| // Copyright 2024 Google LLC |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| /// |
| /// This crate is a wrapper for hostapd C library. |
| /// |
| /// Hostapd process is managed by a separate thread. |
| /// |
| /// hostapd.conf file is generated under discovery directory. |
| /// |
| use bytes::Bytes; |
| use log::warn; |
| use std::collections::HashMap; |
| use std::ffi::{c_char, c_int, CStr, CString}; |
| use std::fs::File; |
| use std::io::{BufWriter, Write}; |
| #[cfg(unix)] |
| use std::os::fd::IntoRawFd; |
| #[cfg(windows)] |
| use std::os::windows::io::IntoRawSocket; |
| use std::path::PathBuf; |
| use std::sync::{mpsc, Arc, OnceLock, RwLock}; |
| use std::thread::{self, sleep}; |
| use std::time::Duration; |
| use tokio::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt}; |
| use tokio::net::{ |
| tcp::{OwnedReadHalf, OwnedWriteHalf}, |
| TcpListener, TcpStream, |
| }; |
| use tokio::runtime::Runtime; |
| use tokio::sync::Mutex; |
| |
| use crate::hostapd_sys::{ |
| run_hostapd_main, set_virtio_ctrl_sock, set_virtio_sock, VIRTIO_WIFI_CTRL_CMD_TERMINATE, |
| }; |
| |
| /// Alias for RawFd on Unix or RawSocket on Windows (converted to i32) |
| type RawDescriptor = i32; |
| |
| // TODO: Use a (global netsimd) tokio runtime from caller |
| static HOSTAPD_RUNTIME: OnceLock<Arc<Runtime>> = OnceLock::new(); |
| |
| pub struct Hostapd { |
| // TODO: update to tokio based RwLock when usages are async |
| handle: RwLock<Option<thread::JoinHandle<()>>>, |
| verbose: bool, |
| config: HashMap<String, String>, |
| config_path: PathBuf, |
| data_writer: Option<Mutex<OwnedWriteHalf>>, |
| ctrl_writer: Option<Mutex<OwnedWriteHalf>>, |
| tx_bytes: mpsc::Sender<Bytes>, |
| } |
| |
| impl Hostapd { |
| pub fn new(tx_bytes: mpsc::Sender<Bytes>, verbose: bool, config_path: PathBuf) -> Self { |
| // Default Hostapd conf entries |
| let config_data = vec![ |
| ("ssid", "AndroidWifi"), |
| ("interface", "wlan1"), |
| ("driver", "virtio_wifi"), |
| ("bssid", "00:13:10:95:fe:0b"), |
| ("country_code", "US"), |
| ("hw_mode", "g"), |
| ("channel", "8"), |
| ("beacon_int", "1000"), |
| ("dtim_period", "2"), |
| ("max_num_sta", "255"), |
| ("rts_threshold", "2347"), |
| ("fragm_threshold", "2346"), |
| ("macaddr_acl", "0"), |
| ("auth_algs", "3"), |
| ("ignore_broadcast_ssid", "0"), |
| ("wmm_enabled", "0"), |
| ("ieee80211n", "1"), |
| ("eapol_key_index_workaround", "0"), |
| ]; |
| let mut config: HashMap<String, String> = HashMap::new(); |
| config.extend(config_data.into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.to_string(), v.to_string()))); |
| |
| Hostapd { |
| handle: RwLock::new(None), |
| verbose, |
| config, |
| config_path, |
| data_writer: None, |
| ctrl_writer: None, |
| tx_bytes, |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Start hostapd main process and pass responses to netsim |
| /// The "hostapd" thread manages the C hostapd process by running "run_hostapd_main" |
| /// The "hostapd_response" thread manages traffic between hostapd and netsim |
| /// |
| /// TODO: |
| /// * update as async fn. |
| pub fn run(&mut self) -> bool { |
| // Check if already running |
| assert!(!self.is_running(), "hostapd is already running!"); |
| // Setup config file |
| self.gen_config_file().unwrap_or_else(|_| { |
| panic!("Failed to generate config file: {:?}.", self.config_path.display()) |
| }); |
| |
| // Setup Sockets |
| let (ctrl_listener, _ctrl_reader, ctrl_writer) = |
| Self::create_pipe().expect("Failed to create ctrl pipe"); |
| self.ctrl_writer = Some(Mutex::new(ctrl_writer)); |
| let (data_listener, data_reader, data_writer) = |
| Self::create_pipe().expect("Failed to create data pipe"); |
| self.data_writer = Some(Mutex::new(data_writer)); |
| |
| // Start hostapd thread |
| let verbose = self.verbose; |
| let config_path = self.config_path.to_string_lossy().into_owned(); |
| *self.handle.write().unwrap() = Some( |
| thread::Builder::new() |
| .name("hostapd".to_string()) |
| .spawn(move || Self::hostapd_thread(verbose, config_path)) |
| .expect("Failed to spawn Hostapd thread"), |
| ); |
| |
| // Start hostapd response thread |
| let tx_bytes = self.tx_bytes.clone(); |
| let _ = thread::Builder::new() |
| .name("hostapd_response".to_string()) |
| .spawn(move || { |
| Self::hostapd_response_thread(data_listener, ctrl_listener, data_reader, tx_bytes); |
| }) |
| .expect("Failed to spawn hostapd_response thread"); |
| |
| true |
| } |
| |
| pub fn set_ssid(&mut self, _ssid: String, _password: String) -> bool { |
| todo!(); |
| } |
| |
| pub fn get_ssid(&self) -> Option<String> { |
| self.config.get("ssid").cloned() |
| } |
| |
| /// Input data packet bytes from netsim to hostapd |
| /// |
| /// TODO: |
| /// * update as async fn. |
| pub fn input(&self, bytes: Bytes) -> anyhow::Result<()> { |
| // Make sure hostapd is already running |
| assert!(self.is_running(), "Failed to send input. Hostapd is not running."); |
| get_runtime().block_on(Self::async_write(self.data_writer.as_ref().unwrap(), &bytes)) |
| } |
| |
| /// Check whether the hostapd thread is running |
| pub fn is_running(&self) -> bool { |
| let handle_lock = self.handle.read().unwrap(); |
| handle_lock.is_some() && !handle_lock.as_ref().unwrap().is_finished() |
| } |
| |
| pub fn terminate(&self) { |
| if !self.is_running() { |
| warn!("hostapd terminate() called when hostapd thread is not running"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Send terminate command to hostapd |
| if let Err(e) = get_runtime().block_on(Self::async_write( |
| self.ctrl_writer.as_ref().unwrap(), |
| c_string_to_bytes(VIRTIO_WIFI_CTRL_CMD_TERMINATE), |
| )) { |
| warn!("Failed to send VIRTIO_WIFI_CTRL_CMD_TERMINATE to hostapd to terminate: {:?}", e); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Generate hostapd.conf in discovery directory |
| fn gen_config_file(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> { |
| let conf_file = File::create(self.config_path.clone())?; // Create or overwrite the file |
| let mut writer = BufWriter::new(conf_file); |
| |
| for (key, value) in &self.config { |
| writeln!(&mut writer, "{}={}", key, value)?; |
| } |
| |
| Ok(writer.flush()?) // Ensure all data is written to the file |
| } |
| |
| /// Creates a pipe of two connected TcpStream objects |
| /// |
| /// Extracts the first stream's raw descriptor and splits the second stream as OwnedReadHalf and OwnedWriteHalf |
| /// |
| /// # Returns |
| /// |
| /// * `Ok((listener, read_half, write_half))` if the pipe creation is successful |
| /// * `Err(std::io::Error)` if an error occurs during the pipe creation. |
| fn create_pipe( |
| ) -> anyhow::Result<(RawDescriptor, OwnedReadHalf, OwnedWriteHalf), std::io::Error> { |
| let (listener, stream) = get_runtime().block_on(Self::async_create_pipe())?; |
| let listener = into_raw_descriptor(listener); |
| let (read_half, write_half) = stream.into_split(); |
| Ok((listener, read_half, write_half)) |
| } |
| |
| async fn async_create_pipe() -> anyhow::Result<(TcpStream, TcpStream), std::io::Error> { |
| let listener = TcpListener::bind("").await?; |
| let addr = listener.local_addr()?; |
| let stream = TcpStream::connect(addr).await?; |
| let (listener, _) = listener.accept().await?; |
| Ok((listener, stream)) |
| } |
| |
| async fn async_write(writer: &Mutex<OwnedWriteHalf>, data: &[u8]) -> anyhow::Result<()> { |
| let mut writer_guard = writer.lock().await; |
| writer_guard.write_all(data).await?; |
| writer_guard.flush().await?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| /// Run the C hostapd process with run_hostapd_main |
| /// |
| /// This function is meant to be spawn in a separate thread. |
| fn hostapd_thread(verbose: bool, config_path: String) { |
| let mut args = vec![CString::new("hostapd").unwrap()]; |
| if verbose { |
| args.push(CString::new("-dddd").unwrap()) |
| } |
| args.push( |
| CString::new(config_path.clone()).unwrap_or_else(|_| { |
| panic!("CString::new error on config file path: {}", config_path) |
| }), |
| ); |
| let mut argv: Vec<*const c_char> = args.iter().map(|arg| arg.as_ptr()).collect(); |
| argv.push(std::ptr::null()); |
| let argc = argv.len() as c_int - 1; |
| // Safety: we ensure that argc is length of argv and argv.as_ptr() is a valid pointer of hostapd args |
| unsafe { run_hostapd_main(argc, argv.as_ptr()) }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Sets the virtio (driver) data and control sockets |
| fn set_virtio_driver_socket( |
| data_descriptor: RawDescriptor, |
| ctrl_descriptor: RawDescriptor, |
| ) -> bool { |
| // Safety: we ensure that data_descriptor and ctrl_descriptor are valid i32 raw file descriptor or socket |
| unsafe { |
| set_virtio_sock(data_descriptor) == 0 && set_virtio_ctrl_sock(ctrl_descriptor) == 0 |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Manage reading hostapd responses and sending via tx_bytes |
| /// |
| /// The thread first attempt to set virtio driver sockets with retries unitl success. |
| /// Next the thread reads hostapd responses and writes to netsim |
| fn hostapd_response_thread( |
| data_listener: RawDescriptor, |
| ctrl_listener: RawDescriptor, |
| mut data_reader: OwnedReadHalf, |
| tx_bytes: mpsc::Sender<Bytes>, |
| ) { |
| let mut buf: [u8; 1500] = [0u8; 1500]; |
| loop { |
| if !Self::set_virtio_driver_socket(data_listener, ctrl_listener) { |
| warn!("Unable to set virtio driver socket. Retrying..."); |
| sleep(Duration::from_millis(250)); |
| continue; |
| }; |
| break; |
| } |
| loop { |
| let size = match get_runtime().block_on(async { data_reader.read(&mut buf[..]).await }) |
| { |
| Ok(size) => size, |
| Err(e) => { |
| warn!("Failed to read hostapd response: {:?}", e); |
| break; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| if let Err(e) = tx_bytes.send(Bytes::from(buf[..size].to_vec())) { |
| warn!("Failed to send hostapd packet response: {:?}", e); |
| break; |
| }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl Drop for Hostapd { |
| fn drop(&mut self) { |
| self.terminate(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Convert TcpStream to RawDescriptor (i32) |
| fn into_raw_descriptor(stream: TcpStream) -> RawDescriptor { |
| let std_stream = stream.into_std().expect("into_raw_descriptor's into_std() failed"); |
| // hostapd fd expects blocking, but rust set non-blocking for async |
| std_stream.set_nonblocking(false).expect("non-blocking"); |
| |
| // Use into_raw_fd for Unix to pass raw file descriptor to C |
| #[cfg(unix)] |
| return std_stream.into_raw_fd(); |
| |
| // Use into_raw_socket for Windows to pass raw socket to C |
| #[cfg(windows)] |
| std_stream.into_raw_socket().try_into().expect("Failed to convert Raw Socket value into i32") |
| } |
| |
| /// Convert a null terminated c-string slice into &[u8] bytes without the nul terminator |
| fn c_string_to_bytes(c_string: &[u8]) -> &[u8] { |
| CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(c_string).unwrap().to_bytes() |
| } |
| |
| /// Get or init the hostapd tokio runtime |
| /// TODO: |
| /// * make Runtime the responsibility of the caller. |
| fn get_runtime() -> &'static Arc<Runtime> { |
| HOSTAPD_RUNTIME.get_or_init(|| Arc::new(Runtime::new().unwrap())) |
| } |