Update git submodules

* Update frameworks/support from branch 'androidx-master-dev'
  to cc14d0cf2aca07c9e50c5543aa6566ff6fe77680
  - Merge changes from topic "room-ksp-20200914" into androidx-master-dev
    * changes:
      Implement KspType.asTypeElement
      Update KSP to 20200914
  - Implement KspType.asTypeElement
    Added missing implementation for KspType.asTypeElement.
    I couldn't reproduce a case where KspType.declaration is not a KSClassDeclaration
    but also, the asTypeElement API requires it being a type hence it is non-null
    return type and we'll throw an exception if this happens.
    Bug: 160322705
    Test: KspTypeTest
    Change-Id: I65d3e958a8cb79a19223b9cd9c2881809dfe84a4
  - Update KSP to 20200914
    Cleaned up some code for fixed issues.
    Stopped extracting a reasonable name from errors when we have
    access to KSName. Might bring back later but right now it adds
    complexity that we don't need. (b/168639183)
    Added checks to ensure KSTypeReference/KSTypeArgument .type is
    not nullable. It will later change in KSP API and having it now
    simplifies our logic.
    Bug: 168639183
    Bug: 160322705
    Test: existing tests
    Change-Id: I66cd4bfe2cd68e0a752f3ee9b98b7d4c2efb6c82

* Update prebuilts/androidx/external from branch 'androidx-master-dev'
  to f24cc17602321ddc21b6f1c949b2f5393f0edf1d
  - Merge "Update KSP to 20200914" into androidx-master-dev
  - Update KSP to 20200914
    Bug: 160322705
    Test: existing tests
    Change-Id: I968c34994a244b2a046b2d66c3d6460373ae22ea
2 files changed