| { |
| "testbed": [{ |
| "name": "<your testbed name>", |
| "AndroidDevice": ["<your device serial number>"], |
| "bug_report": 1, |
| "RetailAccessPoints": ["<your ap configuration. see class definition in wifi_retail_ap.py>"], |
| "Attenuator": ["<your attenuator configuration. see attenuator class definition>"], |
| "main_network": { |
| "<your network name>": { |
| "SSID": "<your SSID>", |
| "password": "<your key>", |
| "BSSID": "<your BSSID>" |
| }, |
| "<your other network names>": { |
| "SSID": "<your SSID>", |
| "password": "<your key>", |
| "BSSID": "<your BSSID>" |
| } |
| }, |
| "IPerfServer": ["<your iperf server configuation. see class definition in iperf_server>"], |
| "testbed_params": { |
| "default_region": "<default access point region to run tests in. This will be used for all non DFS channels>", |
| "DFS_region": "<access point region to run DFS tests in>", |
| "iperf_server_address": "<ip address of iperf server generating or accepting test traffic>", |
| "fixed_attenuation": {"<your channel number 1>": "<your testbed attenuation on this channel>", "<your channel number 2>": "<your testbed attenuation on this channel>"}, |
| "dut_front_end_loss": {"<your channel number 1>": "<your DUT front end loss on this channel>", "<your channel number 2>": "<your DUT front end loss on this channel>"}, |
| "ap_tx_power": {"<your channel number 1>": "<your access point transmit power on this channel>", "<your channel number 2>": "<your access point transmit power on this channel>"}, |
| "golden_results_path": "<your full path to golden results used for pass fail check>" |
| } |
| } |
| ], |
| "rvr_test_params":{ |
| "country_code": "<device country code to set during rvr tests>", |
| "iperf_duration": 30, |
| "iperf_ignored_interval": 2, |
| "UDP_rates": {"VHT20": "<throughput to transmit in this mode>", "VHT40": "<throughput to transmit in this mode>", "VHT80": "<throughput to transmit in this mode>"}, |
| "rvr_atten_start": 20, |
| "rvr_atten_stop": 30, |
| "rvr_atten_step": 5, |
| "pct_tolerance": 5, |
| "abs_tolerance": 5, |
| "failure_count_tolerance": 1 |
| }, |
| "rssi_test_params":{ |
| "country_code": "<device country code to set during rvr tests>", |
| "rssi_vs_atten_start": 20, |
| "rssi_vs_atten_stop": 80, |
| "rssi_vs_atten_step": 1, |
| "rssi_vs_atten_connected_measurements": 10, |
| "rssi_vs_atten_scan_measurements": 0, |
| "rssi_vs_atten_metrics": ["signal_poll_rssi", "scan_rssi", "chain_0_rssi", "chain_1_rssi"], |
| "rssi_stability_atten": [20, 55], |
| "rssi_stability_duration": 10, |
| "rssi_tracking_waveforms": [{"atten_levels": [40, 61, 40], "step_size": 1, "step_duration": 1, "repetitions":1}], |
| "polling_frequency": 0.25, |
| "abs_tolerance": 2.5, |
| "stdev_tolerance": 1 |
| }, |
| "throughput_stability_test_params":{ |
| "country_code": "<device country code to set during rvr tests>", |
| "iperf_duration": 30, |
| "iperf_ignored_interval": 5, |
| "UDP_rates": {"VHT20": "200M", "VHT40": "400M", "VHT80": "700M"}, |
| "low_rssi_backoff_from_range": 10, |
| "min_throughput_threshold": 75, |
| "std_deviation_threshold": 5 |
| |
| }, |
| "ping_test_params":{ |
| "country_code": "<device country code to set during rvr tests>", |
| "ping_size": 64, |
| "range_ping_duration": 1, |
| "range_ping_interval": 0.002, |
| "range_atten_start": 60, |
| "range_atten_step": 1, |
| "range_atten_stop": 70, |
| "range_ping_loss_threshold": 25, |
| "range_gap_threshold": 2, |
| "rtt_ping_duration": 30, |
| "rtt_ping_interval": {"fast": 0.002, "slow": 0.5}, |
| "rtt_ignored_interval": 0.15, |
| "rtt_test_attenuation": [20, 50], |
| "rtt_test_percentile": 5, |
| "rtt_threshold": 0.2, |
| "rtt_std_deviation_threshold": 5 |
| }, |
| "logpath": "<path to logs>", |
| "testpaths": ["<path to ACTS root folder>/tools/test/connectivity/acts_tests/tests/google/wifi"] |
| } |