Update git submodules

* Update frameworks/support from branch 'androidx-master-dev'
  to 85bb9495c26deaec8dadf5447ce75aa8f38f360c
  - Merge "Address API council feedback on compose graphics APIs" into androidx-master-dev
  - Address API council feedback on compose
    graphics APIs
    Relnote: "--Updated DrawScope APIs with scoped
    transformation methods to indicate that the
    transformation is only applied within the
    callback and removed after the callback is invoked
    --Updated clipPath documentation to refer to Path
    instead of rounded rectangle
    --Fixed spacing in documentation for right parameter
    in clipPath
    --Renamed DrawScope.drawCanvas to drawIntoCanvas and
    removed size parameter
    --Renamed dx/dy parameters in inset method to
    horizontal and vertical
    --Added inset overload that provides the same
    inset value to all 4 bounds
    --Removed documentation on inset method indicating
    that inset would be applied to all 4 sides
    --Updated documentation for Rect class
    --Updated comments on Rect parameters to match kdoc
    --Removed Rect.join and Rect.expandToInclude
    --Created overload for Rect.translate(offset) and
    deprecated Rect.shift"
    Updated all compose usages to use non-deprecated
    Fixes: 167737376
    Test: Re-ran compose tests and added DrawScope tests
    for new inset APIs
    Change-Id: If086a1610e1bff12482897852d45cba075dcb4a1
1 file changed