blob: 203432306677e1e37d178d64085b73d645c2712d [file] [log] [blame]
# source file to test assembly of mips64r2 instructions
# (assumes that mips32r2 instructions will be tested separately for mips64r2.)
.set noreorder
.set noat
# unprivileged CPU instructions
# Test macro's ability to turn "dext" into "dext", "dextm" and
# "dextu" as appropriate. Also, add some explicit tests of the
# actual instructions.
dext $2, $3, 0, 1 # dext
dext $2, $3, 0, 32 # dext
dext $2, $3, 0, 33 # dextm
dext $2, $3, 0, 64 # dextm
dext $2, $3, 31, 1 # dext
dext $2, $3, 31, 32 # dext
dext $2, $3, 31, 33 # dextm
dext $2, $3, 32, 1 # dextu
dext $2, $3, 32, 32 # dextu
dext $2, $3, 63, 1 # dextu
dextm $2, $3, 10, 44
dextu $2, $3, 42, 12
# Test macro's ability to turn "dins" into "dins", "dinsm" and
# "dinsu" as appropriate. Also, add some explicit tests of the
# non-macro instructions.
dins $2, $3, 0, 1 # dins
dins $2, $3, 0, 32 # dins
dins $2, $3, 0, 33 # dinsm
dins $2, $3, 0, 64 # dinsm
dins $2, $3, 31, 1 # dins
dins $2, $3, 31, 2 # dinsm
dins $2, $3, 31, 33 # dinsm
dins $2, $3, 32, 1 # dinsu
dins $2, $3, 32, 32 # dinsu
dins $2, $3, 63, 1 # dinsu
dinsm $2, $3, 10, 44
dinsu $2, $3, 42, 12
# This file checks that in fact HW rotate will
# be used for this arch, and checks assembly
# of the official MIPS mnemonics. (Note that disassembly
# uses the traditional "dror", "dror32" and "drorv"
# mnemonics.) Additional rotate tests are done by rol64-hw.d.
drotl $25, $10, 4 # dror32
drotr $25, $10, 4 # dror
drotl $25, $10, 36 # dror
drotr $25, $10, 36 # dror32
drotl $25, $10, $4 # neg / drorv
drotr $25, $10, $4 # drorv
drotr32 $25, $10, 4 # dror32
drotrv $25, $10, $4 # drorv
dsbh $7
dsbh $8, $10
dshd $7
dshd $8, $10
# Force at least 8 (non-delay-slot) zero bytes, to make 'objdump' print ...
.space 8