blob: 2389f43df989ccd67de9f6750bdb889bfc332b63 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.FileLocator;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtension;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionPoint;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionRegistry;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
* DESCRIPTION: This class serves as an utility class containing only static methods such as getters
* for plugin attributes, plugin resources, installation path etc
* USAGE: Import this class then use the static methods.
public class PluginUtils
public static final int OS_WINDOWS = 0;
public static final int OS_LINUX = 1;
* Returns a plugin attribute using the extension as parameter.
* @param fromExtension
* the extension from which the attribute should be collected
* @param element
* the extension element
* @param attribute
* the extension attribute
* @return
* the value of the extension attribute
* @throws MotodevExtensionException if the executable cannot be created for any reason
public static Object getExecutable(String extensionId, String elementName, String executableName)
throws Exception
Object executable = null;
IExtension fromExtension = getExtension(extensionId);
if ((fromExtension != null) && (elementName != null))
IConfigurationElement[] elements = fromExtension.getConfigurationElements();
for (IConfigurationElement element : elements)
if (elementName.equals(element.getName()))
executable = element.createExecutableExtension(executableName);
catch (Exception e)
String errMsg =
new Object[]
executableName, elementName, extensionId
StudioLogger.error(PluginUtils.class, errMsg, e);
throw new Exception(errMsg, e);
return executable;
* Returns a plugin attribute using the extension as parameter.
* @param fromExtension
* the extension from which the attribute should be collected
* @param element
* the extension element
* @param attribute
* the extension attribute
* @return
* the value of the extension attribute
* @throws MotodevExtensionException if the executable cannot be created for any reason
public static Object getExecutable(String extensionId, String elementName) throws Exception
return getExecutable(extensionId, elementName, "class");
* Returns the extension using as parameters the id of the extension
* and the id of its extension point.
* @param extensionPointId
* the id of the extension point
* @param extensionId
* the id of the extension
* @return
* the extension
public static IExtension getExtension(String extensionPointId, String extensionId)
IExtensionRegistry registry = Platform.getExtensionRegistry();
IExtension extension = registry.getExtension(extensionPointId, extensionId);
return extension;
* Returns the extension using as parameter only the id of the extension.
* @param extensionId
* the id of the extension
* @return
* the extension
public static IExtension getExtension(String extensionId)
IExtensionRegistry registry = Platform.getExtensionRegistry();
IExtension extension = registry.getExtension(extensionId);
return extension;
* Returns the label for the extension (extension name) using as parameters
* the id of the extension and the id of its extension point.
* @param extensionPointId
* the id of the extension point
* @param extensionId
* the id of the extension
* @return
* the extension label
public static String getExtensionLabel(String extensionPointId, String extensionId)
IExtension extension = getExtension(extensionPointId, extensionId);
String extensionLabel;
if (extension != null)
extensionLabel = extension.getLabel();
extensionLabel = extensionId;
return extensionLabel;
* Returns the label for the extension (extension name) using as parameter only
* the id of the extension.
* @param extensionId
* the id of the extension
* @return
* the extension label
public static String getExtensionLabel(String extensionId)
IExtension extension = getExtension(extensionId);
String extensionLabel;
if (extension != null)
extensionLabel = extension.getLabel();
extensionLabel = extensionId;
return extensionLabel;
* Returns a collection of strings containing the ids of installed plugins.
* @param extensionPointId
* the id of the extension point
* @return
* a collection object containing the ids of the installed plugins
public static Collection<String> getInstalledPlugins(String extensionPointId)
IExtensionRegistry registry = Platform.getExtensionRegistry();
IExtensionPoint extensionPoint = registry.getExtensionPoint(extensionPointId);
Collection<String> pluginIds = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
if (extensionPoint != null)
for (IExtension extension : extensionPoint.getExtensions())
return pluginIds;
* Fills an array object with the ids contained in the collection object returned by
* {@link #getInstalledPlugins(String)}.
* @param extensionPointId
* the id of the extension point
* @return
* an array object containing the ids of the installed plugins
public static String[] getInstalledPluginsAsArray(String extensionPointId)
Collection<String> sampleAppPluginIds = getInstalledPlugins(extensionPointId);
String[] sampleAppPluginIdsArray = new String[sampleAppPluginIds.size()];
return sampleAppPluginIds.toArray(sampleAppPluginIdsArray);
* Retrieves the namespaces used by the platform.
* @return a collection with the namespaces used by the platform
public static Collection<String> getPlatformNamespaces()
IExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = Platform.getExtensionRegistry();
String[] namespaces = extensionRegistry.getNamespaces();
return Arrays.asList(namespaces);
* Returns a plugin attribute using the extension id and the extension point id as parameters.
* @param extensionPointId
* the id of the extension point of the exten sion
* @param extensionId
* the id of the extension
* @param element
* the extension element
* @param attribute
* the extension attribute
* @return
* the value of the extension attribute
public static String getPluginAttribute(String extensionPointId, String extensionId,
String element, String attribute)
IExtension fromPlugin = getExtension(extensionPointId, extensionId);
return getPluginAttribute(fromPlugin, element, attribute);
* Returns a plugin attribute using the extension id and the extension point id as parameters.
* @param extensionId
* the id of the extension
* @param element
* the extension element
* @param attribute
* the extension attribute
* @return
* the value of the extension attribute
public static String getPluginAttribute(String extensionId, String element, String attribute)
IExtension fromPlugin = getExtension(extensionId);
return getPluginAttribute(fromPlugin, element, attribute);
* Returns a plugin attribute using the extension as parameter.
* @param fromExtension
* the extension from which the attribute should be collected
* @param element
* the extension element
* @param attribute
* the extension attribute
* @return
* the value of the extension attribute
public static String getPluginAttribute(IExtension fromExtension, String element,
String attribute)
String attributeValue = null;
if (fromExtension != null)
IConfigurationElement[] ceArray = fromExtension.getConfigurationElements();
for (IConfigurationElement ce : ceArray)
if ((ce != null) && ce.getName().equals(element))
attributeValue = ce.getAttribute(attribute);
return attributeValue;
* @param extensionId DOCUMENT ME!
* @param element DOCUMENT ME!
* @return DOCUMENT ME!
public static Collection<Map<String, String>> getPluginAttributes(String extensionId,
String element)
IExtension fromExtension = getExtension(extensionId);
return getPluginAttributes(fromExtension, element);
* @param fromExtension DOCUMENT ME!
* @param element DOCUMENT ME!
* @return DOCUMENT ME!
public static Collection<Map<String, String>> getPluginAttributes(IExtension fromExtension,
String element)
Collection<Map<String, String>> elementValues = new LinkedHashSet<Map<String, String>>();
if (fromExtension != null)
IConfigurationElement[] ceArray = fromExtension.getConfigurationElements();
for (IConfigurationElement ce : ceArray)
if ((ce != null) && ce.getName().equals(element))
String[] attributes = ce.getAttributeNames();
if ((attributes != null) && (attributes.length > 0))
int attributesLenght = attributes.length;
Map<String, String> attributesMap =
new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(attributesLenght,
for (String attribute : attributes)
String attributeValue = ce.getAttribute(attribute);
if ((attributeValue != null) && (!attributeValue.equals("")))
attributesMap.put(attribute, attributeValue);
// only add to elementValues if all values were read correctly
if (attributesMap.size() == attributesLenght)
return elementValues;
* Returns the absolute path of installation as a file object using the plugin as parameter.
* @param plugin
* the plugin installed
* @return
* a file object pointing to the installation path of the plugin
public static File getPluginInstallationPath(Plugin plugin)
Bundle pluginBundle = plugin.getBundle();
return getPluginInstallationPath(pluginBundle);
* Returns the absolute path of installation as a file object using the ids of the extension
* and extension point as parameters.
* @param extensionPointId
* the id of the extension point
* @param extensionId
* the id of the extension
* @return
* a file object pointing to the installation path of the plugin
public static File getPluginInstallationPath(String extensionPointId, String extensionId)
IExtension extension = getExtension(extensionPointId, extensionId);
return getPluginInstallationPath(extension);
* Returns the absolute path of installation as a file object using the extension as parameter.
* @param extension
* the extension object
* @return
* a file object pointing to the installation path of the plugin
public static File getPluginInstallationPath(IExtension extension)
String pluginId = extension.getNamespaceIdentifier();
Bundle pluginBundle = Platform.getBundle(pluginId);
return getPluginInstallationPath(pluginBundle);
* Returns the absolute path of installation as a file object using the plugin bundle as parameter.
* @param pluginBundle
* the plugin bundle
* @return
* a file object pointing to the installation path of the plugin
public static File getPluginInstallationPath(Bundle pluginBundle)
//get file using FileLocator
File relativeInstalationPath = null;
relativeInstalationPath =
new File(FileLocator.toFileURL(pluginBundle.getEntry("")).getFile());
catch (IOException e)
StudioLogger.warn("Illegal state while getting plugin installation path ("
+ e.getMessage() + ").");
//if failed to get the file using FileLocator
if (relativeInstalationPath == null)
String platformPath = Platform.getInstallLocation().getURL().getPath();
String pluginPath = pluginBundle.getLocation();
int removeIndex = pluginPath.indexOf("@");
pluginPath = pluginPath.substring(removeIndex + 1);
relativeInstalationPath = new File(platformPath, pluginPath);
return FileUtil.getCanonicalFile(relativeInstalationPath);
* Returns a file object from the path: $installationPath\resource
* @param plugin
* the plugin object
* @param resource
* the plugin resource
* @return
* a file object pointing to the path of the resource
* @throws MotodevResourceNotAvailable
* throws an exception if it occurs an I/O exception with the path $installationPath\resource
public static File getPluginResource(Plugin plugin, String resource) throws Exception
File pluginPath = getPluginInstallationPath(plugin);
File resourceFile = new File(pluginPath, resource);
File canonicalFile = null;
canonicalFile = FileUtil.getCanonicalFile(resourceFile);
return canonicalFile;
* Checks if an extension is installed using the extension point id and extension id as parameters.
* @param extensionPointId
* the id of the extension point
* @param extensionId
* the id of the extension
* @return
* true if the extension is installed or false otherwise
public static boolean isInstalled(String extensionPointId, String extensionId)
return getExtension(extensionPointId, extensionId) != null;
* Checks if an extension is installed using the extension id as parameter.
* @param extensionId
* the id of the extension
* @return
* true if the extension is installed or false otherwise
public static boolean isInstalled(String extensionId)
return getExtension(extensionId) != null;
* Returns which is the OS.
* @return
* a code corresponding to the proper OS
public static int getOS()
int result = -1;
String osName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
if (osName.indexOf("linux") > -1)
result = OS_LINUX;
else if (osName.indexOf("windows") > -1)
result = OS_WINDOWS;
return result;
* Retrieves the File object representing a file stored into the
* preferences area of the given plugin
* @return the File inside the given plugin preferences area.
* @throws MotodevException if it fails to determine the preferences directory of the given plugin
public final static File getFileOnPreferenceDirectory(Plugin plugin, String filename)
throws Exception
File targetXmlFile = null;
IPath path = plugin.getStateLocation();
if (path != null)
path = path.append(filename);
targetXmlFile = path.toFile().getAbsoluteFile();
catch (IllegalStateException e)
StudioLogger.warn("Illegal state while getting file on preferences directory ("
+ e.getMessage() + ").");
if (targetXmlFile == null)
throw new AndroidException("Could use file " + filename + " on preferences plug-in "
+ plugin.getBundle().getBundleId());
return targetXmlFile;