Android Studio 3.0
Only allow one visibility monitor for a window.

Currently, ContextMonitor.processEvent can cause many
WindowVisibilityMonitor instances to be added to a given window.  This
is generally wasteful, and the worst case can cause window events to
overflow the stack (when AWTEventMulticaster has a recursive implementation).

Test: Locally.  Before this change, I can see many
AWTEventMulticaster.windowDeactivated frames (10 out of 12 include
WindowVisibilityMonitor).  Including this change there is only one.

Change-Id: I29b042e0d693c999f8d2fb89ffb9458cb3544fd5
1 file changed
tree: 683890140c113fad3c5e24841133df458bef4541
  1. fest-swing/
  2. fest-swing-junit/
  3. fest-swing-junit-4.3.1/
  4. fest-swing-junit-4.5/
  5. fest-swing-testng/

This project provides a simple and intuitive API for functional testing of Swing user interfaces, resulting in tests that are compact, easy to write, and read like a specification. Tests written using FEST-Swing are also robust. FEST simulates actual user gestures at the operating system level, ensuring that the application will behave correctly in front of the user. It also provides a reliable mechanism for GUI component lookup that ensures that changes in the GUI's layout or look-and-feel will not break your tests.

For more details please visit FEST's home page.