blob: 13ff567673e375fc66631732cd419895b5dd8661 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN" "../dtd/reference.dtd">
<reference id="u_device-properties_android" xml:lang="en-us">
<title>Device Properties</title>
<shortdesc>Presents a detailed list of device properties for the chosen connected device or running AVD (if the AVD is
not running, this dialog will be empty).</shortdesc>
<section>This dialog consists of a scrolling two-column table in which the first column is the property name and the
second is the value of that property. To export these properties to a text file in comma-separated-value (CSV)
format, click <uicontrol>CSV Export</uicontrol> and specify the destination.</section>