blob: 6803a478fe08d47a5a9644dacef231ad804e86a7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collection;
import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Layout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableColumn;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem;
* <p>
* This widget displays a table with the ability of getting data asynchronously
* and showing it. Basically, while retrieving data, a Displaying info... is displayed.
* After the data is retrieved, its info is shown in the Table.
* </p>
* <p>
* To use this component, first one must implement it and at least fill in the methods
* {@link #callServiceForRetrievingDataToPopulateTable(Object)} and
* {@link #addTableData(Collection)}. The former aims to call the service and
* get its data. Note that the asynchronous process is left to this widget. The latter
* adds data to the widget´s table.
* </p>
* <p>
* When using this widget in the class, firstly is necessary to instantiate it, add its columns
* and finally call the method {@link #populateTableAsynchronously(Object)}. Note that
* the object is the parameter(s) for the service calling in method {@link #callServiceForRetrievingDataToPopulateTable(Object)};
* </p>
* <p>
* One should also note that there are several {@link Table} methods wrapped by this component.
* In case it is needed, one may add more. The {@link Table} itself is exposed by the method
* {@link #getTable()}. The only restriction that should be observed is that
* no data should be added manually, only by the method {@link #addTableData(Collection)}.
* </p>
* <p>
* For an example of this widget in action, please consult {@link DumpHPROFTable} and {@link DumpHPROFWizardPage}.
* </p>
* @param <P> Class which is the type of the Calling Page, retrieved by
* the method {@link TableWithLoadingInfo#getCallingPage()}.
* @param <E> Class which is the type of the Element list retrieved by the asynchronous
* service. This service is called by the method {@link TableWithLoadingInfo#callServiceForRetrievingDataToPopulateTable(Object)}.
* @param <V> The type of value which represents the parameter entered as a parameter
* to call the asynchronous service: {@link TableWithLoadingInfo#callServiceForRetrievingDataToPopulateTable(Object)}.
public abstract class TableWithLoadingInfo<P, E, V> extends Composite
* This thread displays the Loading info... message in the table.
private final class LoadingInfoAnimationThread extends Thread
private TableItem item;
private final Table table;
* Instantiates the Loading info message.
* @param threadName Thread name.
* @param table Table which holds the Loading Info... message.
* @param item Table item which holds the Loading Info... message.
private LoadingInfoAnimationThread(String threadName, Table table, TableItem item)
this.table = table;
this.item = item;
* Add animated text of Loading Data...
public void run()
int i = 0;
StringBuffer text;
while (!isInterrupted())
text =
new StringBuffer(animatedTextLabel != null ? animatedTextLabel
: AndroidNLS.TableWithLoadingInfo__UI_LoadingData);
for (int j = 0; j < (i % 4); j++)
text = text.append("."); //$NON-NLS-1$
final StringBuffer finalText = new StringBuffer(text);
Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable()
public void run()
// in case the item is disposed, re-create it.
if (item.isDisposed())
item = new TableItem(table, SWT.NONE);
item.setText(0, finalText.toString());
catch (InterruptedException e)
* This listener implements the functionality of deselecting all
* data from a determined table.
private class DeselectListener implements SelectionListener
Table table;
* Instantiates the Listener for deselecting all data from
* the entered table.
* @param table Table which all rows will be deselected.
public DeselectListener(Table table)
this.table = table;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e)
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e)
E elementList;
private Thread animatedText;
private String animatedTextLabel = null;
private final SelectionListener deselectionItem;
private final Table table;
private P callingPage;
* Set the page which called this widget.
* @param The page which called this widget.
public void setCallingPage(P callingPage)
this.callingPage = callingPage;
* Get the page which called this widget.
* @return The page which called this widget.
public P getCallingPage()
return callingPage;
* Get the table which is populated. It is strongly recommended that
* the insertion of data in this table should be done by the method
* {@link TableWithLoadingInfo#addTableData(Collection)}. This table
* is exposed in order to allow its customization.
* @return The table to be populated.
public Table getTable()
return table;
* Get the collection of data of this table, after the table is populated
* by calling the service asynchronously.
* @return List of elements retrieved by the service called by the method
* {@link #populateTableAsynchronously()}.
* @see TableWithLoadingInfo#callServiceForRetrievingDataToPopulateTable()
* @see TableWithLoadingInfo#populateTableAsynchronously()
public E getElementList()
return elementList;
* Set the "collection" of elements for populating this table. When this method is called,
* the Loading info... message is replaced by the list of elements to be inserted, in case
* this list is not null. If null is entered as a parameter, the Loading info...
* message is displayed.
* @param elementList The Set of elements to populate this table to set
public void populateTable(E elementList)
this.elementList = elementList;
// stop the animation
if (animatedText != null)
// populate and display the list of elements
Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable()
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
public void run()
if (!table.isDisposed())
// remove the Loading info... message
// populate the table and display the data
this.elementList = elementList;
* Instantiates a {@link Table} with Loading info component. It holds
* the composite parent the the {@link SWT} style. This constructor can
* call the method for starting the {@link Table}´s population process.
* @param parent Composite parent.
* @param style {@link SWT} style.
* @param animatedTextLabel Text to be displayed when data is being loaded.
* @param callingPage The page which called this widget.
public TableWithLoadingInfo(Composite parent, int style, String animatedTextLabel, P callingPage)
super(parent, SWT.FILL);
// create the layout
Layout layout = new GridLayout();
// add table
this.table = new Table(this, style);
this.table.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL, GridData.FILL, true, true));
// set attributes
this.animatedTextLabel = animatedTextLabel;
// instantiate listeners
deselectionItem = new DeselectListener(table);
* Remove all items from the {@link Table}.
* @see Table#removeAll()
public void removeAllTableItems()
* Add a column to the {@link Table} of this component.
* @param columnStyle Column style.
* @param tableIndex {@link Table} index where the column will be added.
* @return The added {@link TableColumn}
* @see TableColumn#TableColumn(Table, int, int)
public TableColumn addTableColumn(int columnStyle, int tableIndex)
return new TableColumn(table, columnStyle, tableIndex);
* Add a column the the {@link Table} of this component.
* @param columnStyle Column style.
* @return The added {@link TableColumn}
* @see TableColumn#TableColumn(Table, int)
public TableColumn addTableColumn(int columnStyle)
return new TableColumn(table, columnStyle);
* Add a {@link SelectionListener} to the table of this component.
* @param selectionListener Selection Listener to be added.
* @see Table#addSelectionListener(SelectionListener)
public void addTableSelectionListener(SelectionListener selectionListener)
* Get the number of selected elements in the table.
* @return Number of selected elements.
* @see Table#getSelectionCount()
public int getTableSelectionCont()
return table.getSelectionCount();
* Get the index of a selected item.
* @return Index of a selected item
* @see Table#getSelectionIndex()
public int getTableSelectionIndex()
return table.getSelectionIndex();
* The the list of selected indices.
* @return List of selection indices.
* @see Table#getSelectionIndices()
public int[] getSelectionIndices()
return table.getSelectionIndices();
* The the list of selected elements.
* @return List of selected Elements
* @see Table#getSelection()
public TableItem[] getTableSelection()
return table.getSelection();
* Get all Table Items from a {@link Table}.
* @return Array of Table Items ({@link TableItem}).
* @see Table#getItems()
public TableItem[] getTableItems()
return table.getItems();
* Get a {@link TableItem} based on its index on the {@link Table}.
* @param index Index on the table to retrieve the {@link TableItem}.
* @return Retrieved {@link TableItem}.
* @see Table#getItem(int)
public TableItem getTableItem(int index)
return table.getItem(index);
* <p>
* Marks the {@link Table}´s receiver's lines as visible if the argument is true,
* and marks it invisible otherwise. Note that some platforms draw
* grid lines while others may draw alternating row colors.
* </p>
* <p>
* If one of the receiver's ancestors is not visible or some other
* condition makes
* </p>
* @param The new visibility state.
* see {@link Table#setLinesVisible(boolean)}
public void setTableLinesVisible(boolean show)
* Makes the {@link Table}´s header visible, is <code>true</code> is set.
* Otherwise, mark it not visible.
* @param show Parameter which determines whether tha {@link Table} will be
* marked as visible. It will be so, if <code>true</code> is entered.
* @see Table#setHeaderVisible(boolean)
public void setTableHeaderVisible(boolean show)
* Get the number of selected items in a {@link Table}.
* @return Number of selected items in a {@link Table}.
* @see Table#getSelectionCount()
public int getTableSelectionCount()
return table.getSelectionCount();
* Deselect all items from a {@link Table}.
* @see Table#deselectAll()
public void deselectAllTableItems()
* Set all items entered as selected.
* @param item Items to be selected.
* @see Table#setSelection(TableItem[])
public void setTableSelection(TableItem[] item)
* This method is responsible for calling the service which will populate the {@link Table}. Note
* that no asynchronous task is to be done here. This feature is implemented by this widget. Thus,
* basically this method should simply call the service for populating the {@link Table}
* and return its data as this method´s parameter.
* @param parameters Parameters used by the service
* @return The data retrieved by the service.
protected abstract E callServiceForRetrievingDataToPopulateTable(V parameters);
* This method is responsible for adding data to the {@link Table}. Here the user has
* to worry only with inserting elements in the table. The mechanism for
* creating the Loading info... is taken care by this table implementation. The data
* in inserted in the table refereed by the object retrieved by the method {@link TableWithLoadingInfo#getTable()}.
protected abstract void addTableData(E elementList);
* This method executes needed operations after the table is populated. Here,
* thinks like {@link WizardPage#setPageComplete(boolean)} and layout wrap ups ought to be
* executed. Note that this method can be empty. Moreover, observe that this method
* can be called even if the {@link Table} is empty, because the service could not yet have been called.
* It means this method could be called twice, firstly when the Loading info... message is displayed and secondly
* when the data is retrieved from the asynchronous service and populates the table.
protected abstract void executeOperationsAfterTableIsPopulated();
* This method populates the Table asynchronously. It means, that it
* call the service implemented by the method {@link TableWithLoadingInfo#callServiceForRetrievingDataToPopulateTable(V)}
* and while nothing is retrieved, the Loading info... message is displayed. When
* the service retrieves data, its value populates the table.
* @param asynchronousServiceParameters The parameters to be passed to be
* asynchronous service which will be called.
public void populateTableAsynchronously(final V asynchronousServiceParameters)
// reset element list
elementList = null;
// populate the table with nothing
// call the service for populating the table asynchronously
Thread callServiceThread = new Thread("listPackages")
* Call the service implemented by {@link TableWithLoadingInfo#callServiceForRetrievingDataToPopulateTable(V)}
* and populate the Table in this widget.
public void run()
// retrieve the list of running processes in the device
E elementList =
// populate the table
// start thread for retrieving data and populating the table
* Populate the table with data provided by {@link TableWithLoadingInfo#addTableData()}. This method
* is responsible for creating the Loading info... within the table. In the end,
* the method {@link TableWithLoadingInfo#executeOperationsAfterTableIsPopulated()} is executed in order
* to perform operations needed after data population is performed. This method, of course, can be empty.
private synchronized void populateTable()
// add data to the table in case there are elements to do so
if (elementList != null)
// clear table
if (deselectionItem != null)
// add data to the table
// since there is no data yet retrieve, add the animation
// add listeners
// add animated text
TableItem item = new TableItem(table, SWT.NONE);
animatedText = new LoadingInfoAnimationThread("TextAnimator", table, item);
// execute final operations