 0))
OSL_error("vector cannot be added to relation");
if (osl_int_get_si(relation->precision, relation->m[row], 0) == 0)
osl_int_assign(relation->precision, relation->m[row], 0, vector->v, 0);
for (i = 1; i < vector->size; i++)
relation->m[row], i, relation->m[row], i, vector->v, i);
* osl_relation_sub_vector function:
* this function subtracts the vector "vector" to the "row"^th row of
* a relation "relation. It directly updates the relation union part pointed
* by "relation" and this part only.
* \param[in,out] relation The relation where to subtract a vector to a row.
* \param[in] vector The vector to subtract to a relation row.
* \param[in] row The row of the relation to subtract the vector.
void osl_relation_sub_vector(osl_relation_p relation,
osl_vector_p vector, int row) {
int i;
if ((relation == NULL) || (vector == NULL) ||
(relation->precision != vector->precision) ||
(relation->nb_columns != vector->size) ||
(row >= relation->nb_rows) || (row < 0))
OSL_error("vector cannot be subtracted to row");
if (osl_int_get_si(relation->precision, relation->m[row], 0) == 0)
osl_int_assign(relation->precision, relation->m[row], 0, vector->v, 0);
for (i = 1; i < vector->size; i++)
relation->m[row], i, relation->m[row], i, vector->v, i);
* osl_relation_insert_vector function:
* this function inserts a new row corresponding to the vector "vector" to
* the relation "relation" by inserting it at the "row"^th row. It directly
* updates the relation union part pointed by "relation" and this part only.
* If "vector" (or "relation") is NULL, the relation is left unmodified.
* \param[in,out] relation The relation we want to extend.
* \param[in] vector The vector that will be added relation.
* \param[in] row The row where to insert the vector.
void osl_relation_insert_vector(osl_relation_p relation,
osl_vector_p vector, int row) {
osl_relation_p temp;
temp = osl_relation_from_vector(vector);
osl_relation_insert_constraints(relation, temp, row);
* osl_relation_insert_blank_row function:
* this function inserts a new row filled with zeros o an existing relation
* union part (it only affects the first union part).
* \param[in,out] relation The relation to add a row in.
* \param[in] row The row where to insert the blank row.
void osl_relation_insert_blank_row(osl_relation_p relation, int row) {
osl_vector_p vector;
if (relation != NULL) {
vector = osl_vector_pmalloc(relation->precision, relation->nb_columns);
osl_relation_insert_vector(relation, vector, row);
* osl_relation_insert_blank_column function:
* this function inserts a new column filled with zeros to an existing
* relation union part (it only affects the first union part). WARNING:
* this function does not update the relation attributes.
* \param[in,out] relation The relation to add a column in.
* \param[in] column The column where to insert the blank column.
void osl_relation_insert_blank_column(osl_relation_p relation, int column) {
int i, j;
osl_relation_p temp;
if (relation == NULL)
if ((column < 0) || (column > relation->nb_columns))
OSL_error("bad column number");
// We use a temporary relation just to reuse existing functions. Cleaner.
temp = osl_relation_pmalloc(relation->precision,
relation->nb_rows, relation->nb_columns + 1);
for (i = 0; i < relation->nb_rows; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < column; j++)
osl_int_assign(relation->precision, temp->m[i], j, relation->m[i], j);
for (j = column; j < relation->nb_columns; j++)
osl_int_assign(relation->precision, temp->m[i], j+1, relation->m[i], j);
// Replace the inside of relation.
relation->nb_columns = temp->nb_columns;
relation->m = temp->m;
// Free the temp "shell".
* osl_relation_from_vector function:
* this function converts a vector "vector" to a relation with a single row
* and returns a pointer to that relation.
* \param[in] vector The vector to convert to a relation.
* \return A pointer to a relation resulting from the vector conversion.
osl_relation_p osl_relation_from_vector(osl_vector_p vector) {
osl_relation_p relation;
if (vector == NULL)
return NULL;
relation = osl_relation_pmalloc(vector->precision, 1, vector->size);
osl_relation_replace_vector(relation, vector, 0);
return relation;
* osl_relation_replace_constraints function:
* this function replaces some rows of a relation "r1" with the rows of
* the relation "r2". It begins at the "row"^th row of "r1". It directly
* updates the relation union part pointed by "r1" and this part only.
* \param[in,out] r1 The relation we want to change some rows.
* \param[in] r2 The relation containing the new rows.
* \param[in] row The first row of the relation r1 to be replaced.
void osl_relation_replace_constraints(osl_relation_p r1,
osl_relation_p r2, int row) {
int i, j;
if ((r1 == NULL) || (r2 == NULL) ||
(r1->precision != r2->precision) ||
(r1->nb_columns != r1->nb_columns) ||
((row + r2->nb_rows) > r1->nb_rows) || (row < 0))
OSL_error("relation rows could not be replaced");
for (i = 0; i < r2->nb_rows; i++)
for (j = 0; j < r2->nb_columns; j++)
osl_int_assign(r1->precision, r1->m[i+row], j, r2->m[i], j);
* osl_relation_insert_constraints function:
* this function adds new rows corresponding to the relation "r1" to
* the relation "r2" by inserting it at the "row"^th row. It directly
* updates the relation union part pointed by "r1" and this part only.
* If "r2" (or "r1") is NULL, the relation is left unmodified.
* \param[in,out] r1 The relation we want to extend.
* \param[in] r2 The relation to be inserted.
* \param[in] row The row where to insert the relation
void osl_relation_insert_constraints(osl_relation_p r1,
osl_relation_p r2, int row) {
int i, j;
osl_relation_p temp;
if ((r1 == NULL) || (r2 == NULL))
if ((r1->nb_columns != r2->nb_columns) ||
(r1->precision != r2->precision) ||
(row > r1->nb_rows) || (row < 0))
OSL_error("constraints cannot be inserted");
// We use a temporary relation just to reuse existing functions. Cleaner.
temp = osl_relation_pmalloc(r1->precision,
r1->nb_rows + r2->nb_rows, r1->nb_columns);
for (i = 0; i < row; i++)
for (j = 0; j < r1->nb_columns; j++)
osl_int_assign(r1->precision, temp->m[i], j, r1->m[i], j);
osl_relation_replace_constraints(temp, r2, row);
for (i = row + r2->nb_rows; i < r2->nb_rows + r1->nb_rows; i++)
for (j = 0; j < r1->nb_columns; j++)
osl_int_assign(r1->precision, temp->m[i], j, r1->m[i-r2->nb_rows], j);
// Replace the inside of relation.
r1->nb_rows = temp->nb_rows;
r1->m = temp->m;
// Free the temp "shell".
* osl_relation_insert_columns function:
* this function inserts new columns to an existing relation union part (it
* only affects the first union part). The columns are copied out from the
* matrix of an input relation which must have the convenient number of rows.
* All columns of the input matrix are copied. WARNING: this function does not
* update the relation attributes of the modified matrix.
* \param[in,out] relation The relation to add columns in.
* \param[in] insert The relation containing the columns to add.
* \param[in] column The column where to insert the new columns.
void osl_relation_insert_columns(osl_relation_p relation,
osl_relation_p insert, int column) {
int i, j;
osl_relation_p temp;
if ((relation == NULL) || (insert == NULL))
if ((relation->precision != insert->precision) ||
(relation->nb_rows != insert->nb_rows) ||
(column < 0) || (column > relation->nb_columns))
OSL_error("columns cannot be inserted");
// We use a temporary relation just to reuse existing functions. Cleaner.
temp = osl_relation_pmalloc(relation->precision, relation->nb_rows,
relation->nb_columns + insert->nb_columns);
for (i = 0; i < relation->nb_rows; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < column; j++)
osl_int_assign(relation->precision, temp->m[i], j, relation->m[i], j);
for (j = column; j < column + insert->nb_columns; j++)
temp->m[i], j, insert->m[i], j - column);
for (j = column + insert->nb_columns;
j < insert->nb_columns + relation->nb_columns; j++)
temp->m[i], j, relation->m[i], j - insert->nb_columns);
// Replace the inside of relation.
relation->nb_columns = temp->nb_columns;
relation->m = temp->m;
// Free the temp "shell".
* osl_relation_concat_constraints function:
* this function builds a new relation from two relations sent as
* parameters. The new set of constraints is built as the concatenation
* of the rows of the first elements of the two relation unions r1 and r2.
* This means, there is no next field in the result.
* \param[in] r1 The first relation.
* \param[in] r2 The second relation.
* \return A pointer to the relation resulting from the concatenation of
* the first elements of r1 and r2.
osl_relation_p osl_relation_concat_constraints(
osl_relation_p r1,
osl_relation_p r2) {
osl_relation_p new;
if (r1 == NULL)
return osl_relation_clone(r2);
if (r2 == NULL)
return osl_relation_clone(r1);
if (r1->nb_columns != r2->nb_columns)
OSL_error("incompatible sizes for concatenation");
if (r1->next || r2->next)
OSL_warning("relation concatenation is done on the first elements "
"of union only");
new = osl_relation_pmalloc(r1->precision,
r1->nb_rows + r2->nb_rows, r1->nb_columns);
osl_relation_replace_constraints(new, r1, 0);
osl_relation_replace_constraints(new, r2, r1->nb_rows);
return new;
* osl_relation_equal function:
* this function returns true if the two relations provided as parameters
* are the same, false otherwise.
* \param[in] r1 The first relation.
* \param[in] r2 The second relation.
* \return 1 if r1 and r2 are the same (content-wise), 0 otherwise.
int osl_relation_equal(osl_relation_p r1, osl_relation_p r2) {
int i, j;
while ((r1 != NULL) && (r2 != NULL)) {
if (r1 == r2)
return 1;
if ((r1->type != r2->type) ||
(r1->precision != r2->precision) ||
(r1->nb_rows != r2->nb_rows) ||
(r1->nb_columns != r2->nb_columns) ||
(r1->nb_output_dims != r2->nb_output_dims) ||
(r1->nb_input_dims != r2->nb_input_dims) ||
(r1->nb_local_dims != r2->nb_local_dims) ||
(r1->nb_parameters != r2->nb_parameters))
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < r1->nb_rows; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < r1->nb_columns; ++j)
if (osl_int_ne(r1->precision, r1->m[i], j, r2->m[i], j))
return 0;
r1 = r1->next;
r2 = r2->next;
if (((r1 == NULL) && (r2 != NULL)) || ((r1 != NULL) && (r2 == NULL)))
return 0;
return 1;
* osl_relation_check_attribute internal function:
* This function checks whether an "actual" value is the same as an
* "expected" value or not. If the expected value is set to
* OSL_UNDEFINED, this function sets it to the "actual" value
* and do not report a difference has been detected.
* It returns 0 if a difference has been detected, 1 otherwise.
* \param[in,out] expected Pointer to the expected value (the value is
* modified if it was set to OSL_UNDEFINED).
* \param[in] actual Value we want to check.
* \return 0 if the values are not the same while the expected value was
* not OSL_UNDEFINED, 1 otherwise.
int osl_relation_check_attribute(int * expected, int actual) {
if (*expected != OSL_UNDEFINED) {
if ((actual != OSL_UNDEFINED) &&
(actual != *expected)) {
OSL_warning("unexpected atribute");
return 0;
else {
*expected = actual;
return 1;
* osl_relation_check_nb_columns internal function:
* This function checks that the number of columns of a relation
* corresponds to some expected properties (setting an expected property to
* OSL_UNDEFINED makes this function unable to detect a problem).
* It returns 0 if the number of columns seems incorrect or 1 if no problem
* has been detected.
* \param[in] relation The relation we want to check the number of columns.
* \param[in] expected_nb_output_dims Expected number of output dimensions.
* \param[in] expected_nb_input_dims Expected number of input dimensions.
* \param[in] expected_nb_parameters Expected number of parameters.
* \return 0 if the number of columns seems incorrect, 1 otherwise.
int osl_relation_check_nb_columns(osl_relation_p relation,
int expected_nb_output_dims,
int expected_nb_input_dims,
int expected_nb_parameters) {
int expected_nb_local_dims, expected_nb_columns;
if ((expected_nb_output_dims != OSL_UNDEFINED) &&
(expected_nb_input_dims != OSL_UNDEFINED) &&
(expected_nb_parameters != OSL_UNDEFINED)) {
if (relation->nb_local_dims == OSL_UNDEFINED)
expected_nb_local_dims = 0;
expected_nb_local_dims = relation->nb_local_dims;
expected_nb_columns = expected_nb_output_dims +
expected_nb_input_dims +
expected_nb_local_dims +
expected_nb_parameters +
if (expected_nb_columns != relation->nb_columns) {
OSL_warning("unexpected number of columns");
return 0;
return 1;
* osl_relation_integrity_check function:
* this function checks that a relation is "well formed" according to some
* expected properties (setting an expected value to OSL_UNDEFINED means
* that we do not expect a specific value) and what the relation is supposed
* to represent. It returns 0 if the check failed or 1 if no problem has been
* detected.
* \param[in] relation The relation we want to check.
* \param[in] expected_type Semantics about this relation (domain, access...).
* \param[in] expected_nb_output_dims Expected number of output dimensions.
* \param[in] expected_nb_input_dims Expected number of input dimensions.
* \param[in] expected_nb_parameters Expected number of parameters.
* \return 0 if the integrity check fails, 1 otherwise.
int osl_relation_integrity_check(osl_relation_p relation,
int expected_type,
int expected_nb_output_dims,
int expected_nb_input_dims,
int expected_nb_parameters) {
int i;
// Check the NULL case.
if (relation == NULL) {
if ((expected_nb_output_dims != OSL_UNDEFINED) ||
(expected_nb_input_dims != OSL_UNDEFINED) ||
(expected_nb_parameters != OSL_UNDEFINED)) {
OSL_debug("NULL relation with some expected attibutes");
//return 0;
return 1;
// Check the type.
if (((expected_type != OSL_TYPE_ACCESS) &&
(expected_type != relation->type)) ||
((expected_type == OSL_TYPE_ACCESS) &&
(!osl_relation_is_access(relation)))) {
OSL_warning("wrong type");
osl_relation_dump(stderr, relation);
return 0;
// Check that relations have no undefined atributes.
if ((relation->nb_output_dims == OSL_UNDEFINED) ||
(relation->nb_input_dims == OSL_UNDEFINED) ||
(relation->nb_local_dims == OSL_UNDEFINED) ||
(relation->nb_parameters == OSL_UNDEFINED)) {
OSL_warning("all attributes should be defined");
osl_relation_dump(stderr, relation);
return 0;
// Check that a context has actually 0 output dimensions.
if ((relation->type == OSL_TYPE_CONTEXT) &&
(relation->nb_output_dims != 0)) {
OSL_warning("context without 0 as number of output dimensions");
osl_relation_dump(stderr, relation);
return 0;
// Check that a domain or a context has actually 0 input dimensions.
if (((relation->type == OSL_TYPE_DOMAIN) ||
(relation->type == OSL_TYPE_CONTEXT)) &&
(relation->nb_input_dims != 0)) {
OSL_warning("domain or context without 0 input dimensions");
osl_relation_dump(stderr, relation);
return 0;
// Check properties according to expected values (and if expected values
// are undefined, define them with the first relation part properties).
if (!osl_relation_check_attribute(&expected_nb_output_dims,
relation->nb_output_dims) ||
relation->nb_input_dims) ||
relation->nb_parameters)) {
osl_relation_dump(stderr, relation);
return 0;
while (relation != NULL) {
// Attributes (except the number of local dimensions) should be the same
// in all parts of the union.
if ((expected_nb_output_dims != relation->nb_output_dims) ||
(expected_nb_input_dims != relation->nb_input_dims) ||
(expected_nb_parameters != relation->nb_parameters)) {
OSL_warning("inconsistent attributes");
osl_relation_dump(stderr, relation);
return 0;
// Check whether the number of columns is OK or not.
if (!osl_relation_check_nb_columns(relation,
expected_nb_parameters)) {
osl_relation_dump(stderr, relation);
return 0;
// Check the first column. The first column of a relation part should be
// made of 0 or 1 only.
if ((relation->nb_rows > 0) && (relation->nb_columns > 0)) {
for (i = 0; i < relation->nb_rows; i++) {
if (!osl_int_zero(relation->precision, relation->m[i], 0) &&
!osl_int_one(relation->precision, relation->m[i], 0)) {
OSL_warning("first column of a relation is not "
"strictly made of 0 or 1");
osl_relation_dump(stderr, relation);
return 0;
// Array accesses must provide the array identifier.
if ((osl_relation_is_access(relation)) &&
(osl_relation_get_array_id(relation) == OSL_UNDEFINED)) {
osl_relation_dump(stderr, relation);
return 0;
relation = relation->next;
return 1;
* osl_relation_union function:
* this function builds a new relation from two relations provided
* as parameters. The new relation is built as an union of the
* two relations: the list of constraint sets are linked together.
* \param[in] r1 The first relation.
* \param[in] r2 The second relation.
* \return A new relation corresponding to the union of r1 and r2.
osl_relation_p osl_relation_union(osl_relation_p r1,
osl_relation_p r2) {
osl_relation_p copy1, copy2, tmp;
if ((r1 == NULL) && (r2 == NULL))
return NULL;
copy1 = osl_relation_clone(r1);
copy2 = osl_relation_clone(r2);
if ((r1 != NULL) && (r2 == NULL))
return copy1;
if ((r1 == NULL) && (r2 != NULL))
return copy2;
tmp = copy1;
while (tmp->next != NULL)
tmp = tmp->next;
tmp->next = copy2;
return copy1;
* osl_relation_set_attributes function:
* this functions sets the attributes of a relation provided as a
* parameter. It updates the relation directly.
* \param[in,out] relation The relation to set the attributes.
* \param[in] nb_output_dims Number of output dimensions.
* \param[in] nb_input_dims Number of input dimensions.
* \param[in] nb_local_dims Number of local dimensions.
* \param[in] nb_parameters Number of parameters.
void osl_relation_set_attributes(osl_relation_p relation,
int nb_output_dims, int nb_input_dims,
int nb_local_dims, int nb_parameters) {
if (relation != NULL) {
relation->nb_output_dims = nb_output_dims;
relation->nb_input_dims = nb_input_dims;
relation->nb_local_dims = nb_local_dims;
relation->nb_parameters = nb_parameters;
* osl_relation_set_type function:
* this function sets the type of each relation union part in the relation
* to the one provided as parameter.
* \param relation The relation to set the type.
* \param type The type.
void osl_relation_set_type(osl_relation_p relation, int type) {
while (relation != NULL) {
relation->type = type;
relation = relation->next;
* osl_relation_get_array_id function:
* this function returns the array identifier in a relation with access type
* It returns OSL_UNDEFINED if it is not able to find it (in particular
* if there are irregularities in the relation).
* \param[in] relation The relation where to find an array identifier.
* \return The array identifier in the relation or OSL_UNDEFINED.
int osl_relation_get_array_id(osl_relation_p relation) {
int i;
int first = 1;
int array_id = OSL_UNDEFINED;
int reference_array_id = OSL_UNDEFINED;
int nb_array_id;
int row_id = 0;
int precision;
if (relation == NULL)
if (!osl_relation_is_access(relation)) {
OSL_warning("asked for an array id of non-array relation");
while (relation != NULL) {
precision = relation->precision;
// There should be room to store the array identifier.
if ((relation->nb_rows < 1) ||
(relation->nb_columns < 3)) {
OSL_warning("no array identifier in an access function");
// Array identifiers are m[i][#columns -1] / m[i][1], with i the only row
// where m[i][1] is not 0.
// - check there is exactly one row such that m[i][1] is not 0,
// - check the whole ith row if full of 0 except m[i][1] and the id,
// - check that (m[i][#columns -1] % m[i][1]) == 0,
// - check that (-m[i][#columns -1] / m[i][1]) > 0.
nb_array_id = 0;
for (i = 0; i < relation->nb_rows; i++) {
if (!osl_int_zero(precision, relation->m[i], 1)) {
nb_array_id ++;
row_id = i;
if (nb_array_id == 0) {
OSL_warning("no array identifier in an access function");
if (nb_array_id > 1) {
OSL_warning("several array identifiers in one access function");
for (i = 0; i < relation->nb_columns - 1; i++) {
if ((i != 1) && !osl_int_zero(precision, relation->m[row_id], i)) {
OSL_warning("non integer array identifier");
if (!osl_int_divisible(precision,
relation->m[row_id], relation->nb_columns - 1,
relation->m[row_id], 1)) {
OSL_warning("rational array identifier");
array_id = -osl_int_get_si(precision,
relation->nb_columns - 1);
array_id /= osl_int_get_si(precision, relation->m[row_id], 1);
if (array_id <= 0) {
OSL_warning("negative or 0 identifier in access function");
// Unions of accesses are allowed, but they should refer at the same array.
if (first) {
reference_array_id = array_id;
first = 0;
else {
if (reference_array_id != array_id) {
OSL_warning("inconsistency of array identifiers in an "
"union of access relations");
relation = relation->next;
return array_id;
* osl_relation_is_access function:
* this function returns 1 if the relation corresponds to an access relation,
* whatever its precise type (read, write etc.), 0 otherwise.
* \param relation The relation to check wheter it is an access relation or not.
* \return 1 if the relation is an access relation, 0 otherwise.
int osl_relation_is_access(osl_relation_p relation) {
if (relation == NULL)
return 0;
if ((relation->type == OSL_TYPE_ACCESS) ||
(relation->type == OSL_TYPE_READ) ||
(relation->type == OSL_TYPE_WRITE) ||
(relation->type == OSL_TYPE_MAY_WRITE))
return 1;
return 0;
* osl_relation_get_attributes function:
* this function returns, through its parameters, the maximum values of the
* relation attributes (nb_iterators, nb_parameters etc), depending on its
* type. HOWEVER, it updates the parameter value iff the attribute is greater
* than the input parameter value. Hence it may be used to get the
* attributes as well as to find the maximum attributes for several relations.
* The array identifier 0 is used when there is no array identifier (AND this
* is OK), OSL_UNDEFINED is used to report it is impossible to provide the
* property while it should. This function is not intended for checking, the
* input relation should be correct.
* \param[in] relation The relation to extract attribute values.
* \param[in,out] nb_parameters Number of parameter attribute.
* \param[in,out] nb_iterators Number of iterators attribute.
* \param[in,out] nb_scattdims Number of scattering dimensions attribute.
* \param[in,out] nb_localdims Number of local dimensions attribute.
* \param[in,out] array_id Maximum array identifier attribute.
void osl_relation_get_attributes(osl_relation_p relation,
int * nb_parameters,
int * nb_iterators,
int * nb_scattdims,
int * nb_localdims,
int * array_id) {
int type;
int local_nb_parameters = OSL_UNDEFINED;
int local_nb_iterators = OSL_UNDEFINED;
int local_nb_scattdims = OSL_UNDEFINED;
int local_nb_localdims = OSL_UNDEFINED;
int local_array_id = OSL_UNDEFINED;
while (relation != NULL) {
if (osl_relation_is_access(relation))
type = relation->type;
// There is some redundancy but I believe the code is cleaner this way.
switch (type) {
local_nb_parameters = relation->nb_parameters;
local_nb_iterators = 0;
local_nb_scattdims = 0;
local_nb_localdims = relation->nb_local_dims;
local_array_id = 0;
local_nb_parameters = relation->nb_parameters;
local_nb_iterators = relation->nb_output_dims;
local_nb_scattdims = 0;
local_nb_localdims = relation->nb_local_dims;
local_array_id = 0;
local_nb_parameters = relation->nb_parameters;
local_nb_iterators = relation->nb_input_dims;
local_nb_scattdims = relation->nb_output_dims;
local_nb_localdims = relation->nb_local_dims;
local_array_id = 0;
local_nb_parameters = relation->nb_parameters;
local_nb_iterators = relation->nb_input_dims;
local_nb_scattdims = 0;
local_nb_localdims = relation->nb_local_dims;
local_array_id = osl_relation_get_array_id(relation);
// Update.
*nb_parameters = OSL_max(*nb_parameters, local_nb_parameters);
*nb_iterators = OSL_max(*nb_iterators, local_nb_iterators);
*nb_scattdims = OSL_max(*nb_scattdims, local_nb_scattdims);
*nb_localdims = OSL_max(*nb_localdims, local_nb_localdims);
*array_id = OSL_max(*array_id, local_array_id);
relation = relation->next;
* osl_relation_extend_output function:
* this function extends the number of output dimensions of a given relation. It
* returns a copy of the input relation with a number of output dimensions
* extended to "dim" for all its union components. The new output dimensions
* are simply set equal to 0. The extended number of dimensions must be higher
* than or equal to the original one (an error will be raised otherwise).
* \param[in] relation The input relation to extend.
* \param[in] dim The number of output dimension to reach.
* \return A new relation: "relation" extended to "dim" output dims.
osl_relation_p osl_relation_extend_output(osl_relation_p relation, int dim) {
int i, j;
int first = 1;
int offset;
osl_relation_p extended = NULL, node, previous = NULL;
while (relation != NULL) {
if (relation->nb_output_dims > dim)
OSL_error("Number of output dims is greater than required extension");
offset = dim - relation->nb_output_dims;
node = osl_relation_pmalloc(relation->precision,
relation->nb_rows + offset,
relation->nb_columns + offset);
node->type = relation->type;
node->nb_output_dims = OSL_max(relation->nb_output_dims, dim);
node->nb_input_dims = relation->nb_input_dims;
node->nb_local_dims = relation->nb_local_dims;
node->nb_parameters = relation->nb_parameters;
// Copy of the original relation with some 0 columns for the new dimensions
// Note that we use the fact that the matrix is initialized with zeros.
for (i = 0; i < relation->nb_rows; i++) {
for (j = 0; j <= relation->nb_output_dims; j++)
osl_int_assign(relation->precision, node->m[i], j, relation->m[i], j);
for (j = relation->nb_output_dims + offset + 1;
j < relation->nb_columns + offset; j++)
node->m[i], j, relation->m[i], j - offset);
// New rows dedicated to the new dimensions
for (i = relation->nb_rows; i < relation->nb_rows + offset; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < relation->nb_columns + offset; j++) {
if ((i - relation->nb_rows) == (j - relation->nb_output_dims - 1))
osl_int_set_si(relation->precision, node->m[i], j, -1);
if (first) {
first = 0;
extended = node;
previous = node;
else {
previous->next = node;
previous = previous->next;
relation = relation->next;
return extended;