blob: d9c14476fe8c5c0ad4e0d552d7b76c40e4c00006 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE task PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "../dtd/task.dtd">
<task id="t_db-classes-create" xml:lang="en-us">
<title>Creating database management classes</title>
<shortdesc>Creates classes you can use to manage and access your application's database: content providers for each of
the database's tables, and a SQL open helper that can create and if desired initialize your database at runtime.</shortdesc>
<prereq>This feature creates classes based upon the schema of an existing database. Accordingly, the database for
which you want to create classes must already exist. Note that the tables need to have the desired structure, but
need not have any content.</prereq>
<cmd>In the Package Explorer right-click the project into which the database management classes are to be added
and select <menucascade>
<uicontrol>MOTODEV Studio</uicontrol><uicontrol>Create Database Management Classes</uicontrol>
<stepresult>The Database Management Classes dialog appears, with various fields specific to your project filled
<cmd>Using the <uicontrol>Database File</uicontrol> field, specify the location of the database from which the
classes are to be generated.</cmd>
<choice>If the database is already part of your project click <uicontrol>Workspace</uicontrol> and select your
project's database.</choice>
<choice>If the database is not part of your project, click <uicontrol>Filesystem</uicontrol> and specify the
database to be used. Note that if you select this option the database will be copied into the appropriate
location within your project.</choice>
<cmd>An SQL Open Helper class ensures at runtime that there is a copy of your database in your application's
<filepath>/data/data/</filepath> directory, from where it can be accessed by your application; it is
particularly useful if you want your app to launch with a preinitialized database. If you would like to have a
SQL Open Helper class generated for your database, ensure that <uicontrol>Generate SQL Open Helper</uicontrol>
is selected and specify a name for the helper class in the <uicontrol>Name</uicontrol> field. Also indicate
the source folder into which the generated class is to be written using the <uicontrol>Source
folder</uicontrol> field, and the package of which the class is to be a member using the <uicontrol
>Package</uicontrol> field. If you do not want an SQL Open Helper, clear the <uicontrol>Generate SQL Open
Helper</uicontrol> option.</cmd>
<cmd>To generate content providers for each of your database's tables, ensure that <uicontrol>Generate content
providers for each table</uicontrol> is selected. Specify the source folder into which the generated classes
are to be written using the <uicontrol>Source Folder</uicontrol> field, and the package of which the classes
are to be a member using the <uicontrol>Package</uicontrol> field. Each generated content provider class will
be named for the table from which it was generated; the class name will have the form <i>table_name</i><codeph
>ContentProvider</codeph>. If the generated source file names conflict with existing files within the
specified source folder, the existing files will be overwritten unless you clear the <uicontrol>Overwrite if
it already exists</uicontrol> option.</cmd>
<cmd>Click <uicontrol>Finish</uicontrol>.</cmd>