Update git submodules

* Update frameworks/support from branch 'androidx-master-dev'
  to 2ee5e018db517e96cd9abaa53f40a2ef1cc6b247
  - Merge "Enforce java warnings for android library test code" into androidx-master-dev
  - Enforce java warnings for android library test code
    Due to an oversight, we did not enforce java warnings on test code
    in android libraries (we did for java libraries). This change fixes
    that problem and fixes/suppresses existing issues.
    Test: ./gradlew assembleAndroidTest -Pandroidx.allWarningsAsErrors=true -Pandroidx.validateNoUnrecognizedMessages
    Change-Id: I57f3eb50c9d4e8894015491e73c3d03a5b4a4489
1 file changed