blob: 173ccf0c262808319cb3855a380f8da30b184576 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 INRIA Saclay
* Copyright 2011 Sven Verdoolaege
* Use of this software is governed by the GNU LGPLv2.1 license
* Written by Sven Verdoolaege, INRIA Saclay - Ile-de-France,
* Parc Club Orsay Universite, ZAC des vignes, 4 rue Jacques Monod,
* 91893 Orsay, France
#include <isl_ctx_private.h>
#include <isl_map_private.h>
#include <isl_aff_private.h>
#include <isl_space_private.h>
#include <isl_local_space_private.h>
#include <isl_mat_private.h>
#include <isl_list_private.h>
#include <isl/constraint.h>
#include <isl/seq.h>
#include <isl/set.h>
#include <isl_config.h>
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_alloc_vec(__isl_take isl_local_space *ls,
__isl_take isl_vec *v)
isl_aff *aff;
if (!ls || !v)
goto error;
aff = isl_calloc_type(v->ctx, struct isl_aff);
if (!aff)
goto error;
aff->ref = 1;
aff->ls = ls;
aff->v = v;
return aff;
return NULL;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_alloc(__isl_take isl_local_space *ls)
isl_ctx *ctx;
isl_vec *v;
unsigned total;
if (!ls)
return NULL;
ctx = isl_local_space_get_ctx(ls);
if (!isl_local_space_divs_known(ls))
isl_die(ctx, isl_error_invalid, "local space has unknown divs",
goto error);
if (!isl_local_space_is_set(ls))
isl_die(ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"domain of affine expression should be a set",
goto error);
total = isl_local_space_dim(ls, isl_dim_all);
v = isl_vec_alloc(ctx, 1 + 1 + total);
return isl_aff_alloc_vec(ls, v);
return NULL;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_zero_on_domain(__isl_take isl_local_space *ls)
isl_aff *aff;
aff = isl_aff_alloc(ls);
if (!aff)
return NULL;
isl_int_set_si(aff->v->el[0], 1);
isl_seq_clr(aff->v->el + 1, aff->v->size - 1);
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_copy(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff)
if (!aff)
return NULL;
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_dup(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff)
if (!aff)
return NULL;
return isl_aff_alloc_vec(isl_local_space_copy(aff->ls),
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_cow(__isl_take isl_aff *aff)
if (!aff)
return NULL;
if (aff->ref == 1)
return aff;
return isl_aff_dup(aff);
void *isl_aff_free(__isl_take isl_aff *aff)
if (!aff)
return NULL;
if (--aff->ref > 0)
return NULL;
return NULL;
isl_ctx *isl_aff_get_ctx(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff)
return aff ? isl_local_space_get_ctx(aff->ls) : NULL;
/* Externally, an isl_aff has a map space, but internally, the
* ls field corresponds to the domain of that space.
int isl_aff_dim(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff, enum isl_dim_type type)
if (!aff)
return 0;
if (type == isl_dim_out)
return 1;
if (type == isl_dim_in)
type = isl_dim_set;
return isl_local_space_dim(aff->ls, type);
__isl_give isl_space *isl_aff_get_domain_space(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff)
return aff ? isl_local_space_get_space(aff->ls) : NULL;
__isl_give isl_space *isl_aff_get_space(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff)
isl_space *space;
if (!aff)
return NULL;
space = isl_local_space_get_space(aff->ls);
space = isl_space_from_domain(space);
space = isl_space_add_dims(space, isl_dim_out, 1);
return space;
__isl_give isl_local_space *isl_aff_get_domain_local_space(
__isl_keep isl_aff *aff)
return aff ? isl_local_space_copy(aff->ls) : NULL;
__isl_give isl_local_space *isl_aff_get_local_space(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff)
isl_local_space *ls;
if (!aff)
return NULL;
ls = isl_local_space_copy(aff->ls);
ls = isl_local_space_from_domain(ls);
ls = isl_local_space_add_dims(ls, isl_dim_out, 1);
return ls;
/* Externally, an isl_aff has a map space, but internally, the
* ls field corresponds to the domain of that space.
const char *isl_aff_get_dim_name(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff,
enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned pos)
if (!aff)
return NULL;
if (type == isl_dim_out)
return NULL;
if (type == isl_dim_in)
type = isl_dim_set;
return isl_local_space_get_dim_name(aff->ls, type, pos);
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_reset_domain_space(__isl_take isl_aff *aff,
__isl_take isl_space *dim)
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff || !dim)
goto error;
aff->ls = isl_local_space_reset_space(aff->ls, dim);
if (!aff->ls)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
return aff;
return NULL;
/* Reset the space of "aff". This function is called from isl_pw_templ.c
* and doesn't know if the space of an element object is represented
* directly or through its domain. It therefore passes along both.
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_reset_space_and_domain(__isl_take isl_aff *aff,
__isl_take isl_space *space, __isl_take isl_space *domain)
return isl_aff_reset_domain_space(aff, domain);
/* Reorder the coefficients of the affine expression based
* on the given reodering.
* The reordering r is assumed to have been extended with the local
* variables.
static __isl_give isl_vec *vec_reorder(__isl_take isl_vec *vec,
__isl_take isl_reordering *r, int n_div)
isl_vec *res;
int i;
if (!vec || !r)
goto error;
res = isl_vec_alloc(vec->ctx,
2 + isl_space_dim(r->dim, isl_dim_all) + n_div);
isl_seq_cpy(res->el, vec->el, 2);
isl_seq_clr(res->el + 2, res->size - 2);
for (i = 0; i < r->len; ++i)
isl_int_set(res->el[2 + r->pos[i]], vec->el[2 + i]);
return res;
return NULL;
/* Reorder the dimensions of the domain of "aff" according
* to the given reordering.
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_realign_domain(__isl_take isl_aff *aff,
__isl_take isl_reordering *r)
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
goto error;
r = isl_reordering_extend(r, aff->ls->div->n_row);
aff->v = vec_reorder(aff->v, isl_reordering_copy(r),
aff->ls = isl_local_space_realign(aff->ls, r);
if (!aff->v || !aff->ls)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
return aff;
return NULL;
int isl_aff_plain_is_zero(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff)
if (!aff)
return -1;
return isl_seq_first_non_zero(aff->v->el + 1, aff->v->size - 1) < 0;
int isl_aff_plain_is_equal(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff1, __isl_keep isl_aff *aff2)
int equal;
if (!aff1 || !aff2)
return -1;
equal = isl_local_space_is_equal(aff1->ls, aff2->ls);
if (equal < 0 || !equal)
return equal;
return isl_vec_is_equal(aff1->v, aff2->v);
int isl_aff_get_denominator(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff, isl_int *v)
if (!aff)
return -1;
isl_int_set(*v, aff->v->el[0]);
return 0;
int isl_aff_get_constant(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff, isl_int *v)
if (!aff)
return -1;
isl_int_set(*v, aff->v->el[1]);
return 0;
int isl_aff_get_coefficient(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff,
enum isl_dim_type type, int pos, isl_int *v)
if (!aff)
return -1;
if (type == isl_dim_out)
isl_die(aff->v->ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"output/set dimension does not have a coefficient",
return -1);
if (type == isl_dim_in)
type = isl_dim_set;
if (pos >= isl_local_space_dim(aff->ls, type))
isl_die(aff->v->ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"position out of bounds", return -1);
pos += isl_local_space_offset(aff->ls, type);
isl_int_set(*v, aff->v->el[1 + pos]);
return 0;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_set_denominator(__isl_take isl_aff *aff, isl_int v)
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
return NULL;
aff->v = isl_vec_cow(aff->v);
if (!aff->v)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
isl_int_set(aff->v->el[0], v);
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_set_constant(__isl_take isl_aff *aff, isl_int v)
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
return NULL;
aff->v = isl_vec_cow(aff->v);
if (!aff->v)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
isl_int_set(aff->v->el[1], v);
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_add_constant(__isl_take isl_aff *aff, isl_int v)
if (isl_int_is_zero(v))
return aff;
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
return NULL;
aff->v = isl_vec_cow(aff->v);
if (!aff->v)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
isl_int_addmul(aff->v->el[1], aff->v->el[0], v);
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_add_constant_si(__isl_take isl_aff *aff, int v)
isl_int t;
isl_int_set_si(t, v);
aff = isl_aff_add_constant(aff, t);
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_set_constant_si(__isl_take isl_aff *aff, int v)
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
return NULL;
aff->v = isl_vec_cow(aff->v);
if (!aff->v)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
isl_int_set_si(aff->v->el[1], v);
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_set_coefficient(__isl_take isl_aff *aff,
enum isl_dim_type type, int pos, isl_int v)
if (!aff)
return NULL;
if (type == isl_dim_out)
isl_die(aff->v->ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"output/set dimension does not have a coefficient",
return isl_aff_free(aff));
if (type == isl_dim_in)
type = isl_dim_set;
if (pos >= isl_local_space_dim(aff->ls, type))
isl_die(aff->v->ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"position out of bounds", return isl_aff_free(aff));
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
return NULL;
aff->v = isl_vec_cow(aff->v);
if (!aff->v)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
pos += isl_local_space_offset(aff->ls, type);
isl_int_set(aff->v->el[1 + pos], v);
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_set_coefficient_si(__isl_take isl_aff *aff,
enum isl_dim_type type, int pos, int v)
if (!aff)
return NULL;
if (type == isl_dim_out)
isl_die(aff->v->ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"output/set dimension does not have a coefficient",
return isl_aff_free(aff));
if (type == isl_dim_in)
type = isl_dim_set;
if (pos >= isl_local_space_dim(aff->ls, type))
isl_die(aff->v->ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"position out of bounds", return isl_aff_free(aff));
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
return NULL;
aff->v = isl_vec_cow(aff->v);
if (!aff->v)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
pos += isl_local_space_offset(aff->ls, type);
isl_int_set_si(aff->v->el[1 + pos], v);
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_add_coefficient(__isl_take isl_aff *aff,
enum isl_dim_type type, int pos, isl_int v)
if (!aff)
return NULL;
if (type == isl_dim_out)
isl_die(aff->v->ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"output/set dimension does not have a coefficient",
return isl_aff_free(aff));
if (type == isl_dim_in)
type = isl_dim_set;
if (pos >= isl_local_space_dim(aff->ls, type))
isl_die(aff->v->ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"position out of bounds", return isl_aff_free(aff));
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
return NULL;
aff->v = isl_vec_cow(aff->v);
if (!aff->v)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
pos += isl_local_space_offset(aff->ls, type);
isl_int_addmul(aff->v->el[1 + pos], aff->v->el[0], v);
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_add_coefficient_si(__isl_take isl_aff *aff,
enum isl_dim_type type, int pos, int v)
isl_int t;
isl_int_set_si(t, v);
aff = isl_aff_add_coefficient(aff, type, pos, t);
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_get_div(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff, int pos)
if (!aff)
return NULL;
return isl_local_space_get_div(aff->ls, pos);
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_neg(__isl_take isl_aff *aff)
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
return NULL;
aff->v = isl_vec_cow(aff->v);
if (!aff->v)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
isl_seq_neg(aff->v->el + 1, aff->v->el + 1, aff->v->size - 1);
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_normalize(__isl_take isl_aff *aff)
if (!aff)
return NULL;
aff->v = isl_vec_normalize(aff->v);
if (!aff->v)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
return aff;
/* Given f, return floor(f).
* If f is an integer expression, then just return f.
* Otherwise, if f = g/m, write g = q m + r,
* create a new div d = [r/m] and return the expression q + d.
* The coefficients in r are taken to lie between -m/2 and m/2.
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_floor(__isl_take isl_aff *aff)
int i;
int size;
isl_ctx *ctx;
isl_vec *div;
if (!aff)
return NULL;
if (isl_int_is_one(aff->v->el[0]))
return aff;
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
return NULL;
aff->v = isl_vec_cow(aff->v);
div = isl_vec_copy(aff->v);
div = isl_vec_cow(div);
if (!div)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
ctx = isl_aff_get_ctx(aff);
isl_int_fdiv_q(aff->v->el[0], aff->v->el[0], ctx->two);
for (i = 1; i < aff->v->size; ++i) {
isl_int_fdiv_r(div->el[i], div->el[i], div->el[0]);
isl_int_fdiv_q(aff->v->el[i], aff->v->el[i], div->el[0]);
if (isl_int_gt(div->el[i], aff->v->el[0])) {
isl_int_sub(div->el[i], div->el[i], div->el[0]);
isl_int_add_ui(aff->v->el[i], aff->v->el[i], 1);
aff->ls = isl_local_space_add_div(aff->ls, div);
if (!aff->ls)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
size = aff->v->size;
aff->v = isl_vec_extend(aff->v, size + 1);
if (!aff->v)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
isl_int_set_si(aff->v->el[0], 1);
isl_int_set_si(aff->v->el[size], 1);
return aff;
/* Compute
* aff mod m = aff - m * floor(aff/m)
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_mod(__isl_take isl_aff *aff, isl_int m)
isl_aff *res;
res = isl_aff_copy(aff);
aff = isl_aff_scale_down(aff, m);
aff = isl_aff_floor(aff);
aff = isl_aff_scale(aff, m);
res = isl_aff_sub(res, aff);
return res;
/* Compute
* pwaff mod m = pwaff - m * floor(pwaff/m)
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *isl_pw_aff_mod(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff, isl_int m)
isl_pw_aff *res;
res = isl_pw_aff_copy(pwaff);
pwaff = isl_pw_aff_scale_down(pwaff, m);
pwaff = isl_pw_aff_floor(pwaff);
pwaff = isl_pw_aff_scale(pwaff, m);
res = isl_pw_aff_sub(res, pwaff);
return res;
/* Given f, return ceil(f).
* If f is an integer expression, then just return f.
* Otherwise, create a new div d = [-f] and return the expression -d.
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_ceil(__isl_take isl_aff *aff)
if (!aff)
return NULL;
if (isl_int_is_one(aff->v->el[0]))
return aff;
aff = isl_aff_neg(aff);
aff = isl_aff_floor(aff);
aff = isl_aff_neg(aff);
return aff;
/* Apply the expansion computed by isl_merge_divs.
* The expansion itself is given by "exp" while the resulting
* list of divs is given by "div".
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_expand_divs( __isl_take isl_aff *aff,
__isl_take isl_mat *div, int *exp)
int i, j;
int old_n_div;
int new_n_div;
int offset;
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff || !div)
goto error;
old_n_div = isl_local_space_dim(aff->ls, isl_dim_div);
new_n_div = isl_mat_rows(div);
if (new_n_div < old_n_div)
isl_die(isl_mat_get_ctx(div), isl_error_invalid,
"not an expansion", goto error);
aff->v = isl_vec_extend(aff->v, aff->v->size + new_n_div - old_n_div);
if (!aff->v)
goto error;
offset = 1 + isl_local_space_offset(aff->ls, isl_dim_div);
j = old_n_div - 1;
for (i = new_n_div - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (j >= 0 && exp[j] == i) {
if (i != j)
isl_int_swap(aff->v->el[offset + i],
aff->v->el[offset + j]);
} else
isl_int_set_si(aff->v->el[offset + i], 0);
aff->ls = isl_local_space_replace_divs(aff->ls, isl_mat_copy(div));
if (!aff->ls)
goto error;
return aff;
return NULL;
/* Add two affine expressions that live in the same local space.
static __isl_give isl_aff *add_expanded(__isl_take isl_aff *aff1,
__isl_take isl_aff *aff2)
isl_int gcd, f;
aff1 = isl_aff_cow(aff1);
if (!aff1 || !aff2)
goto error;
aff1->v = isl_vec_cow(aff1->v);
if (!aff1->v)
goto error;
isl_int_gcd(gcd, aff1->v->el[0], aff2->v->el[0]);
isl_int_divexact(f, aff2->v->el[0], gcd);
isl_seq_scale(aff1->v->el + 1, aff1->v->el + 1, f, aff1->v->size - 1);
isl_int_divexact(f, aff1->v->el[0], gcd);
isl_seq_addmul(aff1->v->el + 1, f, aff2->v->el + 1, aff1->v->size - 1);
isl_int_divexact(f, aff2->v->el[0], gcd);
isl_int_mul(aff1->v->el[0], aff1->v->el[0], f);
return aff1;
return NULL;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_add(__isl_take isl_aff *aff1,
__isl_take isl_aff *aff2)
isl_ctx *ctx;
int *exp1 = NULL;
int *exp2 = NULL;
isl_mat *div;
if (!aff1 || !aff2)
goto error;
ctx = isl_aff_get_ctx(aff1);
if (!isl_space_is_equal(aff1->ls->dim, aff2->ls->dim))
isl_die(ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"spaces don't match", goto error);
if (aff1->ls->div->n_row == 0 && aff2->ls->div->n_row == 0)
return add_expanded(aff1, aff2);
exp1 = isl_alloc_array(ctx, int, aff1->ls->div->n_row);
exp2 = isl_alloc_array(ctx, int, aff2->ls->div->n_row);
if (!exp1 || !exp2)
goto error;
div = isl_merge_divs(aff1->ls->div, aff2->ls->div, exp1, exp2);
aff1 = isl_aff_expand_divs(aff1, isl_mat_copy(div), exp1);
aff2 = isl_aff_expand_divs(aff2, div, exp2);
return add_expanded(aff1, aff2);
return NULL;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_sub(__isl_take isl_aff *aff1,
__isl_take isl_aff *aff2)
return isl_aff_add(aff1, isl_aff_neg(aff2));
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_scale(__isl_take isl_aff *aff, isl_int f)
isl_int gcd;
if (isl_int_is_one(f))
return aff;
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
return NULL;
aff->v = isl_vec_cow(aff->v);
if (!aff->v)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
isl_int_gcd(gcd, aff->v->el[0], f);
isl_int_divexact(aff->v->el[0], aff->v->el[0], gcd);
isl_int_divexact(gcd, f, gcd);
isl_seq_scale(aff->v->el + 1, aff->v->el + 1, gcd, aff->v->size - 1);
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_scale_down(__isl_take isl_aff *aff, isl_int f)
isl_int gcd;
if (isl_int_is_one(f))
return aff;
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
return NULL;
aff->v = isl_vec_cow(aff->v);
if (!aff->v)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
isl_seq_gcd(aff->v->el + 1, aff->v->size - 1, &gcd);
isl_int_gcd(gcd, gcd, f);
isl_seq_scale_down(aff->v->el + 1, aff->v->el + 1, gcd, aff->v->size - 1);
isl_int_divexact(gcd, f, gcd);
isl_int_mul(aff->v->el[0], aff->v->el[0], gcd);
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_scale_down_ui(__isl_take isl_aff *aff, unsigned f)
isl_int v;
if (f == 1)
return aff;
isl_int_set_ui(v, f);
aff = isl_aff_scale_down(aff, v);
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_set_dim_name(__isl_take isl_aff *aff,
enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned pos, const char *s)
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
return NULL;
if (type == isl_dim_out)
isl_die(aff->v->ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"cannot set name of output/set dimension",
return isl_aff_free(aff));
if (type == isl_dim_in)
type = isl_dim_set;
aff->ls = isl_local_space_set_dim_name(aff->ls, type, pos, s);
if (!aff->ls)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_set_dim_id(__isl_take isl_aff *aff,
enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned pos, __isl_take isl_id *id)
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
return isl_id_free(id);
if (type == isl_dim_out)
isl_die(aff->v->ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"cannot set name of output/set dimension",
goto error);
if (type == isl_dim_in)
type = isl_dim_set;
aff->ls = isl_local_space_set_dim_id(aff->ls, type, pos, id);
if (!aff->ls)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
return aff;
return NULL;
/* Exploit the equalities in "eq" to simplify the affine expression
* and the expressions of the integer divisions in the local space.
* The integer divisions in this local space are assumed to appear
* as regular dimensions in "eq".
static __isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_substitute_equalities_lifted(
__isl_take isl_aff *aff, __isl_take isl_basic_set *eq)
int i, j;
unsigned total;
unsigned n_div;
if (!eq)
goto error;
if (eq->n_eq == 0) {
return aff;
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
goto error;
aff->ls = isl_local_space_substitute_equalities(aff->ls,
if (!aff->ls)
goto error;
total = 1 + isl_space_dim(eq->dim, isl_dim_all);
n_div = eq->n_div;
for (i = 0; i < eq->n_eq; ++i) {
j = isl_seq_last_non_zero(eq->eq[i], total + n_div);
if (j < 0 || j == 0 || j >= total)
isl_seq_elim(aff->v->el + 1, eq->eq[i], j, total,
return aff;
return NULL;
/* Exploit the equalities in "eq" to simplify the affine expression
* and the expressions of the integer divisions in the local space.
static __isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_substitute_equalities(
__isl_take isl_aff *aff, __isl_take isl_basic_set *eq)
int n_div;
if (!aff || !eq)
goto error;
n_div = isl_local_space_dim(aff->ls, isl_dim_div);
if (n_div > 0)
eq = isl_basic_set_add(eq, isl_dim_set, n_div);
return isl_aff_substitute_equalities_lifted(aff, eq);
return NULL;
/* Look for equalities among the variables shared by context and aff
* and the integer divisions of aff, if any.
* The equalities are then used to eliminate coefficients and/or integer
* divisions from aff.
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_gist(__isl_take isl_aff *aff,
__isl_take isl_set *context)
isl_basic_set *hull;
int n_div;
if (!aff)
goto error;
n_div = isl_local_space_dim(aff->ls, isl_dim_div);
if (n_div > 0) {
isl_basic_set *bset;
isl_local_space *ls;
context = isl_set_add_dims(context, isl_dim_set, n_div);
ls = isl_aff_get_domain_local_space(aff);
bset = isl_basic_set_from_local_space(ls);
bset = isl_basic_set_lift(bset);
bset = isl_basic_set_flatten(bset);
context = isl_set_intersect(context,
hull = isl_set_affine_hull(context);
return isl_aff_substitute_equalities_lifted(aff, hull);
return NULL;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_gist_params(__isl_take isl_aff *aff,
__isl_take isl_set *context)
isl_set *dom_context = isl_set_universe(isl_aff_get_domain_space(aff));
dom_context = isl_set_intersect_params(dom_context, context);
return isl_aff_gist(aff, dom_context);
/* Return a basic set containing those elements in the space
* of aff where it is non-negative.
__isl_give isl_basic_set *isl_aff_nonneg_basic_set(__isl_take isl_aff *aff)
isl_constraint *ineq;
ineq = isl_inequality_from_aff(aff);
return isl_basic_set_from_constraint(ineq);
/* Return a basic set containing those elements in the space
* of aff where it is zero.
__isl_give isl_basic_set *isl_aff_zero_basic_set(__isl_take isl_aff *aff)
isl_constraint *ineq;
ineq = isl_equality_from_aff(aff);
return isl_basic_set_from_constraint(ineq);
/* Return a basic set containing those elements in the shared space
* of aff1 and aff2 where aff1 is greater than or equal to aff2.
__isl_give isl_basic_set *isl_aff_ge_basic_set(__isl_take isl_aff *aff1,
__isl_take isl_aff *aff2)
aff1 = isl_aff_sub(aff1, aff2);
return isl_aff_nonneg_basic_set(aff1);
/* Return a basic set containing those elements in the shared space
* of aff1 and aff2 where aff1 is smaller than or equal to aff2.
__isl_give isl_basic_set *isl_aff_le_basic_set(__isl_take isl_aff *aff1,
__isl_take isl_aff *aff2)
return isl_aff_ge_basic_set(aff2, aff1);
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_add_on_domain(__isl_keep isl_set *dom,
__isl_take isl_aff *aff1, __isl_take isl_aff *aff2)
aff1 = isl_aff_add(aff1, aff2);
aff1 = isl_aff_gist(aff1, isl_set_copy(dom));
return aff1;
int isl_aff_is_empty(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff)
if (!aff)
return -1;
return 0;
/* Check whether the given affine expression has non-zero coefficient
* for any dimension in the given range or if any of these dimensions
* appear with non-zero coefficients in any of the integer divisions
* involved in the affine expression.
int isl_aff_involves_dims(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff,
enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned first, unsigned n)
int i;
isl_ctx *ctx;
int *active = NULL;
int involves = 0;
if (!aff)
return -1;
if (n == 0)
return 0;
ctx = isl_aff_get_ctx(aff);
if (first + n > isl_aff_dim(aff, type))
isl_die(ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"range out of bounds", return -1);
active = isl_local_space_get_active(aff->ls, aff->v->el + 2);
if (!active)
goto error;
first += isl_local_space_offset(aff->ls, type) - 1;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (active[first + i]) {
involves = 1;
return involves;
return -1;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_drop_dims(__isl_take isl_aff *aff,
enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned first, unsigned n)
isl_ctx *ctx;
if (!aff)
return NULL;
if (type == isl_dim_out)
isl_die(aff->v->ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"cannot drop output/set dimension",
return isl_aff_free(aff));
if (type == isl_dim_in)
type = isl_dim_set;
if (n == 0 && !isl_local_space_is_named_or_nested(aff->ls, type))
return aff;
ctx = isl_aff_get_ctx(aff);
if (first + n > isl_local_space_dim(aff->ls, type))
isl_die(ctx, isl_error_invalid, "range out of bounds",
return isl_aff_free(aff));
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
return NULL;
aff->ls = isl_local_space_drop_dims(aff->ls, type, first, n);
if (!aff->ls)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
first += 1 + isl_local_space_offset(aff->ls, type);
aff->v = isl_vec_drop_els(aff->v, first, n);
if (!aff->v)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_insert_dims(__isl_take isl_aff *aff,
enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned first, unsigned n)
isl_ctx *ctx;
if (!aff)
return NULL;
if (type == isl_dim_out)
isl_die(aff->v->ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"cannot insert output/set dimensions",
return isl_aff_free(aff));
if (type == isl_dim_in)
type = isl_dim_set;
if (n == 0 && !isl_local_space_is_named_or_nested(aff->ls, type))
return aff;
ctx = isl_aff_get_ctx(aff);
if (first > isl_local_space_dim(aff->ls, type))
isl_die(ctx, isl_error_invalid, "position out of bounds",
return isl_aff_free(aff));
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
return NULL;
aff->ls = isl_local_space_insert_dims(aff->ls, type, first, n);
if (!aff->ls)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
first += 1 + isl_local_space_offset(aff->ls, type);
aff->v = isl_vec_insert_zero_els(aff->v, first, n);
if (!aff->v)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
return aff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_add_dims(__isl_take isl_aff *aff,
enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned n)
unsigned pos;
pos = isl_aff_dim(aff, type);
return isl_aff_insert_dims(aff, type, pos, n);
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *isl_pw_aff_add_dims(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff,
enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned n)
unsigned pos;
pos = isl_pw_aff_dim(pwaff, type);
return isl_pw_aff_insert_dims(pwaff, type, pos, n);
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *isl_pw_aff_from_aff(__isl_take isl_aff *aff)
isl_set *dom = isl_set_universe(isl_aff_get_domain_space(aff));
return isl_pw_aff_alloc(dom, aff);
#undef PW
#define PW isl_pw_aff
#undef EL
#define EL isl_aff
#undef EL_IS_ZERO
#define EL_IS_ZERO is_empty
#undef ZERO
#define ZERO empty
#undef IS_ZERO
#define IS_ZERO is_empty
#undef FIELD
#define FIELD aff
#define NO_EVAL
#define NO_OPT
#define NO_MOVE_DIMS
#define NO_LIFT
#define NO_MORPH
#include <isl_pw_templ.c>
static __isl_give isl_set *align_params_pw_pw_set_and(
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1, __isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2,
__isl_give isl_set *(*fn)(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2))
if (!pwaff1 || !pwaff2)
goto error;
if (isl_space_match(pwaff1->dim, isl_dim_param,
pwaff2->dim, isl_dim_param))
return fn(pwaff1, pwaff2);
if (!isl_space_has_named_params(pwaff1->dim) ||
isl_die(isl_pw_aff_get_ctx(pwaff1), isl_error_invalid,
"unaligned unnamed parameters", goto error);
pwaff1 = isl_pw_aff_align_params(pwaff1, isl_pw_aff_get_space(pwaff2));
pwaff2 = isl_pw_aff_align_params(pwaff2, isl_pw_aff_get_space(pwaff1));
return fn(pwaff1, pwaff2);
return NULL;
/* Compute a piecewise quasi-affine expression with a domain that
* is the union of those of pwaff1 and pwaff2 and such that on each
* cell, the quasi-affine expression is the better (according to cmp)
* of those of pwaff1 and pwaff2. If only one of pwaff1 or pwaff2
* is defined on a given cell, then the associated expression
* is the defined one.
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *pw_aff_union_opt(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2,
__isl_give isl_basic_set *(*cmp)(__isl_take isl_aff *aff1,
__isl_take isl_aff *aff2))
int i, j, n;
isl_pw_aff *res;
isl_ctx *ctx;
isl_set *set;
if (!pwaff1 || !pwaff2)
goto error;
ctx = isl_space_get_ctx(pwaff1->dim);
if (!isl_space_is_equal(pwaff1->dim, pwaff2->dim))
isl_die(ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"arguments should live in same space", goto error);
if (isl_pw_aff_is_empty(pwaff1)) {
return pwaff2;
if (isl_pw_aff_is_empty(pwaff2)) {
return pwaff1;
n = 2 * (pwaff1->n + 1) * (pwaff2->n + 1);
res = isl_pw_aff_alloc_size(isl_space_copy(pwaff1->dim), n);
for (i = 0; i < pwaff1->n; ++i) {
set = isl_set_copy(pwaff1->p[i].set);
for (j = 0; j < pwaff2->n; ++j) {
struct isl_set *common;
isl_set *better;
common = isl_set_intersect(
better = isl_set_from_basic_set(cmp(
better = isl_set_intersect(common, better);
if (isl_set_plain_is_empty(better)) {
set = isl_set_subtract(set, isl_set_copy(better));
res = isl_pw_aff_add_piece(res, better,
res = isl_pw_aff_add_piece(res, set,
for (j = 0; j < pwaff2->n; ++j) {
set = isl_set_copy(pwaff2->p[j].set);
for (i = 0; i < pwaff1->n; ++i)
set = isl_set_subtract(set,
res = isl_pw_aff_add_piece(res, set,
return res;
return NULL;
/* Compute a piecewise quasi-affine expression with a domain that
* is the union of those of pwaff1 and pwaff2 and such that on each
* cell, the quasi-affine expression is the maximum of those of pwaff1
* and pwaff2. If only one of pwaff1 or pwaff2 is defined on a given
* cell, then the associated expression is the defined one.
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *pw_aff_union_max(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return pw_aff_union_opt(pwaff1, pwaff2, &isl_aff_ge_basic_set);
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *isl_pw_aff_union_max(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return isl_pw_aff_align_params_pw_pw_and(pwaff1, pwaff2,
/* Compute a piecewise quasi-affine expression with a domain that
* is the union of those of pwaff1 and pwaff2 and such that on each
* cell, the quasi-affine expression is the minimum of those of pwaff1
* and pwaff2. If only one of pwaff1 or pwaff2 is defined on a given
* cell, then the associated expression is the defined one.
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *pw_aff_union_min(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return pw_aff_union_opt(pwaff1, pwaff2, &isl_aff_le_basic_set);
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *isl_pw_aff_union_min(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return isl_pw_aff_align_params_pw_pw_and(pwaff1, pwaff2,
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *isl_pw_aff_union_opt(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2, int max)
if (max)
return isl_pw_aff_union_max(pwaff1, pwaff2);
return isl_pw_aff_union_min(pwaff1, pwaff2);
/* Construct a map with as domain the domain of pwaff and
* one-dimensional range corresponding to the affine expressions.
static __isl_give isl_map *map_from_pw_aff(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff)
int i;
isl_space *dim;
isl_map *map;
if (!pwaff)
return NULL;
dim = isl_pw_aff_get_space(pwaff);
map = isl_map_empty(dim);
for (i = 0; i < pwaff->n; ++i) {
isl_basic_map *bmap;
isl_map *map_i;
bmap = isl_basic_map_from_aff(isl_aff_copy(pwaff->p[i].aff));
map_i = isl_map_from_basic_map(bmap);
map_i = isl_map_intersect_domain(map_i,
map = isl_map_union_disjoint(map, map_i);
return map;
/* Construct a map with as domain the domain of pwaff and
* one-dimensional range corresponding to the affine expressions.
__isl_give isl_map *isl_map_from_pw_aff(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff)
if (isl_space_is_set(pwaff->dim))
isl_die(isl_pw_aff_get_ctx(pwaff), isl_error_invalid,
"space of input is not a map",
return isl_pw_aff_free(pwaff));
return map_from_pw_aff(pwaff);
/* Construct a one-dimensional set with as parameter domain
* the domain of pwaff and the single set dimension
* corresponding to the affine expressions.
__isl_give isl_set *isl_set_from_pw_aff(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff)
if (!pwaff)
return NULL;
if (!isl_space_is_set(pwaff->dim))
isl_die(isl_pw_aff_get_ctx(pwaff), isl_error_invalid,
"space of input is not a set",
return isl_pw_aff_free(pwaff));
return map_from_pw_aff(pwaff);
/* Return a set containing those elements in the domain
* of pwaff where it is non-negative.
__isl_give isl_set *isl_pw_aff_nonneg_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff)
int i;
isl_set *set;
if (!pwaff)
return NULL;
set = isl_set_empty(isl_pw_aff_get_domain_space(pwaff));
for (i = 0; i < pwaff->n; ++i) {
isl_basic_set *bset;
isl_set *set_i;
bset = isl_aff_nonneg_basic_set(isl_aff_copy(pwaff->p[i].aff));
set_i = isl_set_from_basic_set(bset);
set_i = isl_set_intersect(set_i, isl_set_copy(pwaff->p[i].set));
set = isl_set_union_disjoint(set, set_i);
return set;
/* Return a set containing those elements in the domain
* of pwaff where it is zero.
__isl_give isl_set *isl_pw_aff_zero_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff)
int i;
isl_set *set;
if (!pwaff)
return NULL;
set = isl_set_empty(isl_pw_aff_get_domain_space(pwaff));
for (i = 0; i < pwaff->n; ++i) {
isl_basic_set *bset;
isl_set *set_i;
bset = isl_aff_zero_basic_set(isl_aff_copy(pwaff->p[i].aff));
set_i = isl_set_from_basic_set(bset);
set_i = isl_set_intersect(set_i, isl_set_copy(pwaff->p[i].set));
set = isl_set_union_disjoint(set, set_i);
return set;
/* Return a set containing those elements in the domain
* of pwaff where it is not zero.
__isl_give isl_set *isl_pw_aff_non_zero_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff)
return isl_set_complement(isl_pw_aff_zero_set(pwaff));
/* Return a set containing those elements in the shared domain
* of pwaff1 and pwaff2 where pwaff1 is greater than (or equal) to pwaff2.
* We compute the difference on the shared domain and then construct
* the set of values where this difference is non-negative.
* If strict is set, we first subtract 1 from the difference.
* If equal is set, we only return the elements where pwaff1 and pwaff2
* are equal.
static __isl_give isl_set *pw_aff_gte_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2, int strict, int equal)
isl_set *set1, *set2;
set1 = isl_pw_aff_domain(isl_pw_aff_copy(pwaff1));
set2 = isl_pw_aff_domain(isl_pw_aff_copy(pwaff2));
set1 = isl_set_intersect(set1, set2);
pwaff1 = isl_pw_aff_intersect_domain(pwaff1, isl_set_copy(set1));
pwaff2 = isl_pw_aff_intersect_domain(pwaff2, isl_set_copy(set1));
pwaff1 = isl_pw_aff_add(pwaff1, isl_pw_aff_neg(pwaff2));
if (strict) {
isl_space *dim = isl_set_get_space(set1);
isl_aff *aff;
aff = isl_aff_zero_on_domain(isl_local_space_from_space(dim));
aff = isl_aff_add_constant_si(aff, -1);
pwaff1 = isl_pw_aff_add(pwaff1, isl_pw_aff_alloc(set1, aff));
} else
if (equal)
return isl_pw_aff_zero_set(pwaff1);
return isl_pw_aff_nonneg_set(pwaff1);
/* Return a set containing those elements in the shared domain
* of pwaff1 and pwaff2 where pwaff1 is equal to pwaff2.
static __isl_give isl_set *pw_aff_eq_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return pw_aff_gte_set(pwaff1, pwaff2, 0, 1);
__isl_give isl_set *isl_pw_aff_eq_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return align_params_pw_pw_set_and(pwaff1, pwaff2, &pw_aff_eq_set);
/* Return a set containing those elements in the shared domain
* of pwaff1 and pwaff2 where pwaff1 is greater than or equal to pwaff2.
static __isl_give isl_set *pw_aff_ge_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return pw_aff_gte_set(pwaff1, pwaff2, 0, 0);
__isl_give isl_set *isl_pw_aff_ge_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return align_params_pw_pw_set_and(pwaff1, pwaff2, &pw_aff_ge_set);
/* Return a set containing those elements in the shared domain
* of pwaff1 and pwaff2 where pwaff1 is strictly greater than pwaff2.
static __isl_give isl_set *pw_aff_gt_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return pw_aff_gte_set(pwaff1, pwaff2, 1, 0);
__isl_give isl_set *isl_pw_aff_gt_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return align_params_pw_pw_set_and(pwaff1, pwaff2, &pw_aff_gt_set);
__isl_give isl_set *isl_pw_aff_le_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return isl_pw_aff_ge_set(pwaff2, pwaff1);
__isl_give isl_set *isl_pw_aff_lt_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return isl_pw_aff_gt_set(pwaff2, pwaff1);
/* Return a set containing those elements in the shared domain
* of the elements of list1 and list2 where each element in list1
* has the relation specified by "fn" with each element in list2.
static __isl_give isl_set *pw_aff_list_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *list1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *list2,
__isl_give isl_set *(*fn)(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2))
int i, j;
isl_ctx *ctx;
isl_set *set;
if (!list1 || !list2)
goto error;
ctx = isl_pw_aff_list_get_ctx(list1);
if (list1->n < 1 || list2->n < 1)
isl_die(ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"list should contain at least one element", goto error);
set = isl_set_universe(isl_pw_aff_get_domain_space(list1->p[0]));
for (i = 0; i < list1->n; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < list2->n; ++j) {
isl_set *set_ij;
set_ij = fn(isl_pw_aff_copy(list1->p[i]),
set = isl_set_intersect(set, set_ij);
return set;
return NULL;
/* Return a set containing those elements in the shared domain
* of the elements of list1 and list2 where each element in list1
* is equal to each element in list2.
__isl_give isl_set *isl_pw_aff_list_eq_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *list1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *list2)
return pw_aff_list_set(list1, list2, &isl_pw_aff_eq_set);
__isl_give isl_set *isl_pw_aff_list_ne_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *list1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *list2)
return pw_aff_list_set(list1, list2, &isl_pw_aff_ne_set);
/* Return a set containing those elements in the shared domain
* of the elements of list1 and list2 where each element in list1
* is less than or equal to each element in list2.
__isl_give isl_set *isl_pw_aff_list_le_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *list1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *list2)
return pw_aff_list_set(list1, list2, &isl_pw_aff_le_set);
__isl_give isl_set *isl_pw_aff_list_lt_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *list1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *list2)
return pw_aff_list_set(list1, list2, &isl_pw_aff_lt_set);
__isl_give isl_set *isl_pw_aff_list_ge_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *list1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *list2)
return pw_aff_list_set(list1, list2, &isl_pw_aff_ge_set);
__isl_give isl_set *isl_pw_aff_list_gt_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *list1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *list2)
return pw_aff_list_set(list1, list2, &isl_pw_aff_gt_set);
/* Return a set containing those elements in the shared domain
* of pwaff1 and pwaff2 where pwaff1 is not equal to pwaff2.
static __isl_give isl_set *pw_aff_ne_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
isl_set *set_lt, *set_gt;
set_lt = isl_pw_aff_lt_set(isl_pw_aff_copy(pwaff1),
set_gt = isl_pw_aff_gt_set(pwaff1, pwaff2);
return isl_set_union_disjoint(set_lt, set_gt);
__isl_give isl_set *isl_pw_aff_ne_set(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return align_params_pw_pw_set_and(pwaff1, pwaff2, &pw_aff_ne_set);
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *isl_pw_aff_scale_down(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff,
isl_int v)
int i;
if (isl_int_is_one(v))
return pwaff;
if (!isl_int_is_pos(v))
isl_die(isl_pw_aff_get_ctx(pwaff), isl_error_invalid,
"factor needs to be positive",
return isl_pw_aff_free(pwaff));
pwaff = isl_pw_aff_cow(pwaff);
if (!pwaff)
return NULL;
if (pwaff->n == 0)
return pwaff;
for (i = 0; i < pwaff->n; ++i) {
pwaff->p[i].aff = isl_aff_scale_down(pwaff->p[i].aff, v);
if (!pwaff->p[i].aff)
return isl_pw_aff_free(pwaff);
return pwaff;
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *isl_pw_aff_floor(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff)
int i;
pwaff = isl_pw_aff_cow(pwaff);
if (!pwaff)
return NULL;
if (pwaff->n == 0)
return pwaff;
for (i = 0; i < pwaff->n; ++i) {
pwaff->p[i].aff = isl_aff_floor(pwaff->p[i].aff);
if (!pwaff->p[i].aff)
return isl_pw_aff_free(pwaff);
return pwaff;
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *isl_pw_aff_ceil(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff)
int i;
pwaff = isl_pw_aff_cow(pwaff);
if (!pwaff)
return NULL;
if (pwaff->n == 0)
return pwaff;
for (i = 0; i < pwaff->n; ++i) {
pwaff->p[i].aff = isl_aff_ceil(pwaff->p[i].aff);
if (!pwaff->p[i].aff)
return isl_pw_aff_free(pwaff);
return pwaff;
/* Return an affine expression that is equal to pwaff_true for elements
* in "cond" and to pwaff_false for elements not in "cond".
* That is, return cond ? pwaff_true : pwaff_false;
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *isl_pw_aff_cond(__isl_take isl_set *cond,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff_true, __isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff_false)
isl_set *comp;
comp = isl_set_complement(isl_set_copy(cond));
pwaff_true = isl_pw_aff_intersect_domain(pwaff_true, cond);
pwaff_false = isl_pw_aff_intersect_domain(pwaff_false, comp);
return isl_pw_aff_add_disjoint(pwaff_true, pwaff_false);
int isl_aff_is_cst(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff)
if (!aff)
return -1;
return isl_seq_first_non_zero(aff->v->el + 2, aff->v->size - 2) == -1;
/* Check whether pwaff is a piecewise constant.
int isl_pw_aff_is_cst(__isl_keep isl_pw_aff *pwaff)
int i;
if (!pwaff)
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < pwaff->n; ++i) {
int is_cst = isl_aff_is_cst(pwaff->p[i].aff);
if (is_cst < 0 || !is_cst)
return is_cst;
return 1;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_mul(__isl_take isl_aff *aff1,
__isl_take isl_aff *aff2)
if (!isl_aff_is_cst(aff2) && isl_aff_is_cst(aff1))
return isl_aff_mul(aff2, aff1);
if (!isl_aff_is_cst(aff2))
isl_die(isl_aff_get_ctx(aff1), isl_error_invalid,
"at least one affine expression should be constant",
goto error);
aff1 = isl_aff_cow(aff1);
if (!aff1 || !aff2)
goto error;
aff1 = isl_aff_scale(aff1, aff2->v->el[1]);
aff1 = isl_aff_scale_down(aff1, aff2->v->el[0]);
return aff1;
return NULL;
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *pw_aff_add(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return isl_pw_aff_on_shared_domain(pwaff1, pwaff2, &isl_aff_add);
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *isl_pw_aff_add(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return isl_pw_aff_align_params_pw_pw_and(pwaff1, pwaff2, &pw_aff_add);
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *isl_pw_aff_union_add(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return isl_pw_aff_union_add_(pwaff1, pwaff2);
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *pw_aff_mul(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return isl_pw_aff_on_shared_domain(pwaff1, pwaff2, &isl_aff_mul);
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *isl_pw_aff_mul(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return isl_pw_aff_align_params_pw_pw_and(pwaff1, pwaff2, &pw_aff_mul);
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *pw_aff_min(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
isl_set *le;
le = isl_pw_aff_le_set(isl_pw_aff_copy(pwaff1),
return isl_pw_aff_cond(le, pwaff1, pwaff2);
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *isl_pw_aff_min(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return isl_pw_aff_align_params_pw_pw_and(pwaff1, pwaff2, &pw_aff_min);
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *pw_aff_max(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
isl_set *le;
le = isl_pw_aff_ge_set(isl_pw_aff_copy(pwaff1),
return isl_pw_aff_cond(le, pwaff1, pwaff2);
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *isl_pw_aff_max(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2)
return isl_pw_aff_align_params_pw_pw_and(pwaff1, pwaff2, &pw_aff_max);
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *pw_aff_list_reduce(
__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *list,
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *(*fn)(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff1,
__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff2))
int i;
isl_ctx *ctx;
isl_pw_aff *res;
if (!list)
return NULL;
ctx = isl_pw_aff_list_get_ctx(list);
if (list->n < 1)
isl_die(ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"list should contain at least one element",
return isl_pw_aff_list_free(list));
res = isl_pw_aff_copy(list->p[0]);
for (i = 1; i < list->n; ++i)
res = fn(res, isl_pw_aff_copy(list->p[i]));
return res;
/* Return an isl_pw_aff that maps each element in the intersection of the
* domains of the elements of list to the minimal corresponding affine
* expression.
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *isl_pw_aff_list_min(__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *list)
return pw_aff_list_reduce(list, &isl_pw_aff_min);
/* Return an isl_pw_aff that maps each element in the intersection of the
* domains of the elements of list to the maximal corresponding affine
* expression.
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *isl_pw_aff_list_max(__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *list)
return pw_aff_list_reduce(list, &isl_pw_aff_max);
#undef BASE
#define BASE aff
#include <isl_multi_templ.c>
__isl_give isl_multi_aff *isl_multi_aff_add(__isl_take isl_multi_aff *maff1,
__isl_take isl_multi_aff *maff2)
int i;
isl_ctx *ctx;
maff1 = isl_multi_aff_cow(maff1);
if (!maff1 || !maff2)
goto error;
ctx = isl_multi_aff_get_ctx(maff1);
if (!isl_space_is_equal(maff1->space, maff2->space))
isl_die(ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"spaces don't match", goto error);
for (i = 0; i < maff1->n; ++i) {
maff1->p[i] = isl_aff_add(maff1->p[i],
if (!maff1->p[i])
goto error;
return maff1;
return NULL;
/* Exploit the equalities in "eq" to simplify the affine expressions.
static __isl_give isl_multi_aff *isl_multi_aff_substitute_equalities(
__isl_take isl_multi_aff *maff, __isl_take isl_basic_set *eq)
int i;
maff = isl_multi_aff_cow(maff);
if (!maff || !eq)
goto error;
for (i = 0; i < maff->n; ++i) {
maff->p[i] = isl_aff_substitute_equalities(maff->p[i],
if (!maff->p[i])
goto error;
return maff;
return NULL;
__isl_give isl_multi_aff *isl_multi_aff_scale(__isl_take isl_multi_aff *maff,
isl_int f)
int i;
maff = isl_multi_aff_cow(maff);
if (!maff)
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < maff->n; ++i) {
maff->p[i] = isl_aff_scale(maff->p[i], f);
if (!maff->p[i])
return isl_multi_aff_free(maff);
return maff;
__isl_give isl_multi_aff *isl_multi_aff_add_on_domain(__isl_keep isl_set *dom,
__isl_take isl_multi_aff *maff1, __isl_take isl_multi_aff *maff2)
maff1 = isl_multi_aff_add(maff1, maff2);
maff1 = isl_multi_aff_gist(maff1, isl_set_copy(dom));
return maff1;
int isl_multi_aff_is_empty(__isl_keep isl_multi_aff *maff)
if (!maff)
return -1;
return 0;
int isl_multi_aff_plain_is_equal(__isl_keep isl_multi_aff *maff1,
__isl_keep isl_multi_aff *maff2)
int i;
int equal;
if (!maff1 || !maff2)
return -1;
if (maff1->n != maff2->n)
return 0;
equal = isl_space_is_equal(maff1->space, maff2->space);
if (equal < 0 || !equal)
return equal;
for (i = 0; i < maff1->n; ++i) {
equal = isl_aff_plain_is_equal(maff1->p[i], maff2->p[i]);
if (equal < 0 || !equal)
return equal;
return 1;
__isl_give isl_multi_aff *isl_multi_aff_set_dim_name(
__isl_take isl_multi_aff *maff,
enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned pos, const char *s)
int i;
maff = isl_multi_aff_cow(maff);
if (!maff)
return NULL;
maff->space = isl_space_set_dim_name(maff->space, type, pos, s);
if (!maff->space)
return isl_multi_aff_free(maff);
for (i = 0; i < maff->n; ++i) {
maff->p[i] = isl_aff_set_dim_name(maff->p[i], type, pos, s);
if (!maff->p[i])
return isl_multi_aff_free(maff);
return maff;
__isl_give isl_multi_aff *isl_multi_aff_drop_dims(__isl_take isl_multi_aff *maff,
enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned first, unsigned n)
int i;
maff = isl_multi_aff_cow(maff);
if (!maff)
return NULL;
maff->space = isl_space_drop_dims(maff->space, type, first, n);
if (!maff->space)
return isl_multi_aff_free(maff);
for (i = 0; i < maff->n; ++i) {
maff->p[i] = isl_aff_drop_dims(maff->p[i], type, first, n);
if (!maff->p[i])
return isl_multi_aff_free(maff);
return maff;
#undef PW
#define PW isl_pw_multi_aff
#undef EL
#define EL isl_multi_aff
#undef EL_IS_ZERO
#define EL_IS_ZERO is_empty
#undef ZERO
#define ZERO empty
#undef IS_ZERO
#define IS_ZERO is_empty
#undef FIELD
#define FIELD maff
#define NO_NEG
#define NO_EVAL
#define NO_OPT
#define NO_MOVE_DIMS
#define NO_LIFT
#define NO_MORPH
#include <isl_pw_templ.c>
static __isl_give isl_pw_multi_aff *pw_multi_aff_add(
__isl_take isl_pw_multi_aff *pma1, __isl_take isl_pw_multi_aff *pma2)
return isl_pw_multi_aff_on_shared_domain(pma1, pma2,
__isl_give isl_pw_multi_aff *isl_pw_multi_aff_add(
__isl_take isl_pw_multi_aff *pma1, __isl_take isl_pw_multi_aff *pma2)
return isl_pw_multi_aff_align_params_pw_pw_and(pma1, pma2,
__isl_give isl_pw_multi_aff *isl_pw_multi_aff_union_add(
__isl_take isl_pw_multi_aff *pma1, __isl_take isl_pw_multi_aff *pma2)
return isl_pw_multi_aff_union_add_(pma1, pma2);
/* Construct a map mapping the domain the piecewise multi-affine expression
* to its range, with each dimension in the range equated to the
* corresponding affine expression on its cell.
__isl_give isl_map *isl_map_from_pw_multi_aff(__isl_take isl_pw_multi_aff *pma)
int i;
isl_map *map;
if (!pma)
return NULL;
map = isl_map_empty(isl_pw_multi_aff_get_space(pma));
for (i = 0; i < pma->n; ++i) {
isl_multi_aff *maff;
isl_basic_map *bmap;
isl_map *map_i;
maff = isl_multi_aff_copy(pma->p[i].maff);
bmap = isl_basic_map_from_multi_aff(maff);
map_i = isl_map_from_basic_map(bmap);
map_i = isl_map_intersect_domain(map_i,
map = isl_map_union_disjoint(map, map_i);
return map;
__isl_give isl_set *isl_set_from_pw_multi_aff(__isl_take isl_pw_multi_aff *pma)
if (!isl_space_is_set(pma->dim))
isl_die(isl_pw_multi_aff_get_ctx(pma), isl_error_invalid,
"isl_pw_multi_aff cannot be converted into an isl_set",
return isl_pw_multi_aff_free(pma));
return isl_map_from_pw_multi_aff(pma);
/* Try and create an isl_pw_multi_aff that is equivalent to the given isl_map.
* This obivously only works if the input "map" is single-valued.
* If so, we compute the lexicographic minimum of the image in the form
* of an isl_pw_multi_aff. Since the image is unique, it is equal
* to its lexicographic minimum.
* If the input is not single-valued, we produce an error.
__isl_give isl_pw_multi_aff *isl_pw_multi_aff_from_map(__isl_take isl_map *map)
int i;
int sv;
isl_pw_multi_aff *pma;
if (!map)
return NULL;
sv = isl_map_is_single_valued(map);
if (sv < 0)
goto error;
if (!sv)
isl_die(isl_map_get_ctx(map), isl_error_invalid,
"map is not single-valued", goto error);
map = isl_map_make_disjoint(map);
if (!map)
return NULL;
pma = isl_pw_multi_aff_empty(isl_map_get_space(map));
for (i = 0; i < map->n; ++i) {
isl_pw_multi_aff *pma_i;
isl_basic_map *bmap;
bmap = isl_basic_map_copy(map->p[i]);
pma_i = isl_basic_map_lexmin_pw_multi_aff(bmap);
pma = isl_pw_multi_aff_add_disjoint(pma, pma_i);
return pma;
return NULL;
__isl_give isl_pw_multi_aff *isl_pw_multi_aff_from_set(__isl_take isl_set *set)
return isl_pw_multi_aff_from_map(set);
/* Plug in "subs" for dimension "type", "pos" of "aff".
* Let i be the dimension to replace and let "subs" be of the form
* f/d
* and "aff" of the form
* (a i + g)/m
* The result is
* floor((a f + d g')/(m d))
* where g' is the result of plugging in "subs" in each of the integer
* divisions in g.
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_substitute(__isl_take isl_aff *aff,
enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned pos, __isl_keep isl_aff *subs)
isl_ctx *ctx;
isl_int v;
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff || !subs)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
ctx = isl_aff_get_ctx(aff);
if (!isl_space_is_equal(aff->ls->dim, subs->ls->dim))
isl_die(ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"spaces don't match", return isl_aff_free(aff));
if (isl_local_space_dim(subs->ls, isl_dim_div) != 0)
isl_die(ctx, isl_error_unsupported,
"cannot handle divs yet", return isl_aff_free(aff));
aff->ls = isl_local_space_substitute(aff->ls, type, pos, subs);
if (!aff->ls)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
aff->v = isl_vec_cow(aff->v);
if (!aff->v)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
pos += isl_local_space_offset(aff->ls, type);
isl_int_set(v, aff->v->el[1 + pos]);
isl_int_set_si(aff->v->el[1 + pos], 0);
isl_seq_combine(aff->v->el + 1, subs->v->el[0], aff->v->el + 1,
v, subs->v->el + 1, subs->v->size - 1);
isl_int_mul(aff->v->el[0], aff->v->el[0], subs->v->el[0]);
return aff;
/* Plug in "subs" for dimension "type", "pos" in each of the affine
* expressions in "maff".
__isl_give isl_multi_aff *isl_multi_aff_substitute(
__isl_take isl_multi_aff *maff, enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned pos,
__isl_keep isl_aff *subs)
int i;
maff = isl_multi_aff_cow(maff);
if (!maff || !subs)
return isl_multi_aff_free(maff);
if (type == isl_dim_in)
type = isl_dim_set;
for (i = 0; i < maff->n; ++i) {
maff->p[i] = isl_aff_substitute(maff->p[i], type, pos, subs);
if (!maff->p[i])
return isl_multi_aff_free(maff);
return maff;
/* Plug in "subs" for dimension "type", "pos" of "pma".
* pma is of the form
* A_i(v) -> M_i(v)
* while subs is of the form
* v' = B_j(v) -> S_j
* Each pair i,j such that C_ij = A_i \cap B_i is non-empty
* has a contribution in the result, in particular
* C_ij(S_j) -> M_i(S_j)
* Note that plugging in S_j in C_ij may also result in an empty set
* and this contribution should simply be discarded.
__isl_give isl_pw_multi_aff *isl_pw_multi_aff_substitute(
__isl_take isl_pw_multi_aff *pma, enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned pos,
__isl_keep isl_pw_aff *subs)
int i, j, n;
isl_pw_multi_aff *res;
if (!pma || !subs)
return isl_pw_multi_aff_free(pma);
n = pma->n * subs->n;
res = isl_pw_multi_aff_alloc_size(isl_space_copy(pma->dim), n);
for (i = 0; i < pma->n; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < subs->n; ++j) {
isl_set *common;
isl_multi_aff *res_ij;
common = isl_set_intersect(
common = isl_set_substitute(common,
type, pos, subs->p[j].aff);
if (isl_set_plain_is_empty(common)) {
res_ij = isl_multi_aff_substitute(
type, pos, subs->p[j].aff);
res = isl_pw_multi_aff_add_piece(res, common, res_ij);
return res;
/* Extend the local space of "dst" to include the divs
* in the local space of "src".
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_align_divs(__isl_take isl_aff *dst,
__isl_keep isl_aff *src)
isl_ctx *ctx;
int *exp1 = NULL;
int *exp2 = NULL;
isl_mat *div;
if (!src || !dst)
return isl_aff_free(dst);
ctx = isl_aff_get_ctx(src);
if (!isl_space_is_equal(src->ls->dim, dst->ls->dim))
isl_die(ctx, isl_error_invalid,
"spaces don't match", goto error);
if (src->ls->div->n_row == 0)
return dst;
exp1 = isl_alloc_array(ctx, int, src->ls->div->n_row);
exp2 = isl_alloc_array(ctx, int, dst->ls->div->n_row);
if (!exp1 || !exp2)
goto error;
div = isl_merge_divs(src->ls->div, dst->ls->div, exp1, exp2);
dst = isl_aff_expand_divs(dst, div, exp2);
return dst;
return isl_aff_free(dst);
/* Adjust the local spaces of the affine expressions in "maff"
* such that they all have the save divs.
__isl_give isl_multi_aff *isl_multi_aff_align_divs(
__isl_take isl_multi_aff *maff)
int i;
if (!maff)
return NULL;
if (maff->n == 0)
return maff;
maff = isl_multi_aff_cow(maff);
if (!maff)
return NULL;
for (i = 1; i < maff->n; ++i)
maff->p[0] = isl_aff_align_divs(maff->p[0], maff->p[i]);
for (i = 1; i < maff->n; ++i) {
maff->p[i] = isl_aff_align_divs(maff->p[i], maff->p[0]);
if (!maff->p[i])
return isl_multi_aff_free(maff);
return maff;
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_aff_lift(__isl_take isl_aff *aff)
aff = isl_aff_cow(aff);
if (!aff)
return NULL;
aff->ls = isl_local_space_lift(aff->ls);
if (!aff->ls)
return isl_aff_free(aff);
return aff;
/* Lift "maff" to a space with extra dimensions such that the result
* has no more existentially quantified variables.
* If "ls" is not NULL, then *ls is assigned the local space that lies
* at the basis of the lifting applied to "maff".
__isl_give isl_multi_aff *isl_multi_aff_lift(__isl_take isl_multi_aff *maff,
__isl_give isl_local_space **ls)
int i;
isl_space *space;
unsigned n_div;
if (ls)
*ls = NULL;
if (!maff)
return NULL;
if (maff->n == 0) {
if (ls) {
isl_space *space = isl_multi_aff_get_domain_space(maff);
*ls = isl_local_space_from_space(space);
if (!*ls)
return isl_multi_aff_free(maff);
return maff;
maff = isl_multi_aff_cow(maff);
maff = isl_multi_aff_align_divs(maff);
if (!maff)
return NULL;
n_div = isl_aff_dim(maff->p[0], isl_dim_div);
space = isl_multi_aff_get_space(maff);
space = isl_space_lift(isl_space_domain(space), n_div);
space = isl_space_extend_domain_with_range(space,
if (!space)
return isl_multi_aff_free(maff);
maff->space = space;
if (ls) {
*ls = isl_aff_get_domain_local_space(maff->p[0]);
if (!*ls)
return isl_multi_aff_free(maff);
for (i = 0; i < maff->n; ++i) {
maff->p[i] = isl_aff_lift(maff->p[i]);
if (!maff->p[i])
goto error;
return maff;
if (ls)
return isl_multi_aff_free(maff);