Update git submodules

* Update frameworks/support from branch 'androidx-master-dev'
  to fe6f6f3ddf5e637587e069ee7f46025b29e381bd
  - Merge "Add camera switching to the CameraPipe test app" into androidx-master-dev
  - Add camera switching to the CameraPipe test app
    This change is a refactor of the CameraPipe test app with the primary
    goal of cleaning up the ui (To keep the main activity small) and to add
    support for cycling through all of the available cameras on the device.
    * Added CameraPipeUi to inflate and parse out major UI components
    * Modify activity_main.xml to add switch, capture, and info buttons.
    * Adjust the layout to consume window insets for layout.
    * Adjust the simple camera implementation to open a specific CameraId
    * Modify the main activity to track the most recent camera and cycle
      through these cameras.
    Test: Installed and cycled cameras on several devices.
    Change-Id: I5a2dbd3a2f44ebae4837f37a15a6cdf7b1f03634
1 file changed