Updating the Android Rust Toolchain

Preparation (one-off)

The Rust toolchain has its own branch manifest in AOSP, named rust-toolchain. The following commands will create a repo directory (e.g. ~/rust-toolchain), initialize it with the rust-toolchain manifest, and synchronize the repository.

$ export TOOLCHAIN=~/rust-toolchain
$ mkdir $TOOLCHAIN
$ repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b rust-toolchain
$ repo sync -j16

To create a remote reference from an AOSP repo‘s prebuilts/rust directory to the rust-toolchain’s version run the following command in the AOSP tree's root:

$ git -C prebuilts/rust remote add local-toolchain $TOOLCHAIN/prebuilts/rust

Create new prebuilts

The steps below are used to build a Rust toolchain for Android. This includes fetching the latest toolchain from upstream, building it locally to confirm our extra patches apply, and uploading the source to Gerrit.

It is best to start the process with a freshly-synchronized repository.

Fetch latest upstream toolchain

$ ./toolchain/android_rust/fetch_source.py -i <issue_number> <rust_version>
# e.g. ./toolchain/android_rust/fetch_source.py 1.57.0

The fetch_source.py script has several more useful options, including support for overwriting existing branches, manually specifying the branch name, or fetching beta/nightly archives. Details are listed in the help output.

Build locally

Select a distribution directory (this is usually provided by the buildserver). For instance $TOOLCHAIN/dist:

# Optionally set DIST_DIR=$TOOLCHAIN/dist, but that is the default
$ ./toolchain/android_rust/build.py

If a patch failed to apply, first check if it was merged upstream. So far all the patches we have in patches/ we are trying to upstream, so this is the most likely cause. If it has been, use git to create a commit removing it from the patches/ directory, e.g.

pushd toolchain/android_rust
repo start update-rustc-$RUST_VERSION
git rm patches/rustc-000n-Already-merged.patch
git commit -m "Remove Foo patch that has landed upstream"

Tip: Use the same branch name as you did for rustc if you want repo tooling to help you later.

If the build seems to be going, this will take a while; switch to another task, get some coffee, etc.


Place any changes to toolchain/android_rust and toolchain/rustc into a topic, and use repo to upload as you usually would:

repo upload -t -o l=Presubmit-Ready+1
# You may need to use `-o nokeycheck` too for cargo prebuilts.

This may take a while because updates to rustc can be hefty in size. Double check the response from the server to make sure the change went through.

You‘ll need to get these changes +2’d and merged before you can proceed.

Help, Gerrit won't take my update!

First, try again. Sometimes Gerrit is just flaky and will take it on the second or third try.

If that‘s still not working, you are likely hitting a size limitation (for example, because rustc updated it’s LLVM revision, so the diff is bigger than usual). In this case, you will need to work with the build team to get them to use a “direct push” to skip gerrit's hooks. Look at the initial import bug for an example conversation about importing oversized changes.

Test Locally

To test a locally built Rust toolchain you will first need to generate a commit containing the relevant files:

$ ./toolchain/android_rust/update_prebuilts.py <archive_path> <rust_version>

The archive_path will be $TOOLCHAIN/dist/rust-dev.tar.gz by default unless the --build-name <name> option was passed to build.py, in which case the archive will be named rust-<name>.tar.gz.

Use the --branch argument to specify a name like rust-update-prebuilts-<version>-local to avoid conflicts with the branch names created with the artifacts from the build server.

This command will generate CLs in the prebuilts/rust and build/soong directories. Further changes to the files in build/soong/rust may be necessary if arguments to the compiler or crate layouts change during the update. It is important to fetch the changes to build/soong along with the prebuilt update when performing local testing.

Next, in an AOSP repository:

$ pushd prebuilts/rust
$ git fetch local-toolchain
$ git checkout local-toolchain/rust-update-prebuilts-<version_number>
$ popd
$ pushd build/soong
$ git fetch local-toolchain
$ git checkout local-toolchain/rust-update-prebuilts-<version_number>

To build all Rust sources in Android:

$ m rust

This step may trigger new warnings on existing source files. If the compiler suggests a fix apply it. Otherwise make the most reasonable looking change necessary to keep the compiler happy and rely on the original author to determine correctness during code review.

Further testing may be performed by building an Android image and booting it.

Push new prebuilts

Wait for android build to complete a green build including your changes. Find the build number of this build (it needs to have both darwin and linux targets built) and run the update_prebuilts.py script:

$ ./toolchain/android_rust/update_prebuilts.py -i <issue_number> <build_id> <rust_version>

Upload the new commits in prebuilts/rust and build/soong to Gerrit, making sure to include any necessary modifications that were discovered during local testing. It is also possible to upload the changes from rust-toolchain's copy of prebuilts/rust and the changes to build/soong from an AOSP repo.

Publish Compiler Prebuilt

Once the CL containing the new prebuilts has been merged it needs to be tagged. This tag is not used by Android, but Chrome is using it to produce an MPM of our compiler releases for their work.

These commands do not have a review step like uploading a change, so be sure that you have landed (not just uploaded) the commits from the previous step.

$ cd prebuilts/rust
$ git tag rustc-$RUST_VERSION
$ git push aosp rustc-$RUST_VERSION

The new compiler will now be automatically made available to Chrome. (Actually rolling the version of the compiler they‘re using is up to them, you don’t need to worry about that part.)

Remove previous prebuilts

Once all of these updates are landed, nobody is using the old compiler version anymore. Go ahead and remove the old compiler to save space in your colleagues' checkouts:

$ cd prebuilts/rust
$ repo start gc-rust-$OLD_RUST_VERSION
$ git rm -rf {linux-x86,darwin-x86}/$OLD_RUST_VERSION
$ git commit -m "Removing unused rustc-$OLD_RUST_VERSION"

Once that change is landed, congratulations, you're done rolling the toolchain!

Troubleshooting a Broken Sysroot Build

If the sysroot build is broken, check whether the error mentions a missing crate. If it does, there have likely been new components added to the sysroot. To address this, you will need to:

  1. Add the relevant components to STDLIB_SOURCES in toolchain/android_rust/build.py.
  2. Respin the toolchain via the process above, but with a fresh commit message noting the reason for the respin. You may want to test this locally first as more than one dependency may have been added. For local testing,
    1. Build as before, using DIST_DIR=$TOOLCHAIN/dist ./toolchain/android_rust/build.py
    2. Make a local commit with the contents of the tarball now in $DIST_DIR
    3. Go to prebuilts/rust in your Android tree and use git fetch local followed by a checkout to get it imported into your Android tree.
  3. Add the missing dependencies to prebuilts/rust/Android.bp. Except for publicly exported crates (which you're not adding right now), all modules in this file must be suffixed with .rust_sysroot to avoid confusion with user crates. Dependency edges should all be of rlib form unless depending on a publicly exported crate, in which case the dependency edge should match the type of the final product. As examples, libterm (exported) depends by dylib on libstd, but libterm.static (also exported) depends by rlib on libstd.static. libhashbrown.rust_sysroot is built only as an rlib, and is linked as an rlib everywhere it is used.

New Build Breaking Lint/Clippy Errors

New lints/clippys can cause build breakage and may require significant refactoring as the code base grows. To avoid blocking toolchain upgrades, explicitly allow the breaking lints/clippys when first upgrading the toolchain.

  1. Allow build breaking lints/clippys by adding them to the list in build/soong/rust/config/lints.go with the -A flag.
  2. If the new lint/clippy is beneficial enough to justify enable going forward, file a bug to track the refactor effort.